Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

MrsPear - I know the feeling all too well!

Last night was awful. I can't even count how many times Charlotte was up. I'm not sure what's going - she was moaning and trying to get comfortable like she wanted to be sleeping, but couldn't. I thought it might be teething, but I gave advil and it didn't help. Can't feel any teeth on the gum line either.

I'm really frustrated and tired, but trying to keep a good attitude. I know now that all of this phases - good or bad - do pass eventually. Just keeping my fingers crossed that this one is a matter of days and not months!

Oh no, is it possible she has another ear infection? Hope this passes quickly :hugs:

You know, I had considered that, but she is drinking/eating fine and has no fever. Usually when she's ill she has both of those symptoms. If this keeps going on I will definitely have her checked out!
Sorry you had such a bad night Noelle. I hope tonight is better for you. Sometimes I do think they just throw a random curveball in so hopefully it is that and not a real regression.

I'm fingers crossed for a good night tonight. I am SO tired. Not that I track it anally or anything (ha), but Joni slept for 5 hours on 16th January and since then has woken every 2 hours at least (I think? May have done three hours a couple of times). Normally it's more like every 30 minutes or so. I am SO ready for a good sleep!!! Usually she sleeps 5 hours once every 2 weeks on average (again, not that I'm anally tracking it haha) so I don't know what she's playing at!!

Like you Noelle I'm just thinking positive today, so I'm not letting my sleep deprived state get to me.
MrsPear, hoping the universe hears us and we get rest tonight!

I think it's good to stay positive no matter how overwhelming this is. A wise poster on this forum once told me, they ALWAYS grow out of this. It's not like our kids will wake up every 30 minutes when they're three. We'll get through it. Hopefully we'll look back and laugh, thinking, "How did we function on so little sleep?".
Noelle - sorry about the crappy night. Its sounds to me though that she may be sick or something. Either way hope it passes soon :)

MrsPear - Hope you see more 5 hour stretches soon. I need to learn from you and stay positive.

Sofia did her usual thing last night. Slept at 7 pm, up for a quick feed at 12:30 am, then down until 6:00 am. Except this time I fed her and put her back in her crib coz I was tired and we both went to sleep till 8 am.

I'm thinking her sttn last week was just a one off, boooo! DH thinks she's gonna get there again soon. I hope so! I'm sleeping downstairs tonight coz I wanna make sure I sleep enough. Tomorrow is my birthday and I don't wanna be exhausted and crying during the day (won't tell u how old I'll be coz u're prob all younger than me)
I hope Sofia gives you a STTN for your bday!

You know, I thought perhaps she might not be feeling well. We visited my best friend and her 6 month old over the weekend and the 6 month old came down with a virus after we left. Maybe Charlotte has that, even though she hasn't had any obvious symptoms. I imagine babies can feel "off" just as we do?

I just wish I knew WHY she was waking. I of course don't mind getting up with a sick baby, because you know they need you and you know it's temporary. But man oh man I don't want another sleep regression. They seem to go on FOREVER in our household when they do occur.
Shadowy Lady Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and I can almost guarantee you that I am older than you lol

Sorry Noelle that you had a bad night again :( Hope tonight will be better again. I remember that at that age approx Dominic started sleeping badly again too. I mean, he had been sleeping better for about 2 or 3 weeks and then it went to pot again. Might have been the 8 months sleep regression. Is Charlotte past that point? I never really kept track of wonder weeks since for us the 4 months sleep regression lasted for a good 4 months lol
Hope it was just a fluke for Charlotte xxx
Shadowy Lady Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and I can almost guarantee you that I am older than you lol

Sorry Noelle that you had a bad night again :( Hope tonight will be better again. I remember that at that age approx Dominic started sleeping badly again too. I mean, he had been sleeping better for about 2 or 3 weeks and then it went to pot again. Might have been the 8 months sleep regression. Is Charlotte past that point? I never really kept track of wonder weeks since for us the 4 months sleep regression lasted for a good 4 months lol
Hope it was just a fluke for Charlotte xxx

Yup, we are at 8.5 months! My worst fear is that this is sleep regression. The 4 month one lasted forever for us, too! How long did the 8 month one last for you?

Here's hoping it's a fluke, but it may not be! Guess all you can do is wait it out and try to keep good routine in the meantime.
Noelle it is hard to say cause when I say he slept better I mean he did like 3 hours at a stretch (so still not brilliant or what other babies seem to do) and then back to up every hour. Plus as you know we then did the sleep training so that might have put an earlier stop to things. But roughly it lasted about a month I think. Certainly not a lot less than a month.
But you know I am not sure that the regressions really apply to us. Cause my boys were born 3 weeks early and were only 3 months and a half or so when regression hit. So with adjusted age they were roughly only 3 months old. So I stopped checking the chart thinking that what ever they (or rather only Dominic) went through was just not the same as other babies lol But I seem to remember you saying that the chart was quite accurate for Charlotte?
only just realised this is the thread you meant angel! you are right, why is this still in BC and we've been moved to the parenting section?
anyway, just to say that there's a few of us sleep deprived mummies around the corner :winkwink:
my case: my 1year old wakes every 2hrs all night. he's never done more than a 4 hr stretch. never. and at his worse he used to wake every 45min :wacko::sleep:

sleepy :dust: to all
Hopefully the night pooping is a temporary thing! Elsie did it for the first time ever a couple weeks ago and thankfully she hasn't done it since. I think sometimes when they are transitioning to new food their digestive systems have an adjustment period.

Anyway, I'm glad that her daytime sleep is starting to consolidate and she's getting a proper nap in! You may find that she's ready to drop the third nap at around 6 months, at which point her sleep will hopefully consolidate further and maybe you'll even get two good naps out of her.

Thanks! Yes it seems to have been a temporary thing, she's not done it since. Although the formula switch does seem to be making a big difference, so glad we tried it (so glad someone on B&B mentioned it!)

Yep sleep seems to be consolidating a little, although it's still a bit hit and miss. I just wish it wasn't in the middle of a WW as it's hard to separate which is which and how to deal with them. :dohh:

Last night was awful. I can't even count how many times Charlotte was up. I'm not sure what's going - she was moaning and trying to get comfortable like she wanted to be sleeping, but couldn't. I thought it might be teething, but I gave advil and it didn't help. Can't feel any teeth on the gum line either.

I'm really frustrated and tired, but trying to keep a good attitude. I know now that all of this phases - good or bad - do pass eventually. Just keeping my fingers crossed that this one is a matter of days and not months!

Oh no! After all of her progress! I'm so sorry you are having a rubbish time :hugs:

Are you anywhere near a WW? I think you said you'd just left one, but thought I'd check. I really hope it's not the dreaded 8 month sleep regression, that's all you need!

Mrs Pear - Anxiety is just awful, I hope it doesn't plague you too badly. I hope you got a good night last night.

Shadowy Lady - At least she's being consistent? I know it's not STTN but at least you are looking at solid chunks of sleep (hopefully for both of you). She definitely will get there, she won't be 12 and waking during the night (or if she is, she won't need you to deal with her :haha:)

Happy Birthday of course! Have a wonderful day and I hope you get a STTN for a present from Sofia.

We're doing ok at the moment, but definitely in a WW. She's suddenly stopped moving about as much, and it feels like she's regressed a bit, just like the book says should happen. She's rolled tummy to back twice in one day and hasn't done it since. Stopped rolling back to front too really.

She woke twice the night before last to be repositioned (DH then put her on her back - cue 20 mins of her trying to turn over and getting mad before resettling :dohh:)

Last night she slept until 5:30am and then the shuffling started, but a good night in comparison to previous ones.

Still a nightmare in the day, everything little things turns into crying like the world has just ended.

I have to keep reminding myself that to her, that's exactly what it looks like :nope: It's difficult to not get frustrated, I do find myself rolling my eyes whenever she starts shrieking!

I just hope this is WW26 starting early, and not WW19 finishing late, as that means we've got another WW just around the corner. I assume it's not because she had a week where she suddenly started doing new things, and then she's just now regressed again, so I am crossing my fingers that this is WW26 and then I can relax for a bit!

Plus I think separation anxiety is setting in. She now cries if I'm out of her sight for a bit (depending on her patience), gets upset being in her car seat (I think because she can't see me) and needs cuddles before naps and bed.

Thankfully it doesn't seem too severe though, I can't imagine how Megan and Mrspear are handling it! You two ladies are saints!

Bananaz, how was your night?

Sunnie you are right it is difficult not to get frustrated, but as you say babies have no context so to them things look very scary! It's good to remember that, although it's hard when something seems so obvious to you!

Apart from at night Joni doesn't have terrible separation anxiety unless she notices me from across the room when someone else is holding her. So it could be worse!

As for sleep, aaarghhh! That's all I really have to say! Joni doesn't sleep anymore, I think I need to hand her over for scientific research because she's like a wonder human that's always charged up and ready to go no matter what! It's not like I can say what times she wakes up because she's just continually stirring.

I'm practising getting her to sleep next to me at the moment, last night she absolutely screamed for about 45 minutes, I felt awful, but in my head I just kept thinking, how bad can it really be for her? I'm still constantly cuddling her and patting her and shusssssshing her, and she's right up against me in the bed, isn't that enough? I can't hold her actually in my arms every night! That's not me trying to be mean and not adjust my life for her, but I can't possibly sleep sat upright with her in my arms forever! I'm so uncomfortable! And it isn't safe! So after 45 minutes we both fell asleep, but she did spend quite a bit of the night in my arms as she just wouldn't settle. I need to pick a night and then just do it all night so she understands that that's how we sleep now. And then, at some point, I'll reintroduce the cot......
Guys can I just offer you some hope?

My LO has not slept for more than 5 hours in a row since birth, and that only happened once every couple of weeks from when he was over 6 months. He only ever did 5 hours at the start of the night, then he'd wake every 1-2 hours after that, and after 45 minutes by the end of the night. He always did the first stretch in his cot (bf to sleep then transferred) then I'd bring him into our bed and co-sleep (or not sleep!).

I've done nothing differently but in the last month he suddenly went 7 hours a few times, the. This week did 9 hours twice in a row, then 1 horrible teething night where he woke every hour, then 10 hours, then last night slept 6.45pm to 6.55am!!!! He's never done this before and while he cried out a few times in the night, he got himself back to sleep. I did go in at midnight as he cried for a bit longer and he was stood up, but I laid him down and he was asleep in minutes.

I've always fed him to sleeP as nothing else worked (rocking used to, but he's getting heavy now), and I've done zero sleep training - I kePt meaning to start but wimping out, or he'd have a cold or a tooth. He just seems to literally this week learnt that sleeping is good! He even fell asleep yesterday in the pushchair without his snooze shade on (the buggy and snooze shade is the only way I can get a nap).

So it's taken 10 months of really awful nights, 9 moths of which DH slept in the spare room but I honestly think its suddenly clicked. Ok so it's only been a week but fingers crossed.

Hope this offers some hope to some of you, and really hope your LO's start sleeping for you soon xx
Angel, I totally understand. With the exception of a few weeks around 3 months, 3 hours was a good stretch of sleep for Charlotte prior to 6 months. I can't tell you how many nights I just wished for 3 hours of straight sleep!

Kosh, I always relate to your posts! I'm sorry to hear Gael still isn't giving you any longer stretches of sleep. That's bound to change as he gets older. I'm sure you are ready for some rest as well.

Sunnie, I looked at my calendar and I guess we are still technically in WW37. I was just reading Ask Moxie (great blog on baby sleep if anyone hasn't read it!) and she mentions that just because we can't see the progress doesn't mean a baby isn't growing. It doesn't necessarily have to be crawling or something obvious.

MrsPear, a lot of the ladies on here have dealth with severe separation anxiety. It seems like that may be a contributing factor to a lot of our sleep troubles, especially as our babies are around the 6-9 month mark.

Lozza, we LOVE success stories. Most of the moms of formerly bad sleepers tell us that they really do just grow out of it. It's so helpful when you've tried a lot of things that don't work and you really just need to let go.

So last night was weird.... Charlotte was a mess before bed, so overtired. She had poor naps during the day. She screamed through her bath which is unlike her (she usually loves it). She fell promptly asleep at 6:30pm. Save a bit of stirring around 8:30pm, she is still sleeping now at 5:30am. I feel tentatively happy. She did have some runny poops at daycare and puked before bed, so I'm wondering if perhaps her tummy had been bothering her. Anyway, I didn't sleep much and I'm feeling concerned about my insomnia again. I think the unpredictability makes it rear it's ugly head. I got up several times to check on her.
Guys can I just offer you some hope?

My LO has not slept for more than 5 hours in a row since birth, and that only happened once every couple of weeks from when he was over 6 months. He only ever did 5 hours at the start of the night, then he'd wake every 1-2 hours after that, and after 45 minutes by the end of the night. He always did the first stretch in his cot (bf to sleep then transferred) then I'd bring him into our bed and co-sleep (or not sleep!).

I've done nothing differently but in the last month he suddenly went 7 hours a few times, the. This week did 9 hours twice in a row, then 1 horrible teething night where he woke every hour, then 10 hours, then last night slept 6.45pm to 6.55am!!!! He's never done this before and while he cried out a few times in the night, he got himself back to sleep. I did go in at midnight as he cried for a bit longer and he was stood up, but I laid him down and he was asleep in minutes.

I've always fed him to sleeP as nothing else worked (rocking used to, but he's getting heavy now), and I've done zero sleep training - I kePt meaning to start but wimping out, or he'd have a cold or a tooth. He just seems to literally this week learnt that sleeping is good! He even fell asleep yesterday in the pushchair without his snooze shade on (the buggy and snooze shade is the only way I can get a nap).

So it's taken 10 months of really awful nights, 9 moths of which DH slept in the spare room but I honestly think its suddenly clicked. Ok so it's only been a week but fingers crossed.

Hope this offers some hope to some of you, and really hope your LO's start sleeping for you soon xx

Yes it does offer me hope, especially the fact you say you did nothing differently, I think we all spend too long worrying that we are 'getting it wrong' when the truth is that it just hasn't 'clicked' yet with our babies. :flower: As always, it will pass with time. I'm glad you're getting some sleep, we are in the same position now with OH and me sleeping separately, it's so hard isn't it. You deserve some peace at last! xx
Noelle, yes unpredictability is the worst! Seems like Charlotte definitely may have been up during the night with tummy ache. But if she's managed a pretty smooth night since then I don't think you have any reason to despair. Hopefully just a one off blip due to a tummy gripe xxx
hi girls, so I'm a year older :haha: I have no idea how Sofia slept coz DH was in charge and I slept from 9 pm till 6 am :thumbup:I came upstairs then and they were both asleep. I started pumping coz my boobs were killing me and Sofia woke up at around 8 am.

We just got back from birthday brunch and DH still hasn't told me how last night was, lol! But I'm happy that I feel great on my birthday....

I'm on the iphone now will login later to see how you're all doin:hugs:
Angel, I totally understand. With the exception of a few weeks around 3 months, 3 hours was a good stretch of sleep for Charlotte prior to 6 months. I can't tell you how many nights I just wished for 3 hours of straight sleep!

Kosh, I always relate to your posts! I'm sorry to hear Gael still isn't giving you any longer stretches of sleep. That's bound to change as he gets older. I'm sure you are ready for some rest as well.

Sunnie, I looked at my calendar and I guess we are still technically in WW37. I was just reading Ask Moxie (great blog on baby sleep if anyone hasn't read it!) and she mentions that just because we can't see the progress doesn't mean a baby isn't growing. It doesn't necessarily have to be crawling or something obvious.

MrsPear, a lot of the ladies on here have dealth with severe separation anxiety. It seems like that may be a contributing factor to a lot of our sleep troubles, especially as our babies are around the 6-9 month mark.

Lozza, we LOVE success stories. Most of the moms of formerly bad sleepers tell us that they really do just grow out of it. It's so helpful when you've tried a lot of things that don't work and you really just need to let go.

So last night was weird.... Charlotte was a mess before bed, so overtired. She had poor naps during the day. She screamed through her bath which is unlike her (she usually loves it). She fell promptly asleep at 6:30pm. Save a bit of stirring around 8:30pm, she is still sleeping now at 5:30am. I feel tentatively happy. She did have some runny poops at daycare and puked before bed, so I'm wondering if perhaps her tummy had been bothering her. Anyway, I didn't sleep much and I'm feeling concerned about my insomnia again. I think the unpredictability makes it rear it's ugly head. I got up several times to check on her.

Thanks noelle. Funily enough last night he did 4hr, then 2x 3hs and a final 2hr stretch!!! :happydance: ok, admitedly he was fussing for almost one hr after the second waking but still that the best he's done in 7months!!
Yet I have NO expectations for tonight.....:winkwink:
Angel, I totally understand. With the exception of a few weeks around 3 months, 3 hours was a good stretch of sleep for Charlotte prior to 6 months. I can't tell you how many nights I just wished for 3 hours of straight sleep!

Kosh, I always relate to your posts! I'm sorry to hear Gael still isn't giving you any longer stretches of sleep. That's bound to change as he gets older. I'm sure you are ready for some rest as well.

Sunnie, I looked at my calendar and I guess we are still technically in WW37. I was just reading Ask Moxie (great blog on baby sleep if anyone hasn't read it!) and she mentions that just because we can't see the progress doesn't mean a baby isn't growing. It doesn't necessarily have to be crawling or something obvious.

MrsPear, a lot of the ladies on here have dealth with severe separation anxiety. It seems like that may be a contributing factor to a lot of our sleep troubles, especially as our babies are around the 6-9 month mark.

Lozza, we LOVE success stories. Most of the moms of formerly bad sleepers tell us that they really do just grow out of it. It's so helpful when you've tried a lot of things that don't work and you really just need to let go.

So last night was weird.... Charlotte was a mess before bed, so overtired. She had poor naps during the day. She screamed through her bath which is unlike her (she usually loves it). She fell promptly asleep at 6:30pm. Save a bit of stirring around 8:30pm, she is still sleeping now at 5:30am. I feel tentatively happy. She did have some runny poops at daycare and puked before bed, so I'm wondering if perhaps her tummy had been bothering her. Anyway, I didn't sleep much and I'm feeling concerned about my insomnia again. I think the unpredictability makes it rear it's ugly head. I got up several times to check on her.

Thanks noelle. Funily enough last night he did 4hr, then 2x 3hs and a final 2hr stretch!!! :happydance: ok, admitedly he was fussing for almost one hr after the second waking but still that the best he's done in 7months!!
Yet I have NO expectations for tonight.....:winkwink:

That's wonderful! I totally understand having no expectations. I am the same. I hope for the best, but expect the worst! My girl is completely unpredictable and will go from sleeping well to waking all night long. These babies are crazy, gues they have to keep us on our toes :haha:

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