I'm sorry if my comments offend someone, but this just seems so typical of some men. Maybe it's the new-age feminist coming out in me, but in my opinion they need to suck it up a bit. As soon as a women mentions that there is now a purpose to all the wonderful sex they've been having they suddenly crack under the pressure. My OH has done it as well so I can totally relate. It's not like were asking them to perform some great feat. This is a natural, pleasurable, and in the case of TTC, purposeful act. Unless a woman is simply laying there and demanding insemination, I don't really have sympathy for any man. I have a wonderful, honest, and loving relationship with my husband. We have agreed together to have another child, and that means participation by both of us (personally my TTC duties far exceed his). I can understand the frustration that months of TTC can have, but do they really think that little fairies come down, sprinkle some magic dust, and poof a baby is made?