Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

And sorry Jackie, meant to say you're well within your rights to see a different gp, if you're not happy, hopefully you will find someone who is sympathetic to your cause. Some so called specialists and gps never fail to disappoint.
Good luck honey xxx
Sorry ladies. Think my PC is playing up didn't mean to double up
My posts, if anyone knows how to remove them feel free :/
Hi there,

I have just been to my GP to get the results of my NKC blood test, I had this done privately last week and the results were sent to her by fax. My doctor said she wasnt entirely sure what they meant as it was a specialist thing but will phone the hospital and then get back to me.

I wonder if anyone on here knows what is considered to be high or acceptable and when are steroids given etc. The results were 7% and 9%.

I am currently 6+3 pregnant and was 5+3 when I had the test last week.

Any help or advice would be very grateful as I am like a nervous wreck. After 4 miscarriages I am just desperate to hear the news that I am ok with this. I am also on clexane and asprin and progesterone this time.

Thanks in advance
Hi, I havn't a clue about NKC blood tests, how did you go about getting them done privately? My doctor at the recurrent MC clinic refused to do them because 'its mostly hearsay and nothing has been proven about NKC and recurrent MC', but Id thought having had 6, they'd test for it anyways just incase! Hope your results are ok!
Thanks for replying lunabean, I went to my local Bupa hospital. Since january this year (is said on their website "due to a growing demand") they are not wrong there!!!

I basically got a GP referral and used my private health insurance but it only costs £140!!! The path lab is open 8am-8pm and you dont even need to book, just walk in. No consultation needed as the results are sent to my GP. It took 4 days to have the test and get the results! waiting patiently for someone to help interpret or the GP to phone me. I couldnt have the uterine biopsy as I am pregnant, just the blood tests!

Sorry for your losses hun. why cant they just test us for everything!!!!!!!!! grrr
Hi ladies  I am here after two recurrent miscarriages. One was in November 2010, I was then prescribed prenatals with 1mg folic acid and DHA. Also once pregnant again (Dr recommended to wait 2 cycles), to add 1 baby aspirin a day to the prenatals. I fell pregnant again after 1 cycle of TTC and everything seemed to be going smoothly until the ultrasound at 8w6d. I did an abdominal u/s and a transvaginal one. Both times all that was seen was an empty sac (blighted ovum).

I would like to know if anyone here has any experience with a BO...I have read stories about women who see a baby after being diagnosed with a BO. If you had one: did you wait for your body to pass or did you have medical help to pass it?

I'm going to see what the Dr recommends to do but will definitely be asking for a second u/s to make sure nothing is there.

Tomorrow I go in to the doctors for testing to see what's going on with my body. Also hubby was told to come to the appt too so I wonder if they'll want to test his sperm?! Any help as far as what to expect as well will be greatly appreciated!
Hi MissBabyBump- Sorry to hear of your losses :hugs:

I have had one confirmed BO and another one that technically wasn't a BO because there was a yolk sac, but no fetal pole. Both of them I had D&Cs. I had several scans over the course of 1.5-2 weeks on both to confirm that it was indeed a mc. Like you, I also read lots of stories about misdiagnosed BO's, but unfortunately that was not the case with me. I was roughly 8 weeks for the first and 9 for the second and still no fetal pole. It seems like a lot of the misdiagnosed ones are from people who are not sure on their dates. I knew the exact day I ovulated so knew that things weren't looking good, but had several scan to make certain.

So sorry that you are going through this a second time. I know exactly how you feel- I can't wait for the day I actually see a baby on my ultrasound! Good luck to you and I hope you get some answers tomorrow.
Hi girls I had appt with my fs (nhs) today to see if she'd prescribe steroids for nk cells( not actually been tested>).
Big fat no.. however I have contacted a fs privately who would be happy to prescribe them.. So just waiting patiently now to see if I get a bfp next week and to consider the steroid therapy.

Leec do you have an appointment yet to see dr quenby?
Hey ladies i'm on my way to the ob today to ask for a pelvic scan to see if everything is normal. Not really sure if you can suggest anything else I should be asking. I have already had the routine blood work and the karyotype testing all normal. The only thing that looked like it could be an issue was my short luteal phase, but she put me on progesterone which should have sorted that out.

Question, is there anyway the sperm could be the problem with m/c or do you think that if the sperm is healthy enough to penetrate the egg its a good one lol?

Jackie- I'm sorry your feel down at the moment, just try to take each day as it comes. I agree that it is NOT easy to be positive it is a struggle for me everyday. The only strategy I have is to wake up everyday and find something beautiful in the world. I started simple, like the mountains around me, the flowers blooming, my morning coffee. Anything to force me to get out of bed and see a point to carrying on when everything seemed so wrong. It has really helped me through this process. Having said that depression itself is a chemical imbalance that often does require medication so if you feel like you can't cope then go see another doctor and tell them how you are feeling. Sending you tons of hugs.
Hi Ladies,

I have just joined this website, purely because of this fabulous discussion.

On Monday, I had my 5th miscarriage in 13months. Had all the blood tests and everything is normal. One of the sisters at my EPU suggested Siobhan Quenby and I'm very interested in the NK cells work she does.

Does anyone have her email address - I am struggling to find contact info on the net and I need to hve every detail for my GP on Monday or she won't refer me!

And I'm interested in the progesterone that some of you are using. I asked my consultant at the recurrent miscarriage clinic and he said no to progesterone, no evidence that it works apparantly and only in America do ladies get it prescribed....

I've read books and spend hours on the internet researching - I want to be able to ask for EVERYTHING for the next pregnancy! The comments I've read so far are so helpful (thank you!) and any more advise would be hugely appreciated.

Thanks! xxx
Hi Ladies,

I have just joined this website, purely because of this fabulous discussion.

On Monday, I had my 5th miscarriage in 13months. Had all the blood tests and everything is normal. One of the sisters at my EPU suggested Siobhan Quenby and I'm very interested in the NK cells work she does.

Does anyone have her email address - I am struggling to find contact info on the net and I need to hve every detail for my GP on Monday or she won't refer me!

And I'm interested in the progesterone that some of you are using. I asked my consultant at the recurrent miscarriage clinic and he said no to progesterone, no evidence that it works apparantly and only in America do ladies get it prescribed....

I've read books and spend hours on the internet researching - I want to be able to ask for EVERYTHING for the next pregnancy! The comments I've read so far are so helpful (thank you!) and any more advise would be hugely appreciated.

Thanks! xxx

[email protected]
Hi Mandy. I've been away from home this week back tomorrow and hoping my appt will be through I know Siobhan Quenby runs her clinic on Fridays as I spoke to her secretary Tina on Monday who confirmed they had my referral.
I'm going to call her Friday if nothing is there as she is very helpful.
As I understand it, Siobhan Quenby is not running NK cell rest as funding was stopped and is now running PROMISE trials along with a number of hospitals throughout UK.
I explained to Tina that I am already on Progesterone therapy and explained I wanted ro discuss steroids as no one will prescribe in Glasgow for me, she said it would def be worth coming along, so back to your question lol...
I'm not sure, they did say once exerted should have appt in 2 weeks so hoping for next Friday, however dh and I will be ttc this weekend as I am due to Ov on Sunday, so will start taking progesterone on Monday, then hopefully will pet the prednisolone I've been asking for, for so long.
Hi Mandy, my typos on iPhone are terrible I meant referred not exerted lol...
Clare I have rhe number for Siobhan Quenby but if you call Birminham Heartlands Hospital main switchboard and ask for Dr Quenbys secretary Tina, she will advise you, she is very sympathetic and helpful but as I just mentioned in my earlier post funding for NK cell testing has been withdrawn.
Hopefully I will be able to give further info to you after my appt.
Clare - Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham is 0121 424 2000, ask for Tina. Siobhan Quenbys secretary.
I believe Dr Shehata in London is still doing NK cell testing privately, may be a waiting list for referral not sure if anyone can add to this, you can read much about this on their website,
Hi ladies. I went to dr today and found out what I gotta do...

U/s on Friday and if no bleeding by saturday then D&C early next week.
Also getting blood work done to check thyroid and some other thing...I don't have paper with me!

Hysterosalpingogram after first menstrual cycle. And will be put on progesterone suppositories once pg again. Have to wait two cycles before trying...

In the mean time exercising and dieting!
Leec and claireh gl with your appointments.
Miss babybump,I hope your little bean is alive and well, I've also read posts that say the fetus has shown up at a later u/s, fingers crossed for you.btw you look beautiful in your wedding picture.
Leec I've sent you a pm about steroid prescribing in Glasgow x
Missbabybump-I hope they are wrong and the ultrasound shows good things. Not sure if it was you or someone else asking about the D&C vs waiting. I had a mm/c in December and I chose to wait and let it happen on it's own. I really didn't want to go through the surgery. This may sound weird but I had to tell my body it was ok to let go, then it finally did the next day. Having said that it was not easy and quite traumatic and it took almost 2 weeks.

Claire- My doctor put me on progesterone because of my short luteal phase, she said there is no evidence that is works but there is none to say that is doesn't either. Only positive has come from it. The reason is they can't prove that it the progesterone that is sustaining the pregnancies. All they know is that when woman take it they see more pregnancies.

I went to the doctor yesterday and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with my uterus but she is sending my for the HSG just incase. Also her advice was to STOP trying until the summer time. So we have decided to take a break for a few months. I am devastated but maybe thats what my body needs. It goes through so much when we m/c and now i have gone through 3 in a year. Plus the loss of my son which took a HUGE toll on me and still does everyday. OH and I are going to try work on ourselfs for the next few months, go to the gym more, meditate and just try have fun. Easier said than done lol.
Thanks for all the info - I knew you would be helpful!

I've just phoned Dr Quenby's secretary and yes, you are right, no NK testing at present but apparantly she could still prescribe me the treatment (the steroids, I think) if my history/criteria fit. So I'm off to my GP next to get a referral letter and then hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll be off to Birmingham.

And thanks for the info on Progesterone - I am definitely going to be pressing my doctor on that one.

It's so frustrating that we are all getting different info, different help and different treatment depending on which part of the country we live in. I feel like I am turning into a nightmare patient, but I am not going to miss out on a chance of having a baby by not asking.

Lee, let me know how you get on with your appointment. xx
Hi Love, I believe that a dodgy sperm can be a cause of M/C.... after all it is 50% of the baby. My genetic issues were caused because my Dad had a low sperm count and it was a slightly dodgy sperm that made me....

Welcome Claire. I am in the UK and am on progesterone at the moment along with a whole load of other stuff.... I got prescribed it as soon as I got my BFP and will continue using it until 14 weeks. My prescription came from my Obs and she told my GP to prescribe it to me too. As to if it works.... well in all my previous pregnancies I had no medical treatment and they all died. This time, not only is all well but we saw a HB very early on.... so does it work? Well I don't know, but so far my baby is alive.
Hi Padbrat. I'm so pleased everything is going well with this pg. How far along are you now? xxx

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