Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Petit.... I have been away a bit after my last M/C.... but, and I dread to say this.... have you also lost another baby? I so hope I am just reading this wrong....

Just I have a sepulated womb also, mine is not completely split and my specialist didn't seem very concerned about it.... so I am hoping that it is nothing to worry about for you and me both...

I had a letter from my specialist the other day and she has agreed to put me on steriods as well for the next one... if there is a next one. We are looking at clinics abroad for PGD at the mo...
Hi Padbrat, yes I had an ERPC on the 4th of July. My bbs still hurt and I'm still testing positive, but thankfully the nausea has gone so I am starting to feel a little less pregnant. Not that that's a good thing in general, but this one's death came as a horrible shock to me. For the first time I did not feel it happen and I continued to feel so pregnant despite having two scans to confirm there was no growth or heartbeat and then the surgery.

I'm going to see a new specialist in August who looks more at the immune side of things and might put me on steroids, too. So you and I might be going through the next one together. Unless you go for PGD abroad, which does not sound like a bad idea at all and will hopefully be a lot less expensive!

9babies, I'm so sorry to hear you've been having a tough time and other health problems on top of everything. Do you mind me asking what's been going on?
Hi girls. Sorry I haven't been around. I was dealing with an incredibly stressful situation. I was having bloods taken every 48 hours to monitor for an ectopic. My numbers were doubling but I knew they were too low for how far along I was. When my numbers were high enough to see a pregnancy via ultrasound, no pregnancy was detected in my uterus or anywhere else. I had a D&C on Monday. The pathology results showed I had no pregnancy tissue which confirmed it was ectopic. On Wednesday I had a shot of methotrexate. I am leaving for my yearly trip to Cape Cod next Thursday to spend with my family. My doc told me that even if my levels started dropping from the shot, she forbid me from going on my trip because there is still the chance of rupture. I was devastated. As if I haven't been punished enough! She offered surgery. So today I went in for laproscopic surgery. They weren't sure they would find the ectopic. If not, they would have to close me up and treat me again with methotrexate. That would mean I wouldn't be able to take my trip.

Thankfully they did find it. It was 3 cm in my right tube. They removed my tube. If they didn't, they told me they would scrape the ectopic which would leave me at a much higher risk for another ectopic. I couldn't deal with that stress. This has been the most stressful of all my losses because I've been constantly in fear of a rupture at any moment. Given the size of mine, and the fact that I could feel it throbbing last night, I'm convinced it would have ruptured soon, before the methotrexate could do it's job. I feel relieved to have it out of me. And now I can go on my trip which is so needed. I'm in desperate need for a hug from my mom.

I haven't read back so only saw Pip and Paddys posts. I'm so happy for you both that you will be getting more specialized attention. You both have been through so much. But then again, I guess we all have on this thread. So unfair. Pip, did you get the genetic results back? Padbrat, are you leaning towards PGD?

I'd like to throw a question out to everyone on this thread. How do you keep going? This last one knocked the wind out of me like no other. I have no desire to be pregnant again. I've never felt that way before. I imagine that will change with time, but are there any words that you tell yourself to keep your eyes on the prize?

Love to you all ~ Amanda
Hi Padbrat, yes I had an ERPC on the 4th of July. My bbs still hurt and I'm still testing positive, but thankfully the nausea has gone so I am starting to feel a little less pregnant. Not that that's a good thing in general, but this one's death came as a horrible shock to me. For the first time I did not feel it happen and I continued to feel so pregnant despite having two scans to confirm there was no growth or heartbeat and then the surgery.

I'm going to see a new specialist in August who looks more at the immune side of things and might put me on steroids, too. So you and I might be going through the next one together. Unless you go for PGD abroad, which does not sound like a bad idea at all and will hopefully be a lot less expensive!

9babies, I'm so sorry to hear you've been having a tough time and other health problems on top of everything. Do you mind me asking what's been going on?

you can pm me if you want to know. I dont really want to share in here yet. : (

thanks for the support!! :hugs:
Oh heart tree so sorry :hugs::hugs: what an awful time you have had:cry:

I really hope you feel better soon. xxxxx

9babies, so sorry your having a bad time too:hugs::hugs: i hope you feel strong enough to post soon, thinking of you. xxx
heart tree you poor thing. :hugs:

To answer your question.....I always get the reaction that I won't try again very soon after a loss. Whilst I deal with the emotions of another loss, the future and TTC again isn't something I can comprehend. But as that all begins to wear off something kicks back in. I'm not sure if it is stubbornness in that I won't let miscarriage beat me or if it is my belief that I have to keep trying because I refuse to be an old woman carrying around the pain of regret and the thought "what if I had tried again and it had worked". At least this way I will have no regrets should we remain childless. I will know we did everything we could to have a baby. If it doesn't work then it wasn't meant to be and I will be able to live with that.

My second pg loss knocked me for six and it took me months to recover. I think we started TTC again about 8 months after I lost our son.

I hope that time will be kind to you and that you are able to find that inner strength once again :flower:
Thats helpful Holly. I'm always amazed at human resilience.

Does anyone else have words that they tell themselves to keep them moving forward with this process after so much heartbreak? I value the opinions of the women on this thread tremendously. You are the only people who truly understand me.
Hi ladies, am just popping in to see how you all are, I silently stalk :)

Heart tree, I'm so sad after reading your latest update, how horrible for you. I hope that you get looked after on your trip to help you recover.

With regards to keeping going, I think with me it was sheer bloody mindedness, I was determined to have a baby and I just thought that somewhere along the line I would have to catch a break and luckily after 5mcs we did and I'm currently 25 weeks and all is good so far.

My DH and I did put a time limit on things, we gave ourselves another 6 months before we would look at surrogacy/other treatments but luckily it didn't come to that. I feel we've been incredibly lucky and blessed and I'm so glad I didn't give up and although I ran the risk of disappointment and heartache it's so worth it.

Much love to you all x x xx
I am so sorry for your recent losses. It breaks my heart each time I read of another lost baby.

In response to your question Heart tree, I just couldn't imagine not trying again. I would initially say I wanted to take a break but then I didn't want to miss out on a cycle that might be the one that stuck. The cycle we conceived this baby I was actively researching the procedure and requirements for becoming foster parents though as I was beginning to lose hope. We wouldn't have stopped trying though.
To go through loss after loss changes you though and you appreciate pregnancy a lot more I think.
Oh no, heart tree. How horrible to have to lose your tube along with a pregnancy :hugs: you must be do exhausted after the two surgeries so close together :nope:

By the way, no, I haven't got my results yet. I'm on holiday for another two weeks and I won't find out until I get back.

Sending everyone a big hug and a kiss. Plus a big thumbsup to RC, fifi and all success stories!
aww Petit I know how you feel with the boobs and the still feeling pregnant... it was the same for me when I lost my 5th baby, we had great scans and I felt so pregnant it was unbelieveable when we had the scan and the baby had died... I so feel for you hun

Heart my sweety... OMG what a roller coaster you have been on, I am so sorry it has been so crappy for you. For me, I have resigned myself to the fact that I am not going to have a baby that survives naturally. I can clearly get pregnant, but all my babies are sons who die due to my translocation. On the positive side I am now being told that with PGD they can check for my translocation and only put in those eggs that don't have that... yes, it will cost a lot, but it is a chance... and if that doesn't work I give up. End of. No more. I can't do it. Too painful.

I think you have to set yourself a limit, and the limit varies from person to person.... but for me if my 7th baby dies that that is enough. I am hoping that the PGD may give me a daughter or a son without the translocation. We can always hope.

9 babies.. I can't even imagine the pain. (hugs)... xx
also... my specialist has said that I can have steriods for the next one... if there is a next one.... we will see...
Hi ladies. I've been posting on other BNB threads but haven't posted here yet which is silly because this is where I belong. I have had 4 miscarriages in total, the last was just last month. I also have 2 healthy boys.

My first pregnancy was easy and required no special care. My 2nd pregn. resulted in a chemical preg. My 3rd pregnancy resulted in an early mc. My 4th pregnancy occured immediately after my 1st "confirmed" mc and unfortunately also resulted in a mc. My 5th pregnancy amazingly resulted in a healthy baby boy. The only thing that was done different with that preg. is that I was put on prog. from 10 DPO which is when I got my BFP. I also took a baby asprin a day, just in case.

Last month I became pregnant accidentally about a month before I actually wanted to start TTC again. Unfortuantely since it was not planned I didn't get any prog. supplementation so it too resulted in an early mc. Sigh...

So, now DH and I are officially TTC #3 and are back with our RE. She gave me Crinone prog. to take from 7 DPO - 14 DPO which I took this last cycle after the mc but I didn't get pregnant so I stopped taking it. She also had me do a 7 DPO prog. test and oddly enough by prog. came back normal at 12.5 so now she is thinking my issue isn't low prog. after all.

My RE has asked me to have an immunilogical blood panel to test for auto-immune issues. Specifically she wants to test for APA, EPA, and RIP. Has anyone here had these? I'm just curious what your results where. I'm getting mine done in about a week's time and we should have results within 2 weeks after that.

What's most puzzling to me is that she suspect an immune issue. Is it possible that I have carried two boy's with no immune treatment to term yet that is the real underlying issue? I guess to me it seems odd. Any thoughts?

On a side note, the only other blood test I have had is chromosomal analysis for both DH and myself and I was told that all came back normal.

I'm so looking forward to unraveling this mystery. TTC when you are constantly fearing having a mc is so stressful. Any thoughts or advice is much appreciated.
Hello my friends it is with much sadness that I am writing this.. I had my 12 week scan a few weeks ago which showed a 3.5mm nuchal fold which is Abnormal(although fro
Reading posts some baby's are born normal.) I was given a 10%risk of downs and my partner and myself decided not to have the amnio which carries a 1% risk of miscarriage., having had 3 early miscarriages already I was not prepared to take that risk., so on the day of amnio I went along and asked for a scan instead as I'd been alarmed the day before to have had some mild cramping...
On the scan the consultant spotted a soft marker for heart defect which points to downs.., also I was told that as it was spotted at 6 weeks the heart damage would be catastrophic and that at best baby would survive to omy 2 weeks even after surgery if she didn't die in the womb before that...
I had a heartbreaking few weeks to decide on what the best thing to do was we went ahead with the amnio which confirmed our little girl did indeed have downs..
We felt the kindest thing would be to opt for an ethical termination. Which I had done last week on my 40th birthday., baby emma was born then on our shared birthday...
I am just so lost and devastated for my poor little angel but knoW we made the best decision and have spared her from suffering...
My little girl should have been born before Xmas which will be hard as I know 3 people who are due around that time..
This has been a hard post to write on here., and I hope I've not upset anyone too much by writing this but this is where I feel most comfortable posting and feel I am among good friends xxxxx
Oh mandy, i'm so so sorry, your story is heartbreaking to read :hugs: cant imagine what you and OH have been through, my thoughts are with you all, rip baby Emma, what a gorgeous name, So glad you had the strength to post here, and i hope we can offer you some support. x x x :hugs:
Mandy I am so sorry to hear this. I can't even imagine how difficult that decision must have been to make. :hugs: Take care of each other x
Hi All

Just quickly popped in and I'm just heart broken reading all these new posts.

Mandy, my heart goes out to you, I don't even know what to say to you. I am so sorry x

I'm really hoping we get some good news on here soon, it's just beena horrific couple of months for us all xxx.
Mandy I am so sorry. :hugs:

if you ever want to talk I am a pm away, and I have been thru something similar. so I understand. so so sorry.
Mandy, I am SO sorry for all that you and your OH have been through. You are in good company here and we all understand.

I too hope that we all get some good news soon. As for me I'm on CD 4 and really looking forward to trying again this month. I am grateful that I seem to get pregnant easily but I REALLY hope that my next baby will stick.

I am hoping to get my immune blood tests done on Monday, July 25th which is CD 12 for me and I should have results back by CD 26 at the latest. My hope is that if I do get pregnant this month the RE will have my results back early enough to give me some sort of treatment. That's assuming the blood tests to show something is going on. Aside from that, I'll be using Crinone prog. from 7 DPO onward and a baby asprin a day.

Is anyone else here trying again this month?

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