Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

A positive attitude is a good attitude! I'm doing ok, looking forward to moving past ectopic and doing further testing, but one day at a time!
I'm glad this thread is wanted.... even if it is under these horrible circumstances. It will at least hopefully help us all for support and info.

I had the following tests - Not all the investigations are specific to recurrent miscarriage - some are general health checks, while others are part of on-going programme of research on recurrent mc

* Chromosome studies - this is based on a blood test, and both partners are tested.
* Specific immunological testing (conducted as part of our on-going research programme)
*Natural killer cells - numbers and activation Cytokines - especially MIC-1and Th1 and Th2 cytokines
* Auto-immune screen - includes anti-nuclear antibodies, and anti-dsDNA antibodies
* Infection screen - a vaginal swab for bacterial vaginosis, and cervical swab for Chlamydia
* Primary antiphospholipid syndrome (so-called "sticky blood syndrome") screen - including anticardiolipin antibody and lupus anticoagulant.
* Full thrombophilia screen (including Factor V Leiden mutation)
* Pelvic ultrasound scan - usually transvaginal
* Day 3-4 blood test for a hormonal profile to include luteinising hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and thyroid function.
* A biochemical profile to include a blood sugar, kidney and liver function.

Babytots - They think your mcs have been linked to Folic Acid? What tests do you want them to do for you?

Jasmak - How did they find out your uterus was adhered to the other side? Can they only do that from internal testing?

Rachael - I'm really sorry about your recent loss. I know that you had everything crossed that this one would stick xx I've heard about toxoplasmosis causing mcs. Is there anything they can do to help?

BKLove - I know that trying baby aspirin & progesterone suppositories won't be the answer, but I suppose we still put hope in that it will work don't we. Hope you are going through the ectopic ok? What will the reproductive endocrine specialist be able to help with?

Omi - Are you TTC now? Luckily my hospital seem to be good in that respect too. I'm to call when I get pregnant. What is the levothyroxine supposed to help with?

Sorry for all of your losses girls... Hope we get all the answers we all deserve and next time it is our time. All I'm asking for is for one baby - not too much to ask is it xx

Well, I had an HSG (hysterosaplingogram) and that came back clear, I have had several vag u/s, and everything came back clear. My specialist told me that he did not expect to find anything with this surgery (lap/hysteroscopy/D&C) but perhaps mild endo. No endo, but the uterus problem was found..which was quite unexpected. I recommend it to anyone having troubles TTC, or staying pregnant...both of which I have. Did it solve the problem...stay tuned...

Sorry for butting in on your thread ladies...I have never gone through the tragedy of a m/c and have so much respect for you all staying so strong...just wanted to mention something about uterine adhesions.
I was told I would not be able to conceive naturally due to various things going on...PCOS, endo etc...went to see a fab gynae last year and he took me in for an exploratory lap in dec since I was having lots of pain...he found my uterus, left tube, ovary were all adhered together with old scar tissue...he separated them...and 10 days later...boom...I was pregnant. When I went for my follow up app my fab gynae said it is quite common for women to conceive following that kind of op. Possibly something the medical bods need to look into?? op was done GP wouldnt even believe that I had a problem.

Best of luck to you all...and sorry again for butting in! :hug:
geeze, i'm gald you followed your instincts and got the work done privately. I don't know what the hell is next for me, but hopefully good things!! Just waiting for the af now....waiting, waiting, waiting.
Right girls! Help and guidance needed here:

5 MC's in 12 months (blah, blah, blah beginning to fell like an old record) so my new gyn is doing further tests and one being PROGESTERONE!!!!! my old gyn doesn't believe this causes MC but after reading the net :dohh: I see it can.

So has anyone had their progesterone check? If, so what are the levels meant to be

I've ordered B Complex - is anyone on this?

hey JD yeah iv had mine tested and sorry cant tell you my results as i dont no myself mine were part of referal tho.. had 2 be a pin cushion for 2 weeks lol.
hey JD yeah iv had mine tested and sorry cant tell you my results as i dont no myself mine were part of referal tho.. had 2 be a pin cushion for 2 weeks lol.

Oh not so good, I'm currently a pin cushion everyday with Clexane injections :cry:

So where are you with things just now?

hi, sorry to butt in ive just had another miscarriage, my 2nd this year, i have also had had 2 previously inbetween 2 live births. im suffering with cervical cyst and awaiting to see a gyne, my DR has suggested that i have a stitch put in place next time i get pregnant.
hi, sorry to butt in ive just had another miscarriage, my 2nd this year, i have also had had 2 previously inbetween 2 live births. im suffering with cervical cyst and awaiting to see a gyne, my DR has suggested that i have a stitch put in place next time i get pregnant.

Sorry for your losses :hugs:

Do you have a date for the gyne?

waiting for SA results for my referal to be written to the clinic..
Oh hopefully it won't take long.

:hugs: tudor rose. I hope whatever they suggest does the trick. Its hard because I realize they just don't have all the answers, but its good to be with a Dr who wants to go above and beyond to find the answers.

Mrs.JD I had progesterone checked but not the right way, its supposed to be done at several points in your cycle and that heffa only did it once. So I plan to have that repeated. I did try Bcomplex but didn't see much change, and did have an ectopic while on it, as well as progesterone suppositories (just in case that was the issue while pregnant). At the start of my next cycle I want to try Angus Cactus which is supposed to be a great regulator so we'll see. Its all worth a try because right now I've got nothing else to go on.
:hugs: tudor rose. I hope whatever they suggest does the trick. Its hard because I realize they just don't have all the answers, but its good to be with a Dr who wants to go above and beyond to find the answers.

Mrs.JD I had progesterone checked but not the right way, its supposed to be done at several points in your cycle and that heffa only did it once. So I plan to have that repeated. I did try Bcomplex but didn't see much change, and did have an ectopic while on it, as well as progesterone suppositories (just in case that was the issue while pregnant). At the start of my next cycle I want to try Angus Cactus which is supposed to be a great regulator so we'll see. Its all worth a try because right now I've got nothing else to go on.

Thanks hun! Sorry for your loss.

They only need to check it after I ovulate as since I can fall pregnant there is no need to check it before that. If that makes sense.

I've not started the BComplex yet but plan to this week. I'm getting my bloods done on Friday and can't bloody wait.

I've not heard of AC, I'll need to google it and see what it is.

Do you think I should not start the BComplex?

Hello girls, some of you know me already.

I've been reading through this post with such a heavy heart!!! I'm still carrying my 2nd MC who's heart has recently stopped, but no D&C til tues. I'm sure some of you can relate to how awful that feels. Having also had chemical back in 2008, I can get some specialist help now. Although reading through this thread is so overwhelming I'm sure you'll all help me get through this and I hope I can lend some support too.

I was told in the hospital that even with of the tests etc there was only a 6% chance of them finding out what's going wrong and that it's more than likely my age (I'm 38 - and my grandmother started her family of 12 at 28!!!)? I am lucky enough to have had a succussful pg prior to any problems and I count that blessing often.

So they are taking the baby on Tues for testing and I should hear about 6-8 weeks later from a specialist. I asked for a shot of progeterone last week when my bloods were dropping but was told it would make no difference!!?? I wish I had tried babyaspirin and will definitely be next time!

Also I read on the web that your chances of MC decrease if you've used the contraceptive pill in the recent past so I'm going back on it for a while as I concieved in 1st month without it with DD. It took my AF 10 weeks last time to return, do I have to wait til then to take pill? I'm sorry, I'm waffling a bit - but I'm sure you understand
Hey you.

Firstly :hug:

I too am 38, just had my 5th MC in 12 months. Yes it's a blessing that i can conceive but just can't keep hold of them.

After my 2nd MC my old gyne put me on aspirin, so it's worth a shot. I'm at a new gyne now and the has me on Aspirin and clexane (daily injectections). I go on friday to get my progesterone checked.

My AF was a nightmare after my DnC last July, all 4 since have been easier MC. I swore I'd never DnC again and the next time it would be the pill for me.

I'm not sure how long you have to wait to start the pill, its usually at the start of your first period right? Its been awhhhhhiiiillle since i've been on birth control. I didn't want to do it again, I was on the patch though, but it'll be interesting to see if that makes the difference for you next time. :hugs: and sorry again that you have to endure this.
hi ladies havent posted in a while not really had much to say.

need your advice though. going tomorow to start recurrent misscarriage tests what tests will they do?

also i had some blood tests done whilst still pg with jessica can being pg effect these results and should i ask for them to be retested now i have had jessica and there are no more pregnancy hormones in my body.

really want to make sure i have every test i can done so when we start ttc again i won't worry as much that they might of missed something.

hope everyones well. will try and catch up now. x
I honetly didn't pay attention well enough when they did mines, which I regret, so ask and take notes. I just know things came back as they should which was good. I do plan to review it with my new doc next week and proceed with follow up tests, so I will definitly take notes then. I do remember lupus, the clotting test, throid, and I think thats it.
thanks hun well i asked what they were testing for and it was karyotyping and blood clotting disorders but didnt ask whether i would need to have the others re-done now i have had jessica as i saw a different doctor who didnt know my history as well. hoping to see my consultant next time and shall ask her otherwise will ring and make an appointment to see her and find out.

have another question though those who had karotyping done how long did it take to get your results. did your partners take longer as i have a app booked for 4 weeks time and my partner had his bloods done today and has been told it might take 3-4 months to get the results so as you can tell am pretty confused about it all. x
thanks hun well i asked what they were testing for and it was karyotyping and blood clotting disorders but didnt ask whether i would need to have the others re-done now i have had jessica as i saw a different doctor who didnt know my history as well. hoping to see my consultant next time and shall ask her otherwise will ring and make an appointment to see her and find out.

have another question though those who had karotyping done how long did it take to get your results. did your partners take longer as i have a app booked for 4 weeks time and my partner had his bloods done today and has been told it might take 3-4 months to get the results so as you can tell am pretty confused about it all. x

Our Karotyping tests took 12 weeks instead of the normal 8 weeks as they were busy. I had a follow up appointment with the gyne 13 weeks after them being taken.


thanks hun so looks like it might take that long though why would they book me another app in 4 weeks time? argh why do they like to confuse me? x

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