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Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hey girls...thought i would just let you all know..i got a bfp today! hope you dont mind for letting you know, if so i will delete post!
Im just praying that this is a very sticky beany xxx

Congrats! Sending you sticky bean dust!
Hey girls...thought i would just let you all know..i got a bfp today! hope you dont mind for letting you know, if so i will delete post!
Im just praying that this is a very sticky beany xxx

of course we dont mind hunni congratulations :happydance: you'll have to keep us updated on how it goes hunni wishing you all the luck in the world for a trouble free pregnany and a healthy baby.

to everyone else sorry i've not been around in this thread lately just not really had much to say since i'm still waiting for my consultant appointment.

rach i'm glad you got a second opinion and that you have cancelled your op for now. the specialist sounded really positive that you will be able to carry a baby to term.

superp- i'm so sorry you didnt get answers as to why you lost your little girl but at least you know she was perfect in everyway (not that she would of been less perfect if there were something wrong but i'm sure you know what i mean). how are you feeling. do you think you will want to try again if the doctors cant find any reason as to why?

t-bex- so sorry for your losses i think both of those are usually tested for when you have recurrent misscarriages though i'm not 100% as i am yet to be tested for anything :hissy: bloody hate all this waiting.

tracie- i remember you from popping on sept-embryos thread i never knew of your losses i am so sorry. i really hope the pgd goes well for you sweetheart do you have any idea when you will be having it?

its so sad to see how many of us have been through recurrent misscarriages it breaks my heart!

:hug: to everyone x
my referal went in last week there expecting it so hopefully by december.. :) yeah i heard about you and your little jessica from marg babe :( im sooooo sorry :hugs:
FIRSTLY!!!! Congrats littlehush on your BFP!! :happydance: Sending you tons of sticky dust and I wish you all the best. :hugs:
Beckybump- Thanks for the inspiration and for stopping in to share it. And I completely agree, docs give you a pills sometimes to stop you from worrying and get you moving forward. LOL Congrats on the baby boy! :hugs:
Babytots- Hopefully, you'll get that letter in the mail very soon. The waiting is the worst. And yes, I think I am going to try again. But I'm going to do a few things first...
I'm going to have a second opinion and make sure that everythings been checked, and that asprin and progesterone are in fact necessary. The progesterone made me gain weight approximately 15lbs in my short 9wk pg. So I'm hoping I really don't need it. Maybe switch obgyn's. We'll see. Loose about 25lbs that has been accumulating for a few months, and get healthy again. LOL Try some alternative medicine more than likely accupucture and herbs. Research in the works... to be cont'd. Basicly, going to build some strength over the next few months and see what happens.
Its funny girls, today I was reminded about God's plans, and it has given me new hope for my future. I know that if it's in my heart to become a 'birth' mother than God will deliver that dream. In his time, when it is right, I cannot give up now and I know I'll be blessed. So I've got to concentrate on being open to it, and being ready for it. For now, I'm going to enjoy on the things I do have, like my 3 boys, all adopted and all a huge blessing in my life. My lovely husband, who reminded me not to obsess. LOL
Basicly, making a plan and trying to getting positive again. I've got to believe that its out there for all of us.
fingers crossed for you tracie i really hope december comes round quickly for you. thanks for the :hugs: so sad we have to meet again in these circumstances :cry:

superp- i hope the second opinion helps. i too am going to try and do things before ttc again. once we get jessicas results back i'm going on a health kick cutting out all the junk,do exercises etc i want to make sure i am healthy as possible so i give my next baby the best chance of making it. i want to hopefully be trying again by end of august maybe sooner. dont think i could get through september and jessicas due date without anything positive to focus on.

fingers crossed that one day we all get our much wanted healthy babies. x
well hunny iv had my fair share of upset so you ever need anyone to talk 2 im always around :) PM whenever you want

Littlehush - really hope this one works out for you... got everything crossed!

Superp123/Rach - I think getting a 2nd opinion is obviously a great idea. There is nothing wrong in finding out if you get same results just for piece of mind. As far as I'm concerned, if it keeps happening then there must be something wrong!? Don't you think?

Babytots - Thinking of you... it must be so hard for you still. Hope you gain strength as the months go on before you start trying again.

Tracie - Welcome to the thread. You are right we just need to remain positive... there isn't anything else we've got to cling on to. Any idea when treatment will start?

T-Bex - good luck with your pregnancy and hope this sticks for you. I posted a big list of all the things I was tested for. Not sure if Lupus is on there but defo chromosomal defects (although there isn't anything they can do about that)

As for me I had a bfn last week and felt really disappointed. I'm ok now but just felt so gutted that it didn't happen. It is ridiculous really as 1st time tried since ERPC in January. I think I'd worked myself up about worrying about having another mc I just took it for granted I would get BFP. Always next month... just getting bored/frustrated/ stressed/ with the whole thing - if you get what I mean??

HOpe everyone feeling ok at the mo?
Hey ladies!
T-Bex: I have had similar testing done, I think its the next thing they do after 3 m/c's.

Superp123: thats funny, but i'm glad 2 know i'm not the only one having these feelings. :hugs: on whats still no explanation for the m/c's. Have they done the exploratory stuff, I can't remember the name now but with the dye's and basically checking the structure and flow of the reproductive system? Maybe they need to go further than bloods. I'm off to get into that starting next week with a specialist and i'll definitly keep you (and everyone) posted on that. I know what it is to want to find that answer, and the lack of relief that comes with everything being "normal"!
And P.S.: I gained weight taking the progesterone 2! but I also attributed it to a lack of exercise because I was afraid to m/c and I do like to eat:) and PPS: I'm also getting into some of the natural stuff, tried accupressure this week & reflexology, but more for just stress relief and balancing the body, I want to try to go 1x a month, it was more than fantastic. This week I plan to get back into the gym and getting into a fruit, lots of fluids & maybe mediation fast for a few days, I think I need to get back to that balance especially after that shot....for ex: i've been breaking out, and that never happens...it may do nothing for ttc, but atleast i'll feel good all around! :)

Tracie87- Hey and thanks for posting and also for being so encouraging. Hugs to you for waht you've ahd to endure already. I do hope this next step is it for you. I imagine it's an expensive procedure?

Beckybumpbaby: I'm happy you got your babies in between the madness and I do understand the hesitation to continue. It seems doctors just don't know sometimes and will tell you anything but that. Can you explain the issue with carrying boys? I've heard ppl say that before but I don't understand why it can be harder than carrying girls?...even though it still worked out for you....there really just is some mystery to ttc that we really may never understand, and I realize not knowing is hard for us...that coupled with dealing with repeat losses.

Which brings me to Widger: It does suck to have to keep trying and dealing over and over, even when it seems easier the emotions are still easily stirred up. I do hope next cycle brings you greater opportunities :hugs:.

Littlehush: Congrats and I do think you should leave the post. I'm happy for you and I hope it sticks for good!

Babytots: It is crazy to see how this group is growing, but i'm glad we've found each other and like you said healthy babies to us all:wine:
thanks tracie and same goes if you ever need to chat to someone.

widger sorry to hear you got a bfn i know how hard it is ttc and wanting that bfp and the frustration when you dont get it. its just a constant reminder of what you have lost isnt it.

hope everyones well. x
its about £10-12K ago but im hoping the NHS will cover my ass of im screwed.. lol
Tracie87 wow wow wow. It's crazy how expensive it is, in a perfect world it would be automatically covered. It must be a man who came up with that price, lol.
Okay now it's just getting hard to keep up with all of us! :rofl: Sad when you really think about it but like has been said, I'm sooooo glad to have you girls here. It makes this whole experience a lot less isolating. :hugs:
Widger- sorry about the BFN. That's a bummer and I know that feeling all toooooo well. Hopefully you catch next one hun! FX for you.
Bk- Good luck next week with the specialist. I cannot wait to hear about your journey. Hopefully it'll bring you some much deserved answers hun. :hugs: I sometimes hate the word 'normal' especially lately. I agree with Widger, it keeps happening obviously somethings broken! I don't know about the dye procedures... I've done the ultrasound to check things out and I'm 'normal' and very symmetrical. Yay for symmetry! (sarcasm) I've obviously had a D&C so no uterine abnormalities. But the circulation thing, I think you could be onto something there. At 7wks early scan hb found, baby measured 6+2. At 8wks, I was in for a quick US and the doc found a heartbeat but no measurements were taken. At 9+4 I went in insisting that I had mc and demanding an US. No hb and baby was measuring 6+5. Which is only 3days older than my first early scan at 7wks. Which makes no sense at all. If baby had died at 6+5 then I should not have seen the hb on the 8th week. This is one detail that bothers me this mc. And I'm sure circulation prob would ****** a baby's growth. Definitely add that to my list of questions for second opinion doc.
Tracie- I hear ya sista. The procedures are ridiculous. I'm in US and I have no health ins due to being sahm. My ultrasounds and D&C are costing me upwards of 8K. Wanna talk about sticker shock!!! I'm hoping the state can help me out of this one, but I'm not counting on it. The fertility clinics here offer plans that are bit more expensive but refund $$ if it doesn't work after a certain # of tries. Do you have something similar available? A safety net like that could be nice. Good luck to you and I hope its the one for you. FX
As for me, not a lot new. Been spotting on and off since Friday. Pain in my rear! Started only 21days past D&C. :dohh: Knowing my luck I'll spot for the rest of this week and get hit by the :witch: On Friday. Damn! Can't win for losing. I'm off for early bed tonight. Been working my a$$ off literally so I'm beat. 3lbs and counting. :happydance:
Hi girls...thought i would tell you that i lost the baby, this is my 7th MC and im at a loss. Im going to try and get referred to St Marys in london, and hopefully can get some answers on why this keeps happening :hissy:

hope your all well xxx
Ohhhh little hush, :hugs: I know there is little consolation I can offer you, but I'm so sorry. Push for that referral.

I did go see the reproductive specialist yesterday, and she wasn't as enthusiastic as I would've liked her to have been. I was just another patient. At this point I have to wait 2 cycles, and then they will do more hormone testing and then check to see how open my tubes are and whats going on with my uterus with a saline sonogram (they shoot water in there and observe it using a sonogram). They also took blood from my hubby to check his chromones to see if they are balanced. That gives us a time frame of like 4 months before we can start ttc again! Which sucks, but i'm ok with waiting if it means we may have a better chance the next time. On a positive my HCG levels did drop to under 1000, so hopefully it will be at zero for the next set of bloods, which would open the door for that first af!
Littlehush- I'm so sorry hun. I hope that the referal will help you. :hugs:
Bk- Bummer that they weren't more enthusiastic. But its great news that the hcg is dropping and that they're checking you out... quite thouroghly. I'm hoping that this next four months passes quickly for you and I hope that you get some answers.
Littlehush - really sorry to hear about your loss again. You must be so frustrated/upset. I hope you get the referal you deserve as quickly as possible xx
so sorry for your loss littehush hope you get a refferal to st mary's and arent waiting too long.

bk- glad they are taking good care of you though its a bummer you have to wait around 4 months before ttc but like you say at least you have gone down every route possible to get answers and your much wanted baby.

i'm still waiting to see my consultants its been 5 weeks since i lost jessica and was hoping i'd get an appointment day through something to focus on. they said they would see me 6-8 weeks after so hoping its not too much longer this waiting has driven me crazy and just want closure now! x
Just checking in to see how you gals are doing? Still holding on I hope.
Just checking in to see how you gals are doing? Still holding on I hope.

Hi there.

Not been on for a good few weeks or so. I'm doing ok actually. Started to try again 2 months ago now but nothing happened. I've decided to look at it in another light... at least I can still enjoy relaxing, having a glass of wine when I feel like it, especially with this lovely weather etc :). I'm going to be away on holiday when my first due date would have been and I'm sure I'll think about it, but I just can't worry myself about it anymore. I'm tired of worrying/ feeling down...... it can drag you down sometimes.

I'm sure if/when I do get a BFP again, I'm going to be cr*pping it but can't do anything about it until that happens.

Anyway, how is everyone else. Anyone else trying again at the moment or having a break?

Hope all is well
Just checking in to see how you gals are doing? Still holding on I hope.

Hi there.

Not been on for a good few weeks or so. I'm doing ok actually. Started to try again 2 months ago now but nothing happened. I've decided to look at it in another light... at least I can still enjoy relaxing, having a glass of wine when I feel like it, especially with this lovely weather etc :). I'm going to be away on holiday when my first due date would have been and I'm sure I'll think about it, but I just can't worry myself about it anymore. I'm tired of worrying/ feeling down...... it can drag you down sometimes.

I'm sure if/when I do get a BFP again, I'm going to be cr*pping it but can't do anything about it until that happens.

Anyway, how is everyone else. Anyone else trying again at the moment or having a break?

Hope all is well

just sending you loadsa :hug:


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