Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hey ladies-
So today I ran in to my mother-in-law at a store and she had a "Gramma to be" shirt on. Both my sister-in-laws are pg, and I almost started crying. I feel so stupid, but I got angry seeing that shirt. My husband said she wears it all the time, and he said he refuses to comment on it. With our 2 pregnancys, they weren't ever talked about when the family was all together. They acted like I wasn't even pregnant! Ugh...sorry, just upset today. Keep telling myself only 5 days til my appt...
Kat, I'm angry too! WHAT??? How is it that your 2 pregnancies weren't acknowledged, but she wears a shirt for her other daughters-in-laws pregnancies? (Or are they her daughters?) It doesn't matter, that is just plain awful. I'm so sorry hon. That is incredibly upsetting. Only 5 more days babe. 5 more days. xoxo
Thanks heart...idk, I just don't get it. Maybe because my 1 sister in law had been trying for a few months, they didn't want to rub it in her face? Idk, but I was pretty upset. Its my husbands sister and his sister in law that are expecting. I keep thinking about how when I had my d&c and nat. Miscarriage how I didn't even get a card from either of them...makes me not want to give them presents and be happy for them, but I have to. I don't want to seem, and don't want to be, jealous and full of hate but sometimes it gets hard to stay level headed....thanks for letting me vent :)!!! How r things with you? Any appts or anything coming up?
Oh Kat that is awful. I am so sorry huni. I can't wait to hear how your appt goes. I am praying for you still
Vent away Kat. Recently I was thinking the same thing about getting a card. If someone had a death in the family, people would send cards. Why don't people send something for a mc? I was thinking if I ever have a friend who has one, I'm sending a card. I've never gotten one. I don't blame you for not wanting to get them a present. Vent away here hon, we understand.

AFM, I have my HSG on Monday. Can't wait to get it over with. Then we'll start trying again.
Dont blame you for feeling that Kat :hugs:. I'd feel the same!

I'm still in limbo and getting fed up :cry: still bleeding but not passed anything other than blood and no cramping so sack still there. In all your experience how long does it normally take for a natural mc- I've been bleeding fresh red blood for about a week now? My other 3 mc were all missed so not sure what to expect xx
Thanks girls, it means a lot to have your support!

Heart- good luck with your appt. Hope all goes well!

Moon- my 1 st was a natural mc. I actually found out I was having a mc 2 days before my 1st appt. I didn't know, and still don't know, exacty how far along I was, but I was at least 8 weeks. Anyway, I spotted for a bout 4 days followed by heaving bleeding, blood clots, and after about a week, I passed the placenta and everything. It was painful. Uterine contractions, back pain, and the whole 9. I wanted a d&c but my doc at the time refused (I've since switched). So idk if that helps, but I think everyone is different. By the time my drs office agreed I should go to the er(idiots), the ultrasound revealed the placenta had collasped already. Did u chose nat. mc?
Oh and I do agree with card/ gift giving after mc. I always explain it to people that its a death that I only expeirence because no one else sat and cried with me for weeks and ached for that baby to be there still.

I read somewhere that a lady makes teady bears for women who mc/ lose a baby and takes them to the hospital. I thought that was wonderful, because not that its bringing a baby home obviously, but it shows someone recognizes your loss and you have something to hold and cry with. I've often thought of doing something simialr at our local hospital (which the nurses were outstanding before and after my d&c, even sharing personal stories). I just wouldn't know how to approach it.
Oh, and my gf that was preg with triplets had her babies at just 25 weeks :( far I guess they are hanging in there, but it weighs heavy on my heart for her.
Thanks Kat- I'll wait a few more days and if I dont pass any clots or anything I'll get some advice. With my others I had erpc's -2 the second time because of retained products and last time I had the medical management but it was awful because I haemorrhaged and ended up having the erpc too - so thats why I hoped to do it naturally this time.

I was thinking about the cards/gifts thing- its funny really, the first mc I got several big bunches of flowers, the 2nd time I got a small bunch of flowers, last time someone baked me a cake which was nice- but this time people havent really got involved in whats going on at all so I must be getting boring for everyone now:haha: But to be fair I've tried to carry on as normal this time because I'm scared of getting depressed again so I havent gone off sick yet until it gets painful so people are probably just taking cues from me.

Oh reedsgirl- so happy for you! So exciting having twins!
Hi Kat vent away I know that feeling well
Moonmama with my natural miscarrige I spotted for about a week and then on about the 7th day started getting contraction like pains and then passed everything in one hit, well at least I think I did, my Dr was the same and said up until 9 weeks the body takes care of things itself.
AFM had another HCG test today and should hear by tomorrow so fx levels are going down, I really dont want to go through another D&C...
Hi Kat vent away I know that feeling well
Moonmama with my natural miscarrige I spotted for about a week and then on about the 7th day started getting contraction like pains and then passed everything in one hit, well at least I think I did, my Dr was the same and said up until 9 weeks the body takes care of things itself.
AFM had another HCG test today and should hear by tomorrow so fx levels are going down, I really dont want to go through another D&C...

Thanks skylar- I'm still temping and my temps are getting lower each day so I'm hoping its going to do its thing soon- its horrible to be in this limbo place, how can you start to move on when when the pregnancy is still in there? :sad1: I dont want another D&C either! had 4 in last 2 years! x
Oh Moonmama I feel for you :hug:its been like that for me for the past 5 weeks, thats excatley how I feel, I just want to move on. If you dont mind me asking how long has it been? Do you think you should ask your Dr?
AFM HcG now @ 10 so they will test again next week and hopefully it will be 0 and over and done with sigh.....then the descion to try again or not.....
Hi ladies :)....I go to my appt on thursday and I already have knots in my tummy! I go in for my yearly, to ask ?'s about my last mc and to hopefully get on clomid. Anyone have any suggestions on what I should ask during my appt? Tests I should ask for? Any input would be great :)
Kat, remind me, have you had any tests yet at all? Blood tests? Tests that look at your uterine lining (hysteroscopy) or tubes (HSG)? I can give you a full list of tests I've had, but want to check with you first about what you might have already had.

I had my HSG yesterday. Not as painful as I thought though I did take ibuprofen and Vicodin! My tubes were clear but my uterus was not exactly a perfect shape. Of course my fertility specialist is on vacation until Friday! So now I have to sit with the knowledge that my uterus might not be able to sustain a pregnancy, but I don't know until I hear from him. I'm feeling very, very scared and worried.
Heart- what do they do if ur uterus is mishaped? Is there a surgery that can correct this? And I know friday is only a few days away,but that wait seems like forever away!!!! Hopefully you will get some answers, and ill keep everything crossed for you!

I did have some tests, but I can't remember all of them. I was still in a state of shock when we got some results back and was a little naive (spelled wrong, idk) so didn't ask too many ?s eventhough it was my 2 mc. I did go in about 2 months ago to get print ups of my visits and results. I don't think they tested my thyroid, prolactin level, and I haven't had a hsg. My tubes are fine they say since I've conceived twice (first naturally 2nd with clomid). They did chromsone testing with last mc tissue and everything there was ok. I wonder if they should test my husband to. Karotyping? Is that what its called? And maybe my progesterone levels? I want to test everything!!!
Kat, there is surgery for a mishaped uterus, but I'm not even sure that would be an option for me. To be honest, from what I've read, the results of surgery aren't great an usually it is recommended. My shape is only slightly off, so I doubt they would say I need surgery. I really don't want it anyway, given the risks. I might just have to play the lottery and hope that an embryo implants in the right place OR, go the IVF route. I don't know, I just need to wait to talk to my doctor. I'll let you know.

Ok, here's what I had (it's a long list):

- Karyotyping for me and my husband
- Sperm analysis for my husband (though my FS said if I'm getting pregnant, the sperm is not the issue.
- FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
- TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
- Estradoil
- Progesterone
- CBC (complete blood count) without differential
- Insulin
- Glucose fasting
- Prolactin
- Antithrombin III Activity
- Factor V Leiden
- Cardiolipin Antibody
- Lupus Anticoagulant
- MTHFR Gene Analysis
- Homocysteine, plasma
- Protein C Activity
- Protein S Total

I've also had a hysteroscopy where they inserted a catheter into the uterine cavity and then filled it with saline. Then they put a tiny camera in there to get a clear look at the uterine cavity to look for polyps or fibroids.

I had the HSG as well where they fill the uterus with dye and take an x-ray to look for blocked tubes and uterine shape.

My FS said the big things to look at are:

1. The anatomy of the uterus (the shape)
2. Clotting disorders (tested by blood tests like MTHFR, Factor V Leiden, Homocysteine and Antithrombin Activity)
3. Hormonal - due to age, diabetes or thyroid issues. Definitely get your thyroid tested.
4. Genetics - karyotype test can tell you if there are genetic issues

I hope this helps. Good luck!!
Wow! Thanks :) I did get tested for lupus and that stuff and that was neg. But I will write these all down and take this knowledge with me!
I hope u don't have to go ivf route, but whatever it takes :)!
Oh Moonmama I feel for you :hug:its been like that for me for the past 5 weeks, thats excatley how I feel, I just want to move on. If you dont mind me asking how long has it been? Do you think you should ask your Dr?
AFM HcG now @ 10 so they will test again next week and hopefully it will be 0 and over and done with sigh.....then the descion to try again or not.....

Thanks skylar- the bleeding has been about 2 weeks now- I'm going to have another scan on fri to see if its all gone or not. If it has I'm incredibly lucky because I've had no pain or clots!

Have any of you ladies have immunological tests for NK cells? Reading the Dr Beer book has made me determined to exclude immune reasons for my mc

Glad your HSG went ok heart tree- I found it really painful! I hope theres something they can do to help with the structural issue
Heart Tree thanks so much for posting that list - I will be taking that with me to my appt at the end of the month.

I hope everyone is doing ok. I got a positive preg test yesterday, AF is due Fri and I'm still spotting pale brown cm, have been for about 6 days. I phoned the RMC and I've got my progesterone suppositories to start tonight and a scan in 3 weeks time so we won't know til then if this is a viable pregnancy. Am trying not to get my hopes up too much.

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