Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Mpepe- I guess I don't really understand how Canada works with their health system. I know this is a long shot, but have you ever considered getting help here in the states? I know it would probably be super expensive, idk, just trying to throw ideas your way!

Lawa- good luck girl! :)

Lam- that's a tough call there. I don't think your being selfish at all. If you feel like you wouldn't be able to handle another m/c while doing the trial, then id probably say no. I think some women view m/c's as a part of life so it may be easier for them. I say go with your gut feeling. If being on the meds makes you feel more at ease, why not? Good luck whatever you choose!

And thanks Heart!
Kat - I welcome any ideas and thank you for your suggestion. I don't think DH and I would be able to afford anything though, but if I don't get anywhere here in Canada after my November appointment, I just might be looking into those alternatives! I'm hoping DH and I can conceive quickly again in any case so if I do m/c again, then for sure I will get testing done. From what the nurse at my family doctor said, m/c's are just so common that it seems like a requirement to have 3, sad. I'm almost expecting to m/c again, I'm just very pessimistic at this point and am ready for the disappointment
Why does this all have to be so much $! Lol...damn babies ;). Just kidding, they are worth every penny :). And I know how you feel, I told my mom yesterday that I feel like I don't know what being pregnant really is because I've never actually had a baby in the end. I feel like I can never enjoy a pregnancy for fear of losing it.
Lamburai. I have tried the predosiline last BFP/. I trust proffer quenby and her opinion completely. HS look at thing objectively and really does want to help people
She then went on to outline some research published this year which concluded that aspirin, or a combination of aspirin and heparin, did not increase the live birth rate in women who have had 3 or more miscarriages and have no blood clotting issues. In fact, those women in the study taking the placebo drugs had the highest live birth rate! The upshot is that she no longer recommends people take aspirin and/or heparin unless they have clotting issues.

The study she is currently running is called Promise which is a progesterone study. Basically women with 3+ miscarriages are given either progesterone or a placebo and then basically see what happens.

ps. Here is the study disproving aspirin and heparin in case you are interested.

Hi Ladies - not been on here for a few days

OMG Lamb- this post has absolutely gutted me! I saw my FS on monday and he has put me on asperin and fragmin and HCG infections next BFP even though I have no clotting disorder! I had pinned so much hope on it working. He totally refused to give me progesterone so this is my only chance without going privately so I'm as confused as you are now!

have you decided what you are going to do yet? x
I saw the head of the early pregnancy unit yesterday. It was supposed to be as a follow up to my erpc but ended up more of a discussion about what to do next. Or what not to do because same as with lamb my doc doesn't believe in heparin or aspirin helping. Obviously I need to stay on the low dose heparin because I already had a dvt and pe's but he won't give me the higher treatment dose I was hoping for. The only thing I can do is get tested for chromosomal problems. But if that comes back positive and we go with ivf and embryo selection the success rate is only about 20%, which is lower than if we keep trying naturally. So I really don't know. It looks like we're going to have to be strong and keep trying.
hi petitpas- I'm curious why your consultant isnt looking into clotting disorders with you considering your history. Did they say why he doesnt believe in heparin etc? I thought its only NOT effective if there are no known clotting problems?:wacko:

Hope you make some progress soon x
I have recently suffered my 2nd loss, and the docs will be taking blood on Monday to check for clotting, and general pogesterone. Does anyone know how long the results take (UK). Also I am using OPK will they work a few weeks after a miscarriage, really just want to be pregnant again.
If anyone can answer I would be greatful,

hi petitpas- I'm curious why your consultant isnt looking into clotting disorders with you considering your history. Did they say why he doesnt believe in heparin etc? I thought its only NOT effective if there are no known clotting problems?:wacko:

Hope you make some progress soon x

Hi Moonmama,
First of all - I love your Avatar - it's supercute!
I have a known clotting gene, Factor V Leiden. The question I have is whether the low preventative dose I am on now is sufficient. With preventative, I mean prevention of a DVT (don't know about miscarriages). The doctor I saw in the US (the one who performed the D&C) suggested doubling my dose to the so-called treatment dose. Again, with treatment it means for a current DVT. I've been on the treatment dose before and am aware of the general risks. It is something I would like to try in my next pregnancy, but the doctor I saw yesterday is not convinced that giving heparin in pregnancy actually helps patients with thrombophilia. :shrug: It's difficult to know since all this research is quite new and there doesn't seem to be an obvious answer.
Today I am resigned to the fact that I may have to keep trying until I get lucky. Surely, if I keep going, I must get lucky sometime?

I have recently suffered my 2nd loss, and the docs will be taking blood on Monday to check for clotting, and general pogesterone. Does anyone know how long the results take (UK). Also I am using OPK will they work a few weeks after a miscarriage, really just want to be pregnant again.
If anyone can answer I would be greatful,


Hi Baby2loss,
So sorry to have you join us on here :hugs:

When I had my clotting checked, it took about six weeks to get the results, although I have seen people on here who got their results faster.

As for the OPKs, you could check with a pregnancy test that your hcg is out of your system as it can mess with OPKs. Have you had a period yet since your loss?
thanks for responding, its the saddest subject in my heart, and to most on here. So sad that so many people have to suffer this, and it still be such a taboo subject. I know i have never been the same person since my 1st loss, and don't know how ill be with time after this 2nd one. No no period yet, but the hcg seems to have pretty much gone, if its like my normal cycle i should be ovulating next week, but im just curious as to whether it will work.

Iv been thinking about the blood tests, and something is telling me whatever the results to try baby aspirin, I dont know just you know when you get an instinct. Would this do harm if the results said I didnt need too. Its just cos iv read on one of these posts that someone only got the clotting thing when they were pregnant.
hi Ladies,

i've had a lot of catching up to do!

fifi-folle- how was your ultrasound, was it ok?

Kat - your Dr sounds amazing, I wish more of them were like that it must be great to know someone will do all they can to help you.

Lightweight - Good to hear some great news, I hope you can relax a bit now

Lamburai - I've been wondering similar things, I tried aspirin and progesterone this time and that didn't work (I haven't had any of the RMC tests though) I know that my EPU Dr thinks Progesterone is a placebo and they just give it to you so you feel you're doing something. I would say that that journal article is just one study, and for me I would want to see more papers showing the same thing.

Personally if I was offered heparin, aspiring and progesterone I would still give them a go, the risks are low and it might work out next time. It think the problem is with recurrent miscarriage is that you can still have a one off random event that causes a miscarriage (Prof Regan explains it better in her book) which means it's hard to pinpoint why they're happening I guess an example would be having a clotting problem, being on the right drugs for it and still miscarrying due to a random chromosomal problem which is a one off event. I hope that your next pregnancy is the one, I feel that if I have no cause for my miscarriages then one of them has got to stick!

Lawa - how was your appt with Dr Quenby?

Petitpas - I can't believe your Dr is being so stubborn, is the risk of upping the heparin does too great for them to try it? Do they know what might have caused your recent loss? because then they could surely see that your dose might need to be increased if it was due to a clotting issue.

Baby2loss- :hugs: Your blood results should be back fairly quickly as they are routine tests, I know thinks like Karyotyping take a lot longer. with regards to OPKs I think the hcg needs to be out of your system and your cycle might not be back to normal until after your first period. As for getting pregnant I had a chemical miscarriage straight after my second miscarriage so you can get pregnant and I know lots of ladies on BnB that have got pregnant without having a period inbetween. With regards to low dose aspiring, what I've read suggests it is safe I took it for 2 cycles but is up to you.

AFM Petitpas I didn't have to cry down the phone to the secretary as she "knew about me" she phoned me back and said that the consultant would see me in his gynae clinic as this means I dont' have to wait for the designanted RMC clinic which would take months (dunno why they cancelled my appt why am I suffering?!) BUT i need GP referral to him. This is a problem as I can't see a gp for a week AND they do online book and choose which won't get me to Mr Z's gynae clinic. Plus they already referred me to gynae for RMC but I cancelled the appt as it was general gynae not the recurrent miscarriage clinic and I found out the EPU Dr had referred me to Mr Z.

Am feeling quite stressed out that this is taking so long, (and I'm still spotting which means I can't forget about it) I know that I can't have my thrombophilia screen for about another 3-4 weeks anyway but I want my appt! I want some answers and I'm sick and tired of not knowing what to do next. If I get pregnant do we try heparin? do we try nothing as it's "just bad luck" and one of the little buggers should stick? I just really really don't want to have a 5th miscarriage but more than anything I want my baby.

sorry for the overly long post - has been a tough week
Lamburai. I have tried the predosiline last BFP/. I trust proffer quenby and her opinion completely. HS look at thing objectively and really does want to help people

Hi Lawa - Did prednisolone work for you? I am quite happy to try it, but can't seem to find anyone to prescribe it to me! Saw prof Q on Friday and she couldn't test me for NK cells (study on hold) so don't know what to do now.

She then went on to outline some research published this year which concluded that aspirin, or a combination of aspirin and heparin, did not increase the live birth rate in women who have had 3 or more miscarriages and have no blood clotting issues. In fact, those women in the study taking the placebo drugs had the highest live birth rate! The upshot is that she no longer recommends people take aspirin and/or heparin unless they have clotting issues.

The study she is currently running is called Promise which is a progesterone study. Basically women with 3+ miscarriages are given either progesterone or a placebo and then basically see what happens.

ps. Here is the study disproving aspirin and heparin in case you are interested.

Hi Ladies - not been on here for a few days

OMG Lamb- this post has absolutely gutted me! I saw my FS on monday and he has put me on asperin and fragmin and HCG infections next BFP even though I have no clotting disorder! I had pinned so much hope on it working. He totally refused to give me progesterone so this is my only chance without going privately so I'm as confused as you are now!

have you decided what you are going to do yet? x

Moonmama - I know exactly how you feel. I was pretty much pinning all my hope to these treatments only to find out they might not be the answer. I'm gutted too.

hi Ladies,

Am feeling quite stressed out that this is taking so long, (and I'm still spotting which means I can't forget about it) I know that I can't have my thrombophilia screen for about another 3-4 weeks anyway but I want my appt! I want some answers and I'm sick and tired of not knowing what to do next. If I get pregnant do we try heparin? do we try nothing as it's "just bad luck" and one of the little buggers should stick? I just really really don't want to have a 5th miscarriage but more than anything I want my baby.

sorry for the overly long post - has been a tough week

Hey Rabbitchild. Sorry you're finding everything so stressful. Perhaps write to your GP and stress the issue about a direct referral? I went to the RMC in Oxford and my gp uses the book online thing too but I seem to recall having to phone them myself and wait for an appointment. Where abouts in Surrey are you? Perhaps they'd consider sending you to a quieter clinic like Heatherwood in Ascot to get the tests done? We went there and waited 4 weeks for results including chromosomal ones. Good luck.
Glad you like my Avatar petitpas! :thumbup:

Rabbit whats this book like that your talking about? I've read the Dr Beer one and found it really scary because its geared totally at immune causes and it basically says unless your treated for immune issues your chances of having a recurrent miscarriage are 100%. Thats fine if you have access to doctors who believe in it or you can afford to have the NK cells tests and various treatment options but at the moment I dont have either so am settling for the heparin and aspirin combo (which apparently doesnt work either according to recent research!) and pregnyl injections that I tried last time :growlmad:

Would be great to read something positive for once, just so it gives us some hope!
Same here!

I'm going to pretend I never read that research Moonmama - maybe we have an unidentified blood clotting issue and aspirin and heparin will be just the ticket for us next time.

What is pregnyl? I've not heard of that one...
Same here!

I'm going to pretend I never read that research Moonmama - maybe we have an unidentified blood clotting issue and aspirin and heparin will be just the ticket for us next time.

What is pregnyl? I've not heard of that one...

good plan lamburai! You've got to have some pma havent you. Anyway I've read anecdotal accounts of it working so I'l go by that! Pregnyl is a HCG injection. Its supposed to support the corpus luteum to produce its own natural progesterone. It didnt work for me last time, but I have since read good things about it - so maybe now I'm not so sceptical it might work! :haha:
I was at the pharmacy today to pick up my compression stockings (for my DVT last year) and the lady there became really interested in why I needed them. It turns out she also had a DVT and Pulmonary Embolism at a young age and clotting runs in her family, too. She said she'd had several miscarriages before having two healthy sons.
So, long story short. I'm hopeful again today :D
Ugh. How come i never get a story of hope at the pharmacy! Glad you're hopeful again pip.
I was at the pharmacy today to pick up my compression stockings (for my DVT last year) and the lady there became really interested in why I needed them. It turns out she also had a DVT and Pulmonary Embolism at a young age and clotting runs in her family, too. She said she'd had several miscarriages before having two healthy sons.
So, long story short. I'm hopeful again today :D

Thats really interesting then isnt it!

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