Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Has anyone been prescribed provera to induce your cycle? I am currently taking it and expeirencing hot flashes and moodiness big time!!! Oh the joys of being a woman!
With my clotting disorder, I know that late losses are a risk due to clotting at the placenta. That's why (I think) they plan in more growth scans towards the end...

AFM, I had the most amazing appointment today! The obstetrician was absolutely lovely and was a lot more reassuring than the specialist I've been seeing up to now (the one from the EPU who performed my ERPCs).
She said that even though I'd 'only' had two losses and have a known clotting disorder, she wanted to get a better picture of what's going on with me. She offered us chromosomal testing (which we're having done tomorrow morning) and is having my thyroid function tested (my little sister has problems that could be genetic). At cd2 of my next cycle I am having all sorts of hormones checked to rule out PCOS (I had some old notes from a couple of years ago with me mentioning that my ovaries looked polycystic at the time).

The doctor (obstetrician) said that up until I've had five losses, my chances of having a loss on my next pregnancy stay the same. It sounds weird, but the way she explained it made sense. Not just to me, but also to my husband (who's a research scientist and is therefore more versed in statistics and tendencies than I am).

In general, the lady gave me so much hope!

She's also writing a letter to my GP so that when I next fall pregnant he will be able to prescribe me double doses of heparin (twice a day instead of just once). She says there is no significant evidence that this helps, but just because the research hasn't been done does not mean it's not worth a try. She also feels that it is worth doing something different with my next pregnancy. I really like her for that :D

When I am pregnant again, I am to immediately call her secretary. She will then be seeing me for scans at the antenatal clinic (not the EPU) every two weeks from 6 weeks onward until we put together a new plan at 12 weeks.

Did I mention that I really like this lady? :haha:
petipas, that's sounds so lovely that someone is willing to help you like that, must be very reassuring. Everyone with 2 or more losses should have this treatment, screw funding i say.

when you say until you've had 5 losses, do they mean that you are at no more risk of a miscarriage as someone who has never had one??

Lisalou, I am in shock to hear about your 13 mcs. I'm so sorry you have been through this so many times. I have so many questions for you if you don't mind. Did you carry any children to term? Have you had any blood tests aside from the clotting disorder tests, or other tests like an HSG, hysteroscopy, laproscopy? Have you and your other half been tested for genetic issues? Have you had your thyroid tested? I've had almost every test they can throw at me and I'd be happy to share the list if it would help. There must be a reason you've had so many. I hope they are able to give you some answers or at least give you a plan of action on the 26th.

No i havent carried any to term but am hopefull i will one day, the only blood tests they have done are the one's for clotting and to see if i have pco's,never had my thyroid tested.

I had my first mc when i was 16 i was just over 6 weeks i had one growing in my uterus and an eptopic, the one in my uterus had no heartbeat and the one in my tube did... At 16 i just thought well maybe it was one of those things and maybe i was too young, it was a mistake happened on my first time and thought it would happen eventually when i was ready, thing was it was all i could think of to replace what i'd lost, i dont think i gave my body chance to recover as i had another 2 mc's close together all before 6 weeks. After the 3rd i stopped getting af and had some tests done to see if there was a reason none could be found so was put on medication to bring af on.

I then met my ex within a few weeks i was pregnant again, it was something we both really wanted even though it happened really fast i mc that one at 8 weeks, after that we didnt try but didnt prevent it from happening, again i was under 20 so never asked questions. I did think though at the time with my age that they would blame me somehow being young so i would get pregnant and mc within weeks. It put a big strain on our relationship and he cheated found out when i got a text off her telling me she was 6 months pregnant with his child.

I didnt have any men in my life for a while after that found it hard to trust them, had a one night stand on my birthday and got pregnant again, i never told anyone about that pregnancy apart from my dr as i was ashamed and wanted to wait till i knew everything was ok, again i miscarried before 8 weeks.

By the time i was 28 i'd had 9 mc's eventually i asked my dr they did the blood clotting tests and told me i needed heprin when i was 8 weeks pregnant, my argument with them was it was rare for me to get to 8 weeks so i decided i needed a break from the constant heartache i was going through and stopped ttc.

I had a further 2 mc's before i was 30 again not getting to the 8 week mark, i asked for more tests and they repeated the one's i'd had and one to check for pco's, they both came back normal which was a little confusing to say the least.

Last year i get pregnant again went to a scan at 10 weeks before i fround out i'd had a mmc again at 8 weeks.

In april this year i met my now oh he has a daughter from a previous marriage, i got caught pregnant within a month of being with him was a bit of a shock as was using protection but we were both happy, i felt different that pregnancy right from the start i had more symptoms and was confident with everything that was happening we'd picked out names and was genuinly excited more excited than i'd let myself get in the past, i went past 8 weeks and i felt great, i got to 11 weeks and my symptoms started getting weaker mentioned it to dr and she said that it was normal, 3 days before my 12 week scan i woke up to really bad cramps, i knew what was coming the bleeding started that afternoon, the cramps were like contractions and got worse over the day by the time i went for a scan i'd already passed my baby.

That was in august and me and my oh have decided to ttc as soon as i had my af which was 2 weeks ago and now waiting to ovulate, my dr said about putting me on asprin as soon as i get bfp.

Sorry for the really long post sometimes i have no one i can talk to about it.
petit-so do you like that lady?? :haha:

Lisalou your ttc journey sounds absolutly tragic, is it a consultant putting you on aspirin or your GP? really sounds like they need to refer you to specialist in recurrent miscarriages urgently and not just 'try' aspirin as if you havent been through enough already! :hugs:
petipas, that's sounds so lovely that someone is willing to help you like that, must be very reassuring. Everyone with 2 or more losses should have this treatment, screw funding i say.

when you say until you've had 5 losses, do they mean that you are at no more risk of a miscarriage as someone who has never had one??


I have to say, I was surprised that she offered the chromosomal testing as I saw her on the NHS, not privately.

As for the second part, yes, I do believe she said that until you've had five losses in theory you aren't at a much increased risk of having another miscarriage. Somewhere in the 15% range. It sounds odd, but then again 15% isn't a small risk so it would explain why some go on to have more losses than others.
To be honest, the numbers don't mean that much to me. The doctor today agreed with me that once you've seen a heartbeat at 8 weeks the chances of having a miscarriage goes down to 2% and it still happened to me.

Despite this, I am eager to try again. I bet you'd call me mad if you didn't all have the same plan as me :haha:

Your story is so sad! I hope you get referred to a consultant soon if you aren't already seeing one :hugs:
Who cares about your age when you had your losses! You deserve the support of the medical profession and a happy healthy baby next time round :kiss:
As for the heparin, I don't think you need to wait until 8 weeks. Many doctors are happy to start either from the beginning or when a heartbeat is confirmed at 6 weeks.
I have an appointment for recurrent miscarriage next week so im hoping they can do some tests, was under a consultant years ago who told me they'd put me on progesterone to help make baby stick but they never wrote it in my notes and i have since moved hospitals so gotta wait and see what they say.
Oh Lisalou,
I hope they can help you! They can't fail to take notice of your case :hugs:
Let us know how you get on xxx
Thanks i will do, this will be my new home now i found you all lol x
petipas - i had the same h/b found at 6.5 weeks all ok, hb found at 8.5 weeks all ok, then mmc at 11.3 weeks, but the baby died at 9 weeks. 2 days after they told me there is a 98% chance that the pregnancy would be successful, really do we really fall into the sad statistic of 2%. Wish she hadnt given me that false hope.
If i ever fall pregnant again, as it takes me a while to conceive, i will dread every scan.....never want to hear ''im really sorry.......but'' ever again in my life.
I didnt get any extra supprt on my 2nd preg, even tho i miscarried the 1st, midwide put me as low risk, feel quite failed by the nhs. only got the extra scans bcos of a slight bleed and one for the hosp benfit as they were training. But when i read other peoples stories i know i aint the only one....

good luck with your future pregnancy xx
Baby2loss, I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience :hugs: Despite the bad press my local EPU received last week, the nurse there is absobloodylutely fantastic. I really can't complain.
I've heard of some very mixed experiences across the UK so it does seem to depend on who you happen to bump into. That's not ideal!
I hope you get lots and lots of support from now on.
I know I've said it before, but it would seem that crying helps :blush:
thanks petipas
the 1st doc after my 2nd miscarriage said absolutely no to any sort of testing til i had a 3rd. but the next one, i was crying to she said yes to the blood clotting test, so just awaiting results. It really is who you bump into, some people are so bloody cold on the subject, and you can guarantee they havent ever had to suffer one.
i appologise if i seem a moaner, just feelin bitter at the moment
baby2loss - my sentiments exactly! Doctors can be cold and you are only a number for them IMO
petitpas - doesn't it make a massive difference to have a consultant/specialist that actually CARES :) - I recognised the happiness in your post as it's how I felt/feel about my consultant too.
Hollybush, you're too cute!
I saw my 'old' consultant on Friday and he repeated something he's said to me before. That he would understand if I chose to see another doctor instead of him. I can't be bothered with reassuring him that I'm not blaming him for the complications with my first loss. I don't want a bruised ego - I want medical care! I felt like he was saying I might not want to see him, but the truth was that he didn't want to see me because my case was an embarrassment to him.

Anyways, I was seeing him privately before, but this new lady is my NHS consultant in charge of my fertility/pregnancy care from now on. No egos, just matter of fact information and hope.

Baby2loss, I LOVE it that you got your tests done by crying!!!
As for moaning and being bitter, if you can't do those on a miscarriage support thread, then where can you!? Big big :hugs: for you
thanks guys, i think i will live at this site, makes you realise you aint the only one in the world going through this, like it feels sometimes.

I am still very confused at what do to on my next pregnancy tho, can 2 really just be bad luck?
^^ baby2 loss - I'm praying that 2 are just bad luck and 3 times is lucky!!!! I'm am ttc after 2 mc's this year and I haven't even preapared myself for the possibility of having a 3rd mc.
I feel like im going crazy, some mornings i wake up and feel positive and think ill try the aspirin and it will be ok, and the next morning i think its happened twice, it cant just be bad luck, i will never have a baby. Do you do the same?

People do say 3rd times a charm, i pray it happens for us too
baby2loss - I do the exactly the same thing! My neighbour across the road just had her second baby on the weekend and I was very bitter and depressed about it. I know that's selfish but I could help feeling sorry for myself. I could tell that even my DH was depressed about it. But I can't stay in that mind set or I won't get anywhere. I had to put those feeling aside and try again. My nurse at my gp's office is very supportive and encouraging. She's of the mind that at least I can get pregnant and so can you. Sometimes we just might need a couple of tries or some help along the way to keep the pregnancies. She sees so many women who have unexplained fertility issues and just can't concieve and she said she would feel horrible if that was me, but it's not. I just have to give myself a pep talk and get back to it! And remember, we are here to support you:hugs: I;ve took great comfort in having these forums and talking about things. All the ladies here really relate and understand what is going on. Take care - Michelle
Just reading the old old part of this thread, and it is giving me some hope that the people who were going through what we are now, now have cute little babies as thier pics. There is hope.
The only thing that concerns me is they were given testing, and pregancy care plan for when they did get pregnant. Because I am 22, apart from the simple blood clotting tests, i seem to be getting passed off, really wish I lived in the states, cos i work, i pay taxes and NI and bcos im 22 (23 tomorrow) i get passed off, plenty of time to keep trying. But 3 1/2 years we have been trying, 2 mc's later we are no further on to are little baby. This country gets to me.

But like I say mpepe - there is hope. few women on here just over a year later now have babies, maybe that will be us :)


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