Reflux Help & Support Thread

Hi girls well after a restless night I have been the docs and got the gaviscon, so gotta do one sachet in every feed - just a quick question

Ollie weighs nearly 11lb so is over the 4.5kg threshold for two sachets in 8oz of feed but he would never ever take 8oz so should I just stick to the one sachet in 4oz and see how he gets on. Im not being picky but I dont want to waste that much formula. He had a really really bad night he also has a viral infection with a temp of 38.3 so a very grumpy and noisy baby feeling exceptionally sorry for himself !

Will let you know how we get on but at least its a start x

If Ollie is only taking 4oz, then only mix the 4oz and one sachet. We put one sachet in anything up to an including 7oz (although went DD goes through bad spells we'd either reduce her bottle to 4/5oz or increase to 8oz and add a second sachet to get the most of the gaviscon)
Ladies im confused, is ranitidine meant to stop babies being sick or just stop the pain

I've been giving Vinnie ranitidine with gavison since monday and i dont see any improvement with the sickness what so ever it actually seems like its getting worse im going back on monday and im wondering what the next step is, how often does it result in surgery?
Hi! I'm not sure quite sure what ranitidine does so I can't help on that one but I really don't think you should worry about having surgery. I think its really not very often at all. But this is only from what I've been reading online I'm not a doctor, however I researched it quite a lot!! There are other medicines if the ones you tried didn't work so don't worry there is still room to try stuff.

Have you tried little things like raising the cot on one side, keeping LO upright for long after every feed, and feeding LO more often less quantities?

Its a long process I'm afraid but you will find smt that works for you. Hardest part is to get diagnosed as most doctors don't listen!
Surgery is rare. I was talking to a mom recently (she works in DD's daycare) who's daughter had reflux and had to have surgery. She was on 20mg Losec a day with no effect. She said she was the first baby to have surgery in Ireland. That was 5 years ago. I think they'll try every drug they can, as strong as they can, before the surgery route. She said her DD had been on 20mg Losec at one stage with little effect. My DD is on 5mg and it's worked wonders.

I found this site good for a list of possible medications, and what they do (PPI vs H2 blockers) if the one your DS doesn't work, there are lots of other options.
Has anybody else experienced the rantitdine doesnt work? it seems to make him MORE sick, goodness this is a bloody nightmare :nope::nope::nope:
Has anybody else experienced the rantitdine doesnt work? it seems to make him MORE sick, goodness this is a bloody nightmare :nope::nope::nope:

Ranitidine doesn't stop the sickness, it stops the stomach producing so much acid so it doesn't cause as much pain and damage.

Surgery is a very very last resort, I looked into it as Macy is now on 15mg (maximum dose for her weight) Omeprazole and still feeds poorly and gains weight poorly and is still in pain. The surgery has risks and is only used when baby is really ill from the reflux - losing weight and aspirating into the lungs etc. This is quite helpful

If the sickness is really bad there's a medicine called domperidone which empties the stomach quicker and stops the sickness - could be worth asking for?

One step forward, two steps back for us here. E was doing really well for 2 weeks, eating and drinking everything she was given. And she is now sick as can be, not eating much, puking up what she does eat, and pretty miserable. She's got a chest infection. She's been given antibiotics but I think they're making the reflux worse again. I'm thinking we'll be back at the doctor in the morning. She's actually supposed to get her displaced hip fixed tomorrow (and one of them terrible hip spica casts put on) but it's probably going to have to be postponed. She's not going to be able to do the general anestetic. I've been dreading it, but I'd really rather it go ahead than have to wait longer for it.

Nothing else, just wanted to come moan a bit.
Oh I'm sorry she is doing worse! We found that when Katerina was put on antibiotics for her ear infection she got a lot worse! Its so frustrating because you are dealing with so many things at the same time! :nope:

I really hope you get her hip fixed soon so that it's over and done with, I can imagine you are worries sick.

Fingers crossed she gets better soon and you can relax a bit! :hugs:
Hey everyone :wave: wow lost this place for a while when the thread moved! Very confusing.

Sorry to hear so many people are struggling :hugs:

We are too, still vomiting after feeds and loosing up to 2oz out of the 3 she's drinking. The 20mg of Losec is stopping the pain which is great, except the GP I saw for her repeat prescription yesterday is insisting we drop her to 10mg and only prescribed that much :sad1: so I guess I'll just be back in there in a couple of weeks to argue with him as on 10mg she still screams and screams. Weirdly he said as she's still vomitng it shows the Losecs not working :saywhat: I thought it just stopped the pain not the chucking up?

Im also going to ask about dompiredone (sp) here's hoping I get a different Dr.

I think Nim might be starting to teethe too as she really drooly, chews her hands (or mine, or her sling) and unsettled and grizzly. She back sleeping in our bed as it's the only way I get any rest at all as she's waking every hour or 2 :dohh:
Aww no longer a sticky?

So my LO has silent reflux and was prescribed Zantac about a week and a half ago. Should he still be arching away from the bottle?? He has always made a pained face and started crying for a lot of his bottles but i thought the medicine was supposed to help!! Could it be the formula or something else causing the pain instead of the reflux?
You may need to experiment with the dose, it can take a while to get it right, also it can take a while for bubs to realise the pain's not there anymore, and for their throats to heal if they have been very sore.

:yipee: We have domperidone - well, a generic type, she gets 1/8 of a tab 2x daily - really hoping it will help with the vomiting. The Dr has also put her back on 20mg Losec a day as she had already started screaming again at feeds by midday today.

The Dr has also given us the go-ahead for starting to wean her little by little, he wants to see her getting rice cereal in her bottles from today onwards, I can up her pear to a few teaspoons morning and evening when she gets her losec. He thinks it will also help her take more and keep what she is taking down. And may be even sleep for longer :cloud9:
Morning, well the gaviscon in the bottles made no difference whatsoever.

We have changed formula on HV advice to SMA Lactose Free and Enfamil when the reflux seems particularly bad.

It seems to have helped the colic as well.

Just a question, Ollie seems to be gulping alot, well it sounds almost like a hiccup but is not reoccuring (does that make sense) almost like a swallow but the other way. It doesnt seem to bother him unless he is distressed but its bothering me ! Is that the reflux?

Also, he is having bouts of excessive crying which result in screaming and really seem to make him uncomfortable, his reflux and feeding seem worse after this - any advice (apart from not letting him cry lol).

Has anyone ever give then gaviscon like they advise on the breastfeeding side when bottlefeeding i.e., directly?
You may need to experiment with the dose, it can take a while to get it right, also it can take a while for bubs to realise the pain's not there anymore, and for their throats to heal if they have been very sore.

It took us *months* for DD to get over the reflux-induced bottle hatred. We gave her most of her bottles asleep since she just refused to drink them while awake. Or she'd only drink an oz or two awake, then finish off 4 asleep.

Just a question, Ollie seems to be gulping alot, well it sounds almost like a hiccup but is not reoccuring (does that make sense) almost like a swallow but the other way. It doesnt seem to bother him unless he is distressed but its bothering me ! Is that the reflux?

I don't know, but I think so. I have noticed this when DD's reflux is bad. Scares me, I'm always waiting for the puke when she does it.
Yes I am always waiting for the puke to arrive but never does !

He was so settled all day yesterday and its like I can feel the reflux worsening throughout the day (weird I know) but right on cue, the 1.30am feed wasa nightmare ended up with the chammomille crystals again !
Had a great week last week - was draining 4oz every 4 hours, 5 at bedtime and 6 at dreamfeed and was only taking an ounce overnight so thought she was going to drop it and sleep through.Gained 7ounces as well!

But back to normal yesterday and today - 15ounces yesterday and crappy sleep :-( 10ounces today so slightly better, hopefully another 6 or so between now and morning. And only gained 3 ounces this week. Every feed is a battle again. And she's even going off solids as well, only taking little bits.

I find myself wishing that I had a normal baby who eats when hungry!!

She doesn't seem to be in any pain just now but just doesn't want to eat, I've no idea what to do to increase her appetite xx
Had a great week last week - was draining 4oz every 4 hours, 5 at bedtime and 6 at dreamfeed and was only taking an ounce overnight so thought she was going to drop it and sleep through.Gained 7ounces as well!

But back to normal yesterday and today - 15ounces yesterday and crappy sleep :-( 10ounces today so slightly better, hopefully another 6 or so between now and morning. And only gained 3 ounces this week. Every feed is a battle again. And she's even going off solids as well, only taking little bits.

I find myself wishing that I had a normal baby who eats when hungry!!

She doesn't seem to be in any pain just now but just doesn't want to eat, I've no idea what to do to increase her appetite xx

Maybe shes feeling under the weather? There are quite a few bugs going about at the mo x

So.. after trying soya milk i have come to the conclusion that
Im gunna be stuck dealing with this shitty reflux for forever :dohh:
Made the decision to take Macy off Neocate today.

She's refusing to drink it, less than 15ounces a day and today she went all day with only 2 ounces in the morning and nothing until my friend brought me some SMA tonight and she drained 9ounces in 3 hours, praying it doesn't give her a sore tummy tonight.

When I think back, it's done bugger all for us anyway so I don't think she has a milk allergy. I was speaking to another Mum yesterday who has a baby with a milk allergy and Macy has never had any of the symptoms like eczema, asthma, diarrhoea etc. The only thing she ever had was constipation and reflux pain and nothing has changed since being on Neocate for 2 months, in fact I'd say it's worse. Just going to continue with normal SMA milk, omeprazole and lactulose and see how we get on.

If it doesn't work then I'm all out of ideas!!!!

I am sorry to hear that you guys are still suffering so much! I still come on here to check on you but I've moved to the allergies forum as reflux is not our problem any more! :dohh: Katerina is on 1,5ml ranitidine in the evening and is doing great.

However her gut is still poorly and she has terrible tummy cramps. There is not much she is allowed to eat and it has been really difficult for us!

So anyway I've moved thread but I'm still on here checking on you guys every now and then!
Stardust Im beginning to think the same, SMA LF is causing Ollie really bad constipation and whilst helping him out twice a day its still hurting his little bottom.

It has really helped the colic and to be honest maybe the reflux but I dont feel he is getting the nutrients on the LF. Maybe ill try another week and see how he gets on x
fluffyblue - I tried Macy on the SMA LF, she loved the taste of it and took loads but she had bad reflux at the time and I couldn't tell if the LF was making it worse so I went back to Neocate, really should have stuck at it longer though! How did you get on with the homeopathy? I gave Macy dioscorea 30c (2 times a day for 3 days) for the colic/reflux pains which does seem to have worked 100% and I've decreased the omeprazole now although could be a coincidence and I also gave lycopodium 6x for her appetite which has done bugger all, going to see if I can find something else. How many ounces a day does Ollie have? We're still on around 15ounces a bad day and 22 max on a good day.

Last night was good, Macy only got up once at 4am for 3ounces then slept til 9 this morning! Milk hasn't been so good today but she has woken up with a stinking cold and is most definately teething too - why does everything come at once?

On the plus side, she doesn't seem to have a sore tummy from normal SMA. She's been a bit windy and grumpy but I think it's just down to the teething etc. I think if she was actually milk intolerant she'd be in obvious pain by now. x

happyface I hope Katerina feels better soon and I hope you get lots of help and tips on the allergy thread! Have you been referred to a dietitian - I'm sure they could help. x

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