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Reflux Help & Support Thread


No.3 On the way!
Sep 4, 2009
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Hi, my son Lucas has Reflux and some days when its bad i feel so helpless so anyone else out there want to share their stories and we can support each other.
Any tips? Feel free to join me.
So far he isn't sick all the time but if he isn't sick he will get hiccups, sometime 4 times a day.
The pain after eating is horrible for me to watch he will not go on his back, i always keep him upright for 30 mins after a feed.
He always awakes in the morning with a stuffy nose too.
Another thing i have realised is he probably has Stridor (a high pitched sound when breathing) He only does this when feeding and sometimes sleeping.
His treatment at the moment is Ranitidine but its not really helping, the SMA staydown made him sicker!
He is crying at this moment...its really not nice!
Good Idea for a thread!

Tristan has reflux, we have tried Gaviscon but it upset his stomach so we took him off it. We are waiting to see a paediatrician but the waiting list is 11 weeks! He seemed like he was getting better where we had barely any sick then the last week he has started again to the point where he threw up all over himself the other morning and we ended up having to change him 4 times!

I'm fed up of bibs, what is the point of nice outfits when you never see them :(

I hate how upset he gets when he is sicky alot, he has hiccups alot too.

Reflux sucks!! :cry:
Aw hun its awful isn't it, we wern't prescribed anything as he wasn't losing weight, he gained really quickly. Jayden has suffered since 2 weeks old, he had a good week where he didn't bring milk up, was very content after feeds, but the past few days he screams so loudly after his evening feed, but we find giving him a dummy helps. Also have to wait at least a hour before putting him to bed after his last feed xx
I feel for you both, i know how it is...he has been really fussy for the passed couple of days. It was fine over Christmas and i thought he may have grown out of it but now its back with avengance.
Talking about being sick over themselves...about a month ago this happened, it went all in his eyes, ears and clothes. Do any of yours make high pitched noises too???
reflux is awful - when my LO was really bad, before we knew what was wrong I would actually cry over it, all this sick, an upset baby and I didn't know why.
we thought it was colic when she was really little.
finally after loads of milk changes we found the sma staydown and I can honestly say from the very first bottle it has been amazing.
we don't medicate, my OH is anti anything like that going into her, even though I am a bit more open minded so lucky for us the milk worked.
sometimes she would have 3 baths a day, her vomit so acidic she stank and it made her neck raw.
we would change outfits up to 6 times a day, she lived in sleepsuits instead of all the pretty fiddly dresses everyone bought (all still on the hangers!).
her little eyes would go wide and water, then a little yelp as it was rising then out it came.
evenings were especially bad and she would need to be upright for hours, a soon as you lay her down she would scream and even vomit asleep so I slept her on her side.
now at almost 7mths we are slowly weaning, some foods are terrible and can bring it back just like that but otherwise we can go a good 5 days with no vomit - even spit up.
when she has a cold she gets bad again, I guess all the mucus being swallowed causing more acid to be made.
we tried her recently on normal sma again to see if she was 'cured', she wasn't.....x
It's horrible, I would take colic over reflux any day I tell you!

We've had it since she got home. We used Gaviscon but it was causing her so much more bother.
The doctor shrugged it off, and after two weeks it was so bad she was screaming with it. I couldn't go out because the sick was so projectile. I was cracking up in the house. And with her being low birth weight, I couldn't risk her losing weight.

We took her to thechildrens hospital where they prescribed ranitidine and

Together with SMA stay down everything was great for a while. Then a really odd thing happened! Alex was being sick with domperidone, which is an anti sickness drug :wacko:

No one believed until we went back to the hospital and prooved it, they were stunned.

So we were taken off the ranitidine and domperidone and replaced with a really strong drug, Losec.(omeprazole) :/ it's pretty much the last hope. We've had great success with it though.

Alex is 18months now so one of these babies who still has it at an older age. :( eating out can be horrid and the smell of the sick is vile now she eats different foods.

I hope the new baby doesn't have it!reflux can be soul destroying!
Mine had colic, shoulder pain, AND reflux :sick:

Similar story for us to most - took us 5 hospitals and 50,000 doctors before someone finally believed us (a pediatrician at a far away children's hospital rather than the waste of space GP's nearby).
God aliss you had it tough Hun :hugs:
Thanks for all your stories?
Does any of it affect their sleep do you know? Lucas had a good week over Christmas as i mentioned and his sleep pattern also improved.
He first started being sick at a week old (projectile)
My hv said it was reflux and said to get gaviscon from the gp
First my doctor told me i was over feeding him and sent me home
switched to comfort milk
started using gripe water
Rang up and got the nurse to prescribe gaviscon
made an appointment with a different doctor who prescribed Ranitidine
went back for a review with another Dr who referred us to a paed
paed wanted to prescribe Domperidone - we said no tho because he was to have it 4 times a day and i struggle to get him to take the ranitidine twice a day
at nearly 8 months Harrison is no longer projectile sick but is still sick all day every day :cry: bloody hard work

We have the head end of his crib raised
he tummy sleeps
We have wedged the head end of the changing mat up so that he doesnt have to lie flat
he is kept upright most of the day
cant just mess around with him like other babies
I constantly tell people to stop bouncing him
People think its a joke and funny, it isnt :(
bathbabe it is hard work and takes alot to find what works for your baby.
I found this on the web, hope it helps us.

As much as 50 percent of all healthy babies have reflux at some stage. Reflux is less common in babies that are exclusively breastfed as breast milk is more hypoallergenic and is digested twice as fast as formula milk. But for mothers who bottle feed their baby, there are a few simple steps that will greatly ease, or stop altogether, reflux during feeding.

1. Clothing

Tight clothing, especially round the tummy can make reflux worse, therefore make sure the clothing is loose and has elastic waists, if possible. Change diapers before feeding and not after, on a full tummy.

2. Feeding Position

Feed your baby in an upright position. Hold you baby upright for at least thirty minutes after feeds to help reduce reflux. This allows gravity to work at holding the food in their tummies. As well, after feeding, try to keep them as motionless as possible for at least thirty minutes after feeding.

3. Don't Rush The Feed

Don't rush. Slow down the feed. Pause a little and then resume feeding.

4. Don't Overfeed.

Smaller more frequent feeds throughout the day can alleviate reflux. Also, avoid feeding your baby just before bedtime.

5. Burping

Stopping to burp your baby frequently (at least after every ounce) during feedings can help. Also, after the feed, don't forget to burp, keep your baby in an upright position (Tip 2).

6. Thickening

Try thickened milk feeds. The added weight of cereal in the formula milk helps to keep the food from splashing around in your baby's tummy and helps keep it down.

7. Avoid Certain Foods

If your baby has a milk allergy or sensitivity then soy based or hypoallergenic will likely help the reflux improve. Certain foods make reflux worse. Avoid whole milk, chocolate milk, tomatoes, and citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit and pineapple. Anything prepared with whole milk or high-fat such as cold cuts, sausage, bacon, fatty meat. Avoid all animal or vegetable oils, chocolate, carbonated beverages, chicken, beef, milk, or cream-based soups.

8. Changing Formula

Changing infant formula might help. If your baby has a milk allergy or sensitivity then soy based or hypoallergenic will likely help the reflux improve. As well, hypoallergenic formulas are pre-digested (either partially or completely) so they tend to move through the stomach faster than standard formulas. Moving food out of the stomach faster can be beneficial for two reasons. If the baby is a picky eater it may help them get hungry again faster. It also means the food isn't sitting around in the stomach waiting to be refluxed. Only change formula after consulting your doctor.

9. Using a Pacifier After Feeding

Giving your baby a pacifier to suck on after feeding increases saliva production. Saliva is alkaline which can help neutralize some of the acid that may come up.

10. Sleeping after a feed

Discuss sleeping your baby on his tummy with your paediatrician. Although sleeping on the back is recommended in order to reduce the risk of SIDS babies with severe Gastro-esophageal reflux benefit from sleeping on their tummy. Only do this under doctor's orders.
I do most of that. I didnt realise about the pineapple tho!! he had some the other day and seemed extra bad and thought it might of been the pineapple but i now i know it probally was!!!
I do most of that. I didnt realise about the pineapple tho!! he had some the other day and seemed extra bad and thought it might of been the pineapple but i now i know it probally was!!!

When i was Breastfeeding i lived on Satsumas and chocolate and didn't realise he had reflux then.
God aliss you had it tough Hun :hugs:

Aww thanks hun :hugs: You've had a very rough ride yourself although for different reasons. Look forward to your birth story with the 10lb'er who is 2 weeks overdue :rofl:
Alex would projectile breast milk (with dairy) across the room, he even scared the nurses once with it! We used soy formula after that and it did help a lot although it just sort of shortened the distance rather than reduce the load :rofl:
This is a great thread, maybe it should be sticky?

Anyhow, i don't know if my LO has reflux or colic? I don't even know the difference. Infact i was going to make new thread asking if the symptoms my LO has are related to reflux? Lizzyxxx I hope you don't mind me asking in your thread? x

Ok so my LO has been spitting up milk after every feed. I'm bf'ing him.
If it's not milk, he brings up saliva mixed with blotches of milk.

His stomach makes like a rumbling noise when he has his feed.

He always seems to have the hiccups, and tends to choke on his own saliva at times.

I've rung the HV today she said I was probably overfeeding him, since it was on demand. And its normal for babies to bring up excess. & she said as long as he's gaining weight fine and content i wouldn't worry!

Can someone tell me are these signs of reflux? I shall be making an appointment to see a DR n see what he says.
This is a great thread, maybe it should be sticky?

Anyhow, i don't know if my LO has reflux or colic?
I don't even know the difference. Infact i was going to make new thread asking if the symptoms my LO has are related to reflux? Lizzyxxx I hope you don't mind me asking in your thread? x

Ok so my LO has been spitting up milk after every feed. I'm bf'ing him.
If it's not milk, he brings up saliva mixed with blotches of milk.

His stomach makes like a rumbling noise when he has his feed.

He always seems to have the hiccups, and tends to choke on his own saliva at times.

I've rung the HV today she said I was probably overfeeding him, since it was on demand. And its normal for babies to bring up excess. & she said as long as he's gaining weight fine and content i wouldn't worry!

Can someone tell me are these signs of reflux? I shall be making an appointment to see a DR n see what he says.

Well, colic is technically 3 hours of crying per day (and usually more, LOL) for 3 weeks (I think?) or more. It's unexplained crying, not just gas like many mistakenly believe. If you KNOW it's just gas, then that's not really colic.

Many babies written off as "colic" do actually suffer from reflux (typical reflux with projectile vomiting or silent reflux with no projectile vommiting).

When this is happening, does he show signs of PAIN? Reflux is, in a simple way, his tummy acid coming up and burning the throat (among other things). Babies with reflux are in pain when they feed.

If he is not in pain then I would say he has bad gas. You may need to burp him/wind him more than once on each boob. Is there any chance he might be taking in air from his latch?
Nim has reflux. Mostly silent but chucks up if its irritated by food triggers. We were on Ranitadene (1ml 3x day) and Gaviscon (1 sachet every other feed) but she's stil really suffering so my m/w has put her on Losec (1 capsul daily)

It's horrible for her as she really screams, goes ridged, arches her back etc. It's been effecting her feeding as once an atttack starts she won't be put horizontal to feed and won't latch, so she gets hungry too. She gets awful hiccups, coughs and gets wheezy breathing.

I keep her upright for 30 mins after feeding (it's a killer on night feeds! All I want to do is pop her down and sleep myself!)
Because of triggers Im now not eating dairy, choc, tomatoes, onions, greens and citrus.

I just want my happy bubba back
She had her 1st Losec early this morning so we'll see what happens
Evan was diagnosed at 4 weeks old. From 3 weeks onwards he basically cried all the time if he was awake. He'd go to sleep and be crying within half hour. He was constantly sick during, straight after and hours after a feed. I was at my wits end and phoned HV who said it sounded like colic.

I called my GP and got an appointment straightaway. He diagnosed reflux (along with saying he didn't believe there was such a thing as colic!!) He presecribed gaviscon. Evan was like a different baby straight away :) But it cause him such bad constipation. after a while i weaned him off gaviscon cos he had so mucg wind/poo trouble and he was fine. Christmas day was awful, projectile vommed 3 times and he just got really bad again. Went back to GP and got told to up the gaviscon dose (I wanted ranitidine but he wouldn't give it until we tried upping the dose) again Evan is much better. He is settling at night (it took me up to 7 hours to get him to sleep some nights) much less sicky and generally more content.

I agree it is so awful :(

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