Oh girls, I've had such a bad day, I think I need a hug.
Macy has been uber grumpy today, has screamed most of the day and refused to eat or sleep. She's had 5ounces across the whole day.
Had appointment with the paediatrician today who was absolutely f***ing useless (sorry I never swear but I'm so upset).
First he weighed her and somehow figured out that she had gained 400g since the last time a couple of weeks ago. He then went out to tell me she couldn't have reflux as her weight gain was fantastic and kept saying it's just "the 100 day colic, she'll grow out of it in a couple of weeks". I practically begged him to increase the omeprazole as she's just not eating and he said "absolutely not, in fact I think we'll wean her off of it in a few weeks". Anyway after lots of arguing and perseverance the nurse finally worked out that she has actually only gained 80g (2.5ounce) in the past two weeks.
He then hummed and haad and decided that it wasn't satisfactory but still kept going on about colic (which it's not). Then decided that the solution was to admit her to hospital and tube feed her for 2 weeks to let her gain some weight. I will absolutely not let him tube feed her as that's not a solution, it might be short term fix to get her to gain some weight but I've done a lot of research and I know it's not the best thing for her and it'll be nearly impossible to get her off of tube feeding. At the moment she'll only eat when starving and if she realises that she doesn't have to take a bottle to relieve the hunger I think she might refuse altogether). Also the NG tube he was suggesting shouldn't be used for reflux babies (I've read every single research article I can find lol) as it can make the mouth/throat aversion worse and will also aggravate the stomach even more.
He eventually agreed to up the omeprazole(LOSEC) to 5mg (which isn't enough, I reckon she needs 10mg which seems to be the dose babies the same weight as Macy are started on) and we've to continue with the Neocate which I don't think is helping and I don't think she has a milk allergy. We've to go back on Monday and if she hasn't gained at least 200g she has to be tube fed

She's also getting blood tests (not sure what for?) and an ultrasound to check her bowel which I'm sure is fine. He doesn't seem to believe that babies can have reflux without really being sick (Macy only spits up a few times a day and projectile vomits once or twice a day but the reflux is mainly silent).
I fed her in front of him and she actually wasn't too fussy (she took 1.5oz) and he went on about how we're not winding her properly etc. (we do it really gentle and take our time or she's horrendous) and he picked her up to wind her himself and patted her back which makes the reflux worse afterwards. Grrr. He then kept poking her stomach (which obviously makes her cry as her tummy is already uncomfortable) and kept saying "see - it's just colic, i'm aggravating it right now. She screamed after the feed which he ignored and kept calling me and OH by our first names and being really patronising. She was still screaming when we left (about 20mins after the feed) and he said "she still has wind" (she didn't).
In the end I couldn't speak to him because I had a lump in my throat and was going to cry if I said anything.
I know what she needs, a higher dose of omeprazole and until that works I want the thing they give to premature babies to add more calories and nutrients to the milk she's getting. I just wish he would listen.
On top of that I'm sure my OH is about to finish with me, it's a long story but he's been lying to me about things and today he told me that we're not working although I thought we'd been fine, he's also suggested I find a place of my own with Macy but I just can't do this on my own