Hi ladies, I'm really hoping someone can help. Took Katie to drs today & he prescribed infant gaviscon as I'm convinced Katie has silent reflux. I'm pretty sure he said use one sachet but reading the box now, it says for infants over 10lbs use two sachets. It also says not to use with milks containing a thickening agent....well Katie is on comfort milk, is this ok? I can ring drs to check but wanted to ask here first as if I hadn't mentioned reflux the dr was happy to just tell me 'some babies are just fussy' so I'm not his biggest fan! Oh the sachets say one dose on each sachet & there are two sachets attached to each other. 30 doses per box. Thanks!
Hi ladies, I'm really hoping someone can help. Took Katie to drs today & he prescribed infant gaviscon as I'm convinced Katie has silent reflux. I'm pretty sure he said use one sachet but reading the box now, it says for infants over 10lbs use two sachets. It also says not to use with milks containing a thickening agent....well Katie is on comfort milk, is this ok? I can ring drs to check but wanted to ask here first as if I hadn't mentioned reflux the dr was happy to just tell me 'some babies are just fussy' so I'm not his biggest fan! Oh the sachets say one dose on each sachet & there are two sachets attached to each other. 30 doses per box. Thanks!
Hi ladies, I'm really hoping someone can help. Took Katie to drs today & he prescribed infant gaviscon as I'm convinced Katie has silent reflux. I'm pretty sure he said use one sachet but reading the box now, it says for infants over 10lbs use two sachets. It also says not to use with milks containing a thickening agent....well Katie is on comfort milk, is this ok? I can ring drs to check but wanted to ask here first as if I hadn't mentioned reflux the dr was happy to just tell me 'some babies are just fussy' so I'm not his biggest fan! Oh the sachets say one dose on each sachet & there are two sachets attached to each other. 30 doses per box. Thanks!
You can, but just use one sachet, otherwise even with the comfort it will cause constipation x
Stardust u sound like you are having a rough time. In regards to milk, NG tube feeding wint make any difference to either reflux or weight gain.
High calorie milk is out there but i imagine you'd need a referral to a dietician or paed? Or maybe just a bloodu nicer and more understanding doc. Even we didnt get high cal milk (all the other preemies did so we r stumped there...)
Timr to change docs hun because that idiots blocking you from getting further help.
I'm sorry your all having a tough time, Millie's problems see quite trivial to wards your little ones.
We have had a bad chuck up day and she was constipated again, resulting in me having to help her have a poo again. Spoke to hv but she said nothing we can do and if she is still being sick of gaviscon to take her off. Said not a lot else we can do as she is doing ok weight wise. She originally said mucus was from the section but now says we all make mucus, does that mean she will always sound like she has smoked 80 fags todayShe did say its the mucus probably making her sick.