

mummy to 1 after 3 losses
Oct 7, 2009
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Has enyone LO's had reflux really bad?

Does being a premature baby make reflux worse too or is it something more to it like CP?

Finley is sick with pretty much every feed, not loads id say about a mouth full usually its after the feed when i lay him down. He makes a grunting noise then he goes red in the face and then gulps, coughs and sometimes chokes on it!! Ive been to the doctors and she gave me gaviscon which really helps but he still does it occasionally!
If i try him without it he will burp then spit up whilst feeding.

Last night he spent from 5pm till 4am screaming like someone was stabbing him it was horrible and scary! Today at the moment he seems calmer but he is drawing his legs up and pushing on my tummy which makes me think its wind!

Does this sound right and do you know if they can have gripe water??
A lot of preemies have reflux, hate to say it! Its very common, even in term babies! We've dealt with it forever :/

If he is still being a bit sickly and you feel its bothering him, you can go back to the GP and ask for medications. It can sometimes take a mix of medications to get it under control, and its different for every baby.

Also, we used SMA Staydown formula eventually, and that helped and has helped a few others. You can get this on prescription if it works. If you want to try it, Boots and Tesco stock it.
Niamh had reflux that got better around 6 months, the doctors refused to give her anything because it wasent causing her to loose weight.

Have you got a baby carrier? Being upright helped a lot.
It doesnt cause him to scream yet! My first son had colic and screamed all day but he just spits up and chokes on it which is worrying at night time, my eldest never used to be sick at all!

The gaviscon is working at the moment but he is very windy! I have a carrier but tbh its at night when he is in his crib that it scares me, the doctor told me to prop one end of the cot up so i have but with out the gaviscon that wouldnt work!
Its not enough to make him loose weight though, it just worries me about the CP and the fact he chokes on it!
Hun Alex doesn't have CP and she's still got it. These things can be related but I've just read 50% of babies (that's inc term) have reflux. I can't stress how common it is <- current thread in Baby club
Kai has reflux but she is also severely hypersensitive to everything. Fast movements, too much noise, etc causes her to cry for hours at times. She's getting therapy for it now.
The nights age was really bad I'd bring her rocket chair upstairs and have her sleep in that.
Thank you all, You've been such great support through this!

My next step is his bouncer! He seems to sleep well in it but i usually have to be bouncing it, so i'll have to get the swing from the loft and try that!
We've also had luck with propping our son's cradle up at a 30 degree angle. He sleeps better flat on his back, but it keeps the acid down.
When Amelia was in hospital they talked about when she got reflux not if. It's really common especially in preemies. She did get it and still has it now at nearly 15 months. She's not much of a spewer though, she screams and screams. She also has apnoea related to it and thats how we know when her meds need adjusting becasue she screams and sets her alarms off. Thankfully weve found the right combo of meds now and a routine that works for us so 90% of the time shes fine, in the eraly days though I didnt think id ever sleep again x
My first one had reflux, and it was managed with enfamilAR formula in the end, and propping him up sleeping quite a way. It was months after we started weaning that we were able to drop the cot. I didn't have much luck with gavison when I was still breast feeding him and he had ranitidine for a very short period when the acid was really bad.
I know about how scary the choking is, against the hospital advice I got an apnoea monitor and was more relaxed then.
Managing it is a very fine balance between sorting out the reflux, and preventing constipation which makes it worse again.
It doesn't mean there is a CP issue and whilst it is really common in preemies not all of them do get it and my second one didn't had it.
My baby has reflux still. On ranitidine. Also i give him Colic Calm. It really does help. Bit expensive but worth it. Jus ordered my 4th bottle. I usual,y jus give one dose at night
michael had reflux, the hospital completely ignored his constant sickness, when i got him home it got so bad he ended up in hospital agina, he was projectile vomiting after most feeds, dribbling milk constantly. I bf so gaviscon was a nightmare, he ended up on ranitidine and domperidone, it did help. He slept on me on his tummy cus he cudnt lie on his back without a lot of pain. we also found that the prem formula he had to have as well as my milk was making it all a lot worse! he gradually grew out of it and the more solids he ate the less he threw up,
Does or did it come out of their noses at all?

And those that had their LOs on gaviscon did that make them constipated?

The last couple of days he has been really unsettled!
I stopped BF to be able to give him gaviscon because it was that bad, now im thinking colic is creeping up too!
Yeah it came out Alexs nose all the time, a full on milk fountain :wacko:
Gaviscon did cause constipation , we had to use a bit of lactolose until we stopped using Gaviscon in favour of SMA staydown. Moving to that formula definatly helped both instances.
He is on Aptimel do you think switching to the comfort one would be the same as SMA staydown? I do think its constipation as he screams and looks like he is straining to poo!
We tried c&G comfort (i think they are the same if not similar) and it made no difference, but I guess all babies are different. Theres no harm in trying :flower:
Thank you! If the aptimel doesnt work ill try SMA next!
@ Op lots of preemies have reflux i found it most difficult to deal with as my son a 25 weeker developed it @ 38 weeks and we went home on medications. I wore my son for a few months after coming home. I keep him on me for 1 hour after each feed as to avoid all the reactions you described in your original post. I know that may not be possible for you to do, so if you got a bouncy chair you can keep him in their for @ least 15-30 min after each feed. That really helped us.
Yes and Yes!
Once we were on the enfamil formula we didn't need the gaviscon but did need to try to give him water to avoid the constipation. Enfamil is similar stuff to SMA staydown but SMA seemed to disagree with him too. It's just trial and error til you find what suits your LO.
Good luck! It does get better!

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