Refused induction - am I being selfish?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Hi ladies

I am hoping for some advice before my midwife appointment this afternoon. As you can see from my ticker baby is fully cooked and was due yesterday! Went on my due date with DS1 so have never been overdue!

Now yesterday on my due date I ended up at maternity assessment as this little rascal was being very quiet in the evening previous and yesterday morning so I wanted to get checked out. Typically when I was hooked up to the monitor baby appeared fine, the midwives got a nice trace on him and he moved a good few times in the hour I was monitored.

Once they were satisfied with the trace the midwife then came in and announced that they would book me in for induction within the next 48 hours... I asked why this was and she informed me that with any reduced fetal movement at my stage it was protocol to get baby out in case there was any issues they weren't picking up on the monitor however, she did also say that from looking at the trace they weren't concerned about baby's health at this point.

I explained to the midwife that as I had ended up with a lot of medical intervention with DS1 (48 hour labour ending up on drip, episiotomy and forceps in end. Almost emcs) I had hoped that I could avoid as much as possible this time and try for a water birth. This did not please her and the doctor then came in and explained the risks of not inducing - possibility that baby wasn't happy in womb, possibility of cord or placenta malfunction. She again said that she was happy with the trace though. I refused induction at that point as I felt I hadn't had enough time to think about it all and she said I could talk to my midwife about booking in when I go this afternoon.

Well done if you got this far! Now my question is - am I being selfish not wanting induced? If anything were to happen to my baby I would never forgive myself. Should I just suck it up, let go of my wish to have a water birth and get him out safely? Also I'm wondering what are my chances of actually achieving a natural birth when I needed so much help first time? Am I likely to just end up needing the drip anyway as I didn't progress with my first?

Sorry for all the ramblings girls I just feel very confused and guilty for refusing yesterday... TIA xx
Only you can decide what is best.

I will say that I had a nightmare induction with DD. Episiotomy, forceps and general trauma which I'm still not over. I have already refused to be induced again, since booking in. If I get to 41 weeks I'm having an elective c-section with the blessing of everyone who has read my notes.

Everyone is different and inductions can go well, but in my case it was a catalogue of errors. I am also unable to have epidurals or ventouse due to low platelets - so not trying to scare anyone!!

I don't think you're being selfish at all. I realise hospitals have protocols and your baby's health is their main concern, but they're also afraid of getting sued! I've found doctors to be very induction-happy and it's not always necessary. If they're happy with your baby's trace and you continue to keep an eye on baby's movements then I don't see why induction should be needed at this point.

I'm 6 days away from my due date and my baby's movements have definitely changed in the last week or so because he/she is so curled up and low down, ready to come out! I had a scan on Friday and my placenta function is perfect, so there are no concerns. I know they say babies shouldn't move LESS at the end, but their movement patterns can definitely change.

Best of luck, I hope you get the birth you want :)
I think I would feel like you if I was in a similar position. Just keep counting the kicks and movements and be sure to go back if you feel they've reduced again. One quiet day doesn't mean there is a problem but if it lasts longer then I think you might want to consider your options again.
Far from it! I wont even think about induction until 42 weeks. DD is purely an estimate. Have a look at this link.
Are you able to compromise and ask for a slower induction process? I know when I was induced with DS (which I think was a positive induction) they started with a gel pessary in the morning and then broke my waters later in the afternoon... however I think if I had been left alone for a bit longer things might have started on their own without the need for the drip.

I don't think you're being selfish, but I would be really thinking about why they would want to suggest an induction unless they really thought it was the safest option. Doesn't mean you won't go into labour on your own and it all turn out ok if you refused it, but I guess in the Dr's eyes they think the safest approach for you and your baby is being induced. For me personally, I don't think I could go against a Dr telling me that this is the safest thing to do...but like the others have pointed out, it's your body and your decision
I'm going to be honest and say yes it is selfish. Actually maybe not selfish but risky given the medical advice you were given. If you hadn't had the reduced movement then perhaps the risk wouldn't be as great.

I had a nightmare induction at 42 weeks but I'd still rather have that again 10 times over with every intervention going rather than risk it with the reduced movement.

You said ...

"This did not please her and the doctor then came in and explained the risks of not inducing - possibility that baby wasn't happy in womb, possibility of cord or placenta malfunction."

That would have been me, refusing to leave until I get induced, I'd not have even left it another day.
Not at all. I was induced for high blood pressure at 39+2. After 3 days in labor I ended up with a c section. My body was no where near ready for birth, she was still cry high up and wasn't coming down. I wish I just went into labor on my own when baby was ready.

But mine was for medical reasons, not because I reached due date. Unless something came up, go out and wait!
I think something has come up though - reduced movements. From what I gather that is why they're advising an induction now not just because of reaching due date. To me they're saying there might be something else going on that they can't pick up through monitoring which caused the reduced movements.
i wouldnt say selfish as bubs seems ok, but they wouldnt offer if they didnt feel was needed. Talk mw an explain your concerns an maybe see if shell do a sweep i had one squedueld with last preg on due date but went labour day before lol. An yes i think its pos if you didnt dilate first preg that same could happen again hun.
Personally I think you should just suck it up. Like someone else said if a dr came in suggesting that it's safest to get baby out I wouldn't be moving until that induction process was started.

Inductions really can be a positive experience hun xx
I will echo what some of the ladies have already said which is suck it up. I understand why u want to wait but u are already due and bubs has reduced movement and Dr is suggesting induction for a reason. It is ur decision at the end of the day but think about baby's safety and what might be going on in there, I personally would beg them to admit me and get the induction started asap. Good luck with whatever u decide x
I would be asking what alternatives you have available. Can they check the placenta and cord through an ultrasound? Can you go in for a non-stress test everyday and have the baby's movements checked then to make sure they haven't slowed? Personally if this was just one slow day and the baby was fine after being monitored and I was able to continue to monitor baby I wouldn't induce. There are risks to induction and I (personally) find those risks higher than what seems indicated here.

When I was induced I was pushed hard into it, I held off for a few days. I asked the OB what the risk was of waiting and he said there was none but it was just "better" to have the baby now. Better for who? Anyways there was only so many days of bedrest that I could take and went for it. It was a good experience. I wouldn't like to be induced again but I did manage to have a pain-med free labour with no other complications.
I don't think your selfish in anyway. But me personally I would do what the doctors were telling me. I know its scary when first time labour doesn't go the way u wanted but this time could be different. I would listen to the doctors and mw . Good luck with everything
Thanks for the all the advice ladies. I appreciate you all taking the time. I had a good chat with my midwife and have made the decision to go in for induction tomorrow night as I feel I wouldn't be able to relax until baby is here now.

My reasons for refusing yesterday were valid though - the risks the doctor was outlining were general and not specific to my case. they were advising induction because of the reduced movement incident yesterday and because I'm now term not because they thought there was definitely a problem. Baby was fine when monitored and both doctor and midwife stated that going by the trace they were happy with baby's health. It could be just as likely that baby was having a quiet day or I've just been too busy to be aware of his movements at the time. But i am aware that the trace is just a snapshot of how baby is doing and they can't guarantee anything (for either arguement). I've reached my decision for induction due to the fact that I just can't relax knowing I could have potentially made a mistake in refusing to get him out now. I think the stress of the situation now outweighs my want of a less traumatic birthday experience this time round. I just needed time to think it through and talk to people rather than jump in. I hope that all makes sense!

Thanks again xx
If the doctors thought it was the safest option to get my baby out with induction then I'd do it right there and then. They are doctors after all, and I'm sure they know what they're talking about.

That's just me though :)
Thanks for the all the advice ladies. I appreciate you all taking the time. I had a good chat with my midwife and have made the decision to go in for induction tomorrow night as I feel I wouldn't be able to relax until baby is here now.

My reasons for refusing yesterday were valid though - the risks the doctor was outlining were general and not specific to my case. they were advising induction because of the reduced movement incident yesterday and because I'm now term not because they thought there was definitely a problem. Baby was fine when monitored and both doctor and midwife stated that going by the trace they were happy with baby's health. It could be just as likely that baby was having a quiet day or I've just been too busy to be aware of his movements at the time. But i am aware that the trace is just a snapshot of how baby is doing and they can't guarantee anything (for either arguement). I've reached my decision for induction due to the fact that I just can't relax knowing I could have potentially made a mistake in refusing to get him out now. I think the stress of the situation now outweighs my want of a less traumatic birthday experience this time round. I just needed time to think it through and talk to people rather than jump in. I hope that all makes sense!

Thanks again xx
Best of luck with your induction :)
All the best for your induction. I had a not so pleasant induction with dd1, so I totally understand you wanting to avoid induction again if possible. Try and think positive-you know what you're dealing with this time around and know what worked/didn't work for you last time. Wishing you a positive experience, won't be long until your little boy is here :) xx
I totally support your initial decision... And your subsequent decision. Your first birth experience wasn't just traumatic for you, but for your child as well. I wouldn't minimize the increased risk factors associated with induction. My dr has offered to induce at my last two appointments... Not because baby needs out, but because I had high blood pressure at my first two prenatal appts (I attribute this to white coat syndrome myself) so "it can be justified" by my blood pressure to get the baby out whenever I'm tired of being pregnant. I think it's terrifying to think of something happening to baby in the womb but equally scary to think of a traumatic birth experience.

I hope that your induction ends up going well with as few interventions as possible.

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