more effort to get 2 kids ready and go shop than to sling cloth in the wash.
no nasty chemicals
every sposie ever made still exists, somewhere.
I knowww!
I had to show my gran how nice they were nowadays, like "Looook at the fleecy liner!" I'd much rather have some fleece than paper!
I hate disposables, my first daughter was in them and they burnt her bottom so bad that she ended up with weeping torn skin and even trying to apply a cold compress made her cry and go rigid with the pain. I didnt know about the newer reusables then and did try smart nappies from mothercare but they were useless for her, far too skinny to fill the leg holes!
My youngest daughter is fully cloth apart from in the sling which isnt often (have just figured out the problem so she wont be in disposables ever again now. i hate them!
I think with all the information we have today that anybody not using cloth is just being lazy and selfish! the poor babies who have to sit with those chemicals against their bottoms! lets dip your knickers in acid and make you sit on it and cause burning to your bum!
Did anyone else know that even in disposable your supposed to flush the poo down the toilet and put the nappy in the bin, because human waste shouldn't go to landfill!
It makes me feel a bit sick thinking of all those stinky nappies stewing in a big hole in the ground somewhere!
Did anyone else know that even in disposable your supposed to flush the poo down the toilet and put the nappy in the bin, because human waste shouldn't go to landfill!
It makes me feel a bit sick thinking of all those stinky nappies stewing in a big hole in the ground somewhere!
We always tip the poo out of disposieso/h doesn't like the poo in our outside bin haha
i dont have a tumble dryer, i peg all mine out it takes about 20 mins but then i do only wash every 5 or 6 days lol! for me its an extra wash once a week put on over night with a couple of extra spins. no hard work in that! id rather do that than have a house smelling of poo because you haven't flushed the poop down the loo and its sat rotting in your kitchen bin with the odours contaminating all of your food...yum poo flavored apples anyone?
theres an awful cycle with disposables, you use them, baby gets sore, you smother them in cream which is then a nice moist breeding ground for bacteria which will then cause more rash and oh look a very upset baby! so If you want to harm your child then go ahead and use disposables, i feel awful every day that i put my eldest in disposables, i can never turn back time and causing her so much pain is something il have to live with for the rest of my life, but hey if you can live with that then go ahead...
Disposables Pampers from day one![]()
i dont have a tumble dryer, i peg all mine out it takes about 20 mins but then i do only wash every 5 or 6 days lol! for me its an extra wash once a week put on over night with a couple of extra spins. no hard work in that! id rather do that than have a house smelling of poo because you haven't flushed the poop down the loo and its sat rotting in your kitchen bin with the odours contaminating all of your food...yum poo flavored apples anyone?
theres an awful cycle with disposables, you use them, baby gets sore, you smother them in cream which is then a nice moist breeding ground for bacteria which will then cause more rash and oh look a very upset baby! so If you want to harm your child then go ahead and use disposables, i feel awful every day that i put my eldest in disposables, i can never turn back time and causing her so much pain is something il have to live with for the rest of my life, but hey if you can live with that then go ahead...
i dont have a tumble dryer, i peg all mine out it takes about 20 mins but then i do only wash every 5 or 6 days lol! for me its an extra wash once a week put on over night with a couple of extra spins. no hard work in that! id rather do that than have a house smelling of poo because you haven't flushed the poop down the loo and its sat rotting in your kitchen bin with the odours contaminating all of your food...yum poo flavored apples anyone?
theres an awful cycle with disposables, you use them, baby gets sore, you smother them in cream which is then a nice moist breeding ground for bacteria which will then cause more rash and oh look a very upset baby! so If you want to harm your child then go ahead and use disposables, i feel awful every day that i put my eldest in disposables, i can never turn back time and causing her so much pain is something il have to live with for the rest of my life, but hey if you can live with that then go ahead...
How come you don't put her in reusables?
Disposable for me..
Never really looked into reusable to be honest though or might consider it