Right then girls...

Name: Jess

Age: 29

Where are you from? London

Do you already have any LOs? One Angel :cry:

Why are you WTT? Waiting for my body to recover from mc

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? as soon as possible... after next af if I'm sensible though

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Work for a theatre producer

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Lose some wieght. Can only help... I'm 5'5.5" and wiegh 73kg... target weight is 65kg... Also want to get body fighting fit again.

Name: Laura

Age: 20(and a half)

Where are you from? Liverpool

Do you already have any LOs? noope

Why are you WTT? Im finishing off Uni.

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? i first thought 2 years time, but now i really want to be married first. so probably a few years away yet.

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? at Liverpool Uni.

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? finish uni, get a job and enjoy my time with my gorgeous boyfriend.

Nice to meet you all. :)
Name: Hal

Age: 22

Where are you from? Toronto

Do you already have any LOs? No

Why are you WTT? Finishing uni.

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Dec 09/Jan 10

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Full-time student at the University of Toronto, full-time wife to OH.

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? GRADUATE! (biggest reason we're WTT)


Age: 26

Where are you from? An island in Scotland

Do you already have any LOs? Yep, Skye who is just over 9 months, and Lewis who is 7

Why are you WTT? I really want to lose weight, also Im a bridesmaid in October, planning to get married next august, and I also want to move away from here!

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Early 2011

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? I work part time cleaning at the moment, I would like to go to Uni, or college to study something though!

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Get married, get to my target weight and move.
Name: Sar

Age: 22

Where are you from? West Midlands, England

Do you already have any LOs? No :nope:

Why are you WTT? Me and OH have just bought our first house and moving in, in the next few months! we are thinking about getting married summer 2010 and thats when we are hoping to concieve a honeymoon baby! hehe

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Summer 2010 (although thats if we decide to get married first, we might have children before we do!) who knows.

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? I am a teacher!

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Move in and make our house a home. Get married, enjoy living my life with my OH who i love so much!
Name: Rachel

Age: 25

Where are you from? London, England.

Do you already have any LOs? Yes :happydance: Maley (nearly 4 months)

Why are you WTT? Want to enjoy Maley before having a next baby

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Either this coming Setember or September 2010

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Legal Secretary (but currently out of work as made redundant....looking for part time work

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Move house and find a job
Hello - this is my first post although I have been a bit of a stalker for a while!

Age: 23

Where are you from? Glasgow, Scotland

Do you already have any LOs? OH has a 6 year old Daughter.

Why are you WTT? OH needs persuading.

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Depends on who's plan we are talking about! Haha!

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Work in Retail :p

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Ideally to build a house, get married, debt free, learn to drive, own business, have the perfect body etc etc. But all that could take years!!!

Hugs xx
Name: Samantha

Age: 21..22 in april!!!

Where are you from? Ontario Canada.

Do you already have any LOs? No

Why are you WTT? Money and Oh said its not "time" yet LOL

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Hopefully jan 2010

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Looking for a job

What do you want to accomplish before TTC?I would like to get married first :D
Name: Kate

Age: 25 n a half!

Where are you from? Cheshire, England

Do you already have any LOs? Nope

Why are you WTT? Waiting for hubby to decide he's ready!

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Apparantly "we'll see how we feel" Jan 2010!!

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Supply teacher

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Me? Id start right now!!!! But hubby wants us to finish the house, and travel route 66 USA. I suppose i do want to do those things too! Im just impatient lol!
Name: Nikki

Age: 32 on Sunday

Where are you from? Middlesex

Do you already have any LOs? Jessica aged 9 months

Why are you WTT? Jessica needs to have her leg amputated below the knee in the next few months as she was born with Fibular Hemimelia. Once she has had her operation and her prosthetic leg fitted we can think more seriously about it.

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Unsure, when Jessica has healed properly

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? SAHM

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Have jessica walking, and to get an extra bedroom sorted out lol!
Name: Sarah

Age: 22

Where are you from? Ontario, Canada

Do you already have any LOs? Nope

Why are you WTT? We want to be married just the two of us for a while, buy a house, be more finacially stable

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? 2010

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Work full time as an administrative assistant

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Buying a house, saving money, debt free (minus the mortgage), career stability
Name: Claire

Age: 22

Where are you from? Swindon, England

Do you already have any LOs? Yes, my handsome little Jack who's 9 months

Why are you WTT? Im waiting for c section to heal properly as i had a few complications Would love a sibling for Jack!!!

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Summer 2009

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? SAHM (also work 11.5 hours a week at M&S)

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Sped loads of time with Jack and enjoy him x

Claire I didnt realise you were from my neck of the woods!
Im from Avebury originally (even though I live in Plymouth now)x
Gawd, I feel old now with all you young 'uns on here!!

Name: Emma

Age: 30

Where are you from? Norwich

Do you already have any LOs? No

Why are you WTT? About to start new job, finishing renovation work on current house, moving house (again!) as job down in Essex...

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? May 2009 Yipppeee!!!!

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Work as a Supported Employment Worker (Mental Health)

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Have done all my partying and got my education, 'career', and travelling (mostly!) out of the way. Just want to move into a house and STAY in it for more than a couple of years!!
Age: 23

Where are you from? Berks

Do you already have any LOs? No

Why are you WTT? Waiting to clear some debts and move in with OH

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Nov/Dec 2009

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Sales Admin

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Move in with OH, Lose weight, save money
I feel lonely now, not verry many of us from the north east. Fiona what island in scotland?
Name: Danielle

Age: 21

Where are you from? Wirral, England

Do you already have any LOs? 3 - Callum, Katelyn & Lily (3, 2, 1)

Why are you WTT? DH still isn't fully on board, he's agreed, but until I can see he wants it, I don't want to TTC.

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Feb 2010

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? SAHM

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Finish decorating my house!
Name: Kayla

Age: I am 21

Where are you from? I am from Saskatchewan Canada

Do you already have any LOs? nope!

Why are you WTT? Well the main reason is that I am in uinverysity for the next two years so we'll plan it out so the baby is due after I graduate. THen during that time we are going to get married and pay off all our debt (which will hopefully be in august!!)

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? We will start trying in August 2010

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Well I am studying to be a teacher in university and I am also working at a personal training studio

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? The main things I would like to do is pay off all our debt and finish school!
Name: Jen

Age: 22

Where are you from? North Wales.

Do you already have any LOs? Nope

Why are you WTT? Financial reasons, waiting for the right time (as right as it can be), wanting to get my PGCE done.

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? 2 years hopefully

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? Working at subway at the mo, wanting to do my post grad certificate in education in September though. I'd love a better job, but there are NONE around.

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Get married, do my PGCE, get a job as a teacher.
Name: Paije

Age: 18

Where are you from? MK, England :D

Do you already have any LOs? Noo

Why are you WTT? Not nearly ready, financial reasons, still seeing how this relationship is going, alot more to do before TTC..

When will you be TTC (if all goes to plan)? Maybe in 2/3 yrs? On a hopeful note I think..

What do you do currently (work/study etc)? College, last yr of hairdressing, going back in september to do barbering..Work part time as a barmaid/waitress, about to start my own business.

What do you want to accomplish before TTC? Travel a bit, get a new car, move out my mums, have me a baby brother/sister lool..
age: 28

where are you from? small village outside Frome, Somerset UK

do you already have any LOs? No

why are you WTT? ummmm, just had a very, very early m/c (only 5 wks pg) so a bit of a pickle emotionally right now.....hubby going for promotion and not overlly keen right now....moving house..the usual life stuff!

when will you be TTC (if it all goes to plan)? goodness only knows! hopefully sooner rather than later....might have to do things by stealth OR pray for an accident. want to be pg before i'm 30

what do you currently do? full time secondary school teacher; training to be a homeopth and semi professional singer

what do you want to accomplish before you TTC? move house and generally get on top of finances/credit cards etc.

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