Santa... Real or Not?

No, it wasn't at all religious people. It's as I told the other poster in PM, it's directed at people that blindly follow a faith without understanding the history behind it. Or people that force their beliefs down other people's throats. It was not a reference to you or anyone on this thread :flower:
I don't see a problem with Santa. My kids will understand Christmas the way i do, families together. Thats what i see Christmas as because atm, my religious beliefs are in refute. Where Santas concerned, whether he brings presents or chocolate or a flippin' orange whats wrong with kids believing in something a little magic?
I just read a really cute thing on Pintrest about this and I can't figure out how to post it here :(
Ok, got the text anyway - this is a letter parents wrote to their son:

Dear Ryan,

You asked a really good question, "Are Mom and Dad really Santa?". We know that you want to know the answer and we had to give it careful thought to know just what to say.
The answer is no. We are not Santa. There is no one, single Santa.
We are the people who fill your stocking and choose and wrap the presents under the tree - just as our parents did for us, and you will do for your kids someday.
This could never make any of us Santa though, Santa is lots and lots of people who keep the spirit of Christmas alive. He lives in our hearts, not at the North Pole. Santa is the magic and love and spirit of giving to others. What he does is teach children to believe in something they can not see or touch. Throughout your life you will need this capacity to believe: in yourself, in your family, in your friends, and in God.

We all knew that Santa wasn't real, but xmas was still magical. I do the same with my kids. They know that Santa isn't real but that it's a great big game of 'lets pretend' that everyone plays at. We still hang stockings and leave out whiskey and mince pies for santa and a carrot for Rudolph. It's all still magic, but without the lying.
I think i know the video you are talking about Dragonfly, its a very thought provoking watch.

Truth is virtually everything about christmas is pagan in origin, taken from rituals and symbols in worship to pagan Gods.

Even where Jesus is involved - the nativity scene and christmas story - It isnt true nor accurate to the account in the bible. Most people just accept it without even picking up a bible to check.

With the date, I think the most convincing evidence that Jesus couldnt have been born in December at all is because the bible says that shepards were living out doors at night tending to their flocks in and around Bethlehem at the time of his birth. The cold, rainy season usually began in October, and shepherds, especially in the colder highlands, such as those around Bethlehem, brought their sheep into protected shelters at night. The coldest weather, sometimes accompanied by snow, occurred in December.

The date was solely chosen by the church to coincide with pagan festivals and to encourage pagans into the church. Those festivals included the Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture, and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra. Those pagan festivals began to be “Christianized” in the year 350, when Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. It is absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.

The bible doesnt give a date for Jesus birth, only his death. Its his death that was instructed to be commemorated.

As a christian i do not celebrate christmas, so no santa here, but our DD has two 'present days' a year. Just something we have decided to do so she doesnt feel as if she is missing out. Plus everyone loves to give and recieve presents!!

Its so magical because she does not know when they will be, they are a complete surprise for her :)
Thats kinda nice, two surprise present days a year instead of the usual birthday and Christmas. Sounds a bit more exciting that way!
I think i know the video you are talking about Dragonfly, its a very thought provoking watch.

Truth is virtually everything about christmas is pagan in origin, taken from rituals and symbols in worship to pagan Gods.

Even where Jesus is involved - the nativity scene and christmas story - It isnt true nor accurate to the account in the bible. Most people just accept it without even picking up a bible to check.

With the date, I think the most convincing evidence that Jesus couldnt have been born in December at all is because the bible says that shepards were living out doors at night tending to their flocks in and around Bethlehem at the time of his birth. The cold, rainy season usually began in October, and shepherds, especially in the colder highlands, such as those around Bethlehem, brought their sheep into protected shelters at night. The coldest weather, sometimes accompanied by snow, occurred in December.

The date was solely chosen by the church to coincide with pagan festivals and to encourage pagans into the church. Those festivals included the Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture, and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra. Those pagan festivals began to be “Christianized” in the year 350, when Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. It is absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.

The bible doesnt give a date for Jesus birth, only his death. Its his death that was instructed to be commemorated.

As a christian i do not celebrate christmas, so no santa here, but our DD has two 'present days' a year. Just something we have decided to do so she doesnt feel as if she is missing out. Plus everyone loves to give and recieve presents!!

Its so magical because she does not know when they will be, they are a complete surprise for her :)

It always feels like a cop out, Jehovah's witnesses make such a big thing about not celebrating Christmas, yet have present days, which I don't see any difference between that and a non Christian celebrating Christmas, it's just about exchanging gifts, what's the difference? As Christians we accept that the 25th of December is not the specific date off Christ's birth, yet it's just a day to remember and celebrate! As for the nativity, we read it direct from the bible, so I don't see your point, yes you get some varying interpretations of it, but my church and many I have seen, other than school ones, use verses directly from the bible.
I think i know the video you are talking about Dragonfly, its a very thought provoking watch.

Truth is virtually everything about christmas is pagan in origin, taken from rituals and symbols in worship to pagan Gods.

Even where Jesus is involved - the nativity scene and christmas story - It isnt true nor accurate to the account in the bible. Most people just accept it without even picking up a bible to check.

With the date, I think the most convincing evidence that Jesus couldnt have been born in December at all is because the bible says that shepards were living out doors at night tending to their flocks in and around Bethlehem at the time of his birth. The cold, rainy season usually began in October, and shepherds, especially in the colder highlands, such as those around Bethlehem, brought their sheep into protected shelters at night. The coldest weather, sometimes accompanied by snow, occurred in December.

The date was solely chosen by the church to coincide with pagan festivals and to encourage pagans into the church. Those festivals included the Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture, and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra. Those pagan festivals began to be “Christianized” in the year 350, when Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. It is absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.

The bible doesnt give a date for Jesus birth, only his death. Its his death that was instructed to be commemorated.

As a christian i do not celebrate christmas, so no santa here, but our DD has two 'present days' a year. Just something we have decided to do so she doesnt feel as if she is missing out. Plus everyone loves to give and recieve presents!!

Its so magical because she does not know when they will be, they are a complete surprise for her :)

It always feels like a cop out, Jehovah's witnesses make such a big thing about not celebrating Christmas, yet have present days, which I don't see any difference between that and a non Christian celebrating Christmas, it's just about exchanging gifts, what's the difference? As Christians we accept that the 25th of December is not the specific date off Christ's birth, yet it's just a day to remember and celebrate! As for the nativity, we read it direct from the bible, so I don't see your point, yes you get some varying interpretations of it, but my church and many I have seen, other than school ones, use verses directly from the bible.

Im truly sorry you feel that way :(

Not all Jehovahs Witnesses have present days at all tho, Its not like its something we practice or anything, just some of my friends do who have small children etc and we liked the idea as well. Its a personal choice as parents. And its not about exchanging gifts or expecting gifts or anything in return but rather about giving them, Of course we buy her stuff at other times too!

Growing up i never had present days as such, my mum would just randomly buy me something and id come home and it would be in my room, not wrapped or anything and not a certain amount of times in a year or anything like that.

If i didnt buy DD presents to unwrap id probably be criticized that she was missing out. I dont want her to feel that way either. We arent evil parents who deny our children gifts lol

Theres nothing wrong with gift giving or getting together as a family, these are not the things as a christian i have an issue with. We just choose to do it at other times instead so we are not involving ourselves with all the aspects of xmas that are non christian and tbh in opposition to the bible.

In regards to the accounts in the bible of the nativity etc, this is what i was referring to......

The three wise men, were actually sent by King Herod, in an attempt to locate Jesus to have him killed (unbeknown to the 3 wise men mind you - he told them he just wanted them to report back to him once they had located him so he could do obeisance or an act of worship to Jesus). He ordered that all boys under the age of 2 be murdered (in which he was successful but Jesus escaped with his parents as God warned Joseph in a dream to flee), Herod ordered this in an attempt to eradicate the 'son of god and prophet' that had been born. This also suggests that Jesus was not newborn at the time they visited as boys up to the age of two were targeted.

The bible also says that they did not visit Jesus in a manger either but rather a house.

The account of this is at Matthew 2:1-16.

The star that lead the three wise men to Jesus first led them to King Herod in an attempt to help Jesus be killed, so it wasnt God who used a star to guide them.

Anyway Eternal im sorry if my beliefs offend you in any way, i respect others right to celebrate as they wish (christian and non christian) but was pointing out both historical and biblical facts when it came to xmas as reasons for us not celebrating and what we choose to do instead. The op asked if we teach our kids if santa is real so obviously we dont so was explaining why.

I think i know the video you are talking about Dragonfly, its a very thought provoking watch.

Truth is virtually everything about christmas is pagan in origin, taken from rituals and symbols in worship to pagan Gods.

Even where Jesus is involved - the nativity scene and christmas story - It isnt true nor accurate to the account in the bible. Most people just accept it without even picking up a bible to check.

With the date, I think the most convincing evidence that Jesus couldnt have been born in December at all is because the bible says that shepards were living out doors at night tending to their flocks in and around Bethlehem at the time of his birth. The cold, rainy season usually began in October, and shepherds, especially in the colder highlands, such as those around Bethlehem, brought their sheep into protected shelters at night. The coldest weather, sometimes accompanied by snow, occurred in December.

The date was solely chosen by the church to coincide with pagan festivals and to encourage pagans into the church. Those festivals included the Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture, and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra. Those pagan festivals began to be “Christianized” in the year 350, when Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. It is absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.

The bible doesnt give a date for Jesus birth, only his death. Its his death that was instructed to be commemorated.

As a christian i do not celebrate christmas, so no santa here, but our DD has two 'present days' a year. Just something we have decided to do so she doesnt feel as if she is missing out. Plus everyone loves to give and recieve presents!!

Its so magical because she does not know when they will be, they are a complete surprise for her :)

It always feels like a cop out, Jehovah's witnesses make such a big thing about not celebrating Christmas, yet have present days, which I don't see any difference between that and a non Christian celebrating Christmas, it's just about exchanging gifts, what's the difference? As Christians we accept that the 25th of December is not the specific date off Christ's birth, yet it's just a day to remember and celebrate! As for the nativity, we read it direct from the bible, so I don't see your point, yes you get some varying interpretations of it, but my church and many I have seen, other than school ones, use verses directly from the bible.

Im truly sorry you feel that way :(

Not all Jehovahs Witnesses have present days at all tho, Its not like its something we practice or anything, just some of my friends do who have small children etc and we liked the idea as well. Its a personal choice as parents. And its not about exchanging gifts or expecting gifts or anything in return but rather about giving them, Of course we buy her stuff at other times too!

Growing up i never had present days as such, my mum would just randomly buy me something and id come home and it would be in my room, not wrapped or anything and not a certain amount of times in a year or anything like that.

If i didnt buy DD presents to unwrap id probably be criticized that she was missing out. I dont want her to feel that way either. We arent evil parents who deny our children gifts lol

Theres nothing wrong with gift giving or getting together as a family, these are not the things as a christian i have an issue with. We just choose to do it at other times instead so we are not involving ourselves with all the aspects of xmas that are non christian and tbh in opposition to the bible.

In regards to the accounts in the bible of the nativity etc, this is what i was referring to......

The three wise men, were actually sent by King Herod, in an attempt to locate Jesus to have him killed (unbeknown to the 3 wise men mind you - he told them he just wanted them to report back to him once they had located him so he could do obeisance or an act of worship to Jesus). He ordered that all boys under the age of 2 be murdered (in which he was successful but Jesus escaped with his parents as God warned Joseph in a dream to flee), Herod ordered this in an attempt to eradicate the 'son of god and prophet' that had been born. This also suggests that Jesus was not newborn at the time they visited as boys up to the age of two were targeted.

The bible also says that they did not visit Jesus in a manger either but rather a house.

The account of this is at Matthew 2:1-16.

The star that lead the three wise men to Jesus first led them to King Herod in an attempt to help Jesus be killed, so it wasnt God who used a star to guide them.

Anyway Eternal im sorry if my beliefs offend you in any way, i respect others right to celebrate as they wish (christian and non christian) but was pointing out both historical and biblical facts when it came to xmas as reasons for us not celebrating and what we choose to do instead. The op asked if we teach our kids if santa is real so obviously we dont so was explaining why.


You belief does not offend me, I know a few JWs and although it may not be part of your religion it seems common practice to have present days, I just can't see the difference is all, you make a huge thing about not celebrating Christmas yet what is there difference between what you do and what a non believer does? That is my point. I have no issue with what your believe or how you choose to practice it, just saying it sounds like exactly how a non believer would view Christmas.

Yes I am we'll aware that jesus was not a baby in a manger and I am well aware of that whole scripture you described, I still don't see how that nil and voids the whole nativity? The wise men did visit Jesus at some point.

Why don't you celebrate things as a religion?
I think i know the video you are talking about Dragonfly, its a very thought provoking watch.

Truth is virtually everything about christmas is pagan in origin, taken from rituals and symbols in worship to pagan Gods.

Even where Jesus is involved - the nativity scene and christmas story - It isnt true nor accurate to the account in the bible. Most people just accept it without even picking up a bible to check.

With the date, I think the most convincing evidence that Jesus couldnt have been born in December at all is because the bible says that shepards were living out doors at night tending to their flocks in and around Bethlehem at the time of his birth. The cold, rainy season usually began in October, and shepherds, especially in the colder highlands, such as those around Bethlehem, brought their sheep into protected shelters at night. The coldest weather, sometimes accompanied by snow, occurred in December.

The date was solely chosen by the church to coincide with pagan festivals and to encourage pagans into the church. Those festivals included the Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture, and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra. Those pagan festivals began to be “Christianized” in the year 350, when Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. It is absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.

The bible doesnt give a date for Jesus birth, only his death. Its his death that was instructed to be commemorated.

As a christian i do not celebrate christmas, so no santa here, but our DD has two 'present days' a year. Just something we have decided to do so she doesnt feel as if she is missing out. Plus everyone loves to give and recieve presents!!

Its so magical because she does not know when they will be, they are a complete surprise for her :)

It always feels like a cop out, Jehovah's witnesses make such a big thing about not celebrating Christmas, yet have present days, which I don't see any difference between that and a non Christian celebrating Christmas, it's just about exchanging gifts, what's the difference? As Christians we accept that the 25th of December is not the specific date off Christ's birth, yet it's just a day to remember and celebrate! As for the nativity, we read it direct from the bible, so I don't see your point, yes you get some varying interpretations of it, but my church and many I have seen, other than school ones, use verses directly from the bible.

Im truly sorry you feel that way :(

Not all Jehovahs Witnesses have present days at all tho, Its not like its something we practice or anything, just some of my friends do who have small children etc and we liked the idea as well. Its a personal choice as parents. And its not about exchanging gifts or expecting gifts or anything in return but rather about giving them, Of course we buy her stuff at other times too!

Growing up i never had present days as such, my mum would just randomly buy me something and id come home and it would be in my room, not wrapped or anything and not a certain amount of times in a year or anything like that.

If i didnt buy DD presents to unwrap id probably be criticized that she was missing out. I dont want her to feel that way either. We arent evil parents who deny our children gifts lol

Theres nothing wrong with gift giving or getting together as a family, these are not the things as a christian i have an issue with. We just choose to do it at other times instead so we are not involving ourselves with all the aspects of xmas that are non christian and tbh in opposition to the bible.

In regards to the accounts in the bible of the nativity etc, this is what i was referring to......

The three wise men, were actually sent by King Herod, in an attempt to locate Jesus to have him killed (unbeknown to the 3 wise men mind you - he told them he just wanted them to report back to him once they had located him so he could do obeisance or an act of worship to Jesus). He ordered that all boys under the age of 2 be murdered (in which he was successful but Jesus escaped with his parents as God warned Joseph in a dream to flee), Herod ordered this in an attempt to eradicate the 'son of god and prophet' that had been born. This also suggests that Jesus was not newborn at the time they visited as boys up to the age of two were targeted.

The bible also says that they did not visit Jesus in a manger either but rather a house.

The account of this is at Matthew 2:1-16.

The star that lead the three wise men to Jesus first led them to King Herod in an attempt to help Jesus be killed, so it wasnt God who used a star to guide them.

Anyway Eternal im sorry if my beliefs offend you in any way, i respect others right to celebrate as they wish (christian and non christian) but was pointing out both historical and biblical facts when it came to xmas as reasons for us not celebrating and what we choose to do instead. The op asked if we teach our kids if santa is real so obviously we dont so was explaining why.


You belief does not offend me, I know a few JWs and although it may not be part of your religion it seems common practice to have present days, I just can't see the difference is all, you make a huge thing about not celebrating Christmas yet what is there difference between what you do and what a non believer does? That is my point. I have no issue with what your believe or how you choose to practice it, just saying it sounds like exactly how a non believer would view Christmas.

Yes I am we'll aware that jesus was not a baby in a manger and I am well aware of that whole scripture you described, I still don't see how that nil and voids the whole nativity? The wise men did visit Jesus at some point.

Why don't you celebrate things as a religion?

Well i assure you its not common practice. What i was sayin has nothing to do with non believers tho? but rather christians. And i never said its not how a non believer would view xmas, i wasnt even discussing non believers at all.

It doesnt nil the nativity but rather the account isnt accurate or should i put it 'the whole truth'. Its deceptive really.

I feel ive already well and truly explained your final question as to why we dont celebrate it in any way as a religion, the one thing we do tho is his death as that is what was important , not Easter itself for many of the same reasons as xmas and we commemorate it the way were told to in the bible and on the date given in the bible, Nisan 14 (usually falls the week before Easter long weekend) :)
I think i know the video you are talking about Dragonfly, its a very thought provoking watch.

Truth is virtually everything about christmas is pagan in origin, taken from rituals and symbols in worship to pagan Gods.

Even where Jesus is involved - the nativity scene and christmas story - It isnt true nor accurate to the account in the bible. Most people just accept it without even picking up a bible to check.

With the date, I think the most convincing evidence that Jesus couldnt have been born in December at all is because the bible says that shepards were living out doors at night tending to their flocks in and around Bethlehem at the time of his birth. The cold, rainy season usually began in October, and shepherds, especially in the colder highlands, such as those around Bethlehem, brought their sheep into protected shelters at night. The coldest weather, sometimes accompanied by snow, occurred in December.

The date was solely chosen by the church to coincide with pagan festivals and to encourage pagans into the church. Those festivals included the Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture, and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra. Those pagan festivals began to be “Christianized” in the year 350, when Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. It is absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.

The bible doesnt give a date for Jesus birth, only his death. Its his death that was instructed to be commemorated.

As a christian i do not celebrate christmas, so no santa here, but our DD has two 'present days' a year. Just something we have decided to do so she doesnt feel as if she is missing out. Plus everyone loves to give and recieve presents!!

Its so magical because she does not know when they will be, they are a complete surprise for her :)

It always feels like a cop out, Jehovah's witnesses make such a big thing about not celebrating Christmas, yet have present days, which I don't see any difference between that and a non Christian celebrating Christmas, it's just about exchanging gifts, what's the difference? As Christians we accept that the 25th of December is not the specific date off Christ's birth, yet it's just a day to remember and celebrate! As for the nativity, we read it direct from the bible, so I don't see your point, yes you get some varying interpretations of it, but my church and many I have seen, other than school ones, use verses directly from the bible.

Im truly sorry you feel that way :(

Not all Jehovahs Witnesses have present days at all tho, Its not like its something we practice or anything, just some of my friends do who have small children etc and we liked the idea as well. Its a personal choice as parents. And its not about exchanging gifts or expecting gifts or anything in return but rather about giving them, Of course we buy her stuff at other times too!

Growing up i never had present days as such, my mum would just randomly buy me something and id come home and it would be in my room, not wrapped or anything and not a certain amount of times in a year or anything like that.

If i didnt buy DD presents to unwrap id probably be criticized that she was missing out. I dont want her to feel that way either. We arent evil parents who deny our children gifts lol

Theres nothing wrong with gift giving or getting together as a family, these are not the things as a christian i have an issue with. We just choose to do it at other times instead so we are not involving ourselves with all the aspects of xmas that are non christian and tbh in opposition to the bible.

In regards to the accounts in the bible of the nativity etc, this is what i was referring to......

The three wise men, were actually sent by King Herod, in an attempt to locate Jesus to have him killed (unbeknown to the 3 wise men mind you - he told them he just wanted them to report back to him once they had located him so he could do obeisance or an act of worship to Jesus). He ordered that all boys under the age of 2 be murdered (in which he was successful but Jesus escaped with his parents as God warned Joseph in a dream to flee), Herod ordered this in an attempt to eradicate the 'son of god and prophet' that had been born. This also suggests that Jesus was not newborn at the time they visited as boys up to the age of two were targeted.

The bible also says that they did not visit Jesus in a manger either but rather a house.

The account of this is at Matthew 2:1-16.

The star that lead the three wise men to Jesus first led them to King Herod in an attempt to help Jesus be killed, so it wasnt God who used a star to guide them.

Anyway Eternal im sorry if my beliefs offend you in any way, i respect others right to celebrate as they wish (christian and non christian) but was pointing out both historical and biblical facts when it came to xmas as reasons for us not celebrating and what we choose to do instead. The op asked if we teach our kids if santa is real so obviously we dont so was explaining why.


You belief does not offend me, I know a few JWs and although it may not be part of your religion it seems common practice to have present days, I just can't see the difference is all, you make a huge thing about not celebrating Christmas yet what is there difference between what you do and what a non believer does? That is my point. I have no issue with what your believe or how you choose to practice it, just saying it sounds like exactly how a non believer would view Christmas.

Yes I am we'll aware that jesus was not a baby in a manger and I am well aware of that whole scripture you described, I still don't see how that nil and voids the whole nativity? The wise men did visit Jesus at some point.

Why don't you celebrate things as a religion?

Well i assure you its not common practice. What i was sayin really has nothing to do with non believers tho? but rather christians. And i never said its not how a non believer would view xmas, i wasnt even discussing non believers at all.

It doesnt nil the nativity but rather the account isnt accurate or should i put it 'the whole truth'. Its deceptive really.

I think ive already well and truly explained your final question as to why we dont celebrate it as a religion, his death we do tho, not easter itself for many of the same reasons as xmas and the way were told to in the bible and on the date given in the bible, Nisan 14 (usually falls the week before Easter long weekend) :)

Then why not just celebrate and depict the nativity your way? I assure you my religion do follow the account of the King James Version of the nativity, which I assume is what you use too?

I think generally the whole concept of the nativity which is depicted so often is so that younger children understand it, without going too in depth.

Sorry if you find my questioning offensive, I don't understand your religion, I am constantly trying to get my head around it, after all there are loads of Kingdom Halls everywhere, all car parks full, and you all seem pleasant, so I'm just trying to understand.
I think i know the video you are talking about Dragonfly, its a very thought provoking watch.

Truth is virtually everything about christmas is pagan in origin, taken from rituals and symbols in worship to pagan Gods.

Even where Jesus is involved - the nativity scene and christmas story - It isnt true nor accurate to the account in the bible. Most people just accept it without even picking up a bible to check.

With the date, I think the most convincing evidence that Jesus couldnt have been born in December at all is because the bible says that shepards were living out doors at night tending to their flocks in and around Bethlehem at the time of his birth. The cold, rainy season usually began in October, and shepherds, especially in the colder highlands, such as those around Bethlehem, brought their sheep into protected shelters at night. The coldest weather, sometimes accompanied by snow, occurred in December.

The date was solely chosen by the church to coincide with pagan festivals and to encourage pagans into the church. Those festivals included the Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture, and the combined festivals of two sun gods, the Roman Sol and the Persian Mithra. Those pagan festivals began to be “Christianized” in the year 350, when Pope Julius I declared December 25 to be Christ’s birthday. It is absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.

The bible doesnt give a date for Jesus birth, only his death. Its his death that was instructed to be commemorated.

As a christian i do not celebrate christmas, so no santa here, but our DD has two 'present days' a year. Just something we have decided to do so she doesnt feel as if she is missing out. Plus everyone loves to give and recieve presents!!

Its so magical because she does not know when they will be, they are a complete surprise for her :)

It always feels like a cop out, Jehovah's witnesses make such a big thing about not celebrating Christmas, yet have present days, which I don't see any difference between that and a non Christian celebrating Christmas, it's just about exchanging gifts, what's the difference? As Christians we accept that the 25th of December is not the specific date off Christ's birth, yet it's just a day to remember and celebrate! As for the nativity, we read it direct from the bible, so I don't see your point, yes you get some varying interpretations of it, but my church and many I have seen, other than school ones, use verses directly from the bible.

Im truly sorry you feel that way :(

Not all Jehovahs Witnesses have present days at all tho, Its not like its something we practice or anything, just some of my friends do who have small children etc and we liked the idea as well. Its a personal choice as parents. And its not about exchanging gifts or expecting gifts or anything in return but rather about giving them, Of course we buy her stuff at other times too!

Growing up i never had present days as such, my mum would just randomly buy me something and id come home and it would be in my room, not wrapped or anything and not a certain amount of times in a year or anything like that.

If i didnt buy DD presents to unwrap id probably be criticized that she was missing out. I dont want her to feel that way either. We arent evil parents who deny our children gifts lol

Theres nothing wrong with gift giving or getting together as a family, these are not the things as a christian i have an issue with. We just choose to do it at other times instead so we are not involving ourselves with all the aspects of xmas that are non christian and tbh in opposition to the bible.

In regards to the accounts in the bible of the nativity etc, this is what i was referring to......

The three wise men, were actually sent by King Herod, in an attempt to locate Jesus to have him killed (unbeknown to the 3 wise men mind you - he told them he just wanted them to report back to him once they had located him so he could do obeisance or an act of worship to Jesus). He ordered that all boys under the age of 2 be murdered (in which he was successful but Jesus escaped with his parents as God warned Joseph in a dream to flee), Herod ordered this in an attempt to eradicate the 'son of god and prophet' that had been born. This also suggests that Jesus was not newborn at the time they visited as boys up to the age of two were targeted.

The bible also says that they did not visit Jesus in a manger either but rather a house.

The account of this is at Matthew 2:1-16.

The star that lead the three wise men to Jesus first led them to King Herod in an attempt to help Jesus be killed, so it wasnt God who used a star to guide them.

Anyway Eternal im sorry if my beliefs offend you in any way, i respect others right to celebrate as they wish (christian and non christian) but was pointing out both historical and biblical facts when it came to xmas as reasons for us not celebrating and what we choose to do instead. The op asked if we teach our kids if santa is real so obviously we dont so was explaining why.


You belief does not offend me, I know a few JWs and although it may not be part of your religion it seems common practice to have present days, I just can't see the difference is all, you make a huge thing about not celebrating Christmas yet what is there difference between what you do and what a non believer does? That is my point. I have no issue with what your believe or how you choose to practice it, just saying it sounds like exactly how a non believer would view Christmas.

Yes I am we'll aware that jesus was not a baby in a manger and I am well aware of that whole scripture you described, I still don't see how that nil and voids the whole nativity? The wise men did visit Jesus at some point.

Why don't you celebrate things as a religion?

Well i assure you its not common practice. What i was sayin really has nothing to do with non believers tho? but rather christians. And i never said its not how a non believer would view xmas, i wasnt even discussing non believers at all.

It doesnt nil the nativity but rather the account isnt accurate or should i put it 'the whole truth'. Its deceptive really.

I think ive already well and truly explained your final question as to why we dont celebrate it as a religion, his death we do tho, not easter itself for many of the same reasons as xmas and the way were told to in the bible and on the date given in the bible, Nisan 14 (usually falls the week before Easter long weekend) :)

Then why not just celebrate and depict the nativity your way? I assure you my religion do follow the account of the King James Version of the nativity, which I assume is what you use too?

I think generally the whole concept of the nativity which is depicted so often is so that younger children understand it, without going too in depth.

Sorry if you find my questioning offensive, I don't understand your religion, I am constantly trying to get my head around it, after all there are loads of Kingdom Halls everywhere, all car parks full, and you all seem pleasant, so I'm just trying to understand.

Because there is no mention of celebrating Jesus birth in the bible nor that first century christians observed it either. Or any birthday for that matter. Surely if it was important it would have been instructed like his death. As you know its his death that was of importance. We see no need to celebrate his birthday and also birthday celebrations are of pagan origin too (OT tho)

I understand what you are saying about children understanding it but its still not accurate and most adults dont even know the details of the real account and i think its important.

I have several bible translations and the account is the same, one being the King James yes.

I dont find your questioning offensive at all. In fact i encourage it :) I enjoy hearing your point of view and giving you insight into my beliefs. We base everything on the bible so anything you dont understand perhaps you could PM me and i can direct you to the scriptural reasoning for it. Its quite straight forward really.

We have a LDS church virtually next door to the kingdom hall i attend out of interest :)

Anyway i must apologise to OP, this is going off topic now, sorry!
Pagans don't traditionally celebrate Christmas as it's known. There is a holiday called Yule :)

This article is very interesting actually:

I particularly believe strongly in this statement: "Apparently, the season of good cheer did not start out as exclusively a Christian festival. According to Pagans, the early Christian church hijacked December 25 to celebrate the birth of Jesus because they saw that everyone was already having a good time and decided to take advantage of it.

Historical debate has been raging for a long time over the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ, with estimates ranging from sometime in September to much later in February. "
It's interesting how this topic has panned out. I'm not religious at all but I like to try to understand others' religions if I can.
Shanandboc - I agree about the nativity. But how, as a Christian, can you say you don't celebrate Christmas? Our religion is based on the belief that Jesus Christ is our savior, and yet you don't acknowledge his birth?

Jesus couldn't have died and been resurrected if he had never been born. I'm sorry, but this baffles me.

I respect your traditions, I just don't understand them!
^ I think they don't acknowledge Jesus' birth as it isn't in the Bible :flower: This is from what I could gather.
Shanandboc - I agree about the nativity. But how, as a Christian, can you say you don't celebrate Christmas? Our religion is based on the belief that Jesus Christ is our savior, and yet you don't acknowledge his birth?

Jesus couldn't have died and been resurrected if he had never been born. I'm sorry, but this baffles me.

I respect your traditions, I just don't understand them!

Would Jesus approve of the celebration of his birth on December 25 considering its origins? The day of Jesus’ birth is unknown. Nowhere do the Scriptures direct us to celebrate that birth, nor is there any evidence that early Christians did so. In contrast, the Bible provides the exact day of Jesus’ death, and he commanded his followers to observe that day. (Luke 22:19) Clearly, Jesus wanted emphasis to be placed, not on his birth, but on the value of his sacrificial death.—Matthew 20:28.

Christmas abounds in “greedy commercialism,” the fact is that true Christians never expected to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Rather, the Bible emphasizes only the ransom that Christ provided by his death and resurrection to heaven. Why do you think that is?

Jesus never authorized his followers to merge true worship with pagan customs. Rather, he told them to teach “all the things I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) When confronted by the religious leaders of his day, Jesus asked them: “Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3)

If you would like me to pm a documentary on the origins and history of christmas (its not affiliated with any religion) let me know as theres alot more to it than i even realised. Interesting how its evolved from a celebration that was actually banned in many countries due to its non christian practices to what it is today.

Hope that explains it a bit more. Not really sure what else i can say? :)
Can you PM that documentary to me please?

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