Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I dont either I am afraid. In a way that is good as I would probably obsess and worry too much looking at it! LOL I am terrible!
Yeh I know what you mean... but I obsess either which way... :cry:

Bleeding has been heavier this evening and the cramps are really bad - taken painkillers. :cry: Dont know whether there is any point calling the maternity assessment unit or whether I should wait til tomorrow and try to speak to doc... I dont want the unit to just say the same thing as Friday and effectively waste their time... and mine. :dohh:

How long did you girls bleed and how long was it proper red in colour..? Sorry to ask - god the things that are discussed on BnB!! :rofl:
My first bleed was huge, gushed as I was walking and filled the slowed down and stopped after about 5 hours. Then had a little gush about a week later that last half the day. Now Ive been bleeding all day, everyday for the last week. Its enough to wear a panty liner, and change it 3-4 times a day.Im hoping its old blood because instead of the bright red like the initial hemorrhage,this blood is a dark red color.
Did you pass any clots? I have passed some clots - one massive one on Friday night. THe blood that Im passing now is stretchy - like theres a whole load of egcm mixed up in it? I cant find anything on the net as to whether thats good or bad...?

Im really stressing out. :cry:
I can see it on my scan pics, i will try and upload some for you if not tonight be 2m as still doing college work :cry:
Aw that would be great, thank you! Just whenever you get a chance :)

Hope you get your college work done ok! :hugs:
Hi Angelmarie

When I had my big bleeding incident it started on a Friday lunch time with really brown thick blood through pads and underwear, then progressed that evening/next morning with bright red flowy blood, the flow was so big, I filled the toilet, I would flush and it would go all red in few minutes. Then, that afternoon, I started passing massive deep red clots. Like really long (Sorry tmi) when I was in the toilet I could see myself dripping out the clots. I cant even remember how much toilet paper I used to wipe myself, it looked like a blood bath, no exaguration. Slept with pads on, and took painkillers as I had AF pains.

Next morning woke up with deep red ( almost like wine flow) and had clots and bits of tissue on paper on first visit to toilet. After that I only had dark red flow for the rest of the day.

Next morning, morning it all stopped. Just like that. I flew to Greece and then on Tuesday morning I started having red and brown bleeding that went on for more than a month and a half. I had a lot of brown clots that looked like old blood as well as some red blood but it wasnt flowing so much so it wasnt as scary.

Bleeding clots is not great, as this means you are loosing a lot of blood. But it doesnt mean that you are loosing the baby, in my experience.

When I called my local EPU that Saturday in tears telling them that I am bleeding crazy, they told me to stay home and wait to miscarry. If the bleeding gets so bad that I start feeling like I am going to faint or loosing my strenght or soak a pad an hour to go in.

I was furious. It was then that I gave up on the NHS and decided to leave the country to get treatment

I hope your bleeding stops soon but if it gets worse, please do not hesitate going to the hospital and demand to be seen. Dont worry about wasting their time, you are not. You must look after yourself and your baby, and I can sense that you are so worried right now.

Did you pass any clots? I have passed some clots - one massive one on Friday night. THe blood that Im passing now is stretchy - like theres a whole load of egcm mixed up in it? I cant find anything on the net as to whether thats good or bad...?

Im really stressing out. :cry:

Ive had alot of small clots and stringy stuff. My dr. said clots are to be expected.
Thanks ladies. I have heeded your advice and I called the EPAU this morning and I am going to go in straight after Eden gets off to school.

I was sick this morning which I am considering a good sign...? Unless it is nerves.

I am going to mention that a 'friend' (they dont need to know its a few friends on an Internet forum! :rofl:) have had the same symptoms as me and been diagnosed with a sch. Im not very good in situations requiring assertiveness etc so hopefully I will be able to keep my resolve and not leave til I get some better answers from them.

I will update later...
Angel I will be most certainly saying the same thing on Wed when I see the OB!!
I think you can actually see the blood pool in one of my scan pics. I'll upload it.
Hi angel just wanted to wish you the best of look at the EPU hope its good news,keep the PMA going,everyone in this group has experienced the same/or similar so you're not alone,I know how terrifying it is but just keep thinking positive!
Big hugs to you and you're bean!

okay, scan from last thursday morning, after the massive bleed wed night. You can see on the LHS of Oompa the dark almost black line that travels downways? The Dr pointed this out to us as blood that was still sitting there that would need to either be reabsorbed or that I would lose. I dont' know if this is considered, small/med/large or what.
did they not give u dimensions kota?lovely pic :)
nope, infact, he wouldn't even confirm an ScH, and I was unaware of them at the time or I would ahve pushed harder. He just told me it was 'one of those things, that the blood was there, would be reabsorbed or come out, and bed rest wouldnt' make a difference". Well it has! cause I've all but stopped spotting while I'm resting and as soon as I do something it starts again.
Will be pushing the issue further with the OB i'm seeing on wednesday.
thank you,
Hi Ladies

Im so shattered today so only dropping in quickly as got some work to do Angelmarie hope your ok and everything went ok at epu :hugs:
Hope everyone else is ok as well :hugs:
This is my 13 week scan were you can clearly see the bleed at the bottom and small area at the top.
Im back...

baby is fine...! PHEW! :cloud9:

I mentioned sch to the doc and he had a 'quick look' and said he couldnt see any obvious sch but that didnt mean there wasnt one...!?!? He told me not to worry - rest and that it was my blood not baby's and judging by baby I am having a 'happy, nearly normal pregnancy'..?

They still cant explain why I am bleeding or in so much pain. I have to go back if the bleeding gets any heavier, I loose any more clots etc...

Doc went on to explain that if I continue to lose loads of blood they would recommend terminating the pregnancy..>!?!?!?!?! WTF Not exactly what I wanted to hear to be honest!

They are just going to keep an eye on me. Basically he said the problems are most likely going to continue and added risk of pre term labour (pretty much inevitable as my first was born at 29 weeks!)

I feel a bit more relaxed about stuff after seeing baby again but I am going to buy a doppler for reassurance...

Thanks for posting the pics girls... :hugs:
i am so so glad you got to see the baby Angelmarie...when i was bleeding and went to the emergency ..they could not see anything wrong with the placenta either's because they have crapy scan machine ...i actually had to go to a special floor where they perform all the "serious scan " they said the scan machine are over $50 000 over there are they are the best of the best ...and it's only with the the good machine they were available to see the clot ...

i am meting with the perinelogist on wednesday at 3:15 pm :)...i am really please .they told me they will re scan me and tell me where my blood clot is at etc...
Thanks for that Miel.. yeh I did wonder about that. The scan machine was a bit crap and certainly wasnt as high tech as the one they used at my nuchal scan.

Hmmm well I think that if I am still bleeding in a couple of days I will go to my GP and try to get a referral.

I hope your appointment goes well! Let us know what is said. :hug:

So pleased you saw your baby and he/she is so well! I bet a massive weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

I think that when there is active bleeding the SCHs are not so visible on scan. Its only when the blood starts becoming old that they can see them better. I may be wrong, but I was under this impression.

I really do hope you get a referral. I really dont understand why he even mentioned termination when he told you that the baby is fine and that your pregnancy is almost perfect!! That would really piss me off and upset me.

I really hope you get a referral. Seems that we always have to fight a battle to get the care that we deserve with this stressful condition. I just dont get it, why there is so much ignorance out there about this??

Anyway, I am very happy for you, big hugs and please do keep us posted :hugs:

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