Scottish (Fife) Bump Buddy wanted - Due Sept :)

Hello Ladies !! :hi:
Not from Fife...but a crappy wee town in Ayrshire :haha:
Due 30th September
Hope everyone is doing well :flower:
Hi im in fife too. due 14th october :) I can share my ups - feeling movement now, heard heartbeat on doppler, first scan was perfect no problems, and feeling very excited

Downs - Bad morning sickness during first tri, i also suffer migraines which have got worse :( and i have ocular ones too (i see stars in my vision before i take the migraine), indigestion, acid reflux (ew) and constipation bouts ! (again ew)

this is my first baby :)
ive got my anomaly one on the 18th but we had a private one last weekend and team pink for me again too. that makes 4 lol. errrmmm im not sure it gets easier as such. you get more confident in your abilities which means things seem easier, if you get what i mean. im not sure how its gonna be when nugget arrives tho as there is only a 15 mth gap, last time was 21mths and that was tough, but think a lot of that was just my daughter, she has her moments.

think we are gonna have to sort out a coffee and cake meet sometime hun xx

Hi again, Congrats on another baby girl! R u excited? Think things might be easier this time around, as I'm not clueless on babies lol! When I had Natalie, I didn't have a clue how to change her etc and midwives weren't much help. Natalie's looking forward to being a big sister and helping with feeds, changes, etc :) You truly must have the patience of a saint raising your daughters so close together. Well done! :)
Yeah will def arrange a meet sometime. My time these days is spent decorating Nursery (while I'm still able) and taking Natalie to parks, beach, etc. Will be a nice change :)

Scottishmum2B Hope you are keeping well. I can definitely relate to having no girl names. lol! Love those names though, Clara is lovely. We've finally agreed on our name. Natalie picked it to be completely honest though lol! Charlotte May Wilson :) She'll probably be Charlie for short. The middle name is after my fiance's nana May who passes away May last year. Think we're def sticking to it :D Hows your symptoms? You started buying baby things in yet, or waiting? x

Congrats and welcome Tanni_pants and Cherryness Hope your pregnancies are going well. Have never heard of ocular migraines but they def don't sound good. Some bad symptoms there but the good ones are def all postive. It's amazing hearing the heartbeat, especially when you don't feel so good. Keep us updated :) Had a horrible eww moment this morning when I woke up. I looked down and had been leaking milk out of one breast. Not pleasant :( Hopefully it won't continue, really dont want to wear breastpads the rest of pregnancy lol! My OH of course found it highly amusing! Men! lol! x x
That name is great fifemum!
To be honest, I haven't had that many symptoms, touch wood! For the first 14 weeks I would feel sick when I got hungry but that passed. Now I just feel pretty tired by late afternoon, it's probably all the weight I have put on and am carrying around, not used to it! Apart from that, I'm feeling ok, again, touch wood it stays like this! :)
How about yourself? Are you keeping ok?
We started buying little things here and there after our 20 week scan, so we have a few things now. The bigger things (cot and pram) have been bought and just waiting to get picked up nearer the time. We are concentrating on decorating the nursery and I also have a few other rooms in the house to decorate. I have decided now would be a good time to start that! Silly me, I should have left the rooms alone rather than give myself and my fiancé all this extra work! :)
Hi there. I'm from Fife, a second time mum. I'm looking for a bump buddy due around the same time to chat to, txt, compare pregnancies etc.
I'm due 21st September, not sure what I'm having yet. Gut feeling it's another girl, but shall see :)

Thanks x x

Im in Dundee :) this is my second aswell and im due the 7th Sep but will be getting a c-section at 39 weeks xxxxxxxxxx
HI there Nessabella, where in Fife r ya? Congrats! A baby boy, u must be so excited.

Hello :flower:

Im in Kirkcaldy just now but moving in the next few months back to my wee home village where my family are :)

Congrats on :pink: x
Hi Scottishmum2b congrats on a smooth pregnancy :) You are def one of the lucky ones. What's your theme for nursery? You'll have to post some pics when you're done :) Still have to get cot and nursery furniture, bottles, nappies and monitor. Have clothes, pram etc. You've def given your fiance a challenge, decorating a few rooms in the space of a few weeks lol! Good luck x x
Congrats Peachy724! You looking forward to being a mum again? Do you know what you're having?

Hi Nessabella, how are you? Kirkcaldy is a nice place. You looking forward to moving? Guess it'll be handy being neat family when baby is here. That's why we moved back here.
Lisa x x
Hi. Well I was going for a rainforest theme but then decided against it. We have painted the room lime green with bright pink accessories. I hope it's nice when it's done anyway. How about your nursery, what arebyou doing? Is your other daughter helping prepare for the new arrival?
I def am lucky with not having too many symptoms. It will just be my luck to breeze through the pregnancy and have a hellish labour! :) Although, I have put on a lot of weight so far, and I will still have a lot to put on in the next 12ish weeks to go. :(
Iv not had any leaky boob issues thank god haha! Feeling better nowadays and not had a migraine for a week *YAY* thats amazing since i normally have 4 or 5 a week at one stage....

Baby has decided its gonna be an active jellybean and kick the hell out of me when awake. Sometimes quite sore ! It kicked my cervix 5 times in a row :S anyone else share this weird experience? Lol

Hope your keeping well ! x
Scottishmum you are organised! I've only just got the crib ordered last saturday. Still agonising over the choice of a new pram which is waaay expensive or just getting a second hand one :S

So now I have a box of 0 -3 month old vests and cardies (second hand) , a crib and a bouncy chair. I feel like iv bought loads already as i havent had my 20 week scan. Im worrying about something being wrong even though its probs not very likely. still ... cant help worrying :p i worry about everything too much :S
Hi cherryness. I felt the same before my 20 week scan and everything was perfectly fine when I went so don't worry. :)
I am quite organised i suppose, it's def not like me! :) I went for a second hand pram as I got a really good one for a great price. The way I think, the money I save can go towards other things for the baby. I need to start getting the essentials now, nappies, clothes, bottles etc.
Hi ladies, hope you are all well and babies are behaving lol! :)
Scottishmum2b you are def lucky, having few symptoms. I'm sure labour will be fine too. Your nursery sounds fab! You'll have to post some pics soon :) Have a thread open to see people's nurseries. Decided to let my fiance pick the theme as it's his firstborn (I may regret it later lol!) He's a bit of a geek so it's Mario and Yoshi :D Loving it so far, and it's keeping me busy. Natalie has been helping too. The link is I think. Have half of the room done so far, have ordered yoshi toys, and the mobile is getting there too. We used Natalie's old Winnie the Pooh one, removed the pooh toys and added mushroom, a yoshi, star, etc. Pics will be up soon :) The cot has been ordered so should have the room done in abt 5 weeks. Still to buy bottles, nappies, steriliser and monitor.
What pram did you go for? We picked up a second hand one too (looks fairly new) on Gumtree. The Mamas and Papas Ultima 9 in 1. RRP around £600 and we got ours for £120 with carseat, changing bag, footmuff, raincovers, a new mattress etc. Preloved is another good site. Have saved money so can get the cot and furniture new. Def the way to go :) What have you been up to?
Have spent most of the week decorating. Daft me said to the landlord not to bother decorating when living rm got plastered cos we would later. The colour was driving me crazy so I conned my fiance into decorating hehe! I painted the top half white (or as much as I could reach) when he was at shops, so when he cm back he had to finish the job. We then went on to paint skirting board, daido rail and bottom half haha! Glad it's done now though.
Cherriness hope you're keeping well hun. No harm in stocking up before scan, will save you loads later. Don't worry about the scan hun, I'm sure baby will be fine. He/she sounds v active so if something was wrong you'd know. Have had the same problem with kicks tbh. She is v active at night. Fiance treated me to pics and Pirates of the Caribbean last night and she kicked all the way through it. Thought I'd get a sleep when I gt home, but she had other ideas. Between her acrobatics and loo trips I had about 4 hours sleep. Reassuring that she's healthy and active but the lack of sleep is just crazy. When is your scan? Are you finding out baby's sex? Keep us updated :) x x
That is a great theme for a nursery, I'm really liking that. I wasn't very adventurous at all! :)
I went for a britax pram, i'm not sure of the model though, can't quite remember. It's at my parents house the now. It looks brand new and it was under £100, so I'm happy enough.
Well we have almost finished the living room now, although the painting I done at the weekend has cracked so I'm not a happy bunny! :) I have to rub it down and repaint. A hassle I can't be bothered with. But we will get there, eventually! I see you have caught the decorating bug as well. I'm just jealous your living room is finished. :)
I'm starting to get really tired again, and I think all the growing has put pressure on my ribs as they are starting to hurt. Oh the joys of pregnancy. :) Only 7 1/2 weeks of work left, I can't wait. Roll on maternity leave!
Iv got my scan this friday in the morning !! So exciting :) my husband is literally dancing with excitement lol! Baby is a little minx in the morning so im guessing its gonna be rolling around a ton when they scan me. Seems to be very active in the morning and at evening/night. Kicks are much stronger now and sometimes its caught me unaware by kicking me in the cervix! :haha: VERY ODD SENSATION!

. Now got a crib and baby bouncy seat, with many teddies that were mine but have been donated to baby haha :p the room is looking nice but we havent decorated yet ... we want to wait for the gender reveal on friday lol.

I love your idea for your nursery fifemum85 ! So original! Definately very personal , I love it :D

Suffering really badly with acid reflux, its a nightmare. Keep having mini - :sick: all the time :( tomato based sauces are a no no. even pizza upsets me... im gutted because i LOVE pizza :( and cramps in my hand too. Plus more recently my pelvis feels stiff and sore? especially if iv been rushing around doing housework... i can hardly bend down :S

Ah the joys!
Hey Ladies, hope you are all well.

Cherryness - just wanted to say that I'm also due on the 14th of October and have our 20 week scan this Friday morning. I can't wait, so excited to find out what we're having so I can get more prepared. Not bought any of the big thats that we need yet. I can't wait to get started on the nursery - I think we're going to do an underwater theme with loads of fishes if its a boy and a pink and orange butterfly theme if its a girl.
Hi ladies, hows everyone and their bumps? Soz haven't been on last few days. Made the mistake of going out in that horrible weather Monday and Natalie and I caught the cold! :(Needless to say, nursery and rest of the house and shopping has been on hold. Hoping to catch up over the weekend though. Sleep is also rare at the mo. Have a shaped pillow for support but can never get comfy! I usually sleep on my front or back, and both are a no go. Boo!
Cherryness hope you're feeling little better. Excited for your scan, fingers crossed you find out what you're having and baby is well :) Think you may have a lot of hair on baby when he/she arrives. Joys of heartburn lol! :) The cervix kicks are strange, feels like your winded for a few seconds huh. The ribs will be a stranger sensation when the time comes :)
Hi Scot_17, congrats! Hope you are well. 11th of Oct is my bday too! hehe! Was kinda paranoid in the beginning I'd be sharing it with baby as the 1st EDD worked out if I went a wk overdue it'd be my OH's bday and 2 weeks over would land on mine lol! Luckily thats not the case now. When is your scan?
ScottishMummy2B how are you? Hows the living room coming along. That's no so good about the paint peeling, more hard work. I'm sure it'll be fab when it's finished. What is your nursery like? Congrats on getting your pram at such a great price. It'll probably last longer than some of the newer models out there. I bought new with Natalie and it fell to bits in a few months! Ended up getting a buggy suitable for newborn up. Not making that mistake again lol! How is bump, you'll be feeling feet caught in your ribs by now eh? Lol! Maternity leave will be good, you can get all the things you need, finish nursery, and best of all rest when you need to :) Not long... :D
E&L's mummy hope you are also well. What have you been getting up to? Been a while. lol! Hows bump and the rest of your family?
Welcome Lisa 1981 Good luck with your scan today! Your themes sound lovely. Keep us updated. x x
Hi all !

Just had my scan today and baby is perfectly healthy ! :D sooooo relieved about that. His tummy was a little over average but still perfectly healthy in range so no worries there! Plus hes measuring at 20 weeks 4 days instead of 20 weeks bang on. I guess hes a bigger baby lol !

Also ! .... Its a BOY ! :D so that means my name choice of alexander (alex for short) will be used !

Fifemum im the same. I normally sleep on my stomach :( and if i lie on my back it just makes him go crazy mad ! Normally resulting in many kicks in the cervix ... hmph.

Lisa1981 how did your scan go ? :D

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