Scottish (Fife) Bump Buddy wanted - Due Sept :)

Hi!! sorry ive been MIA. internet got cut off 2 weeks earlier ready for the move and i only got it back yesterday!!! what a faff! will try and catch up on you all xxx
HI everyone. Scottishmum2b, not long now hun. Hang in there. Ull be getting fed up now eh? Im fed up already and still have a long wait lol! Feel huge and my OH keeps making fun of my preg waddle and me trying to put socks on etc. Men eh? I threaten to sit on him, seeing I weigh about 13-14st hehe! Seems to do the trick lol! Baby is def running out of room and the kicks are getting painful (didnt have that first time around) Can definitely relate with the chores, they are getting difficult. Some days I barely have the energy or breath lol!
U had any braxton hicks? Signs? Hope she comes on time for you. Nothing worse than going over it just drags. What else have you been getting up to? Ive had the odd trip out with friends since I got back. The break was nice and relaxing but missed my cats and kittens lol! Plans for the next few weeks are saving pennies to get the last bits and pieces so Im not panicking nearer time hehe!
E & Ls Mummy welcome back hun! How was the move? U all settled now? What have you been getting up to? Keep in touch
Lisa x x
Oh yeah, really fed up now! I've found the whole pregnancy has went so quickly (now that I look back) but I bet these last weeks drag in, especially if I go over. I had the midwife yesterday and the baby's head isn't even engaged yet!! She also told me I am having a decent size baby, when I asked what she meant, she just said it was no 5 pounder! So now I'm worried my baby will be massive!!
I know the feeling with the men, I get teased for everything, how big my feet are, how I have an impressive waddle and even how I can't pick things off the floor very easily, if at all! Just as well I know he's joking! Or I would sit on him, I'm huge! :)
I get braxton hicks, a bit more frequently now, I usually just notice my bump getting really hard. The last couple of nights though, I've noticed I get period like cramps at the bottom of my bump when I get bh's. It prob won't mean anything though and it's only when I'm in bed at night, so maybe I'm lying funny.
Not that long for you to go now either though. Do you still have a lot of wee things to get? I probably do but can't think what. :)
Well my kitchen is almost finished and my en suite is getting the shower unit put in today. I'm looking forward to getting that, I feel like a beached whale in the bath. Ha! :)
I haven't been doing much apart from getting the house in order, trying to give it a spring clean so once the baby is here, it will be lovely and fresh (well as much as it can be with a big dog running around the place!) :) I've met up with friends, just for a chat, haven't really been anywhere because I'm so uncomfy now! :(
Is ur man excited about becoming a dad? Mine is, keeps saying that it will be a nightmare with a house full of girls though. :)
Hi just thought I would check in and say Hi. Expecting first wee one from West Fife. Having a really difficult time though. Due November XXX
yeah we are getting there. only unpacked half the house as it looks like we could be moving out of the area in the next few months so dont see the point. its all a bit of a mess tbh. Ive had an up and down pregnancy this time round, few stays in hospital for various things but have my c-section date booked for 15th sep! 7 weeks to go.

hows tricks with you hun??xxx
oh and should we ask admin to move this to the discussions bit rather then 2nd tri now???xxx
Hi E&L's mummy, we are prob best getting it moved, how do we go about that?
I'm sorry to hear you haven't had an easy time. I hope you are doing alright now.
Hi E&L's mummy, we are prob best getting it moved, how do we go about that?
I'm sorry to hear you haven't had an easy time. I hope you are doing alright now.

thanks hun. x
we either make a new tread or we pm admin with the link and ask them to move the whole thread over. was just an idea easp as we are mostly in 3rd tri now not 2nd xx
Aye true, soz to hear u were in hosp E & Ls mummy. Are u doing ok now? You'll be getting impatient too. 15th, thats close to me :) Getting so fed up, can hardly do anything. Getting cramps, backache, sore legs u name it lol! Dont think she'll be small either, was a lot smaller with my DD and she was 7lb 10 lol!
Scottishmum2b sounds like you're going to have a time of labour then if baby is no 5 pounder hehe! Good luck. Hopefully you'll not go over your date hun. Will keep fingers crossed for you. Have got nearly everything in woo! Still to get mattress, dresser and blinds, but not rushing as baby will be in room with us in her moses basket for first few weeks. Just baby monitors to get and treating myself to new pjs for the hosp bag :) Sad i know :) Daniel is v excited about being a dad, although I think hes fed up of me complaining and making rest stops everywhere hehe! Ur man will be counting the days down too eh? Has your cleaning bug kicked in then? Im sure you'll have the house lovely for your little ones arrival, just dont overdo it or baby will be making a quicker appearance lol! Keep us posted hun :)
Welcome Sarah30, hope you are well hun. How have things been? Sorry to hear you're having a time of it. Hopefully it'll fly by. Are you excited? Know what you're having? x x
My fiancé is getting a little impatient now as well, he just wants to meet his baby girl, pity she is taking her time! :) I think he will be glad when she is here so he doesn't have to run after me as much. Not that I have him doing an awful lot, it's just becoming more difficult to get of the sofa. :)
Sounds like you have everything more or less ready now. Time to sit back and relax before the baby arrives? I am just pottering about the house most days, getting the house work done and trying to keep busy so the days go in quicker. Although today has been quite a lazy day. My dog was spayed on Wed and had a lump removed from her teet to see if it is cancerous (hopefully not). Well last night she just wouldn't settle and kept walking about, she was too sore to lie down so I got up about 2 in the morning and didn't really sleep after that (hence my lazy day). I felt terrible as there wasn't anything I could do to help her apart from try to get her to sleep on her side. She was ok today, but has started pacing again tonight. So it will be an early appointment with the vet tomorrow I think. Poor wee dog! :( How are your kittens getting on? How long until you rehome them?
I hope you are keeping well. Take care.
Aw what a shame, is she okay? NOthing worse when you feel so helpless eh? Hope it isnt cancerous. A few days and you may even go early yet :) How exciting! :D Its good your man is helping you get around etc. Its a nightmare getting settled, etc nearer your date. Enjoy the relaxation while you can huni, baby will turn things upside down when shes here lol!
Seem to have most of the stuff organised, which isnt like me at all. Daniel is going mental though cos my uncle added me to Facebay (a selling group on Facebook) and I am ADDICTED! Bought a musical baby chair for £30, PsP for him, and looking at baby monitors now lol! Have sold a few bits and pieces we dont use too :) Baby is def preparing I think, v little room so constantly have stretching pains, braxton hicks OUCH and of course heartburn lol! Midwife on Thurs so hoping she'll tell me that she isnt back to back anymore and is lower :) You should drink some strawberry/raspberry leaf tea. Its supposed to help bring on labour or at least make it more comfortable. Hope to hear of your good news and new arrival soon huni, take it easy x x
My dog is a lot better now, she can lie down and it doesn't seem to bother her (sometimes she jumps up but that isn't very often now). We take her back to the vet tomorrow to get her stiches out, I don't think that will be pleasant, for her or me!!
Your man shouldn't be to mad with you, you bought him a present as well! :) That seems like quite a good thing being able to sell things you no longer need, and using the money to buy more things you do need, or want. :)
I'm not long back from the midwife, the baby is still not engaged! :( I have been booked in for an induction on the 23rd, I'm really really hoping I start before that but I don't think it's looking good if she isn't even engaged yet! I also asked the midwife what she meant by a decent sized baby, since she told me last time that she is no 5 pounder! Well she thinks at least 8lb something! My god!!! What the hell will she be if I go to the 23rd!! How did it go for you at the midwife? I hope she isn't back to back anymore.
I have been taking raspberry leaf tablets for a few weeks now, it hasn't done anything to bring on labour for me, but I have heard it helps with contractions.
Aw and my heartburn is back, nightmare isn't it?!
I hope I have some good news soon. My mum is convinced she will be a Sunday baby, so I hope she is right and it's this Sunday. :)
Take care. xx
Hi Scottishmum2B just to say I hope everything goes okay as I noticed you are over your due date. Will be thinking about you. Big hugs XXX
Thanks sarah30. I'm still waiting, I have a feeling I will go the duration and need an induction! :(
I hope you are keeping well.
Aw glad your dog is ok. Hmm maybe shes bising her time. Kow what you mean though, shes getting bigger the longer shes in there lol! 8lb? OUCH! lol! Hopefully she'll come on her own. Whateevr you do do not resort to old methods and take Castor Oil, you will be sick! lol! I got desperate and tried it, you never forget it lol!
Midwife went well. shes tested me to see if I have strep B again so should get the results Thurs. hoping I dont cos i dont fancy being taken in early again in labour and kept in for 3 days afterwards :( Baby is head down but centimeters away from being engaged, so can move. Im measuring exact for my date but she says baby doesnt have a lot of water so Im probably having a big one. My fiance was 9lb something when he was born, dont fancy that lol! Braxton Hicks and heartburn are driving me crazy, other than that Im fine. She is running out of room tho and stretching me. The joys :) 5 weeks to go though so Im hoping they go fast. My DD had a good first day at school. i was all emotional and she was saying "mum you can go, I'll see you later" etc. They grow too fast! She was only in for half day and I ddnt know what to do with myself. Should really sleep and relax while I still can lol! Any signs of her coming yet?? Fingers crossed its the weekend hun. Keep us posted :) xx
I've heard bad stories about castor oil so I def will be keeping away from that! I'm typing this as I bounce on my exercise ball, hopefully that will eventually work! Still no signs that she is on her way unfortunately. I'm trying to keep busy with walking, housework etc, but it's starting to get really difficult as I'm so tired.
Aw I hope the test comes back negative, no one wants to be in hospital longer than they need to. That's good she is measuring as she should be. I think I read that second babies can engage later or maybe won't even engage until in labour?!
I was 8lb something when I was born, and my fiancé was 9lb something so I kinda thought we would have a big one.
I'm sure the 5 weeks will fly in, they went really quickly for me. This bit is dragging though!
I'm glad your girl enjoyed her first day at school. It must be hard though, her being with you a lot, then her growing up and going to school! A few of my friends kids are going in to P1 this year and they were dreading it.
Hopefully I will be posting here in a few days to say I've had my baby, if not, at least it's only 6 days till I get induced.
Take care.
Yeah its hard watching her go to school, shes all grown up lol! She loves it though and has made a few friends :) Hopefully not long for you now then, the exercise ball and raspberry leaf tea should help. Will keep fingers crossed for you.
How are you feeling? Called the midwife the other day and she says the test was clear, so I should be in for 6 hours only. Phew! She did say that it may show later so they may take precaution and give me antibiotics throughout labour to be safe. V tired these days and huge. Had a bit of pain when walking around but no 'show' so Im assuming its Braxton Hicks. Its a sharp pain low down like a dropping sensation. Have also heard she may not engage til later. Hope she goes down soon :) Shes around a centimetre or so away. Look forward to hearing of your good news soon hun x x
Hello Everyone.... I am also from Fife and having my first baby... a bouncing boy... I am due 3rd November :) and looking for a text bump buddy .. any takers? :)
Congrats Babytoots, hope all is well. How you been feeling? Most women on this page are due Sept/Oct but feel free to update us and keep in touch hun. Are you excited? Names picked? x x
Hi ladies, hope you are well. Looking forward to updates from you all :) Scottishmum2b, I hope you and your DD are doing well and shes being good for you. Congratulations hun! :) Yous will be over the moon :)
Update - have had contractions since 7pm Sat night, 30mins apart. Sore around pelvis and backache. Went in yesterday but it didnt progress so have been home just getting on with it. Have been told to go back in when 5 mins apart. Shes a decent weight apparently so hoping she comes sooner rather than later as my fiance was a big baby hehe! No show, plug or anything so on a mission after Thurs. Going to try some Raspberry Leaf tea, Pineapple and anything else :) How are you all? Bumps still v active? Yous all ready for your little ones? Not too long for us all Phew! x x
I havent posted up on here for ages! sorry! nice to see scottishmum2b has had her little one :D Bump is doing well , im having a boy ! and im getting to the fed up of waiting stage... still- only 6 weeks to go!

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