Scottish (Fife) Bump Buddy wanted - Due Sept :)

Cherryness, congratulations on you baby boy. :) I bet it's relief everything went well and he's a healthy baby. It's a great feeling! :)
I love the name Alexander. It's also my dads name. :)
Hi Fifemum, I'm doing alright thanks. Oh yes, the little monkeys limbs, or some part of her body, are lodged in my ribs quite a lot. I look daft rubbing at it and stretching to get her to change positions. :)
That's not so good you and your girl have been chocked with the cold, I hope you are both feeling a lot better.
Aw, what I would do for a good nights sleep these days! :) Being comfortable is a thing of the past! I'm not asking for much, just a few hours of uninterrupted sleep would be nice. I suppose it's just practice for when the baby is here. :)
Well my nursery hasn't had much more work done to it. The walls are painted lime green and I have bought the material for my mum to make curtains for it. I still have to get skirting boards and stain them, once that is done, I can get the carpet and get it fitted. I still have to get the shelves and black out blind. I really need to get my finger out. :)
7 weeks and counting until my maternity leave, I can't wait. :)
So how's your bump coming along? Is your decorating all done apart from the nursery?
im plodding along thanks hun, having an absolute nightmare trying to find a car sutible in our budget (which is practically non existant :sad: ). its really getting to me, i need to have it sorted before i have this baby. my dad seems to think we dont need it till after ive had the baby so there's no rush..... ermm how are we gonna get 6 of us in a 5 seat car dad??????
sorry im moaning arent i lol. gonna go drown my sorrows in a cuppa tea and might even break out the choc digestive!
Quick post from my phone. Cherryness my scan went well and we found out that we're also having a boy! Been shopping already and bought some cute boys bits and pieces to add to all the neutral things I have. Hope everyone is doing well. Lx
lLisa1981 Congrats on joining the boy team lol! Glad your scan went well. I went shopping too lol ! bought him a tigger outfit (winnie the pooh's friend) and a blanket and towel :) so exciting!
Scottishmum2b the nursery sounds like it'll be fab. Will all be a rush when baby comes. Glad you've not long til your Maternity Leave though. :) The decorating is on hold. Need to decorate hall, my room, kitchen and bathroom but think I'll maybe get hall done before baby is here if I'm lucky. Done some more of nursery yesterday. Still feel terrible but it was stressing me out. Need most of it done for cot etc coming in 5 wks. All just stress, but will be worth it when its done.
Had even less sleep lately as my cat Misty has been showing signs of going into labour. Had 3 hours sleep taking shifts with my OH on couch cos she likes someone there when she has kittens. Lol! Of course, no kittens yet! Shes just breathing heavy and following me everywhere :)
E & L'sMummy that's no so good hun, have you tried Gumtree or they sometimes have good prices for cars. Can def see your point, you'll need one before LO is here. Especially in case you go in early lol! Will keep fingers crossed for you :) How's bump?
Congrats Lisa1981 and Cherryness on finding out your Team Blue. There are some gorgeous outfits for boys out there. Glad to hear yous are all happy and healthy. It's nice to finally buy some colours eh? Was getting fed up seeing a sea of neutral outfits when I looked through baby stuff bought. Must admit I also couldn't resist Tigger stuff. It's adorable! How have yous been feeling? Bumps nice and active?

Off to catch up on rest before another night of kitten watch lol! Take care and spk soon x x
Hi another Scottish mum to be, I am from perth and due on the 11/11/11

Good luck to everyone on their pregnancies

im from fife too not as far along as everyone else though x
thanks hun. yeah looked at autotrader, ebay, exchange and mart too. our budget is only £2000 which really limits us but we saw a Mulitpla today which altho is very odd looking, its soooooooooooooooo practical. can get all 4 girls in, us and luggage/double pushchair or the dog. it was a lovely little garage too. the owner was soo helpful etc. i dont know what to do, esp as anything else we have looked has been a bit over budget or not quite right ie no boot space etc etc.

bump is......bump lol. get kicks now and then but nothing regular, starting to expand a bit and bought some new bras today to fit the slightly larger :boobies: in.
im just sortof getting on with it. move house end june, need to get car sorted and then i can have a baby lol and i think thats why i dont really feel pregnant yet iyswim.
hows tricks with you?? xxx
Hi my scan was last tues and everything was fine! She wasn't too sure but she said probably a girl!
Congrats and welcome Meldy84 and lilashwee, nice to hv new faces. How are you keeping? Any ideas what yous are having? Preferences?
Congrats to Scot_17! Glad scan went well hun! Welcome to Team Pink :) Have you bought anything pink yet? The day I found out (as much as I said I wouldn't be), I was on Next, Matalan, Asda, Tesco sites looking at all the girl's outfits hehe! :D
E & L's Mummy that car sounds great for yous. Is the price in your budget though? You looking forward to moving? I'm sure everything will work out fine before baby is here. Kinda know what you mean on the not feeling preg yet. I know we're nearly into 3rd trimester, but think it won't sink in really til I have house all organised, nursery done and my hospital bag ready hehe! Bump is v active, growing a fair bit. (Well bigger than i was with my daughter anyway) The extra weight is taking some getting used to and sleep is proving impossible. I get 3 hours most nights.Heartburn Ive learned to live with cos Gaviscon isnt doing anything :( Rant over lol!
My cat finally had he kittens lastnight around 9pm. She's had 5 black ones, theyre gorgeous! Having to seperate my older kitten (Josie) from a previous litter as she keeps growling. I'm sure she'll come around soon though to having more kittens in the house.
Hoping to get out of the house this weekend and stock up on nappies while Pampers coupons etc are still in date. Also need a new bra, no idea what size I am...have shot up from a 34C to a 36D, now I'm outgrowing those. Lol! With DD I went up to a 34D final couple of weeks of pregnancy. This one is costing a fortune :)
Hope you are all keeping well, keep me updated. Spk soon x x
Hey. How are you all doing?
Are you keeping all the kittens? We have a dog. We considered breeding her but I would worry too much who the puppies went to so I'm jut going to get her spayed. Hopefully get her done the first week I am off on maternity leave so I can be home with her. :)
Heartburn is really getting to me now, what do you ladies recommend? I haven't tried anything yet just been putting up with it.
I now have my little bag looked out for going in to hospital. I haven't packed anything yet, but at least I have a bag! :)
I hope you are all keeping well.
Congrats and welcome Meldy84 and lilashwee, nice to hv new faces. How are you keeping? Any ideas what yous are having? Preferences?
Congrats to Scot_17! Glad scan went well hun! Welcome to Team Pink :) Have you bought anything pink yet? The day I found out (as much as I said I wouldn't be), I was on Next, Matalan, Asda, Tesco sites looking at all the girl's outfits hehe! :D
E & L's Mummy that car sounds great for yous. Is the price in your budget though? You looking forward to moving? I'm sure everything will work out fine before baby is here. Kinda know what you mean on the not feeling preg yet. I know we're nearly into 3rd trimester, but think it won't sink in really til I have house all organised, nursery done and my hospital bag ready hehe! Bump is v active, growing a fair bit. (Well bigger than i was with my daughter anyway) The extra weight is taking some getting used to and sleep is proving impossible. I get 3 hours most nights.Heartburn Ive learned to live with cos Gaviscon isnt doing anything :( Rant over lol!
My cat finally had he kittens lastnight around 9pm. She's had 5 black ones, theyre gorgeous! Having to seperate my older kitten (Josie) from a previous litter as she keeps growling. I'm sure she'll come around soon though to having more kittens in the house.
Hoping to get out of the house this weekend and stock up on nappies while Pampers coupons etc are still in date. Also need a new bra, no idea what size I am...have shot up from a 34C to a 36D, now I'm outgrowing those. Lol! With DD I went up to a 34D final couple of weeks of pregnancy. This one is costing a fortune :)
Hope you are all keeping well, keep me updated. Spk soon x x

hey well im not sure what im having i think its a girl but il find out in july lol. congrats on the kittens aswell. i have bought all the clothes i will need for a new born already. i like being prepaired and its all folded up neatley in the drawers too :D x
We've bought a car!!!! well its our on the 1st july but its ours lol. Fiat Multipla. its sooo odd looking it funny and suits our needs.
how you doing hun?? xx
Scottishmum2b nah we are selling the kittens, once they're old enough to leave Misty. I know they're going to good homes then, as most people won't pay out money to neglect an animal. Had a fun week seperating them from Josie as she wouldn't accept them. She now goes in the cage and cleans them. Phew! It's a shame for her when they climb all over her trying to get milk. She's too young to understand. Bless :)
Soz to hear about the heartburn. All the midwives tell you is eat little and often, and no spicy food or caffeine before bed. Have heard puting milk in freezer til it gets v cold then drinking it helps. Works a little for me. Doc gave me Gaviscon but think Ive taken it so often I'm immune now. Rennies is good though. Good luck!
Won't be long now til you'll have to pack hospital exciting! U looking forward to it?
Lilashwee you sound v organised hun. Congrats! Have you bought all neutral or some colours? How have you been feeling?
E&L'sMummy Wow! Congrats! U finally got one eh. U'll feel more relaxed now at least. My Aunty has a multipla, they're meant to be very reliable cars. Good choice. :) I'm doing good. Still not getting full nights sleep due to baby moving and bump making it hard to get comfy, but togging on hehe! Been busy last 2 days decorating nursery. Will update pics on my Photobucket page. It's getting there. Cot arrives on or before the 14th so trying to get it done for then. Other than that I've been enjoying our unusually good weather :) Got burnt the other day and threw a hissy fit at my OH because none of my shorts etc fit hehe! The joys of hormones lol! How are you? What have you been getting up to? All organised for moving? x x
Hi all :)

Bump is very active. Although maybe done a bit too much swimming yesterday as today iv been suffering from what i think is round ligament pain. Sharp stabby pains on left side, baby is still wriggling around loads... so *shrugs*... IDK. I'll keep an eye on it :( but I suppose its my own stupid fault for doing so much swimming...
That's true about paying the money for them. I would just want to keep all the puppies if Roxie had any.
Im really looking forward to packing the bag, it will make it feel more real. Daft, I know! :) I'm not actually sure what I need to pack, but there is a post in third trimester about it, so I will have a look at that. To be honest, I don't even know when to pack.
We will hopefully get our ensuite finished in the next couple of weeks, thank goodness, I've been having a bath all this time and I can't wait to get my shower back, the bath is a bit uncomfortable now.
I will def try those things for the heartburn. It has been ok the last couple if days but I'm sure it will come back with a vengeance soon enough. :)
Cherryness, when I've been really busy and active I find I was getting those pains as well. I never worried as I assumed it was round ligament pains. It was a stitch like pain in the side of my bump. I still get a pain every now and again.
But swimming is great, keep it up. (not if ur in so much pain right enough!) I haven't been swimming for a while. Need to get a new costume to get this bump in to. :)
Scottishmum2b nah we are selling the kittens, once they're old enough to leave Misty. I know they're going to good homes then, as most people won't pay out money to neglect an animal.

Erm would have to disagree with this. I volunteer for Boxer Welfare and we take in dogs every week where people have paid around £600 for them only to ill-treat/neglect/abuse them.
Scottishmum2b nah we are selling the kittens, once they're old enough to leave Misty. I know they're going to good homes then, as most people won't pay out money to neglect an animal. Had a fun week seperating them from Josie as she wouldn't accept them. She now goes in the cage and cleans them. Phew! It's a shame for her when they climb all over her trying to get milk. She's too young to understand. Bless :)
Soz to hear about the heartburn. All the midwives tell you is eat little and often, and no spicy food or caffeine before bed. Have heard puting milk in freezer til it gets v cold then drinking it helps. Works a little for me. Doc gave me Gaviscon but think Ive taken it so often I'm immune now. Rennies is good though. Good luck!
Won't be long now til you'll have to pack hospital exciting! U looking forward to it?
Lilashwee you sound v organised hun. Congrats! Have you bought all neutral or some colours? How have you been feeling?
E&L'sMummy Wow! Congrats! U finally got one eh. U'll feel more relaxed now at least. My Aunty has a multipla, they're meant to be very reliable cars. Good choice. :) I'm doing good. Still not getting full nights sleep due to baby moving and bump making it hard to get comfy, but togging on hehe! Been busy last 2 days decorating nursery. Will update pics on my Photobucket page. It's getting there. Cot arrives on or before the 14th so trying to get it done for then. Other than that I've been enjoying our unusually good weather :) Got burnt the other day and threw a hissy fit at my OH because none of my shorts etc fit hehe! The joys of hormones lol! How are you? What have you been getting up to? All organised for moving? x x

well it will be in white for the first wee while lol x

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