Scottish (Fife) Bump Buddy wanted - Due Sept :)

I just got my pram :D skate mamas and papas ... it changes from a pram to a pushchair (forward or rearfacing). Im stupidly overly excited by this buy LOL! Any one else got their pram yet? And if any of you have this make do you know if the carrycot mode can be used temporarily as a cot if your over at someones house for the night? :S
we got our pram last week :D Chicco trio black label.

cherryness i think you can let them sleep in the carrycot part of these prams if its flat but im not 100% is it the kind that folds up into the carrycot or does it have a special part??
we got our pram last week :D Chicco trio black label.

cherryness i think you can let them sleep in the carrycot part of these prams if its flat but im not 100% is it the kind that folds up into the carrycot or does it have a special part??

It folds from carrycot into a pushchair. I just checked the webbie and it says yes... so i guess it can ! I just need to try find the sheets for this pram now which seem pretty hard to come by :S

I like your pram ! its very classy :D looks pretty mobile as well , great size too ! gd choice x
i like your pram too!!! just saw it on there website... very nice :D

baby is going nuts tonight... is very low and having much fun having a party on my bladder ...

Im confused as to how much of everything you need, i have 8 vest, 8 sleep suits both in newborn sizes... far too many bibs but you can never have enough, hats, socks, a jacket and trousers. need to get a pramsuit.. i don't know if its worth buying anymore until its born as we don't know what baby is... all so confusing...

ooh did win a breastpump on ebay for £35 with pp, the medila swing pump in great condition...
HI ladies, hope you are all well. Hows bumps all doing? Getting frustrated yet?
E&L's Mummy how are you doing? Do you have your car? Hope the house move is going ok. I'm good, just suffering from little sleep lol! Been painting more of nursery to keep occupied but can't get comfortable at night at all. lol! Dread when I get bigger hehe!
Cherryness what a good purchase. I have Mamas n Papas Ultima. You can use carrycot as a moses basket but you're best to buy a mattress for overnight sleeps as the pram one isn't recommended. Hope this helps. Know how u feel about the pram though. Mine is in the hall and I cannot wait to take it out hehe! :) Glad to hear baby is active and well.
ScottishMum2b hope you are well. Not sure when to pack hospital bag. Guess you can go in anytime after 36 weeks really (sometimes b4) so anytime is fine really. Think I read 7 or 8 sleepsuits, vests, some mitts, hats, suits, bibs, cardigans, disposable briefs, breast pads, PJs, slippers, etc. Good luck! Looking forward to getting mine packed, will be quite exciting. What have you been getting up to?
DarkAngel1981 Sounds like you are all organised. Your choice if you want baby in neutral or colours. Im sure you can pick up a nice pramsuit in lemon or lime. Congrats on your ebay purchase :) How have you been feeling? Have most of baby clothes in too, just iffy about buying the Summer stuff in just now cos it'll probably be colder in Sept. Have a little Winnie the Pooh dress, tghts and cardigan but will prob change mind nearer the time. lol!
Been so busy with Nursery. Daniel decided it wasn't girly enough so we have kept theme but changed the bottom panel of wall to purple. Also added baby's name above Yoshi (pics updated) Cot arrives tomorrow so v excited! Drawers will have to be ordered, out of stock. Grr! Be glad to see the back of the cardboard boxes in there lol! DD also has 1st trial day of school tmos...busy week ahead :) x x
Hi. Well that's us eventually got our skirting boards on and the carpet down in the nursery so I can start getting the furniture in. We have a wardrobe and chest of drawers (not new) and we are picking up the cot bed tomorrow. It's starting to feel a bit more real.
I had a midwife appointment this week, the baby is breech, although I'm told not to worry as there is still plenty time. If she's still breech when I go back in 2 weeks, I'll get another scan to check the they will talk about my options.
I also have rib flare, ouch! Although it will be worth it when she is here. I'm getting pretty excited now, only 8 weeks to go (if she is on time!) :)
How was your daughters trial day of school? I hope she enjoyed it.
Thanks for the list for the hospitals bag, I'm going to get a start on that in the next week. :)

I hope you are all well.
Hey! I'm another scottish mum, I stay in Ayrshire.. I used to visit fife alot though and Crail, lovely places! Congrats to you all :) x
im From Dundee but live in Paisley:D x not due till November tho x
Oh hello im from kirkcaldy! :D not due til november xx
Hi xCarlydx, Glitterstar and Becca2704 hope uz are all well. How is pregnancy going so far?
Aw thats great about the nursery Scottishmum2b! Not long at all now. Hope she's on time and theres no problems. She'll probably turn before she i due fingers crossed. :) How have you been feeling? What's rib flare?
Natalie's school visit was good. She cant wait to go! I on the other hand was all emotional when she tried on uniform for sizes hehe! My baby is growing up. SHe has her 5th bday on Saturday so we are taking her Hello Kitty shopping in Edinburgh. Thats what she asked for as shes never been on train before. Bless! Cant wait to see her face when she gets her prezzies. Been unwell the last week or so (v little appetite n no energy) so havent been up to much. Nursery almost done, phew! The cot looks good, just to order dresser and drawers in the next wk or so. Have updated pics - Will be glad to see the stuff away tidy instead of in bags n boxes lol!
Bump is getting a lot bigger and is giving me nice sharp kicks in the ribs (ouch!) as well as heartburn. Love feeling her move though, she actually reacts to prods now lol! Hows ur bump? You'll be getting restless and impatient now eh? Have fun packing your hospital bag :) A spray bottle of water or hand fan is good to pack too to cool you down. Keep us updated x x
Hi. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply.
Well rib flare is to do with the baby being on one side (happens to be my left) and they are pushing against the ribs which causes pain. It's pretty common apparently. It's easing off a little so she has maybe moved a little. I think she is maybe trying to turn in to the head down position as I was feeling her hiccups lower down, I usually feel them quite high up by my ribs. So fingers crossed she is turning. I have the midwife on Thursday and she will be able to tell me more.
How are you feeling now? I hope you have gotten your appetite back.
Did Natalie enjoy her birthday and her presents? :)
I haven't been getting as much movement in my bump as I used to, I'm just outing it down to her running out of room. I'm not worried yet as I still feel her, just different movement I suppose. I have been getting sharp pains in the bottom of my bump the last couple of days, so I think I'll mention that to the midwife when I go. I don't know if it's normal or not, but I'm guessing there is bound to be some pain.
I'm getting pretty impatient now, I just want to be able to see my baby. I'm getting really excited now. I just have the black out blind, curtains and a couple of shelves to put up in the nursery and that's it done. Hurrah. :)
Oh and your nursery looks fantastic. :) Who is the artist? You have made a great job of it.
Thanks, good to hear from you. Glad the rib flare has settled, doesn't sound pleasant. How have you been feeling otherwise? Ul be getting fed up now huh?
Appetite has returned, a bit at least. Not eating as much as I was but not too worried, baby is active enough. Natalie had a lovely bday, she enjoyed Edinburgh and got spoiled with Hello Kitty stuff. Got her school uniform too, so kinda organised there. She starts school Aug. No long away at all. Just hit me the other day that she'll be in school abt a month then her sister will be here lol!
Had midwife today, went well. Baby v active, right size of uterus etc. She seems to be sitting facing forward upside down. Back to my back the midwife said. It explains the sharp kicks to the ribs anyway. Hopefully she'll turn around in a few wks.
Ur nursery sounds lovely, ul have to post pics :) Not much to buy either so thts good, no stress lol! Ours is getting there. Ordering drawers Mon, dresser and mattress probably in nxt couple of wks. Have bottles, bouncy chair, blankets and blackout blind to get too. Cant wait til its all finished. :) My fiance done all the drawing and I done the painting, so it was a joint effort. Love it tho! Have cross stitched some yoshis and other characters for the bumper etc.
Has your heartburn settled? Not sure abt the pain under bump. Could be stretching as baby will be moving lower down. Might also be Braxton hicks if it feels like tightening, then settles. Let me know how midwife goes :) Up to much over the weekend? x x
Aw, I'm starting to get fed up now, especially being pregnant in this hot weather, it's not the comfiest is it? Although, I sat out in the back garden reading for a few hours yesterdays, and I've burnt my arms and legs, I am an idiot! It's hard enough sleeping without being sunburnt!
What have you been up to this weekend? We had a BBQ yesterday. My fiance had his pals round for a drink, I sat inside since I was burnt, then they disappeared to his pals to watch the boxing.
I'm sure ur baby will turn, mine is still turning, I can tell from where I feel her hiccups. Sometimes I feel them down at the bottom of the bump, other times at the top.
My heartburn has, more or less, disappeared, touch wood. :) Its maybe because she is mostly head down rather than breech. So it's nice to get a break from that. :)
When I was at the midwife she said the baby was head down and my bump is measuring as it should be. I have started getting Braxton hicks, they are painless, just my bump gets really hard. I think the pains at the bottom of my bump were just stretching pains, Ive only had the odd twinge the last couple of days.
Once I have figured out how to put photos on here, I'll put some pictures of my nursery on. :)
Hi, omg not long for u to go eh. U getting excited. Def know where you're coming from about the heat, its too much. Would get cranky in the heat b4 when I was preg, but now 10 times worse lol! Can only seem to fit maxi dresses and even they dont help lol!
Glad u had a nice bbq. Was at my sis in laws for a bbq the other week and had to sit under shade the whole time. Her friend brought her baby girl along too so that just made me more impatient hehe!
Glad ur heartburn has cleared up hun, braxton hicks arent v nice tho. Uncomfortable. Ur body is telling you baby won't be long though so thats always good. I have no idea how to post pics on here yet so cant help there. I just made a photobucket page then posted link, seemed easier lol! How is the nursery coming along? U all prepared for baby?
Got drawers delivered today, so once Daniel built them I spent some time filling them lol! Apparently I was like a little schoolgirl lol! Kept cooing and awwing the outfits hehe! V excited! Just have blinds and dresser to get then hopefully its all done :)
Bump is getting v big and the stretching pains can be tough. It's taking its toll on back too! Going away Sunday for a few days to my in laws to relax and have some retail therapy at designer outlet so that is keeping me sane lol! Will bew nice to escape and not cook, clean, change cat litter, feed kittens etc lol! U have anything nice planned before baby is here? Howd the hospital bag packing go? x x
Hi anyone from my part of scotland iam louise iam 13 weeks pregnant iam from kilwinning in north ayrshire iam looking to make new friends in the area as iam just new around this part i dont have any friends to be truthful.only friend is my husbabnd john who i married a few weeks ago and moved in with him,.we are due our 1st baby on 14th jan 2012.i would love to meet up with people for coffee or chat.
Hiya Jo, welcome to the page. Im from Fife which is a bit far I guess. Ur welcome to share experiences and news on here if you like. Congratulations on your pregnancy! How have you been so far?
x x
Well I am getting pretty excited now about this baby being here. :)
I'm starting to get a lot of braxton hicks now, they aren't painful, just uncomfortable as my bump really tightens. I'm also getting some stretching pains now, across the bottom of my bump. I just hope it means my body is getting ready and I won't go too long over, 4 weeks till my due date now. :)
The nursery just needs the blind put up and the shelves painted and put up. I just got the car seat along from my mums yesterday so we are prepared in case anything happens early. I just have to get some new born clothes, as all I have is 0-3 months, which might be a little big, I wish I knew what size she would be, would be so much more helpful! :) I think she might be long though as I'm reasonably tall and Grant is really tall! I don't know if it works like that though!
That is me finished work now, it's great feeling. :) As much as much as I would like to relax, I have the kitchen to paint and put new cupboards up, well I doubt I'll manage to put those up, but I can paint. :)
How have you been feeling? I bet you are really looking forward to getting away for a break. We don't have anything planned before baby arrives, just to get the house in order as the kitchen and ensuite aren't really usable the now! :)
I have a few things looked out for the hospital bag, but haven't actually packed it properly yet. I'm trying to take only what I'll need, but that's hard when I don't actually know what'll need since I've never done it before! :) When are you going to pack yours?
It's going pretty quickly isn't it? I thought it would have dragged in, can't believe I'm 36 weeks already! :)
I'm going to an antenatal class next Friday, I only asked about them on thurs when I was at the midwife. Thought I'm just as well going, see what it's all about.
Well I hope you have a great time away, with all your retail therapy. :)
Take care.

Thanks, yeah we are having a nice time. Wow, 24 days for u hehe! Not long at all. Glad you are keeping well. Sounds like your body is preparing for baby so hopefully you'll be on time. i was late with my 1st which I've read is common. Hopefully your dates will be exact, as it gets v frustrating. When you go on a mad clean up, you'll know its soon. I was cleaning out cupboards, polishing and even dusting the cleaning product bottles! I went to hosp that night lol!
You looking forward to painting? Will take your mind off the wait at least. Not much to do in nursery either. Huge relief. Have packed hospital bag already tbh, just to pack my pjs and slippers. I'm nervous this time around I think because my friend had her son at 30 weeks so I've been panicking thinking what if lol! Hopefully I'll be a little early or on time.
Enjoying being away from things. Have had a lot of family arguments and needed the escape. Nice to get tea cooked for me, housewrk done etc. Just feel huge and normal activities are getting harder and uncomfortable.
Have cravings, heartburn settled now? Hope you're having a nice holiday too. Have fun decorating x x
Hi. How are you doing?
Well 14 days tomorrow until my due date, I hope she is on time, it's bad enough having to wait 2 weeks, never mind 4! Although at least now I know it's no longer than 4 weeks till I meet her?
How are you keeping? Did you enjoy your time away? I have just been doing things around the house, if I can manage. To be honest, I'm starting to struggle with simple things now, I think it is because of the enormous amount of weight I have put on! And because of the bump I suppose! :)
This weather is great, pity I can't really enjoy it! My feet look massive from the swelling, it's pretty horrible! My man has been laughing at how big they are. Think I might just jump on his toes to swell them up, see how he likes it! :)
Are you getting excited? I can hardly wait now, I just really want to see her.

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