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Second baby, awe factor the same?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I feel so silly for asking this but I'm about to have my second baby in April wow my first baby just turned one on Christmas Day.

I am so in love with my baby girl I can't help but wonder how anybody else felt after their second child was born? I'm sure I will have the same feelings but can't imagine loving anything as much as her! It be great just to hear some other experiences out there!

Your not alone I think this too, I can't imagine loving someone else as much as my LO but I'm very sure we will feel just the same amount of love when they arrive x
I found I felt very resentful to DS when he was in my tummy. He was going to come along and ruin the perfect one on one mummy/baby relationship between me and DD.

But then he arrived and I love him so much, just as much as DD. Its not the same as with a first its now me and my two children all the time and we do things as a threesome, but I love them both so so much!!
I felt this too when I was pregnant after DS--I didn't even want to TTC#2 because I was so sure I couldn't love it as much as DS-- but then I lost that baby and suddenly I realized that my heart and ability to love had grown with the new child.

I think being pregnant after several losses in a row had made some of the excitement of pregnancy return but it's still not the same as being pregnant with your first. I'm not really keeping any mementos from this pregnancy or taking bump photos, etc. The novelty wore off, I guess. But I don't like pregnancy and just want the baby to get here safe and sound.
I also feel this way, I wonder how I can love someone the way I love my son, bt I no I will :) x
I worried about this while pregnant with DS #2. I worried all the time that I wouldn't love him as much as I did DS#1. I worried if maybe I wasn't capable of loving something as much as I did him. I worried if I would be able to manage 2. I have to say, it wasn't love at first sight with DS #2 as it was with DS #1. I'm not sure why... but the bond took a little while longer. Then I had DS #3 and it was totally love at first sight. Each pregnancy and bond is different, I guess. Maybe my own worries contributed to how quickly I could bond. All pregnancies were very much wanted and planned... but I still don't know why my feelings towards DS #2 were so different. He's such a special guy to me now, I can't believe I ever had these feelings.
I can't help but feel guilty :nope: its terrible but I feel like I'm robbing her of my attention. I mean I always planned on having more kids but I didn't know i would end up feeling this way...
I had these feelings and had guilt while pregnant, I feel guilty now but for different reasons. Yes the awe factor is the same and the same amount of love is there for both. They also have a great relationship with each other.

I will say though the bond is different. Although we treat them the same and love them for different reasons I see that I'm more "attached" to my oldest and my husband is more bonded with our youngest (not the one I'm pregnant with :haha:) I feel bad for that sometimes because I'm sure every family had that favorite child growing up and unfortunately OH and I were not the favorites! So I don't ever want it to turn into that but its nice knowing we are both "attached" to different kids :winkwink: also my oldest is a huge mommas boy and our youngest has seemed from birth to care less about me and be more into daddy :)
I'm so crazy in love with Sophie. I never imagined it was possible either, but...wow. Just wow. I would do anything for her. I can't even explain it. It's like being on some sorta perminant honeymoon, maybe a babymoon?

We have such an intense bond. It took 6 weeks to even like her, let alone love her though.
I'm more worried about others reaction. No-one is that interested or bothered by this pregnancy. Lo is so funny & amazing, everyone loves him. I do worry that the next one might struggle to get the same attention.
I'm more worried about others reaction. No-one is that interested or bothered by this pregnancy. Lo is so funny & amazing, everyone loves him. I do worry that the next one might struggle to get the same attention.

I feel the same people forget im even pregnant and never ask about this baby, probably because I dont often speak about being pregnant. I had 3 private scans with lucas and wont be having any private ones this time. I am not buying much for this baby is I have sooo much from lucas, I worry this baby wont feel 'special' and just the 2nd child :(

Also I took a photo every week when pregnant with lucas and dont want many this time as I feel fat. I looked over every tiny little thing even cotton wool haha, this time im not that fussed, maybe because it was only 6 months ago I done it before
^ I think its like that for everyone. The first child will always have more pictures, more stuff, more people interested because that was the FIRST and you go through all that excitement and sort of over do it. Then you have your second or third and its more routine, you dont need as much as you needed before ect.

With my first after ttc for 2 years EVERYONE I mean people I barely knew was so excited for us. We had a huge baby shower, I took a pic of me and every single thing I bought for him, everyone was sending cards and gifts it was all about him. With my second having just gave birth 5 months before people werent as excited. I didnt have maternity photos, I didnt have a baby shower. I needed pretty much nothing since they were same gender so I didnt get many gifts. This time the excitement from people was an all time low :haha: now weve had two close in age so people just dont seem as excited. Now that we know its a girl we have people excited and wanting to buy things because they are excited its a girl. Something NEW. New things always get more attention. I dont feel like everyone loves my first more. Actually quite a bit of family and friends really love our second because hes so cute and chubby :) So even though the excitement might not be there people still care about you and your kids.
Yeah, for us people are excited because they know we've struggled TTC#2 and have had several losses. If it's a girl I'm sure I'll get some extra excitement too though I've already had several people telling me I don't want a girl because they're so awful and so much harder than boys. In my house growing up my brother was the emotional, moody and "drama king" one so I would beg to differ! LOL Even his son is more sensitive and emotional than his daughter. His daughter is a rascal though....LOL

Anyways....it's tough to recreate that novelty that comes with a first baby. I think trying just leads to disappointment and unnecessary guilt. Something doesn't have to be new to be special. I think once we see the uniqueness of our second children we will all be over the moon and thrilled with them.
This is why I'm praying the second one is a boy. Due to breastfeeding and other stuff I'm sure my daughter and I are inseparable. I want this one to be a boy so he and Daddy can have the same bond I have with my DD. I'll be breastfeeding again so that always creates the closeness but like everyone else I can't imagine feeling the way I do to both kids. Now I have 3 dogs and have different relationships with all three but def have a favorite. For the longest time I didn't even want to try to have another because I don't want to upset the apple cart, but I know in the long run it's better to have two than just one, especially as they get older. Thankfully newborns sleep a lot so there will be a few months where DD can get used to the idea of the baby being there without it impacting too much of mommy's attention (outside of breastfeeding, diaper changing...maybe i'm kidding myself).
I used to wonder this too...however I am now already totally in love...I just know I will love little one just the same as my big one! xx

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