Sensitive kids group

Siyren, Thomas is exactly the same with not wanting to try anything unless he can do it perfectly. I have really been working on this with him a lot recently and I think he is improving. I talk to him literally all the time about how everyone has to practice in order to be able to do things, not just about him but about myself or OH or anyone else really. Like "oh look at that little baby trying to walk, he needs to practice walking to get good at it", or "oh I made a bit of a mess of cutting out that circle, I need more practice cutting things out" or whatever. All the time trying to give him the message that making mistakes is not a bad thing but it's just a part of learning. The other thing I do is talk about the things that he can do well now that he couldn't always do, e.g. "wow you did great diving down to the bottom of the pool to get the fish, remember a few weeks ago you couldn't do that" or whatever. His balance bike is another good example because I had to bribe him to go on it for the first few weeks and now he absolutely loves it. The other thing that I do with him is respect his need to watch first before he attempts to do it himself, so I won't push him to join in straight away, I will say something like "see all the children doing that funny dance, in another few weeks you will be able to join in with them" or whatever the situation is. I do think we are seeing some progress in that area - I am a total perfectionist myself so I know exactly where he gets it from, but ideally I would like to help him to avoid some of the more negative aspects of perfectionism (e.g. self-doubt, excessive self-criticism, and refusing to try in case you fail) - there are positive aspects to the trait too like having high standards for one's work.
Daisybee- :hugs: hope Megan gets better soon Hun :hugs:, yay for Jordan's crawling, well done! Omar goes completely off food when he's not feeling well.

Siyren- Omar is the same, he will not do anything he doesn't master, I encourage him to try & I do it myself without forcing him, we spent a whole semester watching kids playing soccer instead of joining in, last semester he started to join in & this semester he's very confident with the ball bless him. All for sleeping, I don't have much advise, Omar seems overtired by the end of the day as he doesn't nap or relax during the day, he fights going to bed. I tried routine but it's not working.

Polaris- :hugs: so sorry Clara is going through sleep regression, hope she gets over it soon Hun

Omar is using his balance bike around the house :happydance: we have to get him a helmet soon, but I don't know how to convince him to use it! He's also playing on his own for 30 mins during the day. Sleep is not going well, he's very restless at night.

I'm not feeling well :( I have a tummy flu & I have pain all over my body. I took two tablets of Panadol around Omar, he went crazy & started to cry, he didn't like the fact that mummy is not feeling well. He's showering me with kisses all day. He's kissing me those days instead of giving me his cheek to kiss him which is so cute :cloud9:
Daisybee - hope megan feels better soon and yay for the crawling (and good luck with her being mobile)

Polaris - hope the sleep regression is a phase

Omarsmum - hope you feel better soon but very cute with omar and kisses

Siyren - Samy is also very much a perfectionist and does not like not being able to do something perfectly. At school we had tears as they all had to put their coats on and she cried as even though she could get it on she could not do the zip up (none of them could and they were not expected too). So we practice and break things down into smaller tasks
Siyren, I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at your list - we have almost identical issues! Alice's favourite phrase is "I'm not very good at X", we've had the snowball one too. It's so frustrating!

She's a snacker too. She'll pick at her dinner then request an oatcake or something once I've cleared away. I've felt a bit better about it since making more balanced snacks. Over the day, she probably eats a vaguely balanced diet.

Going to bed is fine, but she wakes at least 5 times a night for quite long stretches, getting up for the day at 5. I'm at my wits end. If anyone has any advice, please let me know! I am starting to find it hard to concentrate in the day. Lots f sympathy Polaris, as it seems we're in a similar position.

Hooray for balance bike progress Omarsmum! Would the helmet transition be easier if he chooses it himself? I was quite straight with Alice about hers, and explained hw dangerous it is without wearing one outside by roads, and she's (usually!) accepted without complaint. Hope you're feeling better soon :hugs:

Alice is so overwhelmed by the snow. She's massively overexcited, and is horrendously loud. I'm struggling, because she seems so manic. My parents used to irritate me as a child by saying "It'll all end in tears!" when I got excited by things, but it is very true. Yesterday was tough as she crashed into a lamppost while sledging. She didn't hurt herself, but was shaken up and cried most of the rest of the day. With my lack of sleep, I'm not as sympathetic and patient as I should be!
He asked for a helmet so I think he might accept to wear it?

I took him to choose one more than once but he threw a tantrum & refused to try any helmets
He asked for a helmet so I think he might accept to wear it?

I took him to choose one more than once but he threw a tantrum & refused to try any helmets
im glad to see some common ground in this group!
last night was a tough night for us- she didnt go to sleep until almost 11, she then woke at 3, and was up until half six. and during that time she was absolutely manic.
she ate 3 bites of dinner last night though- which is actually progess. ive relaxed on that front-i just state that she doesnt have to eat dinner, but she does have to sit at the table with me and oh, so we can have a family meal.

omarsmum- that sounds great about the balance bike, hope you manage to transition to a helmet easily.

quartz- Samy sounds very like lyssa- i cant even get her to try and put her coat on.

polaris- i very much sympathise with the sleep regression.

daisybee- i hope megan feels better soon

today lyssa is at the childminders all day- i should have been going into uni all day, but my train isnt running because of the snow- so im trying to write my essay but struggling to concentrate. x
Omarsmum- hope you feel better soon! :hugs: Megan took it really bad when I had morning ( all day) sickness when pregnant. She was very worried about me. It was hard to put on a brave face for her with my head in the toilet. Lol Thats great that he is riding his balance bike! And glad to hear Omar doesn't eat when not feeling well... Well not really glad... Just glad it's not just Megan. Dh wanted to tear his hair out this weekend. It was driving him crazy. And then when she didn't get any meds I think he's forgetting she isn't well and he is just thinking she is deciding she doesn't like food. She is eating yogurt, pudding, plain ice cream, pediasure, milk, and apple juice. She's had a few bites of things and then has given up... And those have been when I've gotten her to take tylenol, she does best with meds that dissolve in your mouth. So she had a few bites of banana and bread.

I don't know if Megan is perfectionist or not... She will refuse to try to do things and say I'm not old enough or I'm not older yet. Even trying to write abcs I asked her if she wanted to copy M for Megan the other day and she was in tears saying she can't and she's not old enough and refused to try. But other things like wiping her own butt she wants to do and gets annoyed that I want to help her. I didn't see her as super cautious ( besides the physical) like we were talking about the other day, but dh was talking about Megan being cautious and didn't know we had discussed it here. He talked about his sister drinking foundation when she was little and we were saying Megan wouldn't do that. She would try to wear it, but not eat it.

I totally forgot how much more work a mobile child is!!!! Haha I knew I wasn't in any hurry for Jordan to figure it out. She is finally getting her top teeth in, but is still sleeping for some odd reason! I'm not used to that at all. Megan would have been awake all night at this stage of teething.

Polaris - I'm sorry about the lack of sleep! It feels like it's been going on for so long. You must be exhausted!

I do find it interesting ( and horrible ) that so many in this group are struggling with sleep issues. Megans sleep was so bad for so long. It really made me depressed. I thought it would never end. I was grumpy and so upset about it when it was happening. I will write about megans sleep again which I'm sure all of you have read about, but maybe something will help. I read a lot of books about sleep, and the one that I didn't read all of but read a chapter about temperament sticks out. The author is the one who wrote that spirited child book I'm reading write now. Temperament plays a huge part in sleep.

Tacey- alice's overexcitement about the snow sounds like megans overstimulated state about a lot of things. I'd never thought about it being manic before... That's an interesting way to think about it!

Siyren - I'm glad you have joined the group! Its helpful to feel common ground with others, isn't it?
daisybee- was it you who posted about changing megans room and simplification of a lot of things- and how that helped? x
Christina has been asking me to take the flower/butterfly stickers off of her wall, so I'm thinking she might want to simplify her room also. I had forgotten you said that helped Megan with sleeping.

Omarsmum, hope you are feeling better soon!

Polaris, we got to a similar point about feeding to sleep with Caitlyn (how it was taking longer and longer and she wasn't staying asleep long) and I just had to start putting Christina to bed first while we worked on Caitlyn's sleeping. It meant Christina's bedtime was rushed, and often we had a screaming baby beside us while we tried to read stories, but that allowed me the time to feed and settle Caitlyn to sleep properly afterwards, and then we did a little sleepsense with her and she took to it really quickly. Christina was really understanding about it because she could hear Caitlyn screaming and wanted Caitlyn to be happy too, so she usually was ok with me rushing a bit to see to Caitlyn. Once Caitlyn was good at self-settling, I switched back to putting Caitlyn down first so that Christina could have her proper bedtime attention, and to this day Caitlyn goes down first because I feel like Christina needs that longer wind-down time more. Have you thought about swapping their bedtime order so you can spend the time you need with Clara teaching her how to sleep? I know it may be unfair to Thomas if you decided to try that, but could be a short-term solution until you get Clara's sleeping sorted.
Hi guys,

I've not been around for a few days as I've had a bit of a rough time with the kids but will answer the posts I've missed first:

Eating: Daisy is a really fussy eater too. She used to be a great eater until 18 months but is not good at all now. She will only eat certain things. These are the only things she eats: cereal, bread, tinned pasta shapes, baked beans, scrambled egg, waffles, sausages, oven chips, pasta and mushroom sauce, spaghetti carbonara, meatballs and rice, pizza, raisins, fruit pots, yoghurts, chocolate and crisps. That's it, not very healthy at all :(. . Tommy is a fab eater and has his 5 a day every day and has a home cooked meal every evening but Daisy is just not interested. She used to eat like Tommy at his age too. I don't push it because she is so stubborn I know it would make her worse. Daisy hates watching Tommy eat though. She feels sick if he makes a mess.

Daisybee: I really hope Megan is feeling better. I'm sorry to hear she's been so poorly. The doctors visit sounds very traumatic. Daisy is EXACTLY like that at the doctors and dentist. Congrats on Jordan crawling!

Polaris: I hope Clara starts sleeping well soon :hugs:. Lack of sleep is just awful :(.

Siyren: Hi :). It does sounds like Lyssa is sensitive so you'll fit right in here. I have found the advice from these ladies so useful.

Omar's mum: I hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:.

Tacey: Daisy has also been overwhelmed by the snow. We had an enormous meltdown when we went sledging. Every other child there was having a ball but Daisy screamed and screamed and wouldn't go on the sledge or let any one else have a turn. She was completely overwhelmed and over stimulated. I felt really sorry for her really and I just wish she could have let herself have a nice time as she had been really looking forward to it.

Hi to everyone else too, Cutie4ever, Quartz, Karli, hope you all had a nice weekend.

We had a hard week in a lot of ways. Daisy LOVED nursery which has been such a relief. She stayed for her full 3 hours on her own on Friday and loved it. She walked in, pointed at the exit and said 'You go this way please daddy. I'm going this way.' and skipped off happily into the nursery. She refused to leave when he came to pick her up at the end and wanted to stay longer!

The week was hard because Tommy was so ill. He had measles as a side effect from his MMR vaccine and he was SO ill. He had a rash everywhere, no appetite, not sleeping, crying constantly, so miserable, the poor little guy. Hubby kept having to drag him out to Daisy's nursery for her settling in sessions as we have nobody to help with childcare and I was at work and he shouldn't have gone out really as he was so poorly. Then Daisy got ill on Friday too. Just with a cold and a cough but she's miserable and grumpy. Tommy just got over the measles and now he's got the cough and cold too.

Daisy is barely sleeping. For the last few days she has refused to go to bed. I have to lie with her until she is asleep and then sneak out which is really hard to do as she is a light sleeper. Tommy often isn't settled in the evening so it has been so difficult managing them both as hubby works in the evening so it is just me. Then Daisy has woken up at about midnight and come in with us for the rest of the night but has barely slept, so we've had no sleep either. We changed her toddler bed for a single bed and last night hubby got in there with her when she woke so I could get some sleep as looking after 30 kids at work all day is exhausting enough without any sleep. For 2 years from 1 until almost 3 Daisy went to bed and slept all night. She always woke early but was a good sleeper during the night but her sleeping is just awful at the minute.

She still hasn't used a toilet either which worries me. She will only use her potty and says she is scared of toilets. She wet herself at nursery on Friday and I felt sad for her as that is her first accident in a month now. She had a her potty there so I don't know why she didn't use it. Weirdly they changed her trousers but left her in the wet knickers which I think is a bit odd. I am worried that it will keep happening at nursery and they'll forget to remind her to use the potty or to make sure she knows where it is. I am concerned that if she keeps having accidents there and gets used to feeling wet it will start to not bother her and she'll do it at home and when we are out and that would be a huge regression as she's done so well having no accidents for the last 4 weeks. Hubby is going to ask them tomorrow how she got on with her potty on Friday. She didn't go today because she is ill but also because of the snow. I feel all emotional about her going. It is harder than I thought letting her go :(.

With all the changes lately, being unwell, and the snow too her behaviour at home has been DREADFUL this last week . I feel absolutely worn out at the moment!
Jc - big hugs! It's sounds like you have had quite a week! Ugh! Both kids sick and not sleeping. I'm so glad the measles is done, but colds are no fun either. Megan has a really tough time falling asleep if she is doing new things ( like daisy with preschool?) so besides being sick maybe some of it is just excitement and overstimulation? That must be so hard to handle both when sick and not wanting to sleep with dh not around. I've been lucky with that lately, that the nights dh is working the girls ( or at least Jordan) are going well.

I can't believe they would have daisy stay in wet underwear!?! That's more than odd, that's just not right!

We bought Megan a full size bed this fall and it was a great decision. She now has way more room and we can lay with her if we need to. She doesn't sleep well in our bed at all so that works better for us to go to her bed.

I've figured out that Jordans sleep is so good as she is worn out!!! Lol so yay for teething at the same time as crawling. Haha her last teeth she had fitful sleep, but the past few days she has been sleeping like a rock and long naps as well.

We are the ones that changed Megans bedroom, and I think that along with other changes have helped her with sleeping. We took all the decals off her walls, she only has 2 things on her walls right now. They are painted blue and I think it's a very calming color for her. I was going to put up blinds but right now she has blankets over her windows and that seems to work for the time being as it blocks out most of the light. She still has white noise on anytime she is sleeping.

What you see if you look at her room is her big bed with navy blue comforter on top, lighter blue pillows, blue walls. So yes it looks very blue but seems to work and she seems to like it. The carpet we got thicker plush carpet and thick pad underneath to help with noise and being cozy feeling. She has a blue lazy boy chair that we sit and read books in the corner of her room. Next to that is a nightstand. We keep her chewy toys, toothbrushes, some books, etc in there ( it has 2 drawers). Next to that is a desk. We are looking for a chair for it, not sure what kind will be best. Right now we keep one puzzle on top and rotate it. It has 3 drawers on the one side and she keeps a lot of her hodge podge toys in there. Squishy balls, chapstick, string, notebooks, things that really are all probably needing to be taken away as they are all choking hazards for jordan. Lol it would be ok if she kept them out of reach, but I find them all over. the bottom drawer is all baby toys that Jordan can play with when in there. The top drawer has some puzzles, games, etc.

Then the other item in the room is her dresser. I put away a lot of her clothes that weren't being worn and only kept in things she wears. I need to go through it again as realized half of the pants are too short. We are keeping underwear, diapers, wipes, socks, sleep sacks, and pjs in the bottom drawer.
Next drawer is pants, then shirts, then dressier clothes that aren't dresses, the highest drawer I use for fingernail polish, diaper creams, lotions, extra diapers, etc.

Her closet now contains her huge bookshelf. I think it's this one? She then has a smaller toy shelf next to it with clear totes with lids for toys. The closet shelf above everything has sensory boxes, canvas boxes filled with felt board pieces, craft things, games, lacing, etc. And then puzzles. On the floor in the closet there is a doll portacrib with a few dolls and stuffed animals.

Things that we've done for Megans sleep... I am not sure which has helped, I think a lot of these have helped. We moved her from sleeping on the inside wall opposite our bedroom to an outer wall. She hears less noise from our room. She wakes when dh gets up in the am for work if her white noise isn't loud enough. We also now put a blanket in front of her door to block out light and noise. It seems to help. She is a very light sleeper. She has the bigger bed. We bought a very good quality mattress that is more soft than firm. Her mattress she had in her crib/ toddler bed was her firm baby mattress. Not very cozy.. Even though it was good quality they make them pretty firm.
She has lots of down time before bed, she can't get too worked up after dinner so no rough play with daddy, no getting really excited. She can't play outside after dinner or won't sleep til 3 am. After dinner we turn down lights, and start trying to be calm. Jordan is sleeping through the night... When she was waking crying, it was waking Megan up and Megan couldn't get back to sleep. Megan has to still nap or she gets too overtired, which in her looks more like energy and wound up, vs. yawning and wanting to chill out. So then she is more worked up by bedtime even with earlier bedtime, and wakes more at night. If she is overstimulated or excited about a fun day, big things going on, visitors, etc she doesn't sleep well. She sleeps best when on routine, nothing new going on. She also sleeps horrible if she is learning new things. She is very sensitive to being too cold, hot, wet diaper, clothes too binding. So she needs everything to be just right.

If she has trouble falling asleep I've found that it works well to lay with her and sing her lullabies and relaxation techniques. I will tell her click it's time to shut your brain off and she has started asking me to say it. I think it helps her. When I sing she sighs and breathes in a way that it's obvious she is trying to relax herself. I think a big thing for her being able to fall asleep is needing to relax. So instead of concentrating on her falling asleep I concentrate on how can I help her relax. We don't read any silly exciting books before bed. And anything scary I've taken out of her shelf. We read slowly and calmly. She chews on her sensory toys which seems to help her relax and get rid of some of her pent up anxiety and overstimulation. The weighted blanket we put on her while we read and that seems to help her body calm down.

She is a light sleeper and wakes easily with noises from in the house or outside. If she is overtired she has bad nights. She gets overtired easily and I'm always managing everything so she naps and sleeps well.

Her sleep issues are the biggest thing that is our worry with preschool. We arent worried that she won't like it, or socially. But worried that it will overstimulate her and then she will have trouble sleeping. Once she has trouble sleeping she has a tendency to get insomnia and that is very hard for her to break out of that cycle. If in a cycle of good sleep it seems to stay fine, but once in a bad streak, she has trouble getting back to having a good night. So for us it's easier to maintain good sleep which is why I'm so anal about everything. :dohh:
As far as simplification in the rest of the house, I think it was a really good thing. And something I need to do again. We took out some other toys with jordan getting older, and I need to put away some of the baby toys I think. Also with Xmas and megans bday there is way too much stuff now again. They got so much for gifts. I started organizing things and trying to figure out what is ok to get rid of. Mil went overboard at Xmas... But everything she bought is not long lasting creative type toys. She was going to get her a half size piano, but when we got it delivered you had to pound on the keys to get sound. She spent a ton of money on it, so we had her send it back as it wasn't worth that. So then she tried to spend the same amount of money, but its all plastic toys that the girls are ignoring. I have no problem with plastic toys that get good use, but these not at all. Then they each got loads of stuff from cousins, etc. And I think I need to get rid of all of it?

Im also trying to organize for daycare and figure out what toys to have for daycare toys, what toys to say are just for my kids ( like Megan shouldn't have to share all of her toys). So I'm getting confused and overwhelmed by trying to get the daycare stuff figured out.
Hi everyone.

JC - big hugs. that sounds like such a stressful week between Tommy being ill and Daisy not sleeping and trying to adjust to preschool. I really hope it all settles down for you this week.

Omarsmum - Thomas is fine about wearing his helmet and actually any time he slightly stumbles while on the bike he will say "just as well I've got my helmet on" even though he wasn't anywhere near actually falling! One time OH almost forgot to put his helmet on and Thomas was totally freaking out about it!

Tacey, so sorry to hear that Alice is sleeping so poorly at the moment. I think when I'm getting reasonably good sleep I forget how much of an impact it has, sleep deprivation and repeatedly disturbed nights are just a killer. And I always think that if I am feeling this ratty and irritable, the lack of proper sleep must be having an impact on the child's mood and behaviour too.

Just realized I never wrote about Thomas's eating. On the whole I think he is not a bad eater now. He eats a good range of different stuff. He went through a really picky phase for about 18 months or so where he seemed to eat almost nothing but he is much much better now. He is still funny about textures and sauces and he doesn't like mixed up foods at all. However I find if I just keep offering meals repeatedly eventually he is coming round to some of them. For example he went through a really long stage of refusing scrambled egg but he loves it now, and he is starting to eat a little bit of lasagne which he has refused for a very long time. If I give him something new he usually won't eat it and even if I get him to try it he will taste it and say that he doesn't like it. I don't make him eat it but I do insist that he tastes it. I tell him "how will you know if you like it if you don't taste it?" I also tell him that when he's older he will grow to like some of the foods he doesn't like now, and I remind him that when he was younger he didn't like scrambled egg. I have to offer the food a few times before I can tell whether he really doesn't like it. But actually there's not very many things that he actually doesn't like, once he gets over the initial aversion to touching it or putting it in his mouth. Recently he seems more aware of feelings of hunger, whereas when he was younger he never asked for food or said he was hungry, even though his behaviour would be awful if he hadn't eaten for too long. He didn't seem aware of it though and he just didn't seem to like eating very much. He's much better in that regard now and I don't really worry about his eating anymore, whereas that was actually my biggest worry from about 18 months to 2.5 years.
Thank you everyone for the support around Clara's sleeping - Cutie, I really like the suggestion of switching their bedtimes around temporarily so that I can try to help Clara learn how to fall asleep without feeding to sleep. I'm going to see if I can figure out a way to make that work. She rolled over several times today for the first time (tummy to back) so I guess maybe there is a lot going on for her developmentally. Anyway she has actually slept much better today and she went to sleep very quickly at bedtime and hasn't woken up yet so fingers crossed we have a better night tonight!
Before we did cc with Jordan, Megan had to go to bed first if dh wasn't here. It took all evening to get Jordan down and it was impossible.

Now that Jordan is older I'm able to get both ready for bed, and then have Megan come to jordans room and she sits on the floor by my feet in the dark. It's the only way Jordan will drink her bedtime bottle. And Megan has to be quiet or Jordan won't drink it. But then we can go to megans room after and Megan have her calming down time. It was really stressful when jordan wasn't sleeping well and dh wasn't here to help.

It will get easier Polaris! Hang in there! And yay for rolling!
Samys sleeping has never been that great (and in fact I did not realise how not great it was until Charlie was born who sleeps much better). Now though the main problem is getting her to sleep once she is asleep she can sleep through anything, which causes its own problems getting her up is not that easy! Even the slightest sleep during the day means that she can stay up until 11pm at the earliest. Its easier now she is older as she will tell me when she is ready to go to bed (between 8:30 and 9:15) and then will tend to be asleep within 20 minutes of it.

Potty training seems to also be difficult! Samy did just before she was 3 but you still have to actually remind her to go as she can hold it in and say she does not need to go. Its only if I forget this that accidents can happen. School at the moment is fine as she does not need to go in the 3 hours she is there. We are still not night trained either although that is because she is such a deep sleeper she does not wake up. Only happens about 1 night every two weeks now.

Jc - Samy is very attached to her potty at home and we used to have to take the travel potty everywhere. Then we were able to use public toliets and now she will use it at home about 60% of the time. She is now big enough to climb on and off the toilet herself which helps immensely so I think it was that.

I have also realised that eating wise Samy snacks a lot (Oaty bakes being a favourite) and often she will have breakfast and dinner but inbetween snacks on carrots, peppers and toast rather than having a proper meal. We are better at this at the moment though and she may eat pasta for lunch. The only other odd thing is one of her favourite things is brocolli storks she will not eat the top bit (that most people eat at all)
Megan isn't ever dry at night. :shrug: I don't have to remind her to go. If I do she gets annoyed at me. Lol Even if it's obvious she has to go and I say something , if she is busy with something, she gets annoyed that i noticed...she would rather fidget then stop to go.

I'm thinking about looking into dry shampoo for Megan. I'm not sure what else to do... She will let me get it a little wet with a squirt bottle, but that's it. The bribe idea only worked that once.

She still isn't eating, the past 2 days has only had yogurt, milk, pediasure, and vanilla ice-cream. That's it. She won't even touch applesauce now. :dohh: it's really hard not to get frustrated about it.

Jordans teeth are starting to bother her more. She has 3 coming in all at once. I saw a hole in 2 of them at different times, but they are moving so slow! She has 3 bottom teeth already, this is the 4th bottom one, and the top 2 middle ones. Her army crawling makes me exhausted just watching her. She holds both arms in front of her and pulls both at the same time. It's the most difficult way to get around ever! Megans army crawing looked different and not so difficult. :shrug:
Daisybee- she will eat when she's ready Hun, Omar lives on water when he's not feeling well. Hope she's feeling better today.

JC- I really hope you have an easier week :hugs: sound slime loads of changes.

As for potty training, Omar is dry day & night, he started recently to ask to go to the toilet, but we still time it & we take him every 3 hrs. I don't know if we should take off the nappy at bedtime? He always dry for over a year now. He's also dry when we go out, he can hold it for 8 hrs :dohh:, he's also fine with public toilets.

Still no success with poo in the toilet. I don't know if we should try a potty?

Yesterday he played with a car in the play area & he was able to paddle fast :cloud9: but when we asked him if he will use his bike he said no as he doesn't have a helmet :haha:

We went to a class yesterday instead of Thursday (public holiday), teachers commented on his improvement socially.

As for sleep, I found that he sleeps much better when he's overtired! Doesn't work well for us as it moves his bedtime a very late hour. :shrug:

I'm thinking of moving him to his room, but I'm not ready for the change, I don't know if I should wait until he goes to pre-school in sept. I don't want him to go through many changes at the same time.

I'm feeling better now, glad no one caught my bug.
We are all down with a rotten cough and cold here. Only OH has escaped so far. So annoying just as Clara had one better night's sleep, she's back to waking up constantly with snuffly nose and cough. Thomas was awake during the night too coughing.

Omarsmum, what I did with the night time nappies is I started talking to Thomas about how soon he wouldn't need to wear nappies at night anymore (he had been dry for months). I did that for weeks but kept putting the nappy on him. Then I asked him one morning if he thought he was ready to stop wearing nappies at night and he agreed. He's only ever had one wet bed and that was when he was unwell.

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