Jc - big hugs! It's sounds like you have had quite a week! Ugh! Both kids sick and not sleeping. I'm so glad the measles is done, but colds are no fun either. Megan has a really tough time falling asleep if she is doing new things ( like daisy with preschool?) so besides being sick maybe some of it is just excitement and overstimulation? That must be so hard to handle both when sick and not wanting to sleep with dh not around. I've been lucky with that lately, that the nights dh is working the girls ( or at least Jordan) are going well.
I can't believe they would have daisy stay in wet underwear!?! That's more than odd, that's just not right!
We bought Megan a full size bed this fall and it was a great decision. She now has way more room and we can lay with her if we need to. She doesn't sleep well in our bed at all so that works better for us to go to her bed.
I've figured out that Jordans sleep is so good as she is worn out!!! Lol so yay for teething at the same time as crawling. Haha her last teeth she had fitful sleep, but the past few days she has been sleeping like a rock and long naps as well.
We are the ones that changed Megans bedroom, and I think that along with other changes have helped her with sleeping. We took all the decals off her walls, she only has 2 things on her walls right now. They are painted blue and I think it's a very calming color for her. I was going to put up blinds but right now she has blankets over her windows and that seems to work for the time being as it blocks out most of the light. She still has white noise on anytime she is sleeping.
What you see if you look at her room is her big bed with navy blue comforter on top, lighter blue pillows, blue walls. So yes it looks very blue but seems to work and she seems to like it. The carpet we got thicker plush carpet and thick pad underneath to help with noise and being cozy feeling. She has a blue lazy boy chair that we sit and read books in the corner of her room. Next to that is a nightstand. We keep her chewy toys, toothbrushes, some books, etc in there ( it has 2 drawers). Next to that is a desk. We are looking for a chair for it, not sure what kind will be best. Right now we keep one puzzle on top and rotate it. It has 3 drawers on the one side and she keeps a lot of her hodge podge toys in there. Squishy balls, chapstick, string, notebooks, things that really are all probably needing to be taken away as they are all choking hazards for jordan. Lol it would be ok if she kept them out of reach, but I find them all over. the bottom drawer is all baby toys that Jordan can play with when in there. The top drawer has some puzzles, games, etc.
Then the other item in the room is her dresser. I put away a lot of her clothes that weren't being worn and only kept in things she wears. I need to go through it again as realized half of the pants are too short. We are keeping underwear, diapers, wipes, socks, sleep sacks, and pjs in the bottom drawer.
Next drawer is pants, then shirts, then dressier clothes that aren't dresses, the highest drawer I use for fingernail polish, diaper creams, lotions, extra diapers, etc.
Her closet now contains her huge bookshelf. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/50103086/ I think it's this one? She then has a smaller toy shelf next to it with clear totes with lids for toys. The closet shelf above everything has sensory boxes, canvas boxes filled with felt board pieces, craft things, games, lacing, etc. And then puzzles. On the floor in the closet there is a doll portacrib with a few dolls and stuffed animals.
Things that we've done for Megans sleep... I am not sure which has helped, I think a lot of these have helped. We moved her from sleeping on the inside wall opposite our bedroom to an outer wall. She hears less noise from our room. She wakes when dh gets up in the am for work if her white noise isn't loud enough. We also now put a blanket in front of her door to block out light and noise. It seems to help. She is a very light sleeper. She has the bigger bed. We bought a very good quality mattress that is more soft than firm. Her mattress she had in her crib/ toddler bed was her firm baby mattress. Not very cozy.. Even though it was good quality they make them pretty firm.
She has lots of down time before bed, she can't get too worked up after dinner so no rough play with daddy, no getting really excited. She can't play outside after dinner or won't sleep til 3 am. After dinner we turn down lights, and start trying to be calm. Jordan is sleeping through the night... When she was waking crying, it was waking Megan up and Megan couldn't get back to sleep. Megan has to still nap or she gets too overtired, which in her looks more like energy and wound up, vs. yawning and wanting to chill out. So then she is more worked up by bedtime even with earlier bedtime, and wakes more at night. If she is overstimulated or excited about a fun day, big things going on, visitors, etc she doesn't sleep well. She sleeps best when on routine, nothing new going on. She also sleeps horrible if she is learning new things. She is very sensitive to being too cold, hot, wet diaper, clothes too binding. So she needs everything to be just right.
If she has trouble falling asleep I've found that it works well to lay with her and sing her lullabies and relaxation techniques. I will tell her click it's time to shut your brain off and she has started asking me to say it. I think it helps her. When I sing she sighs and breathes in a way that it's obvious she is trying to relax herself. I think a big thing for her being able to fall asleep is needing to relax. So instead of concentrating on her falling asleep I concentrate on how can I help her relax. We don't read any silly exciting books before bed. And anything scary I've taken out of her shelf. We read slowly and calmly. She chews on her sensory toys which seems to help her relax and get rid of some of her pent up anxiety and overstimulation. The weighted blanket we put on her while we read and that seems to help her body calm down.
She is a light sleeper and wakes easily with noises from in the house or outside. If she is overtired she has bad nights. She gets overtired easily and I'm always managing everything so she naps and sleeps well.
Her sleep issues are the biggest thing that is our worry with preschool. We arent worried that she won't like it, or socially. But worried that it will overstimulate her and then she will have trouble sleeping. Once she has trouble sleeping she has a tendency to get insomnia and that is very hard for her to break out of that cycle. If in a cycle of good sleep it seems to stay fine, but once in a bad streak, she has trouble getting back to having a good night. So for us it's easier to maintain good sleep which is why I'm so anal about everything.