Sensitive kids group

Polaris - Endless bedtimes are the worst... And it seems that it feels like I have no break then when that happens and I get grumpy. I've not had the coil, but it doesn't sound fun! Cramps and hormones as well never make me a happy person to be around. And I imagine anything bc has to be messing with hormones a bit... Probably not helping your mood. :hugs: it's almost the end of the week... Hopefully the fevers will end for you. Megan is very fussy when she has a fever, how do your kids react?

TC - sorry you have had a rough week as well. This teething and illness business has to stop! Poor daisy missing school. I bet she is bummed. Hopefully it won't last long. Is this why she wants you to sleep with her or is it unrelated? Megan has been wanting me in her room more in the evenings, and we think it's worse when she has had too much nap. Im thinking it may be time to try no naps again or every other day again. As it seems even 45 minutes is too long somedays. I just don't want to mess with it and have her be awake all night again as that's what happened when we took away the naps before each time. Megan is also getting more imagination and it's not helping while she tries to fall asleep she starts getting scared about things. Im sorry your cycle is off! How disappointing when ttc. :hugs:
It has been this last week that Daisy wants me to lie with her until she's asleep. She's been up every night this week too and in our bed for most of the night, tossing and turning and fidgeting and wriggling and generally not sleeping. This is unusual for her but she has had a lot of changes lately plus has been unwell for a few days now so it could be anything I guess. She is scared of things too at the moment, especially scarecrows, and imagines that things are in her room. From age 1 to 3 she went to bed fine and slept all night so I'm not used to being up all night with her. We have taken her nap out completely in an attempt to get her to sleep better at night. She's doing well without it actually. She used to be awfully behaved if she missed her nap but she's actually been fine up until bedtime. It hasn't helped the sleeping though.
Megan is imagining things in her room as well, and talks about very random bizarre things that she is totally making up. Its not something similar to any books or shows that I can figure out. Some is from those things too though. Last night when dh came home from work she was excited when she saw him from the window driving in. Then he was on the phone and didn't come right in the house. She then didn't want him to come in and wanted me to hold her like she was scared of him coming in. But as soon as he actually got in the house she was excited again and went running to see him and happy as can be. It was almost like the anticipation was making her frightened?

Daisy has had a lot of changes... Preschool, change of bed, potty training, and now sick. That's a lot going on. Hopefully when things seem more routine her sleep will settle down!
Hi ladies,

I've been following this thread intermittently, and wondering if Lizzie fits the bill. I'm not so sure if she's sensitive...but she's definitely spirited. I've read the spirited child book...and she fits the bill 100%. However, I've noticed that spirited and sensitive can have some cross overs!

At the moment, Lizzie seems to be going through a little challenging phase - and wonder what you think!

She's an absolute pleasure most of the time - she's affectionate, kind, sociable, funny and helpful.

However, she's started to have real 'moments' - most are just age related...but other things: she screams her head off when having her hair washed, or even sometimes just for the bath! She screams when having her hair brushed. She's started to gag over certain foods and textures. Never used to do this...She's generally fine with 'adult' foods i cook, but things that her age group typically like (ergo get served at lots of our get togethers) make her anxious and gag. Like pizza or raisins or certain fruits...but ok when it is with me? Although suddenly any small peas make her gag?!

She's a little whirlwind, and fine when we are out - but she is very concerned about things being in a certain order, eating the same things at places we go to, her toys being in a certain way. If her sister messes with her toys or food, she can get very upset.

In short, what seem like very small things can really get her cross and - worse - upset.

She rarely tantrums, rarely melts down - but can have epic battles of will, which are very draining. She also doesn't really listen or process things, it's Lizzie 'single minded goal' and that's it.

She's also acutely aware of people's feelings and emotions. She gets So very upset if anyone - especially her sister - get upset. Even if she has caused the upset ;)

I am not sure if I 'belong' here - but I do think there is sometimes a spirited and sensitive cross over!

Maybe when I notice the odd thing, I could post in here and see what you think?
Hi tennis gal! I got busy with daycare things and had to put down the spirited child book for a bit, but yes.. It seems there are crossovers. I think that most spirited kids are also sensitive but not all sensitive kids are spirited. If that makes sense? I think you will find some common ground here. I do think Megan is spirited and I tend to discuss everything here, as all of her temperaments seem to overlap, and just equal her. I don't usually think is this her sensitive side or perceptive side, energetic side, etc.

Dh called me this morning and seemed upset. He was telling me that he was at someone's home this morning and they had 2 little girls. The one was in the front room in a hospital bed. He said seeing that really put things into perspective. No matter what, how much Megan drives us crazy some times, no matter the problems that seem to be so big to us... They really aren't that big of deal. Thank goodness we have 2 healthy girls. :thumbup:

I think megans eating problem is a fear. Today I was giving Jordan water in a sippycup without a stopper. She typically uses the soft spout ones that she has to bite down to drink when using them herself. But when I help her hold it I will get the hard ones without stoppers to try to get her used to those as well. Megan was yelling at me to stop, that Jordan was going to choke. She was really upset. There have been a few times when drinking water that it's gone down wrong and Jordan coughs a lot. Then Megan said that water is bad and food is bad. :nope:

Megan loved class yesterday. She was so excited about going. She was a little overwhelmed with all the toys ( it's in a preschool room). The teacher had music playing in the background which is very distracting for Megan besides being in a room full of toys. Bulletin boards all over every wall, very stimulating environment. There was only one other child there! If more don't sign up then they will be canceling the class. Megan loved it. She sang the songs during circle time, they did dancing where you listened to the song and you had to follow what the song said to do. She looked very coordinated. She listened to a story, played games, played with toys, made a craft and played with play dough. I was gone the last half with a parent educator and told her I was going and she said bye and went back to play. She didn't miss me at all, and was fine. When I came back she was overstimulated and running circles around the room and wouldn't stop. I also think she was tired because that was after 7:30. We didn't get home til 8. She had a snack ( yogurt and licked powdered sugar off a donut, And milk ) we read books, she was asleep by 10! I was worried she would be too wired to sleep, but she was ok. Realized for how much she loves class that if this class gets canceled I need to find something else for her to do.
Hey TG! :hi:
Of course you are welcome to post here any time! This is my favourite place on B&B at the moment. I think all of our children are unique but with some common threads or themes running through, which is what makes it helpful to share experiences. Do you notice a lot of differences in personality/temperament between Lizzie and Ally? Thomas and Clara are soo different.

Daisybee, that is so great that Megan enjoyed the class so much. What a shame that attendance was so poor, I hope it picks up. The class is on really late isn't it, I don't think there is anything on that late here, no wonder she was a bit wired by the end of it. I really hope her doctor has some useful suggestions about her eating on Monday, it must be so stressful for you especially when she's losing weight.

JC - that's a bummer about AF messing around, I didn't realize you were TTC, that is very exciting! It is so tiring doing all the evenings on your own, isn't it, I can't imagine having to sit down afterwards to try and get work done. You must be exhausted. :hugs: Hope Daisy's conjunctivitis clears up quickly.

How is everyone else doing?

We are not too bad, Thomas seems to be over the worst of it, but I still feel pretty rotten and poor Clara barely slept last night, she is so snotty and snuffly, I feel really sorry for her.
Sorry you are still sick polaris. Last time Jordan was sick I bought a nose sucker thing that I haven't tried yet as she was getting better by the time it arrived. I'm hoping next time it's needed it will help for getting a bit cleared out so she can sleep.

I think it's that late because they are trying to accommodate working parents, as most around here are working. I thought it would be a good one t try because of jordans napping. All other classes seem to be midmorning during her am nap, or pm nap time. I can't find any mid or late afternoon which would work best for us. :shrug: There is a preschool type class that I would drop Megan off vs stay as it's child only. Its once a week from 12:30-2:30. I'm debating on whether that one would work. I would have to put Jordan down after dropping Megan off, and wake her by 2:15. Maybe if we do early bedtime those nights? That class starts in feb. and runs for 10 weeks. What do you think?

I've also signed her up for the gym class even though we can't go Monday. There are 3 other ones, it's every other Monday from 9-10 am. So Jordan will miss morning nap. But I'm hoping she will deal with it.
Hi TG! Daisy is very definitely spirited and when I first came here I wasn't sure that Daisy was sensitive but I have come to realise that there are definitley overlaps.

Daisybee: It sounds like Megan had a great time at the class. That is what Daisy is like at pre-school. She adores it. She behaves so much better there than she does for me but it is a relief as at least now I know she CAN behave.

Polaris: :hugs: Feel better soon all of you :hugs:.

Poor Tommy has conjunctivitis now too. The poor little guy just can't catch a break at the minute. Also, Daisy accidentally jammed his finger under the door and it is all grazed on the knuckle and bruised and swollen :(.
Poor Tommy! Sounds like everyone needs a weekend of tlc!

My parents are coming up this weekend. My dads surgery isn't until Wednesday as they can't get him in until then. I'm hoping the distraction of them being here will be good for megan.
I have one of those nose sucker things along with saline spray and they are great. At least it clears her nose for a bit so she can feed properly. But the snots are just relentless for her at the moment, poor thing, there's only so often you can suction it out without her poor nose getting irritated by it.

Yes I remember about your dilemma about all the classes clashing with Jordan's naptimes. The class where you drop Megan off maybe would be a possibility - how is Megan at that time of day? That is Thomas's naptime and I would be really reluctant to book him into anything at that time for that reason, but if Megan would be OK at that time of day then I would be tempted to try it. I do feel guilty when I have to wake Clara early from a nap but she is much more flexible than Thomas in that regard and copes pretty well with being tired so it's not a disaster if she has a short/late nap whereas with Thomas it just wasn't worth it for any reason!
Polaris- :hugs: hope You all feel better soon & I really hope Clara starts to sleep better

JC- :hugs: so sorry The kids are not feeling well Hun, hope they get better soon Hun. I really hope you get a BFP soon Hun

TG- hi :hi: welcome to the group, hope you find it useful. This age is very challenging :hugs: & it's more challenging with sensitive kids.

Daisybee- I really hope your dad's surgery goes well Hun, it seems that you've been going through a lot lately

We're ok, Omar is having meltdowns in the car frequently, I hate long travels those days. I carry snacks, the iPad & the portable DVD with us, but most if the time he ends up with a meltdown in the car :(

My friend who lives in another country has a highly sensitive 3 yrs old. He's 3 months older than Omar. His mum has an appointment with a therapist to discuss his behaviour & clinginess, his mum gave birth 2 months back, he's not coping well with having a sister. She will let me know how it goes, their appointment is on Tuesday this week.

I met a new mum recently & we went out together, her son is 2 yrs older than Omar. He's very similar to Omar, in everything! I also have another friend i met in Novemebr who's son is 8 yrs & also highly sensitive. Omar loves both kids, it's nice for a change to have mummy friends who don't think my son's behaviours & temperaments as weird or not normal.

I feel comfortable when we meet, we discuss our kids behaviors openly without being judged.

Omar is too smart to handle those days, we have to think twice before saying anything infornt of him. When he had a meltdown few days back in the car I was so upset so I told him that I'm going to leave the car & he can look for a new mum.

I went out with a friend in the evening, he stayed at my mum's then DH went to pick him up. When I came back home he told me that I was too late & he's going to throw me out of the window & get new mum who doesn't stay out late :wacko:

He's learning a third language from our housekeeper & he's going too fast! He can count to 10 in 4 different languages in addition to counting up to 100 using English.

He can fill in the missing letter from many words, it doesn't matter if the letter is in the middle of the word, he sits with practice sheets & he loves it when we grade the sheets & give him stars :haha:

He's asking for a big map in his room, he can find New York, France, the Philippines, Syria, UAE & many other countries on the map. He can list all planets in the solar system

I'm so scared he will get bored when he goes to school :(
It's during megans nap as well. But I'm wondering if 1 day a week would be worth it? I don't know.

Jordans normal pm nap is from like 1:30-3:00... Sometimes starts earlier and sometimes runs later. I think it would be tougher on Jordan than Megan for missing nap.
Daisybee, I think if it's only once a week, you may as well give it a try. On occasion when we've had to stay at church later than usual Christina has done ok even when it runs into her naptime. I have a feeling Megan would probably do ok at the class, but then you may have trouble getting her to nap after class (if you even wanted to) because she'd likely be overtired/overstimulated by that point.

Polaris, sorry to hear you and Clara are still fighting that illness - hope you feel better soon. We too have a snot sucker and it's amazing - I like it way better than the blue bulb I used when Christina was little.

TG - welcome! Many of the things you described about Lizzie are just like Christina - she wants everything a particular way, gets very upset when anyone's upset, and more recently we've had many battle of wills here too. I really love this thread.

JC - poor Tommy! I hope he's feeling better soon. Caitlyn jammed her finger between 2 bowls a few weeks back and had the most awful bruise on the inside of her knuckle, but thankfully it healed up quickly.

Omarsmum, so glad to hear you have found some friends who can relate. Omar sounds brilliant - he has always been so advanced. Christina lately has seemed smarter, but it's hard to put my finger on exactly what. It's like her reasoning/logic skills have improved. For example, the other day she asked me if she could have earrings and I told her she was too young right now but we could discuss it when she gets older and she said "Kelsey has earrings and Kelsey is 3" (Kelsey is her friend from her daycare). Another one was today she asked me if she could wear her rain boots to the basketball game and I said no because they are too big for her and we have to climb lots of stairs at the game so I didn't want her to fall down and she said "Maybe I wear me rain boots and you carry me on the stairs?" For a very long time now she has been asking a million "why" questions about everything but generally she just accepted my answers. I think the difference is now she seems to be making more connections so is questioning my reasoning (not in an antagonistic way though), if that makes sense.

Our biggest issue lately is attempted prolonging of bedtime. She does fine during most of her routine, which consists of bath, pjs, teeth and hair brushed, story, then lights out. But when the lights go out instead of our usual song, back rub, and then I leave, she has been begging me to stay or asking for any number of things to prolong my leaving (such as a particular toy/bear she left downstairs, or to fix her blanket a certain way or get a new blanket, or we forgot to bathe her imaginary friends, etc. etc.). It's odd because she doesn't do this when DH puts her to bed, only when I do. I'm wondering if I've been more lenient and she thinks she can get away with it more with me? I don't want to get in the habit of staying with her for hours, although I know that's not that uncommon at this age (JC, I'm so sorry you are dealing with this and then have to work a few hours afterward - how exhausting!) A couple of times I've just told her I'm leaving (and then I did leave) and she cried/protested for about 10 minutes and then started playing with her toys and eventually went to bed. A couple other times I gave in to a few requests and managed to convince her to go to bed. Generally we tell her if she lays down in her bed quietly we'll leave her door open but if she's going to scream then we're going to shut the door so we don't wake up Caitlyn - that works most of the time, but not always. I don't really know what's for the best, but I feel like I need to pick an approach and be consistent.
Morning ladies - thank you for the welcome :hugs:

P! Hope you get some better sleep soon. If it is any kind of consolation, ally slept beautifully up until the four month regression, and then we had some fun times :wacko: She did come out of it, though, and despite currently feeding quite a bit - she settles back down well and sleeps well. Just need to work on the not feeding quite as often as she is.

Lizzie and Ally are POLAR opposites in temperament. Ally is chilled, quiet, spends hours playing or looking at books...eats anything and an 'easy' baby. Lizzie is like a little whirlwind, has very individual preferences to how games are played...had become quite wary of how food is served. She's not easy! However, Lizzie has so many qualities that are just brilliant, all her 'spirited' things just contribute to make her who she is. I hope they both rub off on each other, because they both have their individual quirks.

OmarsMum - Omar sounds so very bright! Do you think some of his sensitivities could be down to his brain almost processing things too quickly? What a clever boy!

DaisyBee - I can't totally understand the food fear thing, and it makes sense. I honestly think that is part of the issue with Lizzie. And things like pizza that she hasn't seen me make (therefore sanctions, because she knows what I have put on it) just looks like a big mess to her.

JC - hope your little ones are better very soon :( how horrid. I've read your posts before thinking that Lizzie and Daisy sound very similar in a good few ways!

Cutie - we have the bedtime prolonging, too. Need a certain pillow, a certain cup of water, a certain vest...I've found my patience being tested!

We've already had a mummy fail this morning, the strawberries I served as part of breakfast were too unripe (my fault for buying out of season) and Lizzie was not impressed! She's also told us several times that she's 'really angry' :wacko:
Cutie- Omar asks loads of questions he needs reasons & explanation, but he doesn't give up, he keeps saying "but why?"

Now I have to keep my nails very short, as he refuses to cut his if mine are a bit long.

Our bedtime is a mess, I till can't find a reasonable acceptable routine, bathtime overstimulate him as he needs toys, bubbles, food colouring, etc. it doesn't help if he gets a bath at bedtime. Books are also not relaxing for him, he likes to interact while reading. When he's overtired he ends up with a meltdown as he can't figure out how to cool off before he goes to sleep. He starts to move around, he picks on pillows, we sleep with 6 pillows! This is hard, this is too soft, this is not cold enough, etc. he also resists changing & wearing his Pj, everything at bedtime is a battle. It has been going on since we weaned him off the dummy 2 months back. We always had bedtime issues but his dummy used to help in soothing him.

TG- Omar can't find a balance, he thinks he's older that a 3 yrs old. He refers to adults as his friends, he only likes older kids as they "talk" & understands what he's saying. When he meets an older kid he holds full conversations & he talks about things like cars, plans, meeting again, etc.

As for food any change is not acceptable for him. It's exhausting. We just stick to what he likes the way he likes it, it's very challenging when we have to dine out. I stick to French fries. I know it's not healthy, but he doesn't eat anything else when we're out.
Daisybee - My goodness, your family seems to be going through it! I hope your dad's surgery goes well. Hopefully you'll get some answers about Megan on Monday and your doctor may have suggestions whether it is physical or psychological. Great that the class went well though. Fingers crossed it continues.

Polaris, how are you all doing now? Is your OH working late a regular thing? It's rubbish when they aren't around to help out.

JC - sounds like you've had a nightmare week. How long is the conjunctivitis likely to last? Rubbish that Tommy has it too. It spreads like wildfire doesn't it? Is it bothering Daisy? Perhaps that is contributing to the long bedtimes.

Aboout the imagining things in their rooms, we've been having a lot of that lately. Alice tells me about the videos on her wall :shrug:. Last night apparently there was a poo with legs :dohh: Toilet homour is in full swing in our house lately.

Alice is terrible with anticipation. If I say something like "I got you something from the shop." she'll drop to the floor and cover her face and squeak out "you tell me." Surprises are hard for her to manage.

Hi TennisGal! Lovely to see you here! It sounds like you fit in perfectly here. Lots of things you mentioned ring a bell. The hairwashing issue is one we've recently gone through, as you might have read.

Omarsmum - It's great to chat to other mums who understand isn't it? Omar is such a bright little boy! If I were you though, I wouldn't worry about school. The teachers should be trained to differentiate for a wide ability group, and I'm sure they'll have ideas about how to keep him stimulated. Good teacher/parent contact is really important though. As for bedtime, have you tried guided meditation? That was part of our routine for ages and it really helped. I'd tell her to close her eyes and imagine she was on a cloud, then I'd describe where it was floating before finishing up saying something like "the cloud is so soft, and the breeze so gentle that you get sleepier and sleepier, so you close your eyes and snuggle down into the cloud and go fast asleep."

Cutie - we have a similar thing but the other way round. I do bedtime through the week, and I'm pretty firm about it, mainly because I have to get Arthur to sleep too. Alice accepts it, and bedtime last 5 minutes when I do it. She totally plays up for DH though, and he'll be there up to an hour. One thing that has helped has been telling her she can read or do her sticker book, then go to sleep when she's ready. I think it takes the pressure off. The other thing I found good was telling her I was going to do some household chore, and would come back after it. She'd usually be asleep by the time I came back.

We had a bit of a breakthrough. My friend sent me a message saying that her little boy said Alice is his best friend and he loves playing with her. I had noticed how nicely they were getting on. He's the first child Alice has ever tolerated playing with. It gives me hope for the future!
Cutie - after class would be too late for Megan to nap anyway, so we would skip nap that day. I think she is right in between needing one and not anyway, so I'm hoping 1 day a week she will be ok. She will just have to have some down time before and after. Dh and I talked about it, and think maybe we will try. Realized I can sign up for 1 month at a time, so I only have to sign up for 3 sessions first, and so we will try it, and if it really doesn't work for Jordan I just won't sign her up for march or April.

Tacey- OMG that is it with the anticipation! I hadnt really thought of it in terms of being a surprise! :dohh:

Megan was hungry last night. And I'm sure it's been a big reason our week has been so hard. She normally is not herself when hungry, and I have to make sure she eats regularly. Well since barely eating, she has to be hungry all of the time. She has been saying no to even liquids the past few days, and barely eating or drinking. So even if she would be afraid of solid food, I would think she would eat a lot of yogurt. She isn't. I'm hoping her dr helps vs brushing it off, as I'm worried about her. All of her fears are so intense right now. I realize it's a phase, but was googling :dohh: and reading about others with food phobias and some kids do this for years as they have a hard time getting over it, if they choked or something. She did have an issue with a pb sandwich a few weeks back, she could talk during it, so wasn't choking but it made her panic, and I'm now wondering if this is what started it?

Omarsmum - Megan is picky when out as well normally. I usually get her anything she is willing to eat. She can eat better at home!

Tacey - yay for Alice having a friend!!!!!

TG- haha I had to laugh about "really angry". At least she verbalizes it. Megan sometimes just screams and stops talking as she is too upset to remember to use her words.
I can't remember everything I wanted to reply to!

Omarsmum, Omar is just so smart! I'm always amazed at the things he knows and can do. Thomas does the same thing saying that he is going to get a new mammy when he's annoyed with me. He tells me that he's going to put me in the bin and get a new mammy in the "mammy supermarket". LOL.

Cutie, we had that problem with bedtimes being drawn out for ages with multiple requests for another kiss, another hug, another little drink, change his toy for a different toy, bring the other one downstairs, no actually I want the first toy again after all, etc. And Thomas definitely did it more with me than with OH. I think we got into the habit because I tended to give in to his requests either because it was just easier and quicker to settle him that way or because I felt like he needed a bit of extra affection or whatever. However it was getting out of control and I was losing patience with him and it was making bedtimes really stressful. I basically put my foot down with him and told him only one toy, no changing the toy allowed, only one drink, and that this was the "new rules". That worked really well but then he started getting out of bed three or four times for a pee or a poo. We used a reward chart to tackle that one which worked really well and bedtimes are fine again now. For the moment anyway! Just as well with my other little madam waking up every ten minutes!

TG - that is reassuring to hear that Ally also went through this horrible sleep regression and came out the other side of it. I never went through this with Thomas because he was just such an awful sleeper from day one that he couldn't really have got any worse. It somehow makes it harder when they have been sleeping well and start sleeping so dreadfully - really makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong! Last night was an all time worst I think, I had her in bed with me all night often sleeping literally on top of me but she still woke up at least every hour. When I tried to put her in the cot she woke every 10-15 minutes. Arggghh! I'm hoping it's due to her cold and she'll sleep a little bit better when she's feeling better! (Sorry totally OT!)

Tacey - that is so lovely that Alice has a friend, I am really so pleased for you. Definitely huge progress!

Daisybee - the food phobia thing does make sense - I really hope your doctor has good suggestions. I don't think they can brush it off when she is actually losing weight? Thomas is really affected by hunger in terms of his mood and behaviour, even though he never links it to hunger himself or asks for food. I can imagine that it definitely must be impacting on Megan that she is eating so little.

Thomas is actually usually very good at eating when we eat out, but we normally always go to the same restaurant so he knows it really well. If we go somewhere else, it is a bit hit and miss whether he will eat. We went to an Indian restaurant recently and he ate really well. He loves Indian food even if it's in a sauce! Which is mad as he usually rejects anything in a sauce.
Polaris - Interesting about the Indian food in sauce! I think megans issue with eating when out is that she is very distracted and also she is particular about her food. One restaurant near us has a salad bar and it's very helpful as I can get her a plate of cheese, cottage cheese, fruit, crackers, etc. Which is what she would prefer anyway vs things off the kids menu. They have a good noodle dish though that she likes as it's more like what you would find on the adult menu. It's too bad their other food isn't better as dh and don't love the food but Megan eats pretty well there. It's also not very busy and not so crazy for decor. So she is less distracted.

We are going out tonight with my inlaws. Maybe they will have ice cream on the menu? Lol I went from worried about her being sick, to being annoyed with her that she was choosing not to eat, and now I feel horrible for her. My child is hungry and I can't help her :cry:

We had her take a bath by herself last night. Jordan usually is in there with her. We think we need to spend extra one on one time with her right now, and get her to have some fun. So I filled the tub up more than usual, added bubble bath and she had a look of panic and said she didn't want a bath. I said no washing, just playing. And she smiled and got excited. She relaxed and had fun and didn't have the worry about when is washing time coming. We are going to start doing bath nightly with her ( without jordan) and see if we can get her more comfortable with the water. Jordan was very jealous, but I think maybe it can help Megan.

My parents aren't coming now this weekend, it's supposed to be bad weather tomorrow. Megan was disappointed.
Polaris- did he eat the Indian food with rice? If he ate it with rice you can prepare simple stews. Omar doesn't like soggy food, but eats stews with very little sauce. He likes it with tomato sauce served with rice.

Daisybee- :hugs: just remember if you stress about her eating & make a bit deal put of it, she can pick up your stress & makes more difficult. She's a smart girl & she can feel that you are concerned about her eating habits. What really worked for us is not asking him if he's hungry & stopping offering him snacks between meals. We cook what we know he likes. We offer at main meal times, if he refuses to eat, we let him go down without making an issue out of it. I know pediasure is high calories, so it's really filling, try not to offer it close to main meals.

Ask her to help in cooking, I found that Omar loves to eat what he helps in preparing, & switch to full fat for all of her food.

When I used to stress out about his eating especially when he's recovering from an illness, he used to go off food completely, I used to buy all types or his fav snacks, but it didn't work.

We did have loads of spitting out his food, picking on the tiniest stuff in his food, saying that he's not hungry, & living on water for weeks. I wasn't even able to give him a multivit as I mix it with his food, the chewable ones are a big no no for him.

Take her to the grocery when she's hungry, don't ask her if she wants something, Omar gets excited when he goes to the bakery when he's hungry, he chooses what he wants & eats it in the car.

Try mixed nuts, those are loaded with good calories & fats. You can also blend them in a fruit smoothie, use frozen fruits like mixed berries & mangoes & prepare it thick & tell her it's ice cream.

Omar had food phobia, each & every meal was a stuggle, once we build a good list of what he really likes, & when we figured out the quantities he can eat, it got much easier.

Each & every time he used to get sick, it was like starting weaning all over. I really hope you find something that works soon Hun :hugs:

Today we went for furniture shopping, I didn't want to take Omar with me, my mum had to come with us to help us in selecting the furniture,

I asked SIL to babysit, & she was fine. I sent him with the housekeeper to my mum's place. SIL & my brother took them to the park. When they went back home, he asked for me, so they called me & he spoke to me on the phone, he was fine but a bit whiney.

The big issue was when he got hungry, he wanted to eat rice & stew like his cousin, but as he doesn't spoon feed himself, he refused to eat & he refused when dad, housekeeper, brother & SIL tried to feed him. They prepared a grilled sandwich for him, & he ate that on his own..

He was cheerful when we picked him up :)

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