I've called her drs office and they have said, " kids sometimes don't eat, wait til Monday, just keep offering her high calorie foods and liquids. " She is sleeping, peeing, pooping, playing which she asked about. So Monday we will see her regular dr for her well child visit.
I bought Megan some very tempting food... Bakery blueberry muffins, raspberries, strawberries, softer cookies, fruit snacks, cheese, etc. All of her favorites. This morning she saw the muffins and got very excited. Sat down to eat a muffin, raspberries, and milk. She licked a raspberry, complained about the sprinkles ( sugar) on the muffin, had a very small taste off the bottom of the muffin and spit it out. She then said she didn't want them and pushed her plate away. She ended up having about 4 bites of yogurt and a few oz of milk. I found some ice cream that is 250 calories per 1/2 cup and 17 grams of fat, so will be offering that.
She is drinking, but she isn't ever one to drink a whole glass of liquid. She will drink a few sips to a few oz of milk, pediasure, water, or 100% apple juice at a time. Pediasure is a kids nutritional drink that is like a milkshake with vitamins added. So she is getting vitamins that way right now.
My dad is having some issues and probably having surgery in the next few days. He will be coming up to the hospital near me for it. He had his gallbladder taken out a few years ago, and whatever is going on is related, I will find out more today about what is really going on. My mom is coming up Sunday and staying over, she has a dr appt Monday. She has been having eye pain, issues with light, and she thinks migraines and it's been going on for a quite a long time now. She has seen so many specialists and yet they don't know what's wrong. There is a posibility its related to her shingles. I think it's probably part of why she wasn't very available this spring/ summer.
For daycare I can either be licensed for kids under 30 months or all kids. I am not doing specialized infant and toddler care so I can just decide to set it up and accept whatever ages I choose. I can get different licenses but really they all include the possitibility of infants, which I think they do so that you have more flexibility with your business, as if you have a baby of your own they count in your numbers. I am able to get a different class of license because I have experience, and when I do that I can operate with any class below the one I get. I am probably going to get a c2 license... 12 kids under 10 years, 10 can be under school age ( school age is by may 10th if they are attending kindergarden in the fall .. Age 5). No more than 2 can be under the age of 2, and only 1 can be 12 mo or younger. But when I get that license, I can choose to operate under either of these- C1 is 10 kids total, 8 under school age, no more than 3 kids under age 2, no more than 2 of those can be under 12 months. And then A is 10 kids total, 6 under school age, no more than 3 can be under 2 years, And no more than 2 of those 3 can be under 12 months. All the other licenses are if you have 2 providers and or doing specialized infant and toddlers. The numbers dont mean much to at the moment and won't until the girls get older. I'm not wanting to be at full capacity until they are older. But it's easier to apply for things now vs in a few years.
So if I wait until jordan is 12 months then some of the rules don't apply if I don't take any child under 12 months. As a toddler could fall asleep in a stroller if I'm understanding correctly, just not a baby. Lol as thats the way the law is written. Haha it's all about SIDS and making laws trying to protect against it, but its more about not getting sued vs protecting the babies it feels like. I would still have to check on all kids every 10 -15 minutes as that is for all kids, not just babies. And yes, if someone is going to be locking kids in a closet then I don't think they would bother getting licensed??

it was a shock to even hear, and don't think I will think about my bathroom closets the same way again. She had asked if if would be possible for a child to fit in the closets and for a split second I was picturing if my kids would fit.

If we decide to have another baby ( which we haven't decided on ) then I wouldn't be able to be open if that baby needs to be swaddled for naps as the law would say I am not allowed to swaddle my own baby during daycare hours.