Sensitive kids group

Daisybee and polaris, hope everyone is feeling better soon!

When Christina was still wearing a pull-up at night we had been calling it "nighttime panties". After she had been dry for a month, we picked a date and told her "soon you will start wearing daytime panties at night". The first few days we said that, she resisted, but then she gradually was ok with the idea, and even excited about it. So we told her each day "in 3 more nights you will wear daytime panties to bed", "in two more nights you will wear daytime panties to bed", etc. She wet the bed the first night, I think the feel was different, but has only had one accident since then on a night she was sick, and that was several months ago.
I think the eating thing is tougher because she really isn't acting sick. She did let me look in her throat for a second yesterday again, and i did see something, but it was too quick of look to figure out what is the issue. We have her well child visit on Monday, part of me is questioning whether I need to get her in to see her dr before then. I had a daycare meeting last night and dh put the girls to bed. He was frustrated as she was still not sleeping when I got home at almost 10. He was in and out of her room all evening and she was saying she was sad. She then was telling me she was hungry and her tummy was growling. Dh had been offering her food and she had said no, that she only drank a bit of milk for him. So then she had some Laughing cow light cheese - lol but was desperate to find something she was willing to eat. She had some yogurt, milk, a few drinks of a banana milkshake that dh made for her, and then some peanut butter! She was very unsure of the pb and cheese and if she took more than just a tiny amount on her finger, she wanted to spit it out. So it took her an hour to eat a very small amount of food.

The daycare meeting made me in a bad mood. I had to have SIDS and shaken baby training, this woman was very shock and awe about it, and it was so upsetting to hear about. And then she was going over some of the regulations which some have changed and some I have forgotten about. Babies under 1 year in daycare are not allowed to sleep in anything other than a crib or portacrib. They are trying to make it law that if they are you will be fined. So baby sleeping in a carseat on a field trip - you are supposed to pull over and wake them up! Baby falls asleep in a swing, you have to take them out and move them to their crib. You take a walk with baby in a stroller, you have to wake them if they sleep. Seriously :dohh: and no comforter in crib with baby til 12 months. Jordan has a small blanket and she wouldnt be allowed it til 12 months. I also have to physically open each door and check on any sleeping child during naps every 10-15 minutes!! My kids will never sleep. I have to get locks for our bathroom closets and furnace/ laundry room but they aren't allowed to be hook and eye locks, they have to be openable from inside so that I can't lock children in a room. :dohh: shocking! Yes I know that they have probably seen it all, but just put that way turned my stomach and made me annoyed. I came home with a huge stack of paperwork on top of the paperwork she had already mailed me. It's overwhelming me. I know it's so regulated to keep kids safe, but some of it is just ridiculous. And I was given a sheet saying an average for how much providers charge in each county. The county we lived in before, people charge more. Im supposedly not allowed to ask other providers in town what they charge as that is price fixing and yet supposed to charge less then what I did before Megan was born since most rates in this town are less?

I then had a friend text me late last night asking if I was doing daycare yet as she is probably looking for someone for quite a lot of drop off care starting in march. I told dh that finding families isn't going to be my issue, I've had many that have asked me about it, and wanting me to let them know when I open. Maybe I just need to not care for infants? And put my prices where I was before and see if anyone is willing to pay them?

Sorry totally ot... But needed to ramble to someone!

Eta - I weighed Megan today and she is now 27 lbs. So she is losing weight. Thats hard not to worry about.
Wow, some of those regulations are a bit OTT! There's no way Thomas would have slept if somebody was going in to check on him every 15 minutes! And I don't know how you are supposed to stop them falling asleep in carseat or stroller on a day out, I wouldn't be very happy with that as a parent to be honest. Maybe you are right that it would be easier to just not care for infants.

To be honest, I think I would try to get Megan to her doctor this week if at all possible. :hugs: I know what it's like when they are losing weight when they don't really have any spare to lose. I think it makes it so much harder for them to shake off illness then too.
Daisybee- I'd take her to the dr if she's loosing weight Hun :hugs:
Poor Megan. I hope she feels better soon. I agree with the girls about getting her to the doctors this week.

I agree, i would probably take her to the doctors too. Poor Megan :(

How is everyone? Madi has had an allergic reaction to some kids makeup today. Well i think thats what it was. She had some brought for Christmas and was playing this afternoon and one of her eyes swelled right up. It looked like she had been punched in the face. A little while ago she told me her throat hurt. :(
I gave her piriton when her eye swelled anyway, but im a bit scared now. Kiddies makeup is up high now. No more make up for her.

Have any of your LOs got allergies? Both of mine are allergic to Penicillin. And Zach is actually very allergic to every antibiotic iv tried him with, which is 4 so far. :(
Poor Madi. I hope she's okay. Best to take her to the doctors tomorrow though maybe.
The reaction sounds like one Daisy had from an insect bite last summer. I've attached a photo of how she looked, although this was once the initial panic had passed and the swelling had gone down a fair bit. She didn't even look like herself :(. Her eyes, bridge of her nose, cheeks, lips and tongue swelled and she started wheezing. Piriton bought the swelling down but when we went to the doctors the next day she said 'if that happens again its 999 and a blue light to hospital.' I wish they'd prescribed an epi-pen as I would feel a lot happier if she had one of those, especially now she's at pre-school.


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I would push for an epi pen for both girls!!! I had to administer one once for a daycare girl who we didn't know was allergic to eggs. She had been eating them in things but not like scrambled. They got me an epi pen to keep just at my house.

I didn't take Megan in today. I got her to eat some chocolate chips today, started with mini ones and then had a few regular size ones. All of a sudden she starts crying and won't eat any more. Im really wondering if it's behavorial?
They seem to be funny about prescribing epi pens here for some reason. They said Daisy will need another reaction before they consider an epi pen. Stupid as the doctor stressed that it could be an emergency and I think surely it is safer to have an epi pen just in case as we don't know what stung her and as it was the first time she's ever been stung it could be worse if she's ever stung again. I've had epi pen training many times through work so I would be perfectly capable of administering one so it is annoying.
Wow those allergies sound scary. Neither of mine have any allergies that we know of. What is piriton? I wouldn't even know what to give my DD if she ever had a severe reaction like that.

Daisybee, sorry to hear that about Megan - I don't know what to suggest.
I would give benadryl. I had the epi pen for that girl because she had an allergic reaction from peanuts on the way home from daycare. I gave her bedadryl and eventually the epi pen for the eggs.

Megan ate! She had a few bites of carrots, potatoes, and peas. Small pieces of a peach. She ate a bit of applesauce, and 2 cheesy puff things. ( along with yogurt and ice cream) she also was eating small bites of marshmallow which originally was put out to see if she would eat it. Nothing she ate she really chewed or wanted to bite. She wanted softer food and the veggies were very very soft. The cheesy puff things she sucked on vs crunched in her mouth. I have no clue what to think? She is still acting very uneasy about it, but didn't cry and panic. Wondering if she is going through something similar to her hair washing problem, or if it's really a sore throat.

We got her to dip her head in the bath tonight and then I tried to dump some water on the back part which she didn't like at all, she let me wet it with the squirt bottle. I told her that since she has a class tomorrow that we needed to wash it ( and I told her we didn't have to use shampoo ) and then I gave her options and she could choose which way she wanted to do it, but that we would have to get it wet in order to go to "school". She is very excited about school so maybe that helped nudge her a bit.
I meant to say also some of those daycare regulations sound crazy to me! I know the lady who watches my kids always has the infants sleep in a pack-n-play on the main level (I think the infants always needed to be in sight or something like that), but I'm pretty sure she doesn't abide by many of those other things you said (I have no idea if she's supposed to or not). Who wants to wake a sleeping baby just so they don't sleep in a swing/carseat? And Christina would never sleep if someone was opening the door every 15 minutes. Our lady has a room with several cribs and a couple of video monitors that has been fitted with a two-way speaker, so she just watches them on the monitor and if they're not going to sleep she pushes the button to tell them to lay down, without needing to go in. At least this is how she explained it to us a few years ago when Christina first started going there, so I assume that's what she still does. Only the kids 1 and older sleep in there though, because she puts the infants to sleep in the pack-n-plays.

I think since you've got so many people asking when you're planning to start and interested in sending their kids to you, you should just set your rates as high as you like and see if anyone will take it. If several say they can't pay that, then you can always consider reducing your rates, but you'll never know if you don't aim high to begin with.
Yay! So glad to hear she ate. If she's not wanting to chew, I wonder if maybe her teeth are bothering her? Could she be getting some new molars or something?
They don't get any new teeth for a while yet do they? She has 2 sets of molars already... And hasn't been teething in forever. Hmmm will have to google maybe. She let me brush her teeth tonight and didn't act like it hurt at at... Oh and she chews on her chewy toys no problem. :shrug:

The rules are all different for each state. Some states don't even have licensing. The infants have to be in a crib or portacrib and we have to use monitors but then also go physically check on them. Also we can't swaddle at all. My girls wouldn't sleep when tiny unless swaddled.
Great that Megan ate a bit more, but how worrying for you. I think I'd take her to the doctor if I were you. maybe her usual one, as they're more understanding of her from the sounds of it. How is she with drinking?

What bonkers daycare rules! It sounds like they're legislating up to the eyeballs to stop the tiny minority behaving poorly - as if they'd listen to regulations anyway! I hope you navigat your way through the red tape.
Glad she ate some food Hun :hugs:

Just an idea, would it be easier to obtain a license if you aim the childcare for older kids only at this stage? Like from 18+ months. I guess the setup would be simpler to start?
I've called her drs office and they have said, " kids sometimes don't eat, wait til Monday, just keep offering her high calorie foods and liquids. " She is sleeping, peeing, pooping, playing which she asked about. So Monday we will see her regular dr for her well child visit.

I bought Megan some very tempting food... Bakery blueberry muffins, raspberries, strawberries, softer cookies, fruit snacks, cheese, etc. All of her favorites. This morning she saw the muffins and got very excited. Sat down to eat a muffin, raspberries, and milk. She licked a raspberry, complained about the sprinkles ( sugar) on the muffin, had a very small taste off the bottom of the muffin and spit it out. She then said she didn't want them and pushed her plate away. She ended up having about 4 bites of yogurt and a few oz of milk. I found some ice cream that is 250 calories per 1/2 cup and 17 grams of fat, so will be offering that.

She is drinking, but she isn't ever one to drink a whole glass of liquid. She will drink a few sips to a few oz of milk, pediasure, water, or 100% apple juice at a time. Pediasure is a kids nutritional drink that is like a milkshake with vitamins added. So she is getting vitamins that way right now.

My dad is having some issues and probably having surgery in the next few days. He will be coming up to the hospital near me for it. He had his gallbladder taken out a few years ago, and whatever is going on is related, I will find out more today about what is really going on. My mom is coming up Sunday and staying over, she has a dr appt Monday. She has been having eye pain, issues with light, and she thinks migraines and it's been going on for a quite a long time now. She has seen so many specialists and yet they don't know what's wrong. There is a posibility its related to her shingles. I think it's probably part of why she wasn't very available this spring/ summer.

For daycare I can either be licensed for kids under 30 months or all kids. I am not doing specialized infant and toddler care so I can just decide to set it up and accept whatever ages I choose. I can get different licenses but really they all include the possitibility of infants, which I think they do so that you have more flexibility with your business, as if you have a baby of your own they count in your numbers. I am able to get a different class of license because I have experience, and when I do that I can operate with any class below the one I get. I am probably going to get a c2 license... 12 kids under 10 years, 10 can be under school age ( school age is by may 10th if they are attending kindergarden in the fall .. Age 5). No more than 2 can be under the age of 2, and only 1 can be 12 mo or younger. But when I get that license, I can choose to operate under either of these- C1 is 10 kids total, 8 under school age, no more than 3 kids under age 2, no more than 2 of those can be under 12 months. And then A is 10 kids total, 6 under school age, no more than 3 can be under 2 years, And no more than 2 of those 3 can be under 12 months. All the other licenses are if you have 2 providers and or doing specialized infant and toddlers. The numbers dont mean much to at the moment and won't until the girls get older. I'm not wanting to be at full capacity until they are older. But it's easier to apply for things now vs in a few years.

So if I wait until jordan is 12 months then some of the rules don't apply if I don't take any child under 12 months. As a toddler could fall asleep in a stroller if I'm understanding correctly, just not a baby. Lol as thats the way the law is written. Haha it's all about SIDS and making laws trying to protect against it, but its more about not getting sued vs protecting the babies it feels like. I would still have to check on all kids every 10 -15 minutes as that is for all kids, not just babies. And yes, if someone is going to be locking kids in a closet then I don't think they would bother getting licensed?? :wacko: it was a shock to even hear, and don't think I will think about my bathroom closets the same way again. She had asked if if would be possible for a child to fit in the closets and for a split second I was picturing if my kids would fit. :dohh: If we decide to have another baby ( which we haven't decided on ) then I wouldn't be able to be open if that baby needs to be swaddled for naps as the law would say I am not allowed to swaddle my own baby during daycare hours.
That is nuts that you are not allowed to swaddle your own baby! I can't get over some of those regulations!

Glad Megan ate a little bit but it does sound very worrying. But at least you have the appointment for Monday and she seems well in herself otherwise.

We are all still under the weather and both children have slight temperatures. I also got the coil fitted yesterday and have had rotten period cramps since. Blah, feeling a bit sorry for myself today. OH has been working every evening this week which makes it a long week of endless bedtimes for me.
It's been a long week for me. Jordan army crawling all over the house, she is still teething which seems to affect her more awake then asleep at least. But she is clingier while awake, which crawling probably isn't helping that she now realizes she can crawl away from me. Her bottom tooth poked through and I thought one of the top ones had but it's gone back in a bit, so both top ones look right there but can't feel the tooth out of the gum yet. They looked closer than the bottom one looked, so they are just taking their sweet time! She is also getting upset any time Megan is upset. If Megan is crying Jordan gets so worried, will either scream, or cry herself. Looks very worried about it.

Megans lack of eating I am assuming is what is causing her major attitude problem. She is grumpy and not herself. Not willing to listen to anything. I am trying so hard to be understanding.

The gym class that I had wanted her to do is now all of a sudden going to happen. It had no interest before and so wasnt going to happen. But that is Monday morning when the girls appts are! Not fair!
It seems like lots of us are having a rough week.

Daisybee: I'm sorry to hear Megan is still not eating much. The poor little girl. I hope she's back to her normal self soon. Having a mobile baby can be a nightmare as I realised once Tommy could crawl. I forgot how much they're into everything. I hope her teething doesn't both Jordan too much. The daycare licensing sounds very stressful and lots of red tape too.

Polaris: Sorry you've had a tough week too. It sounds very like my week actually. I hope you all feel better soon :hugs:.

My hubby works every evening and we've had endless bedtimes too. Daisy won't go to sleep unless I'm in her bed with her now and it can take AGES and then when I sneak out she sometimes wakes and I have to start all over again. I have 2 hours of work to do each evening so I'm always stressing about how to get that done. My job is so damn stressful at the moment :(.

Tommy's had a couple of sleepless nights and a new tooth had cut through this morning. This teething business is not very pleasant for anyone, especially them, the poor little things.

Daisy has viral conjunctivitis now and can't go to pre-school as she's contagious. She loves it so much there and is settling in so well and this time off is doing no good :(.

I'm grumpy too as I've been in my second cycle of TTC and then AF arrived 5 days early which has confused everything as my cycles were so regular up until this one. Anyway, that's totally OT.

Fingers crossed we all have a good week next week!

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