Sensitive kids group

DaisyBee - I hope the stents work quickly. Are they to open the duct, so the bile can drain away? I agree completely with what Polaris says. It's ok to be emotional :hugs: I am thinking of you and you're all in my prayers.

P - not another cold :( Poor you. Such rotten luck. How is little lady today? And thank you for that link!

JC - am so pleased things are going well!! You know, even before I found this thread...I'd often read your posts and think Lizzie and daisy sounded very, very similar in so many ways.

Cutie - I think we all second guess ourselves all the time :hugs: Lizzie will still say things to me like they are orders. I definitely think it's because she doesn't realise it's rude...because her general manners are lovely. She's very good with please / thank you / thank you so much etc...So when she's ordering me around, I think it's just her trying to control a situation in her own way. I just try and gently say 'please, Lizzie' and 'can we have kind words'

OmarsMum - that sounds absolutely awful. Poor you and poor Omar. Is he ok now?

Well, we've had a really lovely weekend. Lizzie has been a pleasure. Eaten beautifully, beautiful manners. Still had a mini meltdown about her hair wash...and a few pushes of ally (for those, she now has time 'in' with me or DH where we have a chat about it) buuuuut generally been fabulous. I'm just hoping it lasts the week, and - JC if it is a developmental thing...that it's a short one! Just so, so, so want everything to be ok at school and our social arrangements this week.

She's still very scared of animals - saw a friends dog, and she was shaking and in tears.

One big result, though...she ate some guacamole (thought it was giant snot, even though she used to like it) and she gave some old favoured veggies a bit more of a chance. No gagging this weekend. Not thinking we are back to best, but baby steps...
Thanks everyone for the support :hugs: it's been a long weekend. Megans cold is not fun, she just doesn't handle being sick well at all. She still has a fever and coughing is keeping her from sleeping. She rested in bed with me for a while yesterday which she never does, she just wanted to lay there. So she is back to no eating. :dohh: at least I know the reason this time.

Jordans tooth has partially broken through. But not all the way yet. She has been refusing bottles or only drinking a bit. Then she is crabby as she is hungry but unwilling to eat. Her next tooth looks close now as well.

I have now caught the cold. Im sure with the lack of sleep. Dh was very supportive Friday night, but this weekend was very grumpy. He would make comments about how depressing everything is... It comes out as grumpiness vs sadness with him. Megan isn't easy when she is sick and he had to be reminded often to have some extra patience right now. We are all low on sleep and that isn't helping.

And yes, you are right about my emotions. Friday night was the worst so far for me and Megan was having bad dreams that night, and that was hard on me thinking that it was because of me. She has been asking what's wrong, and telling me not to cry as she wipes away my tears.

Cutie - Megan seems to respond better to us telling her how she has to behave in order to keep doing whatever it is she wants to do, vs a consequence threat if she doesnt behave. She wants to feel in control and independent with a lot of things right now. I'm picking my battles more, and she is responding better as she is listening better on everything if she is feeling like she has control vs me. If she is bossy to me... Like she is playing in the sink in the bathroom she will say mommy go away! (in a very shouty rude tone) And try to shut the door so I cant come in. ( she thinks I'm going to shut off the water and say no more playing in the sink... Which is based off of what happened sometimes as if she is making a total disaster I've gotten annoyed and just said she is done.) So mommy = taking away what she wants to be doing = tell mommy no and she can continue playing. I dont think she is trying to be rude, but just trying to get her way. If I told her she couldnt talk to me like that and gave her a warning that if she did it again then we would be done with water, the next time I would check on her she would do the same. And then she would get the consequence, but it was ending it tears and meltdowns. But if I say that's not a nice way to talk to mommy, I know you want to still play. You can play in the sink ( telling her that she can do it calms her down immediately and she then will listen or I think she gets mad and then stops listening). I then tell her 3 more minutes of playing and then we are going to do this. Please talk to mommy in a nice voice. She responds better then, and sometimes says sorry to me for being mad.
I'm giving her full control of some things lately as she really wants that. She is picking out all of her clothes and I think that helps her feel more confident with them. If she wants to push the cart I tell her, yes you can push, and mommy gets to help steer. My wording makes a big difference to her. If she isnt willing to listen, I remind her more of her wanting to push vs emphasis on me needing to help her. It's hard to explain....
That being said.... If she is tired... Nothing helps. She can't control herself when tired. Everything seems like it's a big deal, and she doesn't want to listen. Have you tried getting her to bed earlier for a few nights to see if she could get caught up? When Megan is overtired she wakes earlier and it continues being in a bad cycle of sleep until she can catch up.

On a related note - I think she is trying to drop her nap. She has been rarely napping the past 2 weeks. Laying there not falling asleep.

Tg - yes the stents are to open things up so the bile can leave his body. They said the chemo has to have a way of leaving his body too, and so his blood levels have to be improved to a certain point before beginning the chemo.
I'm glad you had a good weekend. Sounds like her eating is improving! Hope if continues!

Polaris- love the story about Thomas. Hope Clara is feeling better. :hugs:

Omarsmum - poor Omar! Were the girls parents catching on to omar's crying and being upset by the girl?

jc - hope you are feeling better! I'm glad daisy had a good week last week. Hope it continues even with you back to work today. :thumbup:
Hi Ladies :flower:

I have only just seen this thread so i hope you dont mind if i join! Will just explain a little bit about my LO Megan so that you can see how sensitive she is!

Megan is now 2 years and 9 months old but she has always been the 'clingy' child. When she was a baby she would cry if i out her down, cried if i left her and cried if anyone looked at her. I found it so hard the first year. All my friends children were starting to blossom and grow and Megan would cling to me and not move. We would go to soft play or parks and all the other children would be running around and playing but Megan would not (still doesnt lol) move off my lap!

At nine months old i went back to work two days a week and Megan went to nursery, she didnt sleep or eat there for a month but gradually she settled into nursery and seemed to be doing ok there. Outside of nursery nothing had really changed. I couldnt leave the room without her crying, she was scared of everything, literally she would sit there and shake because she was so frightened if someone talked to her. Then the stage came that if someone even looked at her she would scream and cry and shout NOOOO!!

When she was 2 years old she moved into the toddler room at nursery and this also co-insided with me starting a new job which meant she was at nursery four mornings a week. She spent three weeks (so 45 hours) at nursery sitting by herself not eating or drinking at nursery. The staff tried there hardest with her but she would become hysterical and cry.

In September last year we went to a family party and for THREE hours she sat on my lap with her eyes closed - not asleep - just eyes closed. On the Monday at nursery she sat on the carpet for four hours with her eyes closed. Nursery said she didnt even open them when they told her it was dinner time :cry: So nursery got a psycholgist involved and we are currently working with her for Megans extreme shyness and sensitivity.

Its a slow slow progress but she does seem to be making some! At home she runs around like a lunatic, screaming and dancing and singing but out of the house she wont talk to anyone. She has recently started to branch out a bit more at softplay but if there is another child on a slide or in the ball pit etc she refuses to play on that equipment and if we are at someones house she will literally sit on my lap and not move. Its also really hard if we have to go to the doctors etc because she buries her head in my shoulder and wont move. Its especially hard as she has asthma and wont let the nurses near her. At her two year check she cried so much she was sick!

The psychologist we are seeing thinks she is very very sensitive and we are trying to work on this. For example if she says something now and i dont hear her, she wont repeat it as she is too scared as she thinks what she has said is wrong, so we are trying to build on these things and make her more confident.

It is soo hard, and when she was younger i honestly wished she was like the other children running round and having fun and although i still find it tough i think i am learning to accept it more and help her embrace her sensitivity instead of trying to change it.

So enough about me ladies, hope im in the right place!!!!:thumbup:
Welcome hun!

Sorry iv been MIA girls, been manic.

Yay for Daisy being an angel, and settling so well. Pre school has had such a positive effect on Madi too!

Daisybee - very sorry to hear about your dad. My grandma is currently fighting her third tumor in as many years, and the prognosis of this one isnt good. Here if you want a chat.

Omars mum, your cousins LO sounds a handful. I hope Omar is ok now :(

Things are good with my shy little girly. She has really come out of her shell, and other that a 8 times a day getting changed clothing obsession she is an angel.

Zach has me worried though, he was very late with walking, although not sitting (5 months) or crawling (8 months) but his speech is awful. He talks like he is hard of hearing, but hes not, iv had his ears tested. He speaks a lot through his nose. He is getting much better, but hard not to compare him with Madi. And she was speaking in full, clear sentances by his age. He seems to really struggle with a lot of things. Like he cant go up and down a slide yet. He would be terrified to, he cant jump. And he cannot amuse himself. He wont play, he wants songs on all day, but the same three that iv got sky+, or to play on my ipad. He would sit for hours and hours and play on the ipad if i let him. He is very clever with technology though, he can do really complicated jigsaws and stuff on it, he likes the flashcards, and iv been so lax thinking that looking at the flashcards would help with his speech, iv just let him on it way too much. And now he just wont play. At all. Its exhausting.
These past two days iv not let him have it alot, but he just cries, and whinges, and howls for hours and hours.
I feel like a bit of a shit mum tbh.
^^ just a quick one. Welcome Ginga!

Karli - you are so not a shit mum! It sounds like Zach has strengths in other areas - technology etc. maybe his brain is just working in a different way?
I don't have flash on my iPad... Ill have to try to remember to watch later. One of my good friends, her son is 4 in April. When he was 24 months he only had 6 words. By that summer he was talking more... Not tons, Megan is 8 months younger and she always spoke way more. But he finally got there. It is hard not to compare younger to older sibling though. We've found we do it wth Jordan and Megan and while it's not out of worry, it does make me realize how I base things is from when Megan did things. I had forgotten that the dr says typically kids should be going from floor to sitting by 9 months. Megan wasn't, so wasn't even expecting jordan to. ( she can't either yet at 10 1/2 months).

Have you found other things like a game you could do with him, or start him with a certain activity like building blocks and then see if he let's you leave for short intervals? And then come back to play with him and check in, etc. Help him find something that might be interesting even if he can't find things himself right now?

Welcome ginga!
I will go through posts today evening, promise, I'm very busy :blush:

Hi :hi: Ginga

We have school assessment today after 1.5 hrs, do I have to tell them about Omar's sensitivity? Should I tell them that he's advanced for his age?

I'm not worried about the interview with Omar, he's fine with adults, wish us good luck :hugs:
Daisybee, I do hope those stents do their job and your dad can get on with treatment. It must be so hard managing your sadness while caring for Megan and Jordan. I hope you're able to get some time for yourself.

Polaris - how's Clara now? We're all down with colds too at the moment. Pre children I would never have believed the trouble they can cause! Thank you for the link. Very much what I need to hear lately.

JC, I'm so glad you're going through a good phase with Daisy. It feels like a rollercoaster sometimes doesn't it?

Cutie, it's a fine line isn't it deciding when to challenge behaviour and when to let it go. For what it's worth, I would have done the same as you. When I feel like all I am doing is nagging, I try and consciously frame everything positively (so instead of "don't talk rudely", I'd say "I like it when you talk to me respectfully." in a light voice.) but sometimes, they're just in difficult phases, and just getting through them is the only thing you can do. Don't feel it will be this way forever.

Omarsmum, sounds like a nightmare 3 days! Poor Omar (and you! It's exhausting managing that sort of thing!)

TG brilliant news about Lizzie! Do you think anything has changed that's helped her, or has it come out of the blue? Long may it continue!

Hi Ginga! Sounds like you've found the right place! I hope you find it useful.

Karlilay - You are categorically NOT a shit mum! He understands every word you say in the video, and says lots of words back, including counting. I think you have an articulate little girl, and that's affecting your perception of 'normal'. I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Heck, Einstein didn't talk until he was 4! As for playing, how is he if you go out? I know quite a few children who can't get on with toys, but are fine haring around like loons.

Omarsmum, if I were you, I'd focus on what he can do and let them judge for themselves. Hope it goes well today! Let us know what happens.

It's been a mixed week for us. Alice is a delight with me, but seems to have taken a step back with others. We had a friend round on Saturday, and Alice barely looked at her, and when she did she scowled. Then on Sunday, my MIL took her to church as usual. She stayed longer than she usually does, but then had a full scale meltdown over an incident with a toy shark! From the sounds of it, MIL handled it really well, but I do find it mortifying that she behaves like that with others. She also struggled with the story time group we go to at the library. She scowled throughout the whole thing, until they handed out some colouring and she spent ages colouring the entire A4 paper blue. She went into a zone and didn't look up at all. Then, she stopped colouring and joined in the singing as if nothing had happened. I'm finding her behaviour quite bizarre lately and I can't help comparing with the other children we're around.
Hi everyone

I feel way behind on replying to posts so sorry if I miss out on anything.

Daisybee, I am thinking about you a lot with what you are going through with your dad. How are you explaining it all to Megan? I feel distraught at the thought of anything happening to my parents although of course they are not getting younger either.

Ginga - welcome to the thread. Sounds like you are definitely in the right place. It will be really interesting to hear any tips or advice that you get from the psychologist too.

Omarsmum - good luck with the school interview today. I really hope it goes well and that you get a good feeling about the school. I know your experiences with preschools and nurseries so far have been pretty grim so I really hope you have found somewhere that can understand Omar and meet his needs.

Karlilay, I answered on your other thread in Toddler Club about Zach's speech. I honestly think it is absolutely fine. Thomas's speech was not understandable to anyone except me and OH at Zach's age. I agree that it sounds like Madi was advanced with her speech and that's what is making it seem like he is behind. Boys are proven to be statistically slower than girls to develop language skills (and also fine motor skills) so you need to take that into account too.

JC and TG - that is fantastic news that your LOs have been so well-behaved and doing so well. I am always amazed at how wonderful and pleasant they can be when they are in the right state of mind, compared to how challenging and frankly exasperating when they are not. Thomas can be like two different children in the space of a day sometimes.

Cutie - I've no real advice but I've had days like that. Over-tiredness is the bane of my life because Thomas becomes really unbearable and impossible to reason with when he is tired. He is just not able to control his emotions at all. I hope that Christina has managed to catch up on some sleep since you posted. :hugs:

Tacey - I totally know what you mean about comparing to others even though I try not to do it. I do think though that in a group, as a parent you are naturally most focused on your own child and don't necessarily notice when other children are behaving oddly or inappropriately, whereas you are very conscious of it with your own child. However, having said that, the time I am most worried about Thomas is when we are around other children.

We have been going to a music group for about four weeks which he says he enjoys - but he really doesn't join in with the other children and I do feel like he stands out a bit. I get the feeling that the teacher suspects that he might have comprehension difficulties because he doesn't answer questions or follow instructions at all really. He's not difficult in the class but he just stands there watching and not participating most of the time. If she asks them to come up and get a toy, he hangs back and is always the last child to get one, even if it's something that I know he really wants. At the last session, they did a parachute game and all the children were sitting under the parachute and we were shaking it up and down. All the others were all really loving it, laughing and trying to touch it and shouting. Thomas just sat there looking at it, at one point he smiled briefly and reached up literally the tips of his fingers to touch the parachute but that was the limits of his expression of his enjoyment. But then in the car on the way home he kept going on about the parachute and how much he loved it. I know that he needs time to warm up to the group and get used to the other children. I also find it hard not to compare him to Clara who is full of smiles for absolutely everybody - and who everyone therefore responds so positively to. I just worry that he will have a harder time because those social skills don't come naturally to him.
Polaris - I do think some of what you are describing may just be the slow to warm up part of his personality. It sounds like he is holding back a bit. Megan was like that at these classes at 18 months and it took her a while to be more herself. Now when we go she doesnt hesitate and acts like it's very familiar. It's all in the same room that she is used to and I think that really helps her feel like she knows what to expect. At soft play the other day she really held back and acted like she would like to go see something but really hesitated and hung back.

Tacey - Was Alice sick when she was having more melting down issues? It's my first clue with Megan when she is sick. She is not herself at all when sick and has tons of meltdowns, etc. Its amazing how much colds affect everyone, isn't it?

The parent educator last week also gave us a sheet about equilibrium and disequilibrium. Saying every 6 months kids will go from the one to the other. And it has to do with how they grow. But she said a lot of kids will go through this more often then every 6 months. And a lot she thinks depends on personality and those with stronger personalities or more sensitivities it will be more obvious and could happen very often. And it depends on the child. That during equalibrium they behave better, listen more, have an easier time with things. During disequilibrium we will see more tantrums, not listening, tougher time with skills, everything. It's an interesting concept and I wonder if that is some of what some of you are talking about. When we say Megan had a good week or this week has been impossible. She said it's important to recognize those times and act accordingly as parents. Introduce changes more during the equilibrium, bend a bit more during disequilibrium.

Jordan is now sick and was up most of the night crying. Megan woke up coughing at 4am and Couldn't stop coughing. I was in the bathroom with steam going. She never went back to sleep. :coffee: realizing some of jordans lack of eating and fussiness over the weekend must have been her getting sick vs just teething.

I've told Megan that mommy is sad because grandpa is sick. And mommy loves grandpa very much so it makes me sad that he is sick. She is saying," no he isn't sick. He had a checkup and now he is fine. The dr fixed him. " She wipes away my tears and says "don't cry mommy, everything will be ok". I haven't gone into it more than that for now.

Eta - I do think that is some of my shock part of finding out about my dad. He is 57 I believe. His parents are still alive and in good health. I hadnt prepared myself at all that it was a possibility that either of my parents wouldn't be here for another 20 years. My parents aren't even retired yet. So besides sadness I also have disbelief and shock over the fact that I wasn't expecting this at all. Besides his surgery 2 years ago, he is the healthiest person. He doesn't even get colds. It's something that struck me that after Xmas I was asking about my parents taking vitamins. My mom made a comment about my dad not needing vitamins as he is healthier than any of the rest of the family. I keep hearing her say that in my head. How ironic.
Polaris- Great news regarding the mat leave, so happy for you :happydance:

As for classes it took Omar a full semester to interact in class, now we are re-doing all classes, he interacts none stop, & he follows instructions.

TG- :hugs: Omar doesnt act well when he's tired, he gets frustrted easily & he acts in aggressively, If we have kids at home, he asks to go to the bed room for cuddles & some quiet time.

Cutie- Omar is so bossy, & he orders us around, I repeat what he wants in a nicer way & I request him to ask nicely again.

Karli- Omar was obsessed with the iPad at that age, just download few educational games like letters, numbers & colours ones, he will learn a lot by using it. I read that Zach doesnt do puzzles, Omar is still not interested. At that age he used to love bulding towers using blocks & knocking them down. Find something he really likes & work on it, Omar was obsessed with letters at that age, so we got him all sort of letters from foam to wooden. He learned phonics from youtube songs & iPad games. Once he finds something that he's interested in, he will not be that obsessed with the iPad. As for needing your attention, Omar was the same, he didnt start to play on his own without me around until recently & now he's so good at intertaining himself.

Daisybee- :hugs: I really hope things get better. So sorry to hear that Jordan is not feeling well.

As for our assessment today, it was a group assessment. We went to a play area first, they asked the kids to kick a ball, Omar did it & scored with no problmes. then they asked the kids to climb on soft blocks & slides, again he didnt have an issue, but whe they asked him to go into the tunnel he said no, I want to do something else. the teacher asked him what he wanted to do, he told her that he wants to go to the other room to play with the stuff there.

Then they took them to a classroom with some shapes & numbers puzzles, he did them in a second, then he started to name the shapes, colours & numbers. They were really impressed with his knowledge. He asked for a paper & he wrote his name. They asked about his interaction with kids, I told them that he doesnt have interest in kids his age & he prefers older kids, they told me that it's not an issue & they will work on that.

They asked about potty training, I told them that he's fully potty trained but he refuses to go out without a nappy, he asked to use the toilet there, so they know that he asks to use the toilet. They asked me if he can dress/undress by himself, I told them no he cant, they adviced us to try & enourage him through play which is what we're doing those days.

They asked about his sleep & eating, I told them everything.

The teacher told that with advanced kids they give them additional activities. Like when they introduce basic shape, they will introduce complex shapes to him like cone, pyramid, etc.

She told me that there is no perfect child & it's normal if he cant do few things, as he's advanced intellectually.

We still have sleep issues, & I'm really tired. Tomorrow the school will give us a call back for the results. DH is worried that he will not be accepted!
Now I'm fuming. Got a call from the school. They want Omar to go for a reassessment!

When I asked for the reasons, they told me that he has some issues. when I asked for details they told me that he should be fully potty trained, & able to dress/undress himself at this age. They told me indirectly that he might be autistic!

Now I'm so pissed off, I went back to the highly snesitive child book, & read the part about autism vs HSC. Omar is not autistic & he doesnt suffer from aspergers.

He's high needs, he has some delays, but he's extremely smart. I tried to explain to them about highly sensitive kids during the assessment, but the teacher looked at me as if I'm talking nonsense & she started to talk about something else.

If a school doesnt know how to deal with a highly sensitive kid, then it's not the right one for us!

I ended up crying all morning. I went through all online autism & aspergers tests, HE IS NOT AUTISTIC!!

We're going to check another school on Sunday, I will not give details about Omar. I think as mums we tend to over assess our kids behaviours, & when we talk about them from our view to those who dont know our kids, they tend to interpret their behaviours & temperments in the wrong way.

My mum reassured me that there is nothing wrong with Omar. She told me that my brother's friend pulled out his kid from this school this semester as the kid was always left alone to play. The kid is also highly sensitive, so they didnt know how to deal with him.

Omar is out of nappies full time from today, he's been pooping in the toilet for 5 days without accidents. He also went to bed without one.

After 2 weeks he will go to his own room. He's been asking for few days now to sleep there, once we're 100% sure about no nappies, we will start weaning off the co-sleeping.

He's been asking for the spoon to feed himself those days. which is a progress.

When I took him to the toilet tonight, he pulled donw his Pj bottom on his own & he refused when I tried to help him. He's getting there. He was so proud of himself.

I'm not around an autistic kids, so I have no one to compare, but as a mum, I know there is nothing wrong with my kid. He as an amazing sense of humor, his voice & tone changes when he's talking. Sometimes he goes on & on when he talks about soemthing, but if I change the subject he answers back. He loves imaginary play, he doesnt have obsessions. he had letters obsessions when eh was younger, & I told them about that. I told them we didnt get rid of the nappies as he's attached to them, but all this doesnt mean he's autistic.

I hate it when people play the autism card. My friend's daughter is 4.5 yrs, she doesnt talk, she has several delays, but until now she's not diagnosed with autism although she's been seeing specialists & OT since she was 2. It's not a simple thing to use the autism word!

Sorry for the long rant, I feel like crap. I think we've been walking on egg shells around Omar due to his sensitivity. I need to be a bit more tough for his own benefit.
Just a quickie, but oh gosh, that's awful for the school to say that!

I have taught many kids who are on the autistic spectrum and nothing you have ever said about Omar makes me think he's autistic.

Take no notice hun. At least you now know for sure that school is not suitable for Omar.
None of my daycare kids were potty trained til almost 3 or older. The one sensitive boy wasn't trained until 3 1/2. Some of the kids were not great about dressing themselves. If he was 4 then I can see them having more concerns about dressing and potty training, but not at 3.

Megan just started dressing herself the past week. At her 3 year checkup the dr asked if Megan has any interest in potty training yet and looked surprised that she has been fully trained including pooping on the toilet for over 6 months. Here it's not unusual for kids to be 3 when potty training. On b&b it seems like most are training at 2 but from people I know irl it's age 3.

I also don't think Omar sounds autistic. Everything you've said about him reminds me of the sensitive boy I had in daycare. And he wasn't autistic. He was very very smart and was sensitive. He coslept with his mom. Had big textures things about foods. He was great with letters and things like that.

I know you are upset Hun, but forcing Omar to do everything right now probably isn't the best thing for him. Baby steps and encouragement. :hugs:
Thanks ladies, I feel much better today.

Daisybee- I will not force him hun. Last night he slept with no nappy :happydance:
He didn't argue when I told him no nappy for bedtime anymore.

When we'll go out, we'll see if he accepts to go out without one.
Oh my goodness! Well, I guess the assessment was a time for you to assess whether the school was right for you, as much as them assessing Omar. It seems fairly clear that it won't meet his needs. I think you've had a lucky escape!
Omarsmum from what you have said I cant possibly believe Omar is autistic and I agree with Tacey if that is their view then they are not the best for Omar.

Sensitivities aside expecting someone of Omar age to have to be able to dress and undress is unrealistic some will but some wont. Samy literally dressed herslef for the first time yesterday at swimming and even so she will also still ask for help.

I would not worry about spoon feeding and co sleeping either - Samy still does both but school would not know - when they have food (for example they had chinese on Monday) she eats it as well as anyone else!
Omarsmum, just wanted to echo what others have said. I am really angry on your behalf actually. There's no way that Omar is autistic based on how you describe him. I think the school clearly isn't right for him, I hope you have more luck at the next school. I am really quite upset about the concerns that they raised with you because I think they are creating issues where none really exist and they are obviously just not "getting" Omar at all. I think it's really awful that you feel the need to be less open about Omar's needs and areas of difficulty for fear of this type of misinterpretation.

By the way Thomas is nowhere near dressing and undressing himself. I'm not worried because I know he'll do it in his own time.
Daisy can't dress herself either and it still not brilliant with cutlery. She is potty trained fully during the day now but not at night. I think all the concerns they raised are simply ridiculous and not actually issues at all!

Daisy is continuing to behave well. It is seriously like having a different child. She has been really good at pre-school too. She hasn't had a meltdown since the day I took her sledging in the first lot of heavy snow we had and that is at least 3 weeks ago. That's a record!

Tommy finished his a antibiotics and seemed fine again then within 2 days his ear infection, temperature and conjunctivitis returned :(. He's on another course of antibiotics now and is so poorly again. Back to square one. I blame the MMR. He'd had the colic/reflux issues but had never got so much as a cold, cough or runny nose and then 10 days after that vaccination he got ill and he has never got better :(. I am pretty worried about it now :(.

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