Sensitive kids group

:hugs: JC. That does sounds worrying. Have you tried supplementing to give his immune system a boost? Mixing evening primrose oil in his food might be worth a try. Thank goodness Daisy is having a good time lately!

I was investigating the equilibrium/disequilibrium thing Daisybee mentioned. Really interesting! I thought this was a good page. I can see some broad connections with Alice's behaviour. There are strong elements of both of these in teh way Alice is currently acting:

3 years – the age of “we” (mommy and me), no longer rigid and inflexible,

3 1/2 years – new motor incoordination, new stuttering, tensional outlets, emotional insecurity, crying, whining, frequent questions, demanding

I am slowly going mad at how every sentence starts with "Muuummy?" (and she frequently seems to say it even when she hasn't actually got anything to say!) and the 'Why?' phase is in full swing! She's much more needy emotionally too. And she's covered in bruises, and trips all the time! On the other hand, she's come on leaps and bounds in flexibility, and can let things go a lot more easily. I find it very reassuring to see the natural fluctuation in behaviour, as it takes the pressure off. Sometimes I think when we're in a difficult stage we can think it's all our fault, and we have to fix it, when usually given time, it will resolve on its own.
Poor baby Tommy! If it helps, and i know its not the same, but when Zach had that episode, he was ill for 43 days. Like really ill, that includes the rash etc. But you know what, other than a teething cold, he hasnt been poorly since. I really hope Tommy manages to kick all this. Did you have a 5 day course?

Omarsmum- I feel for you, i know all too well how horrible it feels to have the finger pointed at you. Your child labeled as something you know they arnt. I had all this with Madi when she started Pre School at three, the doctors at one point told me they though she had some sort of childhood anxiety disorder. :shock: And although i didnt co sleep, i always got told off for mollycoddling her, and making her like she was. We've also done the Autistic thing, and Aspergers. They shouldnt even be bringing points like that up on an assesment. Would it matter if he did have autism? They wouldnt take him?
Sounds like you had a easy get away, and you will find the perfect school for him.

Madi has had a senco person work with her for a few weeks, not because they thought she had any special needs, purely to form a good strong relationship with this lady, so she felt happy and comfortable there. She adores this one woman now. Omar sounds like he would benefit from something like that. Someone to really get to know how he works, and to help him with things he struggles with a bit. Pre School has really changed Madi, and now she doesnt seem so highly sensative, she 'fits in' a bit more, and we dont get the autism thing anymore.

Tacey, im going to read the link you put up... :)

Thanks for everyones kind words about my boy. I have it in my head now, to stop comparing my kids. Zach is not Madi, and Madi is not Zach. This past week hes really chatting and picking up so much. :)
Omarsmum, so sorry to hear of your experience with that school. :hugs: Omar certainly doesn't sound autistic to me and I can't believe an experience childcare professional would even suggest that at his age and after so short a time with him. He surely will be better off at another school.

JC, so sorry to hear that Tommy is poorly again. :( I surely hope he is feeling better soon. Caitlyn is due for her MMR at her next checkup and I am dreading it.

Tacey, thanks for the info and the link. I wonder if it's possible for Christina to be ahead of schedule? I feel like she's in a phase of disequilibrium right now. We have been dealing with the endless questioning and "why"s since about 2.5, as well as the stuttering/demanding/insecurity for 4 months now, which should be more for age 3.5. She also exhibits some of the older traits, such as a very active imagination. I can't imagine her reaching a much higher "height of imagination". :) I often feel she has some characteristics of a much older child (her ability to sit still and listen well, vast imagination, her reasoning and logic skills, interest in art/writing), yet they are mixed in with characteristics of a just-3-yr-old that she is (such as difficulty controlling emotions, etc.)

Karlilay, glad to hear that Madi has done so well at preschool - gives me hope for when Christina goes. I watched the video and think Zach speaks just fine - I don't think he's behind at all.
JC :hugs: is he teething? Omar was always ill at that age until he was 25 months. He used to catch a bug every 3-4 weeks. It was exhausting! It didnt settle until he had all his 1st year teeth. He was on multi vits during that period. I really hope he gets better soon hun :hugs:

Karli- Some schools dont accept special needs kids without a professional diagnose. They refer those kids to specialists after the assessment.

They didnt assume because fo Omar's behaviour, they built their assumption based on what I told them about his sleep, eating, sensory issues, etc.

I know he's highly sensitive, but they never heard of it! The highly sensitive child book explains it all, many of the HSC traits are mistaken with autism or aspergers. This is why I was mad but not really concerned about Omar.

Omar is already over loads of his sensitivities. He loves messy play, he's more open to new food especially sweets, he's trying to get independant & so on.

We went out yesterday & he didnt have a nappy on, it went great :happydance: Now I can say that my kid is fully potty trained :)

Cutie- Omar is also over the 3 1/2 stage. He went through the stuttering, demanding, why, etc , it started when he was 2 1/2.

3 years – the age of “we” (mommy and me), no longer rigid and inflexible,

I guess this started at the age of 2 for us :rofl: & it's still going on,

4 1/2 years – Height of mixture of reality and imagination, can be a time of catching up in motor/language, play is less wild than at age 4, fine motor coordination improved and will often begin to be interested in drawing,

Omar is at this stage I guess. Yesterday we were at the soccer class, there was a valantines party, so the manager came in & told us that we can join the party, Omar anwered back (although he was occupied) "We are not done yet, we will go to party after 5 mins" :rofl:
Tacey, thank you for the link, I found that a very interesting read. I think Thomas is definitely in a stage of equilibrium at the moment, which explains why I haven't really been posting with many problems recently. I'm so glad that I read that though as it's going to be less of a shock to the system when the next stage of disequilibrium hits in the next month or so! We are definitely at the "mummy and me" stage I think, right on track!

JC - I'm so sorry that Tommy is unwell again. He's been ill for so long now, it is quite worrying isn't it? I wonder if it would be worth asking for blood tests, mind you I am a bit paranoid because when Thomas had a constant run of illnesses at about Tommy's age he turned out to be severely anaemic. Poor Thomas always ends up with blood tests now every time he has difficulty shaking off an illness - and they are always fine but it puts my mind at rest!

Clara is still unwell and still sleeping very badly. I really don't think she is getting enough sleep at the moment for her age - but I know it is mainly due to this horrible cold and cough which stops her from falling asleep or staying asleep. I'm beyond exhausted but at least I am almost over the cold myself now. However Thomas was up last night coughing so he's probably going to get it now. :dohh: I just can't wait until we are all healthy again.
Thankyou all for the welcomes :flower: I am trying to catch up a little bit so that i get to know everyone lol! Oh i forgot to add my name is Gail and my LO is Megan! Will go for a read through now and hello to you all :happydance:

ETA - have only read back a few pages but its nice to know there are other people out there with children like Megan! I dont know any in real life and its nice to know your not alone!

Omars mom - that is terrible about Omar. I have got to be honest, i dont really look at progress charts etc but i thought being able to dress and undress yourself came much later thank three :shrug: I hope you find a suitable school for Omar

Karli - i think everyone presumes i mollicoddle Megan and thats why she is sooo shy. Megs been in nursery part time since 9 months so she has plenty of time away from me and she will quite happily sleep at my moms and go to my mom and dads for the day. However if we are in softplay or something and she wont move from me or someone talks to her and she wont talk back i have had loads of sarcy comments about how i must have made her so shy. It makes me mad!

I have a meeting with the psychologist on March 14th so i can update. Her key worker said she is doing loads better at nursery so fingers crossed it will be a positive update!
We are having lack of sleep here as well. The other day Megan was up coughing from 12-30-5:30. Both girls are miserable, and look exhausted. Jordan fusses all day and wants to be held and both girls are crying a lot. Hugs for all the sick kids and lack of sleep! :hugs:

The conversation we had last week about the equilibrium, the teacher said that parents that she has taught have said some of their kids go through a change monthly, or every 2 months. And that not all of the things will fit all of the kids. That even when Megan is in equilibrium, it will look different than a child with a different temperament. I just thought it was a good way to explain that sometimes they really do have a lot going on and they aren't just trying to be difficult. :haha:

Omarsmum - that's interesting that you told them about Omar. Do you find yourself explaining him to people? Does Omar hear these conversations? Sometimes I think it's better for our kids not to hear us talk about them and their quirks. I think it can change how they view themselves. It's like the hair washing thing with megan. I thought it was part of her sensitivities and talked about it like that to mil ( without Megan in the room) and mil said well she is 3. Lots of kids her age scream their head off for hair washings, and most with hair cuts ( which Megan was fine with) etc. It's a phase that some kids have. And look a month or more later... And she is mostly over it. Like what you say about Omar and messy play.
I won't be explaining anything to Megans school. No 2 kids are the same, and I think it's better to give her a fresh start with teachers.

A girl I know has a 4 year old in preschool this year. She has always had a horrible time with him. He is very energetic and she is always talking about issues she has with him. ( not listening, won't sit still, being naughty, wouldnt potty train, etc) Well last summer that class in the park was for 2-5 year olds and he and Megan were both there. He was amazing there. She was taking him to be assessed for ADHD And none of us could believe it. He sat with the group and listened to the stories, he stayed with the group, well behaved, complete angel. She continued complaining about him and then come September the preschool teacher was talking about him ( even though she wast supposed to be ) and was saying how great of student he was and that he was reading which amazed her as kids in her 4 year old class aren't reading at all yet. She talked about how good he was and his mom must be so proud of him ( she wasn't in this conversation). Also his mom said that he was using the toilets at school for the teachers, but once home was refusing and she would consider him not potty trained. She couldn't figure it out. So if that mom had gone to the teacher and said my son is defiant, and a hell raiser, and won't sit, and I'm trying to get him diagnosed for ADHD, etc. That teacher would have been hearing totally different things than she was witnessing in class.

My dad has surgery today. I've also just found out he is having a colonoscopy Wednesday besides his blood work and 2 other appts. They got back to him after his last bloodwork and now are thinking he may have cancer in his colon as well. And they now aren't sure what's primary, bile duct or colon? I'm annoyed and confused... How could they still not know? And it makes me feel like they aren't being very good. Its mayo clinic, they should know what they are doing.
Hi ladies. I will reply to posts tomorrow as I don't have a lot of time tonight as Tommy is unsettled.

Daisybee, I really hope your dad's surgery went well. Thinking of you :hugs:.

I am pretty worried about my boy and very sad for him. He is the sweetest, loveliest little boy and when he's well is so cheerful but he spent the first almost 7 months of his life screaming in agony every waking moment with his tummy problems then was fine and so happy for 5 months and now the last 2 months has been ill constantly again. It isn't fair :(. He's had enough being in pain in his little life. I wish I could take it all away for him and make him better :(. He has been really poorly again this last 3 days. The antibiotics don't seem to be helping as yet and I am concerend about the amount of calpol he's had this last 2 months. The doctor said if this second lot of antibiotics don't work he'll need blood tests. I hope nothing is wrong with him :(. I have scoured the internet looking for information about the MMR causing illness like this and there is some stuff but nothing that seems just like Tommy but he was 100% fine until 10 days after the MMR then he hasn't been well ever since and my instincts just tell me that isn't a coincidence. I am so worried about him. Before falling ill he was standing confidently on his own all the time and everyone was saying it would be no time until he was walking but he seems to have stopped doing it. He's a big chunky lad so luckily the weight he's lost hasn't made too much difference but it will if it carries on like this :(. I don't know what's happening to my poor little man :(.

Daisy however has amazed me today!! Her behaviour has continued to be fantastic. Today she did loads of things she won't normally ever do! For the last year having her feet measured has been an absolute ordeal and entails holding her screaming hysterically while they do their best to measure her. The last time I took her they weren't able to do it. I warned her a couple of days ago she needed her feet measured and she said okay and we talked about it again this morning and then went to the shoe shop. She sat on my lap, buried her face into me and then let them measure her feet without any fuss at all. Amazing! I felt overjoyed as I left the shop!

Then she used the toilets at the shopping centre. Another huge step! She usually won't go into the toilets because she is terrified of hand driers, and also she will use the pre-school toilets and our toilet but is scared of other toilets. She asked to go, did a wee on the toilet, washed her hands and asked to use the hand driers!! Those Dyson ones you put your hands in! She put her hands in and pulled then straight out when it started up and was scared but I can't believe she even tried!

Then she had an allergic reaction when I was cleaning out our guinea pigs. Hay gives her a horrible rash and I hadn't realised she was playing with a bag of hay and she came out in a rash. I needed to give her piriton and usually that is an absolute battle which take me and hubby both to do it but she just stood there, opened her mouth and took the piriton without so much as a word!

Then the final thing is she ate three carrots! She hasn't knowingly eaten veggies for almost a year. I put them on her plate every day and every day she takes them off her plate and puts them on the table and refuses to try them. Today she ate the three carrots I'd put on her plate!! She pulled a face as if she hated them but ate them of her own accord and then said 'I'm growing up big and strong now". Again, amazing!

I literally can hardly believe the changes in her lately! So between her and Tommy I've had a week of very mixed emotion.
Yes I feel so bad for Tommy as well. How worrying for you. :hugs: I hope and pray that these antibiotics work this time. I do agree timing with this with mmr is very suspicious. As an adult I've had lots of sinus issues ( not comparing) but before I had surgery I had been on months of different antibiotics and they said sometimes somethings respond better to different antibiotics. So hopefully that is the case.

I am so glad you had a great day with daisy! I love those days. It makes you feel on top of the world and wonder why youve worried so much doesn't it? That's how I always feel when Megan has a day full of surprises like that.

I can understand why you are full of mixed emotions right now.

I don't know if my dads surgery worked or not yet, but he says he feels like he got hit by a truck this morning. He is in a lot of pain as well today. My brother and his wife went to stay this weekend. I had a long talk with my one brother last night. I'm so grateful right now that I am close to both of my brothers.
Daisybee, I'm glad to hear you have the support of your brothers. I will continue to pray for your dad and your family. :hugs:

JC, I'm so happy to see how well Daisy is doing lately. Reading all the new things she is trying/allowing makes me so proud of her! I'm so sad for poor Tommy - he has certainly had a rough few months. I hope they will be able to uncover what's wrong so they can help make him well. :hugs:

polaris, sending good health vibes your way - hope you all are managing to get some rest.

ginja, it's so frustrating when people think we've made our LOs this way through coddling or otherwise. I used to get comments like that often (mainly from family, all of whom don't live here), but thankfully now that she's getting older people are starting to realize it's her temperament rather than anything I've done. I hope your update meeting with the psychologist goes well.
Gingajewel- I really hope the apt with the psychologist goes well hun, :hugs:

Daisybee- :hugs: praying fro your dad. Sometimes I find myself explaining Omar's behaviour, but as my new friends have sensitive kids, life is much easier now as they went through all this when their kids were Omar's age. At the assessment, he was behaving normally, but I couldn'tt keep my mouth shut!

JC- :hugs: I really hope Tommy gets better soon, hopefully it's nothing serious hun :hugs:

Yesterday was horrible, Omar was overtired but he couldnt sleep or take a nap, he was crying all day bless him. He has a cold & he's coughing.I had a date with my friend, but I couldnt get Omar to change, so I cancelled it, & she came to our place instead. He was very social & he talked to her. He doesnt see her a lot.

Last night he slept well from 12 am till 11 am. I took him to the waterfront today, he played with my friend's son. There was a 5 yrs boy who was bugging him & taking his car from him. He saw me calling the security & asking him to keep the kid away from our kids. I was sitting in a coffee shop. Omar walked a bit far away from where we were sitting, then he couldnt find us, he went tot he security guard crying & asking him to take him to mummy. I was so glad he went to the right person, he wasnt far away.

On our way to my mum's place, he was dead tired & s o sleepy, when we reached there, he fell asleep on my lap. It was 8.30 pm! I couldnt keep him awake, so I called hubby & asked him to come & pick us, he didnt wake up at all, now it's 10.30 pm & he's still sleeping. I really hope he will sleep till morning. It seems like it's an early night for us.

We have a school assessment on Wednesday, I will keep my mouth shut. The kid is fully potty trained :happydance:, He can feed himself finger food, so they dont have to know that I spoon feed him his main meal :rofl:

I will not mention his previous sensory issues, they dont exist anymore, so they dont have to know about them. I will not mention anything about what he knows, they can figure it out by themselves :haha:

Other than his attachment to me, I will not talk about his sensitivity. I guess as he doesnt go to a nursery, he will be similar to many kids who never been to a nursery when it comes to attachment to their mums.

The school follows the IB curriculum which is much better than the Australian one. The school is expensive & not close to our place, but it's the best option we have. He will go for longer hours (8-1.40).

Wish us good luck :flower:
JC - I hope Tommy gets better soon - he sounds like such a sweet little boy so give him a hug from me.

Ginjajewel - good luck with the appt

Daisybee my thoughts are with you and your dad

Omarsmum - 8:30 would be an early night for us. When I went to the first meeting with Samys school I did not mention co sleeping or the fact then we still spoon fed the evening meal (we still do on occasion) as it for me had no bearing on her time at school. She happily eats there the same as everyone else. I did bring up her sensitive side and to be honest the fact that it took a dedicated effort to settle her in it would have shone through anyway. Neither did I mention her numerical and alphabetical skills - did not need to she does that herself.
Brilliant news that Zach is chatting and coming along well Karli! That's fantastic that the senco has been working with Madi. It just shows how effective it is when preschools are senstive to our children's sensitivities!

Cutie, how's Christina doing? Hopefully you'll be getting to a stage of equilibrium soon :haha: I'm finding this a very useful way of viewing the phases. It makes it easier to relax about the more difficult times I think.

Good luck for the school assessment today Omarsmum! When will you find out if they will have him? Got my fingers firmly crossed for you!

Polaris, how are your two now? Did Thomas get the bug? Colds last so long now by the time they go round the while family. it takes such a big chunk out of the year!

Ginga, great news that Megan is getting on well now. It drives me mad too that people assume Alice is sensitive because of the way I parent.

How are things Daisybee? Are the girls better yet? Is your dad recovering well after the operation? I hope you're managing ok.

JC, any news on Tommy? Are the antibiotics helping? It's great that Daisy seems to be in a good place at the moment though.

How is Samy getting on Quartz? Is Charlie still a laid back baby? I'm really enjoying seeing the sibling relationship developing.

Alice is still in a really good place, and I think we're finally kicking the cold that has been hanging around for months. I did have a scary incident with her yesterday though. I was seeing my friend at a museum. She has a little boy who is quite a handful, and has a habit of running away. Alice started to join in, and I went a bit OTT and told her a bit too sharply that she mustn't do that. She flipped out (I think she was embarrassed, although we'd been alone when I told her off.) and ran away screaming "Get away from me mummy! I want to be on my OWN!" She ran outside (there's a bit of grass, then the pavement and a road. I had been following her, then thought, perhaps if I stop, she will too. She didn't. I had to actually sprint to grab her (with Arthur in the carrier on my front) while passers-by made comments ranging from 'helpful' to downright rude. Then, my friend's little boy appeared, but no sign of my friend, so now I had two runaway children to try and manage. It was actually like a nightmare. Eventually I got hold of both of them, and my friend arrived, smiling, and saying "oh there you are!" while I am red in the face, panting and on the verge of tears! It took quite a while to calm down. Hopefully it was a one off, as she's never been a bolter before. I don't think I could cope with that again!
Ooh, and other things. She's finally sleeping through! I put her to bed at 5pm, (well, I take her to her room and she says "you can go now" - that's the extent of our bedtime routine!) and she's usually asleep by 5.30/6pm. She then wakes around 6am and plays until 7. Actual bliss.

The other thing was in the park with this friend and her little boy. Both he and Alice were playing in the sandpit. It's half term and so there were lots of older children, and some very intricate sand castles being made. My friend's son just went from one to the next trashing them. Alice was painstakingly creating a little mound and patting it down. She put a thin stick in the top. I was starting to worry about what would happen if my friend's son smashed it up. Just then, Alice called to him and said "E, I have made a sandcastle for you to knock down!" :cloud9: They then managed to play without him jumping on other people's for a while.
Tacey :hugs: I know I'd panic in a similar situation. Glad Alice is doing great & her sleep is much better.

Omar's sleep is much better those days, I think he needed the earlier bedtime.

The assessment went great :happydance:

the head of department was really impressed, she had an evaluation sheet, & she asked Omar to trace, find letters, match pictures, count, etc. He was able to do it all without a single mistake. Then he got bored & asked if he could leave. SO we let him leave the room & he went outside to explore. She was also impressed with his attention span & the way he answered her questions, he wasn't shy at all :cloud9:

She told me that he should always be pushed forward as it seems that he loves to learn. SHe also told me that in August there is an orientation & I will be meeting his class teachers, both teachers will tell me about the additional program they have planned for Omar after meeting him.

Anyways, she gave him full grades on the assesssment, she wasnt worried about his food pickiness, or his attanchement to me. She reassured me not to worry, & she told me that they offer loads of cuddles.

We paid the admission & registration fees & now he has a guaranteed space at this school for September :happydance:

The school is lovely, they have a separate section for KG1, the outside & inside play areas are huge, they have climbing frames, bikes, balls, swings, etc outside.

I'm so happy & proud of my little boy <3
Amazing news! So pleased for you and Omar! What a difference from the other place.
Just a quick post -
Omarsmum I am so relieved for you that you had a good experience at the other school. What a difference from the first place! Must be a weight off your mind that Omar will have a suitable school place.

Daisybee - hope your dad is doing well hun. :hugs:

Will reply to others later when I have more time.

Colds are still lingering here and Thomas did come down with it so he has been quite unwell since Saturday. He's not really feeling up to doing much so we've largely been stuck at home and cabin fever is definitely setting in!!
I'm half asleep this morning. My parents were in town last evening but they stayed at a hotel instead of here because dad prepping for his colonoscopy they thought it would be best. They were worried about waking the girls and such. So my mom came over here after the girls went to bed. First time I've seen her since dads diagnosis. We both cried and cried and cried. We talked for 3 hours and yet it felt like she was only there for a short time. My eyes are swollen and puffy like I've never seen them. She had forwarded me emails the other day that she had sent to relatives and responses back. It was all so hard to read. I feel like on the phone I've been mostly talking to my dad and he's been not discussing anything. This was the biggest conversation I've had about what's happening and all the realities of things are hitting all of us.

Dh is on call and been so busy, barely saw him this weekend even. He worked 22 hrs on saturday alone. Last evening he worked until 10 which was a blessing in disguise as I was able to have such a deep conversation then with my mom. Megan hasn't been able to fall asleep lately again. She had stopped napping there and was going to bed well. Well now she started napping again and it's after midnight when she is falling asleep and awake by 6. :dohh: so she is a grumpy mess when doing that and I have less patience then normal. Not a good combination. So yesterday I had her not nap. She had time in her room with reading books ( dh was home for 1/2 hr during the day and he read to her). Went to bed well but woke by 10:30 and was unable to fall asleep til 5 this morning!!! OMG! We brought her into our room for a while as she started thinking of bad things... She has where she talking about bad things like someone would when they have a bad dream, but she is awake and just imagining these things. She eventually asked to go back to her bed as she wasn't sleeping. Dh was called out at 3 am. Jordan was awake for the day at 6. :coffee:

Megan is having more imaginary friends. She says they are in bed with her every night and help her go to sleep. Wonder where they were last night? :rofl:

Omarsmum - glad the school was so great! Such good news!

Tacey - how scary! Megan has always been a bolter and it's the worst feeling ever. She is starting to outgrow it and now we've worried that we will become too relaxed and thats when it will happen again. So glad that Alice is sleeping well! Sounds like she is doing really well!

Polaris- cabin fever is the worst. We've been stuck home as well. As besides being sick we've been trying to avoid catching anything else so we can be well to go be with my dad. It's also VERY cold here right now. -9 this morning. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
So my dads colonoscopy was negative, no cancer is in his colon. His stent is working, biliruben numbers are much better, so if he decides to do chemo he can start as early as next week. They have now given him more details about some things..including this is stage 4 cancer and that they expect he will have 4-12 months. He doesn't handle being sick or in pain well. He's not in much pain now he says, but as far as chemo I think that he really isn't sure if he wants to do it or not. Chemo is a long shot for this type of cancer and it's not for a cure, it might buy him a few months.

Dh has gotten someone to cover for him and so we are leaving today. Jordan is not 100% better but I can't imagine she could be very contagious 1 1/2 weeks after the cold started, do you think? It worries me a bit, but with the storm coming if we don't go today we wouldn't be there this weekend. My brother is arranging for us to get family pictures on Saturday.

Dh has a coworker whose mom had bile duct cancer. She died 5 weeks after diagnosis. Hearing that is a big shock. My mom called me last night with details, but I was putting the girls to bed. When I called back my dad answered. He wanted to give the phone to my mom but she told him to talk to me. But then she sat in the background and told him all the details the dr said and he then told me. It was like they were discussing the weather. The way my mom would rattle off prognosis, and just expect my dad to be able to repeat it to me? She works in the medical field and her expertise right now isn't helping him, it's making him feel worse. He would like to bury his head a bit and I don't blame him one bit. He is dying and he was saying to me stages are just a number and really aren't used anymore. I realized its his way of trying not to think it's really this bad... Well then my mom says no, it's how they rate all cancers and starts rattling off things again. How insensitive. And he says well yes I guess you know everything. I told him people are individuals and not just numbers and no one can know. It's one thing for my mom to need to hear numbers for her own self trying to deal with this. But my dad doesn't need to know. I can't imagine how horrible this is for him. He was fine a few months ago and to all of a sudden become sick and dying, I can't imagine trying to come to grips with that.

Megan slept well last night, as she napped yesterday. She let me wash her hair last night with shampoo. Her eating is still not close to what it was. Some meals she is barely eating anything. Some things she is unwilling to try at all, and these were things she used to really like. It's very slow going.

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