Brilliant news Quartz! It is amazing how quickly they can change just when you think it will be a struggle forever.
Worth remembering for me at the moment, as I feel like we have taken many steps back. We moved house on the 13th, and at first I was amazed at how brilliantly both children had adapted. It needs total refurbishment - walls knocking down, new heating system, complete rewire etc. so we managed 3 days of essentially camping out there before moving out and staying with family This week we've been with in laws, my parents and now we're in a holiday cottage. It seems to have caught up with Alice.
We were in a cafe on Friday and a friendly waitress saw Alice holding a conker and chatted briefly about it. I realised Alice wasn't replying and looked at her. Her face was white and her mouth was slightly open. After that, she didn't speak to anyone for over an hour. She sometimes was pressing her had against her chest. I asked if it hurt and she nodded. After a stressful, silent lunch where she didn't eat, we carried on to a shop to buy cards, and she lay on the floor. Not quite sure why, but I asked if she wanted to go to the loo (

) she nodded, so we went to nearby public loos and she shut herself in a cubicle for ten minutes. As she wouldn't answer me, I started to get a bit freaked out, but finally she came out (she hadn't used the loo), and started gradually to talk. I asked what was going on and she said "shy." Very weird.
On a more general note, she's being really teary and also verbally aggressive. I am so thoroughly tired of the constant arguing between her and Arthur. I imagine I'm probably less 'present' and patient too, thanks to the situation, which I'm sure contributes to the problem.
I'm sure there will come a change for the better as things settle down, but the house won't be ready until the end of October, and that seems like a long time to wait. She has seemed so...ugh, can't think of a better word-
normal lately that this return odd behaviour seems like such a kick in the teeth. I'm simultaneously feeling so sorry for her, and also infuriated by her too.
Sorry for the rant!