Sensitive kids group

Hi Sparkle, how are you? I miss everyone here, I love reading updates about everyone's LOs. We are ok thanks, Abigail has started her settling in sessions at school. I think I'm way more traumatized by it than she! I'm really in meltdown about her starting school but I'm trying not to show her that. How is Ruby doing? X
Hi ladies, I have missed you all.

Just a quick one as I am feeling a bit rubbish tonight. I had Daisy's nursery parents evening tonight and there is fairly new teacher. I didn't see her keyworker at all. The teacher said she is doing great in terms of literacy, numeracy, communication and language etc but is still really struggling with managing her emotions and will need support with this when she goes to school. I feel a bit upset as I had thought things were much better and they obviously aren't :(.
Hi all:hi:

I haven't been around lately, & somehow I was unsubscribed from the thread!
Hi ladies, I have missed you all.

Just a quick one as I am feeling a bit rubbish tonight. I had Daisy's nursery parents evening tonight and there is fairly new teacher. I didn't see her keyworker at all. The teacher said she is doing great in terms of literacy, numeracy, communication and language etc but is still really struggling with managing her emotions and will need support with this when she goes to school. I feel a bit upset as I had thought things were much better and they obviously aren't :(.

Hi JC, I've only just seen this. I think this is something a lot of sensitive children struggle with. It's certainly an issue for Abigail and it's been worse so far this summer. I think subconsciously, the up and coming move to school is playing on her mind. Change unsettled her a lot. Could that also be the case for Daisy? I'm in meltdown about Abigail starting school. How are other people feeling about it?
Sorry ladies I forget about this thread

I'm also dreading school. Ruby still is quite emotional, doesn't mix well etc.

Just dreading it

I'm sure they will be fine though x
I spoke to Daisy's keyworker and she said that she can see such progress in Daisy being able to manage her feelings and she didn't feel it was as much an issue as the new teacher made out so I do feel a bit better about it.

The new teacher started a week after I returned to work from maternity leave. Daisy really, really struggled with me returning to work full time and was very upset about. She then had a difficult spell as we had to have our 18 year old dog put to sleep and it really badly affected her and she couldn't sleep or eat. It still upsets her every day without fail and it is 7 weeks on now. The new teacher only worked there 2 days a week and I think she met Daisy at a point where she was struggling with her emotions, but for very good reasons.

She is looking forward to school but I am so nervous for her. She only slightly knows one child from her ballet class who will be going, nobody else. She is very sociable and friendly but easily has her confidence knocked. I have a million worries about school keeping me awake every night!

She has been so well behaved this summer holiday so far, faultless to be honest. She LOVES me being at home with her and tells me about 10 times a day. Tommy is an absolute tantrumming nightmare at the moment though!!
JC :hugs:

Omar was having social difficulties at school this year, I'm worried when he will move to kg2 next year, new teachers & new building. I'm not sure if they move the same children with their peers from the year before. This is my main worry. School will start on August 30th.

He's also social those days, but in a class with 16 kids he struggles
Hi everyone! I haven't been on in months! Megan has been doing so well! Almost daily I realize how far she has come! She is regulating her emotions herself. She will take a break on her own before a meltdown! She isn't using her weighted blanket anymore. She is so busy and so into learning and has such a great attention span. Im just so impressed with her lately. She seems like a little girl and not a preschooler which is weird as she is just coming up to her main year of preschool. She is signed up for 5 mornings a week. She is excited about going. Her only problem lately is an anxiety she has about being in the car without me - its a fear of being stuck in her carseat basically. The same fear also shows up with her room - she doesn't want her door shut - she is afraid of being locked in. Even though we've shown her the door only locks from her side & so she could only lock us out vs her get locked in.... its just the fear of being trapped in somewhere. But its been manageable.

Jordan is doing well also - going through terrible 2s! So stubborn and feisty and likes to say "i do it, mine, and no" almost every other sentence. LOL She is talking a lot more and its fun to hear.

I am doing really well. Ive gotten my daycare licensed approved and am starting the end of august. Ive got 3 kids coming so far and have another interview tomorrow. Ive spent the summer working on my space and curriculum, etc. The girls are excited about kids coming to play. I took care of a friends 3 year old for most of July and my girls did really well with it.

DH just accepted a new job with less hours & great benefits - he starts in a couple of weeks. Crazy change all happening at once!

My dad is still maintaining! Still continues chemo. Im trying to balance things yet - but am in a better mindset about things and am able to put my family first.

I hope everyone is doing well!
It's so great to hear all your updates! JC, I too am lying awake at night worrying about school. Abigail has definitely got more emotional lately, but I am really hoping that she settles down once sje gets into the routine of school. I'm most worried about friendships as she really likes to play one on one and in larger groups she will sometimes just not bother and go off and do her own thing. Omar's mum, will Omar know people in his new class? I hope it goes ok. Daisy, sounds like Megan is doing great! Also it's brilliant that you've got your daycare set up again and hopefully it will be something that will fit in around the girls
I am now pregnant again, not even six weeks yet so pretty nervous about that after my mmc in Feb, but at least it helps distract me from the school worries! Keep going with the updates people, I love hearing how you're all doing Xx
Hello! Long time no chat :D

Congratulations Cattia! How exciting! It sounds like there's lots of new challenges for people at the moment. I hope starting school/changing classes goes well for everyone.

Alice copes so much better these days that I hardly even notice her sensitivity any more. Having said that, she went to a 'spooky' party at the weekend and spent most of it in total meltdown. It took me by surprise as I assumed we were over that. I suppose it still shows up when she's under stress. We're moving house (probably next week!!) and she's definitely finding that unsettling. I find it hard to remember that her bad behaviour usually connects with her feeling insecure. I've not been as supportive as I perhaps should have been.

She would be going to year 1 in September, but we're continuing with home ed. It seems to suit all of us really well and she's blossomed this year. I'm hoping we'll try out new groups this year once we've got settled in the new house. We're only moving 5 minutes away, so our routine doesn't change too much.
HUGE congrats Cattia :) xx

(PS, when this thread is inactive for ages I do miss you ladies and wonder how you are all getting on so if any of you do FB and want to add me then PM me as I rarely use BnB anymore :)).
I only seem to come on here when I'm pregnant! I'd love to keep in touch with you ladies, will OM you my fb details as I am always on there.

Tracey, I was wondering how Alice was doing, great to hear such a positive update and the home ed sounds great, I wish I could do it.
Huge congrats ... :)

I'm hardly here either so if anyone wants to add me on PM would be lovely to chat there :)

We are doing ok, Ruby's coming on well but we have had a few meltdowns but she can control them better these days x
If you are me on fb my pregnancy news is secret, not telling anyone as I'm only six weeks, especially after my mmc. Haven't even dared tell my mum lol!
I'm rarely around on here these days either, so fb would be lovely.
So nice to hear from everyone. We are doing really well she has come on so much. Its like a switch was flicked after her massive breakdown at school when I went back to work and she is so much better. I read her review at school and she started behind in so many of the social aspects but by the end her report was full of expecteds and exceeded and she has made some proper friends.

To the extent that over the summer she has been on playdates with two friends and stayed there without me!

Glad to hear the updates from everyone.
So nice to hear from everyone. We are doing really well she has come on so much. Its like a switch was flicked after her massive breakdown at school when I went back to work and she is so much better. I read her review at school and she started behind in so many of the social aspects but by the end her report was full of expecteds and exceeded and she has made some proper friends.

To the extent that over the summer she has been on playdates with two friends and stayed there without me!

Glad to hear the updates from everyone.

That's great news! Is she at 'big school' or pre school? It's lovely to hear so many positive updates from people! It goes to show how much progress they can make with the right encouragement and environment.
Brilliant news Quartz! It is amazing how quickly they can change just when you think it will be a struggle forever.

Worth remembering for me at the moment, as I feel like we have taken many steps back. We moved house on the 13th, and at first I was amazed at how brilliantly both children had adapted. It needs total refurbishment - walls knocking down, new heating system, complete rewire etc. so we managed 3 days of essentially camping out there before moving out and staying with family This week we've been with in laws, my parents and now we're in a holiday cottage. It seems to have caught up with Alice.

We were in a cafe on Friday and a friendly waitress saw Alice holding a conker and chatted briefly about it. I realised Alice wasn't replying and looked at her. Her face was white and her mouth was slightly open. After that, she didn't speak to anyone for over an hour. She sometimes was pressing her had against her chest. I asked if it hurt and she nodded. After a stressful, silent lunch where she didn't eat, we carried on to a shop to buy cards, and she lay on the floor. Not quite sure why, but I asked if she wanted to go to the loo ( :D ) she nodded, so we went to nearby public loos and she shut herself in a cubicle for ten minutes. As she wouldn't answer me, I started to get a bit freaked out, but finally she came out (she hadn't used the loo), and started gradually to talk. I asked what was going on and she said "shy." Very weird.

On a more general note, she's being really teary and also verbally aggressive. I am so thoroughly tired of the constant arguing between her and Arthur. I imagine I'm probably less 'present' and patient too, thanks to the situation, which I'm sure contributes to the problem.

I'm sure there will come a change for the better as things settle down, but the house won't be ready until the end of October, and that seems like a long time to wait. She has seemed so...ugh, can't think of a better word-normal lately that this return odd behaviour seems like such a kick in the teeth. I'm simultaneously feeling so sorry for her, and also infuriated by her too.

Sorry for the rant!
So nice to hear from everyone. We are doing really well she has come on so much. Its like a switch was flicked after her massive breakdown at school when I went back to work and she is so much better. I read her review at school and she started behind in so many of the social aspects but by the end her report was full of expecteds and exceeded and she has made some proper friends.

To the extent that over the summer she has been on playdates with two friends and stayed there without me!

Glad to hear the updates from everyone.

That's great news! Is she at 'big school' or pre school? It's lovely to hear so many positive updates from people! It goes to show how much progress they can make with the right encouragement and environment.

She was at big school goes back to Year 1 on Thursday. I think she misses it she has been a bit more difficult over the summer (she needs a lot of stimulation I think)

I know the thread is inactive but I could do with some advice my grandad died last week (he was 85 with a bad heart) and it hard to know exactly how to deal with it with her. She is aware of what has happened and the effect it has had particularly on my mum (she is very close to her) and she is starting to ask questions I dont really know the answers to myself.

She also wants to join me in doing a reading at the funeral (to which she is adamant that she is going) but I am sure she will get shy at the time (although its just close family really going)

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