Cody never took to the breast very well, they call him a "lazy nurser" meaning he only wants to nurse when i've got a strong let down, as soon as it slows he would pop off and scream bloody murder. at the recommendation of his pediatrician (who we've since switched from) I began supplementing and "Power Pumping" to increase my supply. Soon he would only take a bottle and i was taking brewers yeast, fenugreek, tons of water, and Reglan to increase my supply. I even bought an exoensive pump which DID get out a ton more than my first pump did, but with each of the alst few days it has gone down and down. Today, not even a drop.
Well fonr flying-- so glad you had an easy go at breastfeeding. I am very disappointed, but...I feel like the stress was probably not helping either me or the baby. I'm hoping baby # 2 and i can give it a go again