Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Questioin for FF moms. about how many wet/poo diapers does your baby have a day. I don't think Cody is having enough :S

Michelle - Macie doesnt poo every day ... she usually has one every other day though, Not sure exactly how many wet nappies we get ....Her night time nappies are not too full as she doesnt wee much while shes sleeping ... but the 1st nappy of the day (not the one she wakes up in) is always usually a good full one fairly quick after being on x

Why dont you think hes having enough x
Yup, it's totally normal to no longer get the big full boobs now, but rest assured we are still making enough for them! And you are never truly empty; the emptier your boobs are, the faster your body makes milk. So if she's draining you well, then she's signalling your body to make more. You can switch sides and by the time she's 'drained' that side, the first side will have more again. You can't run out!

And yup, the popping on and off thing is annoying! I usually just put my boob away for 5-10 mins, have a wee play/chat/cuddle/walk and then try again. And yup, it's worst in the evenings for us too.
I think Lauren is teething too. I have been having issues with her the last few days crying at the breast. She will either start eating and pop off and cry, or cry when I try to put her on. It happens mostly on the right side and I discovered last night that if I do the football hold on that side she will eat. I am wondering if something is rubbing? My poor baby!

Just got home from our first trip flying with her. She did pretty well on the plane, but it was long and stressful. I am so glad to be home. I also went back to work for the first time today. I was pretty sad. She was at home with her daddy today, so she was in good hands. I just missed her so much.

I attached a couple pics of my cutie. One bathing in the hotel, one in her wedding dress, and one of just just being cute :)



zb- i think we have same highchair!

love the baby pics everyone. theyre super adorable.

idk about supply lowering. i make enough for a small army.
My supply died down as well. Now when I pump I get an oz from lft and not even an oz from the right when I used to get 3 from the left. I had to give more formula because she screams on the boob during the day. I think its teething and not enough milk but were trying to get it back........

I wish I could post pix from my phone cuz I have some really cute ones of kaydence
Hi Ladies! sorry I have been MIA - been so busy lately!

I adore the pics you have all posted. you all have such beautiful babies!!

Hippy - yes, I am having the same issue. breasts are now soft all the time - never engorged. and Freya gets so cross coz she has to work harder to get the milk now. I sometimes give her a bottle when she is too angry to latch and suck. and then express to empty my breasts.

Kater - yes, Freya is teething. has been since she was 8 weeks old. she is constantly drooling, and chewing on her fists. and she cries if it has been too long since her last dose of bonjela. she doesnt like her teethers either. she just doesnt seem to understand what they are

Kerri - when Freya has a bottle, I fill it to 6oz. but she usually only drinks 5oz, and leaves the last oz in the bottle. she is 13 weeks old tomorrow.

Michelle - Freya has 6 wet nappies every day. and 3 poos a week. she is combination fed now. but when she was exclusively breastfed, she only pooed once a week!

I think Caitlyn is teething too. There has been a lot of drooling and fist biting over the past week. I can't feel anything coming through yet but there is a definite white area so I'm guessing it's movement under the gums. She's been really unsettled the past few nights so has slept with us.

Also she is still pooing loads (breastfed on demand). At least twice a day although she sometimes goes at least 12 hours inbetween.

We have our first holiday in 10 days. Still have to buy suncream and a few bits of light clothing. Any tips let me know, thanks x

Oh and my breasts definitely feel softer but I think she is also getting a more efficient feeder so it takes less time now.
Hey ladies! I'm only 2 hours into my day and already it's been crazy!!! I woke up to Cody grunting and moving in his bed for his morning feed ( usually about 6 hours after he goes down for the night, and then after he sleeps for another two), went to turn on the tap to make a bottle..... and the pipes had frozen. So at 5 in the morning i was getting dressed to run to a 24 hour store to get some bottled water. Then it was off to work. I hope it turns back on before I get home.

Thanks to those of you who answered my wet/dirty diaper question. Cody went a few days without pooing (something he hasn't done since the stopping of bfing) and i was a bit worried as juice and etc wasn't helping and he seemed to be in pain from it. Finally yesterday he had two massive explosive poos (exploded on my hubby And he seems all better now... so... :shrug:
Acorn! She is beautiful. Love the bow.

Phantom, man you've had a rough morning. Hate winter!

Anyone else having a heck of time getting their LO to nap? Ella used to go down for her first nap really easily. 5 minutes of rocking and she's nap for 45 min. The last few days its taken me over an hour to get her down! And I know she's tired because her eyes are half closed and she's yawning. So frustrating! Any advice?

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Kater - yes, Freya is teething. has been since she was 8 weeks old. she is constantly drooling, and chewing on her fists. and she cries if it has been too long since her last dose of bonjela. she doesnt like her teethers either. she just doesnt seem to understand what they are

Kerri - when Freya has a bottle, I fill it to 6oz. but she usually only drinks 5oz, and leaves the last oz in the bottle. she is 13 weeks old tomorrow.
This is exactly what macie does with the teething .. she also has flushed cheeks quite alot at the moment but i cant see any teeth yet ... gonna buy some teething gel at the weekend x
Also yeh thats also what she does with the bottle.... since shes moved upto 6oz shes only finished the full 6oz once the rest of the time its 5oz x

Thanks to those of you who answered my wet/dirty diaper question. Cody went a few days without pooing (something he hasn't done since the stopping of bfing) and i was a bit worried as juice and etc wasn't helping and he seemed to be in pain from it. Finally yesterday he had two massive explosive poos (exploded on my hubby And he seems all better now... so... :shrug:

Glad he seems better now .... explosive poops are so gross but theyre good for making babies feel all fresh ready for the next build up for mummy! :haha:

Anyone else having a heck of time getting their LO to nap? Ella used to go down for her first nap really easily. 5 minutes of rocking and she's nap for 45 min. The last few days its taken me over an hour to get her down! And I know she's tired because her eyes are half closed and she's yawning. So frustrating! Any advice?
Not got any advice really but i know what you mean ....Macie definatly doesnt nap as much as she used to during the day, but she always falls asleep when we take her out in the pram .... also she LOVES to sleep on my chest its her fave place of all x
Anyone else having a heck of time getting their LO to nap? Ella used to go down for her first nap really easily. 5 minutes of rocking and she's nap for 45 min. The last few days its taken me over an hour to get her down! And I know she's tired because her eyes are half closed and she's yawning. So frustrating! Any advice?!

I had the same problem around that age. It's like they forget how to sleep! I found the key is catching them just before they get sleepy. Cuz the more tired they are, the more they will have a hard time sleeping. For Will it's about an hr after he last woke up.
Start the "5 S's" (from Dr. Karp's Happiest Baby on the Block which I highly recommend):
1) Swaddling
2) Side/Stomach position
3) Shushing
4) Swinging (and jiggling)
5) Sucking

Do these in order tho. Swaddling will stop the failing (which they can't stop themselves at that age and makes them upset). Cradle so they are laying sideways in your arms. Then make a "Shhhh" sound as loud as they are crying. Rock her/walk around - basically mimic the movement they felt in the womb. And if they take a pacifier offer it last - it's like the icing on the cake.
The key is matching their intensity. If they are wailing loudly - you shh and rock just as forcefully. When they start to calm down, you lowering your voice and slow the movement.
Some babies seem to hate swaddling at first, but keep them tightly bound anyways. They'll stop struggling when they realize that you are trying to help.

I did this with Will for about 2 weeks or so, then I was able to knock out the swaddling and just hold him tightly in my arms. But I use this method whenever he is very upset and he calms down pretty quickly.
ack it's been hectic around my house. Couldn't seem to find the time to pop on here. Boo!

I went back and saw all the gorgeous pictures of the babies! Love them! Not an ugly duckling in the bunch :)

Anyone have a problem keeping their legwarmers up on the babies? I have the 0-3 size ones rather than a onesize fits most for my baby legs and the girls just don't seem to have enough chub on their legs to keep them on. Grrr.. any ideas? They had a weigh in last wednesday and were a whooping 10lbs 15oz and 11 lbs 5 oz. lol I swear I'm feeding them!

As for napping, I know my girls are ready to go down because they put their arms up at a 45 degree angle like they are surrendering, pop them down as soon as I see that and it's a guaranteed nap. Either that or they start fussing a lot and it's neither feeding time nor nappy change time and sitting on my lap and playing isn't cutting it. Not much of a schedule to the naps yet though. I'm trying!
Lauren is having a hard time napping as well. She used to just sleep when she was tired, but now she fights it big time!
Caleb has just started going in leaps and bounds developmentally in the past week or two; he's reaching and grabbing things, has figured out the peekaboo game (omg! CUTE! There's a video of him on my journal) and is rolling to his side all the time now too.

And coinciding with all that is him waking all night long, and not always napping well during the day.

From what I've read, this is totally normal.

The reason they're being 'difficult' around now is cos their brains are really starting to 'wake up'; they're noticing the world around them, they're learning SOOOOO much stuff, so they wanna learn MORE! Stopping to feed or sleep totally sucks when you are figuring out how to really play! lol. So naps are hard pushed, as is feeding (he keeps popping off to look around at stuff) so come to night time, he's waking every couple of hours to catch up on those feeds he's not getting during the day!

Knowing it's normal helps a bit.

For naps I've now taken to just popping him up on to my back in the wrap, and doing some housework. He's asleep straight away up there. :)
Silas has never napped well... he's napping better than ever now though just because I've started to force it! He naps 4x/day for about 20-45 minutes each... still not very long but it's better than nothing!

Silas also went through a phase of popping on and off the boob. It's gotten better with time though. :shrug:

nypage, my SIL has the same highchair too! So many ugly ones out there, this one actually looks okay in my kitchen. :)
My little stinker had his 3 month picture tonight- a little late- and I was in the changing room feeding him and when burping him he was liking the full length mirror and just cracking up. Belly laughs galore! Of course we go into the picture room and he is crying and a mess. Little butt head! But he is doing more belly laughter now and its awwwwwesome!
I love how they are all growing and developing. It is also notice to know that their behaviour is not isolated.
Alana is back to napping well, she quite happily goes down now without a fuss, but if she gets overtired she becomes a nightmare and screams her head off. Once over tired it is hard to get her down and to stay down.
Thanks Katerdid for the awesome suggestions!

Today, Ella put herself to sleep for the first time! I put her down and she woke up, so I just sat with her and talked to her in a calming voice and SHE FELL ASLEEP (after fussing for about 10 minutes)! Wow. She has been a nightmare the last few days and I have been getting very frustrated. I think I need to help her develop her self soothing skills. She is so overtired at night she screams bloody murder.
I found that if I put Lauren down on a blanket and sit next to her she is happy that you aren't putting her to sleep and will happily kick and look around. Then she slowly gets tired and falls asleep by herself. It's like if she knows you are trying to get her to nap she will fight it, but if she thinks you are letting her play she will just fall asleep on her own.
Our second nap of the day was a huge nap fail. :( Makes me feel like an awful mum when I know she's tired but I can't get her to sleep.

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