Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Hey ladies, I've been a bad thread starter. If you and your babies are not on the list, please tell me :) and names and birthday? Thanks! Will get to it today! (Finally a day off work)

As promised; here is a montage of the alst 6 weeks. Sorry for the length, feel free to speed through to the more cute clips.
I'm not on the list yet Michelle :) Sept 19th is will's bday

Somebunny decided his shirt was an awesome toy lol
I'm not on the list either! I've got baby Silas, October 6. :)
Another 1.5 hours last night to fight Ella to bed! She was falling asleep at 6 so we started her routine at 6:15. Asleep by 7 which is about 30 min early. She woke up FIVE times and again got so worked up she threw up. :( help! What can I do? I feel like I'm teaching her bad habits but she's too young to sleep train. She finally fell asleep for good at 8:30. So frustrating!
Cute pictures ladies! Your video of Cody is such a great idea Michelle, I wish I had thought of that! =)
The video of Kian made me giggle too, sooooo cute! x

Sorry I've been MIA, the days over the last week seem to have vanished, I'm not sure where the time is going!

Skye had her 2nd lot of injections yesterday, the second needle made her cry real bad, the nurse put on little plasters but you can see blood through them, I felt so sad for her :( Shes been absolutly fine tho thank god - she's a star!

I have no adivice on the nap/sleeping issues. Skye naps whenever she wants to during the day, she sometimes only wants to nap on me but othertimes she'll fall asleep in her chair, whilst we are out and sometimes on her play gym :haha:
I still dont take her up to bed until around 10pm of an evening, she seems to have bursts of cluster feeding still so am sort of working around her.

Hope everyone and their LO's are well x
Katie you sound like you are doing everything you can. If you reassure her and then you get her back down if you keep doing that she will eventually stop. The problem is that when they are learning so much and growing so much it can throw off their normal routine. Alana is settling well most of the time but she likes to throw in the odd bad day just to keep me on my toes.
I do now put her down awake though. I built up from her being asleep, to sleeping nearly, to just sleepy, to tired but awake. I stayed with her always stroking her forehead in a circular motion and her back, then I took the hand off her back and then head. Now most if the time she just goes down without a fuss, unless she is overtired and then she screams blue murder and takes ages to settle. I will say that now she is teething and chomping her dummy if it falls out she cries and cries until it is put back in.
Saw the video of Kian laughing, how adorable! Lauren really makes you work for a laugh, but she smiles constantly.

Ha ha katerdid, Lauren does the same thing. She always has the bottom of her shirt or dress in her hands. Not the most modest girl, ha ha.

I don't really do anything to get Lauren to sleep. I feed her right before bed and she is always tired enough that she doses off or looks really sleepy. I put her down in that state and she usually just nods off. Sometimes she requires a pacifier if she is moving around too much. I have done the same thing every night since we brought her home.
Okay laides! I will do the calender this evening was in bed before I got the rest of the updates and I knew Kater wasn't the only one. Thanks! But you are all on the list now :)
Michelle- Kian born sept 26th!

Kate- Kian does that too. Tries to pull his clothes up and eat them while im trying to dress him. Love the cloth diaper. Is his belly button going in? Looks like it. Kian's is about the same too kinda going in.

Shel- sorry she was so sad about the injections:( hope she feels better soon.

Acorn- not sure if ive already told you this but im in MN too. Have seen a few girls this week in MN so sorry if ive said that already. hope you are staying warm!

Im kinda jealous of the babies who fall asleep on their own. Kian needs boob. I couldn't ever not be home, he would scream the night away til he gets boob. But then he goes down easily i guess....
Phantom - don't forget me!!!! Libby and Ashley were born October 7th. :)

KatieKoopa - perhaps your LO wasn't really ready to go to bed for the night until 8pm-ish afterall. My twins both easily will nap between their 5pm and their 8pm feedings but aren't ready to go down quite yet. They go down after the 8pm feed for the whole night for 12 hours, wake for a feed and sleep usually another 2 hours. My sister's baby who was born 2 weeks later seems to have a similar pattern but wake a little earlier (6am). Why are you trying to put your LO to bed so early? Is there a need? Because if there isn't perhaps try for a slightly later bedtime and less fuss from the baby? I dunno but maybe she just wanted to nap at the 6pm time. y'know?

Life is going so fast here in my house. Some days are a bit of a blur. The girls had their first night in their cribs last night but there were still in their moses baskets. Baby steps! I really hadn't meant to do it last night but my MIL took DD1 for an overnight since there is no school today and DH though perhaps having no babies in the bedroom might be kinda nice if you catch my drift. lol I guess I'll try without the meses baskets tonight and see how it goes. FX!
Alana goes down at 6.30pm-7pm nearly every night. She then sleeps until 2am if I try a later bedtime she screams and cries. I am toying with trying a dream feed at 9.30pm-10pm to see if she will sleep until morning as she happily does 6-7 hours in one straight stretch.
ny and little- added you to the list!

ny- it a nursning for comfort thing? perhaps a nipple shaped paci? Cody would only take the soothie pacifiers after being nursed. He doesn't take it all the time, but sometimes it just seems like he needs to suck. I'll think he's hungry but he just lets the milk drool out of his mouth.

Cody goes down now at 9:30 and sleeps til 3:30. Then he wakes up every 3 hours after that until about 8ish. He either wants to be held while he falls asleep, or we have to lay next to him in bed all spooned around him. Picky child!

Gonna start working on the new birthday calender now!
Alana goes down at 6.30pm-7pm nearly every night. She then sleeps until 2am if I try a later bedtime she screams and cries. I am toying with trying a dream feed at 9.30pm-10pm to see if she will sleep until morning as she happily does 6-7 hours in one straight stretch.

Thanks for the advice ladies. It's nice to know I'm not alone!

Ella is the same. She's a beast after 7:30 and screams and screams. And it takes her a long time to calm down to sleep.
Ny, no I didn't know that! Yucky day today. My husband and I work split schedules and since we work at the same place we trade Lauren off in the parking lot. Not a fun day for that today....lots of accidents!

Lauren also takes a nap late in the evening. Usually around 8 or so. She wakes up just in time to get her ready for bed, and has a last feed before going down for good. This is usually around 10pm. I would just put her down at 8, but I don't want her waking up earlier in the morning hungry! I have tried dream feeds, but they don't work for Lauren.
Acorn its def a scary driving day. mainly because first snow in MN is like bumper cars, everyone forgets how to snow drive! hope you got on ok. i am a fe min north of mpls so not sure if we have the same amt of snow but OH and my 7 year old are out shoveling right now!

Mine naps at night too around 8 and real bedtime is 1030, usually goes til 6 am but lately has woken at 3, 545, 730.....then we just get up to get daughter ready and drive to school. I dont know why he is waking up......growth spurt maybe!

hope all the babies are behaving!!
My experiment of trying a dream feed at 10pm failed she still woke up at 2.20am. I shan't bother again as i ended up having to change her at the 5.30am feed as she was so wet and then she refused to go back to sleep. I have just got her down again at 8.45am.
I am shattered now but can't get myself back to sleep.
Sorry to hear about those having trouble getting their LO's to sleep with a better pattern. It'll come with time when the baby is ready.

My girls were superstars and didn't wake for real for 13.5 hours last night. Only thing that sucked was Libby woke twice because she had kicked off her covers and was cold. I know I know, covers aren't recommended but they are still in their moses baskets and we've been doing it since birth and we tuck them under the mattress. We do plan on getting the girls out of the moses baskets in a day or two and directly on their crib matress so we'll have to get some grobags. I have some old ones from DD1 but they were for summer weather and wouldn't really be warm enough I don't think.

Question for those using reusuable diapers... which is a better additive for the soaking water in the bin: vinegar or baking soda? any other suggestions? Is one better for control possible odors? My girls are finally fitting into their AIO's and just wondered what the better approach was. Thanks for any advice. :)
Cody's slept in covers since he was born. I know they are not recommended many things, I think it is just how you use them/watch them. Scary side note... Cody likes blankets over his face when he falls to sleep in my arms. I think they make him feel warmer. And when I move them he turns his head and nuzzles his face right into the blankets again. Haha

Still working on the calender. Had a fun idea but it's taking forever in photoshop. LOL

Last night poor baby's sleep routine was thrown all to hell as he was down at 9:30 but had to be woken at 11 to go get dad from work, fell asleep in the car, and had to be woken again to be out back to sleep. woke ever 1.5 hours after that. Momma is tirrrreeddd.
NY- I am north of Minneapolis as well :) We managed ok, it really wasn't that bad just people driving like they have never seen snow before :p

I went back to work this week and my husband and I are doing split shifts. We work at the same place, so he works 5 to 1 and I work 1 to 5. I drive up with Lauren at 1:00 and then he gets in the car I was driving and takes her home. This way she doesn't have to move cars. Good plan....unless you leave the keys you need to drive home at home! I got off work last night and realized I didn't have the keys and my husband had to pack up Lauren (who was of course sleeping) and come to my rescue, it's a 20 minute drive each way. I was SO upset. I feel like I am failing at this being a working mom business. So hard!!

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