Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

No, I think it is just a marketing thing. I will use any sleeping bag so long as it sips down the side and not the front. Alana's sleeps on her font so don't want anything that might dig into her.
Wow! I thought what I used were growbags. Apparantly they are "sleepbags" They work wonderful and are way cheaper! Maybe you ladies should check them out. They have really warm fuzzy ones that zip up and can't possibly go over babies head.
I said grobags because I figured that way people would know what I was talking about. Sleep bags seem to be the same thing just generic like what I bought. It just happened that the ones I saw first were the genuine article. One thing I noticed about them other than the super cute designs was that they gave a heat rating (1,2,or 3 togs I believe) so you could buy according to the room temperature. Kind of a nice idea since I have no idea how warm these things are for the babies. Anyway, the ones I got for the girls worked brilliantly, no middle of the night wake ups from being too cold but Libby still git herself pretty far up the crib and turned sideway too. Silly goose.

The babies are being great today, went right back to sleep after the 8am feeding and slept the morning until I woke them to go get their sister from the bus. Ate and were happy for 2 hours until I bundled them back up again and popped them in the stroller to go sledding with DD1. Now we're back and they are still snoozing. Can't complain! Now off to bake cookies and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Hippy - mind if I ask why Alana sleeps on her tummy? I'm not judging, just curious! :) I do plenty of things the books say not to ;)
Cody takes naps on his tummy sometimes. It seems to sleep really well. I've never been to worried as he's had excellent neck strength since birth.
Hi everyone

Caitlyn sleeps on her front because of her reflux. I bought a sleepbag but it came up quite high on her chin so I thought it wouldn't be that comfortable (she is drooling quite a bit so I thought the material would rub). Having said that she snuggles down into the blankets like Cody but I have the angelcare monitor so I feel ok about it. Touchwood her sleeping is getting better!
I know Ashley likes to sneak off to sleep while doing tummy-time if I'm paying attention to Libby and she's bored of lifting her head or rolling over. I'll leave her like that for a nap as long as she isn't completely in the way as we tend to do tummy-time right in the middle of the floor in the living room. Scares the crap out of me when my 5yo is running around forgetting there is a sleeping baby on the floor.

Anyway I guess I had wondered if it was maybe good for reflux and that's why I asked. :)

I hope everyone is doing well!
Its great to see so many cute and happy babies, we are lucky ladies.

Phantom- My oldestt DS was just the same as Cody, he loved the sheet on his face to go to sleep. I did get a few odd looks when we did this while out though, ha ha.

FD- Great win!

I havent had a chance to post for ages! Skye has been having the 3month growth spurt and it seemed to go on for about a week. We have been busy with our home ed activities and appointments too, which has meant some strange nursing situations! My 9yr old DS had to have a tooth removed the other day and not only did I nurse Skye in the waiting room, I had to nurse her while sitting holding DS hand as he was put under for treatment, lol. The dentist was great, didnt bat an eyelid bless him. Anyone else having a growth spurt?
We use sleeping bags too. I used them with my 3yr old when she was a baby and found them to be very good.
I am really chuffed with our latest weigh in. Skye weighed 9lb 8oz last Tuesday, a gain of 14oz in 4 weeks, which keeps the HV and GP off our backs. YAY!
Yay she's gaining weight! I'm totally laughing out loud though; Caleb STARTED at a weight heavier than she is now at 3 months! lol.

They used to recommend tummy sleeping infants until SUDI (SIDS) became more of an issue. Once they're over that really newborn stage and can move their own heads well then it's not such an issue; and many do sleep better that way!!!! Caleb tends to sleep on his side a lot now; but he puts himself there!! lol.
Silas hates being on his stomach! I guess I'm lucky he likes sleeping on his back, it's easier for me and gives me peace of mind. We are still swaddling him but have a halo sleep sack. I hope to end the swaddling soon as he wrestles his way out of it every night.
Kian sleeps on back, I would be terrified if I found him rolled over...probably would duct tape him on his back. Hahaha. I also use angelcare monitor. It seems to go off sometimes though and im not sure how much i trust that thing either....
hiya peeps can i just ask is anyone still spotting (i had coil fitted at 6week apt dunno if its that or?)or have a hard bump like stomach?
eeee i'm absolutely knackered feel like i'm awake but on-ones homes haha and then last night he went to sleep
8 awake at 1.15, then awake 2.20, back asleep at 3.15, awake 4.25, 5.30 and 6.45 :sleep:
how is everyone?
No spotting here infact I'm still waiting on my 1st pp period .... Nearly 3months pp with no period and I'm FF???? ... Hope nothing is wrong with me :(
Alana used to wake every time I put her down, but she would sleep on our chests just fine. My mum took her off my chest one day placed her face down, she stayed asleep.
She also suffers from really bad reflux so maybe this is why she prefers her tummy. I also have an angle care monitor, which makes me feel safer.
She has amazing head control and can push herself up on her arms now, she always chokes on her back even when I change her. I tend to put a small pillow under her head when playing on the floor with her baby gym.
Okay, I'm having a moan. I just got off the mini pill about 2 weeks ago, because it was making me crazy, and also I kept having rediculous periods.

These are my periods since my first PP 1 in November, starting the 21st:
On 4 days off 3
on 7 off 11
on 4 off 7
on 6 off 11
on 4 off 7
on 6 off 14
on 5off 2
and now i'm on the 3rd day of really heavy bleeding. I'm not counting the days I spotted. I have been spotting for a day before and a day after those "ons" usually.

anyways, so I'm trying to decide if it really wasn't the mini pill screwing me up and i'm just destroyed from the birth or what? Could the mini pill still be effecting my cycles? I used to complain about my pre-baby periods... no more! They were 7 days (when not on the pill) and while they were heavy, and painful.... they were only 7 days. So; I've had 8 periods since Nov. 21st.
TMI ALERT: And I'm filling a super plus tampon inabout 40 minutes and an ultra in an hour. They used to last me 2-2.5 hours on my heaviest days. Is that normal??
It doesn't sound normal. Your body can screw up after birth but that seems like excessive bleeding to me, I am no doctor though. I would go and get it checked out to see what is going on.
that does sound like alot michelle .... maybe best to get checked over x
yes can you maybe have placenta left in thre? g checked!

im in tears today....just a hard week. sigh.
oh ny, I hope you feel better soon, days and weeks like that totally suck.
Here's my mini moan :(
I have a dr appt tomorrow morning to check over my boob. Poor I woke up with it feeling like it's been beaten up by thugs and nursing is torture. I don't know if it's thrush or mastitis as I don't feel feverish.
Pile that on top of 4 month baby shots and ensuing grumpiness, 3 nights of awful sleep, and our refrigerator being broken for over a week, so there isn't any food in the house. I need a rescue.
Michelle, I'd get that checked out. That seems like a lot of bleeding! Hope you can get it sorted.

NY, I'm sorry you've been having a hard day. We had 3 or 4 brutal days last week and this week is better. Hope thing look up for you. :hugs:

Kater: Oh man, that sounds horrible. I hope that you can get seen ASAP. Sorry its been so shitty. I have no advice for that boob except UGH you poor thing.

We saw the specialist today for Ella's torticollis and flat head. She said E's head was pretty flat and her torticollis was significant. We are going to take her to a pediatric physio for more intense stretching (which I DREAD because she screamed today so hard when the doctor tried to move her neck. It broke my heart :( ) We follow up in six weeks. If its not any better she will refer us to see if E needs a helmet. She said there is no guarantee that her head will unflatten and if it gets worse it can affect her facial features. I know in the grand scheme of things a flat head is pretty minor, but I'm super upset about it. My poor munchkin. She's going to hate physio.

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