Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Phantom, that's so exciting becoming a surrogate! Is it for someone you know or anonymous?

I would probably feel comfortable with two max. My singleton pregnancy went very well with no complications but Ella was a big girl! Two in there would probably be my max. I am long waisted and tall so I could maybe carry more but I wouldn't want to push my luck!
I stopped by my OB today after lunch and asked him to prescribe me a different birth control. Should have the prescription by tomorrow! I really hope it stops the bleeding.

TMI ALERT: In your PP Bleed, they told me it was normal for it to go from red, to a clear fluid as it healed.(which it did and then stopped. 1st pp period came about 2 ish weeks later) Today, while walking I felt a little gush, ran to the bathroom as I knew my Tampon had overflowed, and....sure enough I'd had a leak, but it wasn't blood. It had no odor, really. And I'm about 98% sure I didn't pee myself. Can periods go clear-ish at the end?
Not that I know of, it sounds really odd. Did your bleeding stop after the birth prior to going on the pill?
katerdid- how r ur :holly: u poor thing.
katie- your little darling i hope she's ok and you :hugs:
ny- u made me chuckle about birth control i think different types affect ppl differently, i wish i didn't get coil in as not having sex yet think i should have left it for awhile
phantom-i haven't stopped spotting yet and Travis is 13 weeks tmi- when i wipe sometimes it is clear and a bit slimey but i dont know what it is? i'm just knackered down there :nope: i hate it just want to be normal again
the most i would babies i would carry would be 2, i don't think i'd ever want a vaginal delivery again tho :dohh:
Hello. I thought I'd ask you ladies here with similar age babies to mine :flower:

How much do your babies smile and laugh?

It seems to be getting harder to get smiles from my girl. She still does but not as often. I very occasionally get a 'huh-huh' laugh and once got a giggle and squeal by tickling and blowing raspberries.

I make silly faces and noises etc. A lot of the time she just frowns at me like 'What the hell is wrong with you?' Maybe I'm just not funny??
Ella has days when she's super smiley and days when she doesn't smile much at all. She squeals occasionally but hasn't really laughed yet. Maybe it depends on her sleep?

Ella was up every 2-3 hours last night. WTF?? And it was difficult to get her back to sleep. She has been getting steadily worse and I"m not sure what to do about it. :( I am exhausted and DH is frustrated and ugh. Also, our physio appointment is today which I'm worried about. I'll check in with you ladies later. One of those days already.
Alana smiles if you talk to her but she has only ever giggled three times. She kind of huffs instead of laughing. Dh tries really hard to get her to laugh but she just looks at him like he is crazy. She has some days where she smiles loads and some where she just pulls her bottom lip outnor looks at you as if to say "what are you doing" Alana cries if you blow raspberries so we try to avoid them.
good luck with Ella's appointment I hope it doesn't hurt her.
Alana's is still doing well with the first part of her sleep it is now about 7 hours from 6.30-7pm waking up about 2.30-3pm but then she tends to feed 1-2 hourly thereafter now and she seems to feel 6.30am is the best wake up time. She seems to be teething now though and so not self settling as well as before.
Lauren smiles all the time. It's usually super easy to get her to smile...except when we did her 3 month pics, then of course she wasn't having it!

Laughing is harder to get her to do. We found out putting her feet to her face makes her giggle. Who would have thought that's funny? :p We finally got it on video last night.

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Michelle - I have been having the same weird thing too. Massive amounts of clear/opaque fluid stuff. It's disgusting and I have no clue what it is. It's like 3rd tri all over again!
I hope you hear back from the agency!
I couldn't carry more than one at a time. You saw how HUGE I got with Will and I didn't even get to full term.

My boob would be better if Will wasn't teething. Last night he woke up every 30-60mins to gnaw on my nipples. Ouch!!
well, darn. I can't figure out how to post videos!
acorn, i think u have to put your vid on youtube or photobucket and post the url. html code doesn't work on this forum.
At least I'm not the only one Kater! It's so weird! I'm off to th store to get my new pill. It is Ortho Tri-cyclen LO. Was on it pre baby and it was wonderful, so hopefully it'll fix me.

The interview with the agency went awesome. I got passed on to the next part, which is all the paperwork. I will now have to sign a 90 day exclusivity notice with them. I spoke to the family that orignally had ocntacted me. They say they still want me, but they haven't heard back from their fertility clinic. So I don't know what to do? Like how long should i wait to sign the exclusivity form? I am supposed to email the agency on the 1st day of my next period, and they send me to LA on days 7-10 of that cycle. Am hoping the Ortho works out well, as then I should be there in the next month or so. If not, I don't want to call on my nxt period (i.e if it came again tomorrow) because who know if it'll still be here ,or another one, 7-10 days from them. OY!

I didn't have this much trouble with my body when I was pregnant.
Personally I would wait until your body is back into some kind of normal rythmn and then call, this also give the family that want you to sort things out.
Phantom, I would wait until your body is back to a norm rhythm too. That is very exciting being a surrogate thoug!

I am on the minipill for birth control, no symptoms yet! Although it is hard to tell because I usually attribute any issues to pp hormones or bf hormones. I haven't gotten a period yet but I've been having light pink spotting??? Who knows if it will turn into anything.

I know another baby who has a helmet. It doesn't seem that bad although I haven't asked really probing questions about it.

Silas smiles and laughs but DH is much better at it. I am just boring old mom. I think it's cause he sees me all the time and daddy is a novelty.

After having one I would never want twins! Not sure what I would say though if it really came down to it if I were doing IVF or something. But at the moment the idea of twins really scares me, and triplets are a definite no! And I am tall (5'10").

Hugs to everyone! This thread moves fast so it's hard to keep up! :hugs: :hug: :hugs:
I wouldn't mind carrying twins. If I somehow conceived triplets, I would be shocked, but wouldn't reduce.

Phantom- I am just curious, how soon would you be trying to get pregnant again if you become a surrogate? I thought they recommended you wait a while for better chances of a healthy pregnancy. My midwife said 18 months, which seems like a long time. That's awesome that you are doing that though! What a blessing to a family :)
Hello! Having a little better of a time with Kian.

Worst thing lately is he wants to be next to the boob constantly and as im cooking he scrreeeeaams. I am wondering why he screams for food so violently and if im either going to him too fast, or leaving him cry too much and ruining him?? Like, if im boiling noodles and cooking hamburger, I NEED to finish those tasks before I can get to this ruining him? Idk my baby just screams really hard so he is sweating, sobbing, and all red....since he is in the kitchen with me, near me, I am talking, singing, and trying to verbally soothe him but he gets to out of hand. Any advice???? Its heart breaking and I know he can't be "spoiled " yet, but did I do something from the beginning to make his crying go directly to screaming his brains out?

Sorry for the confusing rant.

Michelle- will Cody go with you guys for the LA trip? Does the couple live so far away or is this just where the clinic is?

Zb- no period yet here! But I get cramps every other day that im like oh great here it comes and it never does.

Kian smiles at me mostly, and laughs usually once every 2 days. Lol. Its weird but something that makes him laugh one day is lost on him the next and that day im a stupid idiot in his eyes.

Im sure all babies are different and yours is fine. Just doesn't find you funny! haha.
ny, I know other babies who just go from silence to SCREAMS in a blink; no nice lil moans and cries first! I think it's the individual personality as much as anything... The fact he's right there by you and you're verbally responding to him at least means he's not being left to CIO, so try not to feel bad! He's mad he's not getting what he wants, but he knows you're right there so he's not feeling abandoned!!!

No sign of AF here; yay! It's been a full year now since my last AF. Calebs conception-date-anniversary was last weekend :haha: and our BFP anniversary is next week! Wow...
thanks flying. i dont wanna do CIO so was just wanting to hear if this happens or if im supposed to go to him even when i cant really.........

My AF hasn't been here for a year, anf my anniversary for the bfp is feb 4th!!I think our conception date was the 17/18th ish....not positive. So crazy that I've got a 4 month old.

Actually Kian is 4 months today!! time is flying....
I'm thinking that with whichever one i go with. (the agency or the other couple) will be pregnant by the end of February, maybe early march. My doc seems fine with me getting pregnant again, he didn't say to wait a period of time. The hospital themselves recommended 6-9 months.

Got on Ortho-Lo today, so hope that it helps regulate me in the next month or so.

February 5 will be our BFP anniversary. I was 10 dpo when found out.

Nicole- Cody does that sometimes too. It's so odd, sometimes he's fine sitting by himself for a few minutes while he wakes up and then other times he goes from wake to scream in about 2 seconds.

As far as CIO goes, sometimes I've sort of let Cody do that. If I've tried everything, and he doesn't calm down, I sit him in his swing and walk out of the room so he can't hear me (but watch from another room). He cries for 2-3 minutes gradually getting quieter and then drifts off for a good 2 -3 hour nap. Sometimes I think he fights sleep really bad when he's with someone because it's entertaining. sitting in a swing is boring. And he wakes up really happy and in tons better of a mood.
Michelle - ooh the surrogacy thing sounds so exciting! i have always been interested in being a surrogate, since I was about 18, but wanted to have my own babies first. we want 2 babies, so after our next one, we will look into surrogacy properly. I absolutely loved being pregnant, and really miss my bump, so would happily do it a few times, but not sure how many babies I could carry? However, I dont believe in "reduction", so I would just have to carry however many I was given! Good luck to you!

Freya smiles hundreds of times a day - she is such a happy little baby. But she definately smiles more for her Daddy than me. And she "talks" to him all the time, but hardly ever to me. she is a novelty, and Im boring old Mummy. She has started giggly in the last 2 weeks. Its the most heart-melting sound ever!

Ooh, how exciting the everyone's conception and BFPs anniversaries are coming up! My conception anniversary in this weekend (we got engaged and conceived on the same weekend) and my BFP anniversary is 18th Feb.

Hope you are all well ladies :)


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