Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

yep this is my conception anniversary. I got my BFP on the 15th Feb. It seems so long ago now, so much has changed for us all.
I am so jealous of those that had great pregnancies. I really want more than one child but I have to say I am scared about getting pregnant again. It was such hard work and they say that you get SPD worse second time round, well it was horrendous this time so not sure I could cope with worse. I'd like Alana to be two and half to three by time baby comes along. Ideally if she is three then she can be in nursery school and baby can have all my attention during the day and then she can have lots of attention after school.

Well last night she went to bed and I heard her making noises in her room, when I went up to check on her she had rolled over and was talking to her mobile, which was lovely to see. She looked rather pleased with herself if not a little confused. Does anyone look at their LO's and just marvel at how much they change everyday?
Anniversary of my BFP is Feb husbands birthday! Best birthday gift ever :) It seems like forever ago that I got pregnant.

Hippy- is that the first time she has rolled over? Exciting! Lauren is getting close. If she wouldn't scream through tummy time we would probably be closer.

It's amazing how every day they become a little more advanced. Lauren grabbed my arm with both of her hands, brought it to her mouth and licked my hand while I was in the middle of changing her diaper yesterday. She seems very pleased with herself and now she tries to grab my arm every time I change her.
Kian wants to sit forward now all the time and makes a grunting ab tightening sound constantly. Its like a poop grunt but not pooping. And i let him sit forward and do as he likes and he falls on his face. Lol. Mean but funny. he doesn't get hurt its just on the couch.
haha! Cody does that on the bed as well. I feel like he's gonna have little abs before long. haha
Will's doing this weird noise now like uh uh uh. So funny, but sometimes it sounds like he's breathing funny. Babies are so silly!

Tomorrow is my conception anniversary I think. I got my BFP on Feb 10th (I was gonna wait to test on Valentine's day, but I panicked lol).
Hello! Having a little better of a time with Kian.

Worst thing lately is he wants to be next to the boob constantly and as im cooking he scrreeeeaams. I am wondering why he screams for food so violently and if im either going to him too fast, or leaving him cry too much and ruining him?? Like, if im boiling noodles and cooking hamburger, I NEED to finish those tasks before I can get to this ruining him? Idk my baby just screams really hard so he is sweating, sobbing, and all red....since he is in the kitchen with me, near me, I am talking, singing, and trying to verbally soothe him but he gets to out of hand. Any advice???? Its heart breaking and I know he can't be "spoiled " yet, but did I do something from the beginning to make his crying go directly to screaming his brains out?

Sorry for the confusing rant.

Michelle- will Cody go with you guys for the LA trip? Does the couple live so far away or is this just where the clinic is?

Zb- no period yet here! But I get cramps every other day that im like oh great here it comes and it never does.

Kian smiles at me mostly, and laughs usually once every 2 days. Lol. Its weird but something that makes him laugh one day is lost on him the next and that day im a stupid idiot in his eyes.

Im sure all babies are different and yours is fine. Just doesn't find you funny! haha.

Yes, I get cramps like that all the time! What's going on down there? :haha:

Silas is pretty happy sitting by himself if he is well rested. Like, say, the first 45 minutes after a nap. Then he starts to get crabby and needs to be held. After 90 minutes he's usually super crabby and it's time to go back to sleep. (We are doing the 90 minute sleep plan, at least kind of.) He gets sweaty when he cries too, even if it's just a little. :shrug:

Exciting all these conception and bfp-aversaries! I don't remember mine... I just remember my LMP was Jan 2. So it was cool to think I hadn't had a period in a year. :) Except that giant one where a baby came out... oh yeah.

Silas doesn't seem to want to sit up yet. He doesn't like being bent over that much... oh well.
If Lauren is reclined on my legs, she will try to sit up too. It's so cute!

When I got my BFP, I was charting and when I saw my temp didn't go down the day before my expected period I ran into the bathroom and secretly took the test before my husband woke up. I didn't want him to know I was taking it on his Birthday because if it came out negative I wouldn't have told him until after his birthday. I didn't expect it to be positive, but it changed right away. I ran into the bedroom screaming and startled my husband awake, ha ha. I will never forget that day!
lol i had just began temping, was on like day 3 of it but fully expecting AF any day since i had a bfn already. But, although i had no temp to compare to, mine were high for 3 days so i was like "weird". Got hives when i saw the bfp and had to sit. I had just spent $150 on amazon buying everything conception stuff! go figure. I was still unsure and after taking aprox 45 pictures of tests i posted this! what a crazy time after 2 years and a MC.
Ha ha NY, that figures! So nice that you have that to look back on. Made me tear a little. I don't think I have ever been more excited than when I got that BFP. Then of course I had to take a few more just to be sure :)
I got my clear bfp on FRER on feb 11th ... I had done a few ic's that showed faint lined but on feb 11th 2011 my dreams came true!!!

God I'm gonna miss pregnancy x
Now that I think about it, I do remember I got my BFP on a Tuesday morning, which means it must have been January 25. I just missed my BFP-iversary! :haha: I remember because I was at work and had to call for an appointment and a blood test while at work, very awkward because I don't have my own office... I was like hiding in a corner so my coworkers wouldn't hear!

Funny the things you remember. :)

NY, that is nice to have that thread to look back on!
Here's mine pg 1 shows my ic test .... Pg 5 the FRER xx
bfp thread
I just missed my conception anniversary but my BFP anniversary was Feb.14th. Best Valentine's Day and Wedding Anniversary EVER! (I know, cheesy, we married on Valentine's Day).

I love the silly things the girls do. So funny how they have totally different personalities despite being exposed to exactly the same stimuli.
It's my implatation bleeding anniversary today lol silly I know but theresa car show on today that I was atlast year and remember getting brown spotting there.
How sentimental did we just all get over our bop annivsaries. Lol.
Well I am finally going to get Alana some meds for her reflux it has got so much worse lately. She is arching her back screaming after each feed now. The removal of dairy from my diet has eased the vomiting it now it has gone silent and she is gagging. I feel so sorry for her as she is clearly having a hard time of it. I am going to give this homeopathic remedy a real go this weekend and see if it helps her.
Either 2 days ago was conception anniversary for me. :) So weird we all remember all of this :)

Not a super great pic because he was in his car seat... but...


I had to move his carseat straps up to the very largest size today. He is wearing the size 3 diapers (16-28lbs) right now. Turned 15 weeks old on Thursday.
Lol, I love remembering all this stuff from last year. I told DH that a year ago today, his sperm met my egg :haha: I wish I could find my "is this it" thread. I tried looking for it, but couldn't find it. Oh well.

Michelle - he's getting so big! Too cute :)
i was thinking about it on the 16th of jan, how funny that its already been a year since i got my bfp!......

here are kaydences most recent pix. i didnt get to post pix the otherday so here they r


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Aww they are really lovely pictures. I take Alana for her next set at 16 weeks I can't wait.
Today has been much better for her the colic calm seems to be helping with the reflux which is great.

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