Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

We're starting at 6 months or whenever he sits up on his own. Whichever comes first I guess.
I'm thinking sweet potato, carrots, avocado, and maybe cucumber.
Perosnally I don't plan on starting until 6 months. I was so eager to feed solids last time around and though I waited until 6 months I hated doing it once I started so I'm definitely not eager to start early with twins! lol That's the exact reason I never admit to the doctor that the girls spit up a lot since I know she'll suggest adding cereal to their bottles.

As for what I'll start on.. probably cereal first and then all the non-sweet veggies. I'm planning on saving the sweeter veggies and fruit until I've tried all the more bitter and bland flavors.
no waaaaaaay am I starting solids before 6 months, but any time after then, when he's sitting up himself, is all good.
And we're gonna do baby-led weaning, so he'll get the fruits and veges we are having pretty much. Let him munch on them as much or as little as he desires. :)
Our pediatrician said we'd discuss solids at Silas's 4 month appointment. I'm looking forward to hearing his opinion cause I hear so much conflicting advice and I trust this doctor. He's pretty laid back so I'm guessing he won't say we HAVE to do it one specific way, but just give us some advice and guidelines.

Silas isn't sitting up on his own either, but he sits in his high chair a lot. I put toys on the tray and he grabs them and shoves them in his mouth. He's always been very mouthy... loves nursing, pacifiers, hands, whatever. So I think it will be fun to start finger foods with him.

On the other hand, he's not a big fan of the bumbo chair. I think it forces his body to fold a little too much and squishes his belly and makes him puke. :dohh: Then when I try to take him out, his big butt gets stuck!!

Adele, sorry to hear you are feeling down. :( Feel free to vent on here as much as you like! Hope you can have a good talk with your OH too. :hugs:
Our health visitor came to see us last week to discuss weaning. She said that new research had just been conduted, which found that it isn't safe to start weaning babies until they are 6 months old. Apparently, babies' digestive systems aren't developed enough to cope with anything other than breast milk or formula for the first 6 months of their lives. Apparently, if you start them on solids before then, it can cause IBS in later life.

(I am not preaching, I am just quoting what my health visitor told me last week :flower: whatever Mums decide to do is their own business, not mine)

So, I think I will try to wait until then. Although Freya is already sitting up unaided for short periods of time, and sits happily in her Bumbo for ages. She is constantly hungry and always chewing her fists. So we will see.....
I don't really have a set date, but I'm not sure we're going to be able to wait until 6 months. I was planning to start at around 4 months, but am holding off a bit longer. I will be starting with purees. Going to buy the baby bullet with taxes so I'm pretty excited.

Also, found this. This was my first post after :bfp: i think. :)

Anyone due around Oct. 19th?

I think a couple of you responded :O LOL
We wont be weaning till 6months either xx



2ND...MY PERIOD IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!! Exactly 3months PP & Formula feeding ...and its finally arrived .... Typical after i went to the Drs yesterday to be checked over and she has booked me in to have bloods taken to check my thyroid etc and now its turned up .... sods law!!!
Cute pics all!

We got Kian's done a week after 3 months but i've not picked them up yet and you are all reminding me of them i forgot. Ours were a disaster. Lol. We got there, he had scratched up his face and they don't do face touch ups so we pushed our appt back an hour and went to the makeup department and tried to cover the spolotches. Did an ok job, but had to wait 45 minutes now. He was getting fussy again so his eyes got all red and I nursed him just for a bit. Well then the camera went down and he had enough. UGH, it sucked! Think we got a cute one though, i can't even remember what they look like now. Ah well.

Kian has been super clingy and fussy the last few days and just began waking every single night 2 hours on the dot. Im fussy, he is fussy, its been a rough time! 4 month regression is tough
I am going to start baby rice at 4 months to help with her reflux, if I mix it with breast milk I am hoping that she will get the benefits of the milk and bulk to hold it down. Although right now the baby gaviscon is helping and I am also giving her about 1/2 oz of camomile tea and roobios tea to help her tummy issues.
I got the baby bullet as a gift. Haven't used it yet, but I am excited to. I don't have a set date or anything for giving her solids. I want to hold off to 6 months, but I am not sure we will make it. She is showing interest in our food already. I figured I would talk with my pediatrician about it at her 4 month appointment. Right now she is still spitting up a ton. I am not sure if solids will help or hurt. I just don't really want to give her cereal first. I figured avocado would be easy to mix with breast milk to start and then maybe go to sweet potato.

For the last week or so Lauren has been eating less that normal. She eats on one side for less than 5 minutes and then refuses to eat any more. She is happy after her feeding, so it would appear she is full. I just don't get how! It's kind of stressing me out. She is also waking up 4 hours after going to sleep for another feed which she hasn't done since she was a few weeks old. I am not sure if she is eating less during the day because of the extra feed or what. I just want things back to normal! The lack of sleep and her not eating well are really wearing on me! Anyone else go/going through this?
When babies get older they get better and better at getting more milk out faster. So no worries Acorn, it's normal! William went from 15 min feeds down to 5 mins around 3 months.
And sounds like a bit of a sleep regression to me. Perfectly normal. Sucks for us mommies, but there is nothing wrong. TBH, I'm a bit jealous of your 4 hrs straight! William has always been at 3 hours. I can't wait til he matures a bit more and goes longer.
yup acorn; sounds totally fine and normal to me! They get way more efficient at sucking down the milk now, so that 5 mins probably IS all she needs! And Im jealous of your 4 hour sleeps too, though it is normal for their patterns to change with developmental stages peaking and stuff. Go with the flow; if she's happy and growing then don't worry! :hugs:

x-TyMa-x, yay for getting AF back at last! Well, not yay for AF again; I don't think any of us miss her, but yay for your body coming back to normal!! lol
Woohoo Kerri! lol welcome to the :witch: ! lol

Im jealous of Acorn's 4 hours straight too! lol

Thanks guys! The not eating as long part isn't as worrying to me as the fact that she is only eating on one side. I can also still get milk out easily by squeezing on the side she just ate from. She seems to be getting enough though. I am just constantly lopsided and uncomfortable! Hopefully she will at least go back to eating on both sides soon. i find myself pumping more for relief, but trying not to do it too much because I don't want to increase my supply even more and add to the problem.

I know I felt guilty when she slept through the night! She usually does 6-7 hours straight and I guess I just got used to it! I wouldn't be upset at all if she would just wake up after 4 hours to eat, but she stirs for at least an hour before she wakes up. I am wondering if I should just wake and feed her at that point so she doesn't keep me up for hours. She still sleeps in our bed, so if she doesn't stop with the stirring, I am afraid that will be the end of our co-sleeping!
if she starts to consistently feed from one side, then your supply will quickly regulate to the new routine as long as you don't pump too much to confuse the body! I only feed one side at a time cos my boobs are huge and he doesn't get through to the hind milk if I switch sides too soon! He'll often have several feeds from one side before we switch too. I'm only ever a bit lop sided if he has a huge sleep after a huge feed, but normally his napping and snacking keeps things even. :)
I also only do one side at a time. Mostly because I'm lazy... haha. But now we are used to it, and if he eats from both sides he gets too full and pukes. (Well... he pukes anyway. But he pukes more.) The only time it's a problem is in the middle of the night, because then I get really full and he only relieves one side...

Silas has also gotten super fast at eating. And I think my boobs just have a faster let-down too now. He eats in like 5 minutes most of the time. 10-15 max. Sometimes it annoys me because I want to have more time to go on BnB with my phone! Or check facebook... or whatever. Haha. I shouldn't complain...
That helps a lot, thanks guys! Yeah, overnight is definitely the worst part of her feeding on one side. I try to only pump when it's really uncomfortable.
We are having sleep regression over here too. It takes us 1.5 hours and multiple attempts to get Ella to sleep. :( my nights with DH are gone as we spend most of our evening together getting her to fall asleep. So. Frustrated. I don't know what to do.
Sleep Regression here for sure. So far, it doesn't seem as bad as some of you ladies have it. But he's went from sleeping 6-8 hours at a time to waking every 3-4. (at night)

during the day he fights it and fights it before finally giving in.... to sleep a whole hour, maybe.

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