Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Dribble rash - try 0.5% cortisone cream on it, should clear it up.

As for the mesh bags, you just have to remember to actually clean it fairly soon after they use it or it gets dried on gunk and needs a soak, also lfipping it inside out is a must. Depending on the brand you can get new mesh bags to replace ones that just don't come clean. I know Sassy ones definitely have replacements bags and so do the LifeBrand ones do but any others I don't specifically know about.

The girls have been having cereal for a few days now. Libby has taken to it like a dream. She gobbles up quickly and wants more but poor Ashley, she pushes most of it out again and it takes forever to feed her. She also seems to think it's the perfect time to 'blow bubbles'. Silly girl. I'm hoping she'll stop pushing it out so much soon.. it's frustrating though cute.

Welcome Susan and Robert!
Welcome to the group!!

So Kian is so unpredictable! The other day we were at my mom's and we didn't give him anything in the form of solids yet that day and she had bananas baby food. She really wanted to feed him and see him eat so I let her and he snarfed them up! That was his first baby food. I dont own baby food though so yesterday here I gave him a real banana mashed up thinking maybe he doesn't like th whole banana as well. He HATED it. So today I caved and went and bought some banana baby food and he HATED it. I was eating my banana, guess who wanted the whole banana to gnaw on? Derrrrrrrrr. Guess he is leading me! Lol.
Brillaint go Kian, you show your mummy.

Welcome aboard Susan.

I clean the mesh feeder straight away but still it is most annoying. I am going to try our first bit of baby led weaning tomorrow. I shall cook up some carrot for her to play with. I am worried though as she knows how to eat and swallow now which is not how BLW works. I just want to try a combination of both, hubby gets stressed with messy food and is dead against BLW he struggles when she puts her fingers in her mouth while eating puree. I find it funny watching him, but have told him he is not to give her eating issues and he needs to bite his tounge.

Our babies are all growing up so fast. I go back to work two 4 hours shifts a week from next week for all of April, 4 half days a week in May and then back full time in June. I still haven't got Alana back on expressed milk. I have been far to inconsistent and she still only wants boob.
nypage -I remember on one of the handout thingy's I got once said something about it took approx. 10 times of trying a food for a baby to really determine they do or don't like something and even if they seem not to like it after that point it should be reintroduced later on. That being said, that's funny that Kian stole your banana. :)

My sister called me yesterday while at the grocery store since she was stuck feeding her LO and wanted some entertainment in the form of a conversation with her sister. She was telling how horrible her day had been with a poop/bath mishap and napping issues etc and that her DD had not been herself. I asked if perhaps she could chalk it up to teething but she insisted that wasn't a possibility.. well lo and behold I got a call today and her LO cut her first tooth. lol Guess big sister does know better!

I checked the twins though and definitely nothing yet. Which I'm totally okay with because I love the toothless look and know it's time is limited. *sigh*

Hippy - good luck with the carrots! I'm OCD about food messes, it drives me mad. Wouldn't you know it DD1 was a very messy eater and used to think it was fun to knock everything onto the floor as she got older. Grrrr.. FX the twins are better behaved!
Kian makes a big mess with food i hand him! hubby will need to learn its a very messy afair!
maybe im just slow, but how does the food come out of this one if its all plastic? lol. That thing looks confusing but I wanna try it!

The plastic has little holes in it and it squishes out the little holes like it would with the mesh. I put banana in there and she was able to get it all out, so it seems to function in that respect.
Hi Susan! :)

Lauren is a extremely messy eater. Even when I spoon feed she tries to grab the spoon and will pull up her bib into her face ans smears everything around. Cute, but messy!

NYpage- I bought some of those bibs today. I hope they help!

LittleStars- do you know if the cream is safe to get in her mouth? I am worried about things since they are so close to her face. Although I could probably put it on before bed and swaddle so she can't touch it. Thanks for the tip, I will look into it.
Hi Susan! :)

Lauren is a extremely messy eater. Even when I spoon feed she tries to grab the spoon and will pull up her bib into her face ans smears everything around. Cute, but messy!

NYpage- I bought some of those bibs today. I hope they help!

LittleStars- do you know if the cream is safe to get in her mouth? I am worried about things since they are so close to her face. Although I could probably put it on before bed and swaddle so she can't touch it. Thanks for the tip, I will look into it.

I doubt it's meant to be consumed but my doctor has recommended as did my DD1's pediatrician back in the day. You really use it sparingly and massage it in so there isn't much for them to get at so if they got the tiniest on their finger and pop the finger into their mouth I'd imagine it's harmless though not very tasty. Should be available in the chemist/pharmacy in the aisle where they have stuff for bandages and things like Polysporin.
Kian's 6 month went ok yesterday! He is 19.5 lbs and 27 ". Doc said she supports extended breast feeding, thinks for sure keep him rear facing in car seat til 2, loves the way I am feeding him real peopl food and cloth diapering, BUT thinks I need to get him eating some wheat before 7 months to lower development of wheat allergies because my brother has Celiac's. Idk? THere are mixed reviews on that one.
She also walked into the room immediately said "looks like someone is teething!"

Why, yes, and we are in hell because of it. I will cry when those gummy smiles are over with>

Shots today have created monster child. I almost committed suicide 6 times. He cried the whole day and worse the whole night.

Littlestars- my ped just told me that same thing yesterday! that it takes 10 times for them to "like" something.

Acorn- so i tried the mesh food thing and absolutely hate it! I may have to try that plastic one. I seriously think im going to just throw this mesh POS away.
Glad to hear that Kian's appointment went well!

I was watching Libby today rolling around. She is quite the steamroller and just flips over and over left and right ways in seconds.. but I noticed something I hadn't noticed before. She is getting really strong holding her upper torso up with her arms off the ground and is starting to lift her bum and even almost successfully pulled her knee forward. OMG!!!! A few weeks and she'll be crawling. I am in big trouble!!!
nypage, sorry about the shots! Poor guy! I hate seeing them when they get like that. I hope he's back to himself soon!

So far the feeder we are using has gone well. She is still having trouble holding it herself, but she is trying! I gave her apple with it last night and she really enjoyed it.

Oh my Littlestars! I am in panic thinking about one mobile baby, I can't even imagine two! Good luck to you my dear!
Eeep, I spotted Caleb very proudly pushing himself up on his hands the other day too! He hasn't worked out how to do both hands and knees yet, but I can see it's not that far off now...!
Kian is very immobile still. Either lazy or something wrong but he won't be going anywhere any time soon. Poor guy.
Every baby is different. My friends little girl was 20 months before she walked but at 2 can write her own name.
Amy, Ella just started doing that as well!

NY, I wouldn't worry. My niece didn't walk until she was 20 months either, but she is unbelievably smart. She is going to be an academic I can tell you that much. Every kid is different. :hugs:
mypage- We had a medical person tell us once that each baby usually focuses on mastering one skill at a time. Some are more vocal, others more physical, others are just very smart. Lauren pulls herself up, but she doesn't seem motivated to go anywhere ;)
well then mine must be really smart....cuz he wont even roll! sitting is fine, but rolling, nope. Stays on his back and side only! what a silly guy.
Libby got up on her knees today while holding up her torso. I was able torun my hand underneath of her and she was totally off the ground. She did this several times. I'm screwed!!! Baby-proofing will begin tomorrow!

Now in the meantime, anyone want to explain to me why Ashley is awake at 1:30am and thinks it's fun to just hang out with mommy? She has such a cute cheeky smile, doesn't she know I was literally about to go bed?

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