Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Little- sorry she hurt her head, hope it heals nice. poor girl. Kian has long, weird hair on the top middle of his head....but if I side swipe it, the little peach fuzz growing in on the sides puffs it up funny. But if I brush it straight forward, it looks strange! poor guy, nothing is working for his hair right now. lol

yy for the tooth shell! now more will follow i bet.

Kian is still not really on solids formerly. He loved avocado one day, hated it the next, liked it the next, and refuses it today. Idk! Also hates bananas and semi dealt with the peas. The carrots weren't a hit. And thats as far as we are. I don't realy think he seems ready, he doesn't care about eating except for staring at us when we are. Not sure where to go from here....
Little Stars, you will have to post pics of their little hawks, ha ha! Lauren was born with a good amount of hair, but is in a constant state of losing it in some places and it growing back in others. Looking back at pics her hair is never the same, ha ha!

I just wanted to clarify. While we probably aren't going to tell our kids that there is a santa or Easter bunny etc, we DO plan on giving them gifts. The gifts will just be from us, not a mythical character. I don't think they will feel left out, because they will still get presents.
Hubby and I can't agree on the whole Santa, tooth fairy issue. I want to keep up the magic and he wants to tell her the truth. I just know how much it meant to me as a child, ok I told my brother when he was two santa wasn't real but only because I was annoyed when I found out by accident. I have visions of Alana being at nursery and telling all these kids Santa isn't real and me having to deal with angry parents. It's hard enough being the boss without my kid ruining their kids magical beliefs. I think we will go with the fantasy and let her have the mystery as long as we can.
So today Alana sat unaided for well over ten minutes, I was so chuffed. She only toppled after she got very excited and kicked the toy to the side, she crossed her arm over her body to reach it and tipped over. She has been sitting reaching forward for a while but normally seems to lose her balance quickly, but a week of concentrated effort and she can't do it.
Sheis five months on Easter Sunday, we are taking her to watch an Easter egg hunt that our friends run, it should be fun.
Little Stars, you will have to post pics of their little hawks, ha ha! Lauren was born with a good amount of hair, but is in a constant state of losing it in some places and it growing back in others. Looking back at pics her hair is never the same, ha ha!

I just wanted to clarify. While we probably aren't going to tell our kids that there is a santa or Easter bunny etc, we DO plan on giving them gifts. The gifts will just be from us, not a mythical character. I don't think they will feel left out, because they will still get presents.

I really will try to take some photos and post. And I'm sure whatever you do for the holidays will be great. Mythical characters or not as long as they have fun who cares?

Hippy - So jealous of the sitting! That's great that she's getting it.

DD1 is running a fever of 104 and I'm deseraptely trying to get in down so we can still go to my moms for dinner. She is devastated at the thought of not getting to go but if I can't get it under 100 she is staying home!
Well done Alana on the sitting!!

Aww, poor DD1, Littlestars. Hope she gets better soon. Would also love to see pics of twins hair!

Hope fussy little Kian settles down with his eating soon (altho I know your breastfeeding, Nyp, so he is getting all his goodness from you anyways).

Hi everyone :hi:
I hope DD1 starts to feel better and her temp comes down, no fun of you are unwell and you know everyone is having fun without you.
Hey ladies, its been awhile since ive been on so I have to catch up on alot. Kaydence is 6 months old now and sitting up on her own, has a tooth comming out and loooooves her food. She has to b on solids because of being underweight from her relux. She has gained more now that shes been on solids though.... Still not sleeping all night and its driving me crazy. She will start day care soon
Long time no see!!! Cody will be 6 months on Friday! Time flies! He has his 6 month appointment on Monday and he is 18.5 lbs. So he's finally slowing down a bit, although he's still pretty long and is wearing 9 month clothes! He's now only in the 70th percentile rather than the 90th+ at prior appointments. They didn't check his length so I don't have the percentile on that.

He was a week early for his shots, so we're going back in on Monday, so be praying for me. LOL.

He can sit up for a fairly good time unassisted, has discovered that he's a boy ( :haha: ) and loves his toes. Here in the past week or so, we've had a massive sleep regression and I am NOT loving that.

In the past two days he has learned to fake cough (Dad and I both have asthma so lately have been coughing with all the pollen.) He holds his little hand by his face and has the funny little cough immitation he does. LOL. Then he smiles at me and does it again. LMAO

Sorry I've been MIA, things have been crazy here at work, planning the surrogacy and trying to fit in play dates and park fun with Cody. OY.
Well Easter was hectic and DD1 was up and down with her fever all weekend but we did end up going to dinner a tmy mom's and then to the birthday dinner for MIL on Monday.

Tuesday I took Libby to the cardiologist specialist to check her heart. At first the resident guy took a look at everything and said he thought that things looked good and it was an innocent heart murmur but then the doctor came in and did her thing and decided that she wants her to come back in to have an ultrasound just to check everything is formed right because she was having issue with getting a pulse on the legs I believe. Sucks because I wanted answers and reassurance but I guess it's better that she is being extra careful.

Needless to say that Libby was oblivious of the whole ordeal and isdoing great. She is regularly up on all fours and rocking back and forth trying to figure out what to do next. Only a matter of time before she figures out to move her limbs to crawl. Luckily Ashley hasn't taken notice of what her sister is up to and won't be crawling so soon.

The girls are 6 months now. Ekk! So crazy. They are just so darn cute and sweet and I am loving this stage. Still no teeth but I'm sure it's just a matter of a few days. Eating food is going well. Ashley is finally getting the hang of it but the BLW isn't going so well. They shove food to the back on their throats, don't chomp on it and nearly choke constantly. It's scary! And when I change diapers and see large chunks of carrot or the like in their diaper I start thinking that maybe I don't want to do this so soon. I'll have to read a little more about it to see if I'll continue.
Long time no see!!! Cody will be 6 months on Friday! Time flies! He has his 6 month appointment on Monday and he is 18.5 lbs. So he's finally slowing down a bit, although he's still pretty long and is wearing 9 month clothes! He's now only in the 70th percentile rather than the 90th+ at prior appointments. They didn't check his length so I don't have the percentile on that.

He was a week early for his shots, so we're going back in on Monday, so be praying for me. LOL.

He can sit up for a fairly good time unassisted, has discovered that he's a boy ( :haha: ) and loves his toes. Here in the past week or so, we've had a massive sleep regression and I am NOT loving that.

In the past two days he has learned to fake cough (Dad and I both have asthma so lately have been coughing with all the pollen.) He holds his little hand by his face and has the funny little cough immitation he does. LOL. Then he smiles at me and does it again. LMAO

Sorry I've been MIA, things have been crazy here at work, planning the surrogacy and trying to fit in play dates and park fun with Cody. OY.
kaydence is in the 92nd percentile for height but shes still only 15 almost 16 lbs and still wears 3 month clothes butis starting to wear 6 r u doing rhe surrogacy thing, privet or through a company? I really want to do that next yr. But would like to talk to some1 who is doing it or has done it
sma - Libby got weighed this week at the cardio doctor's office and came in with height at 95% and she weighed 15lbs 3 oz. Sounds like our girls are in the same boat. She and her twin can still wear 0-3 onsies! The pants are getting too short if they are less than 6-9 months though but since they still fit so well I'm holding on to many of them and they'll be capris in a few weeks went the temperatures warm up! So don't ditch the short pants too soon. :)
Yup sounds like we have some tall girls. Its so hard to find pants that fit. Either there to big on the waist and fit in length or other way around. We just started putting her in 6 month pants but there kinda big we have to fold the waist to make em a little tighter.
kaydence is in the 92nd percentile for height but shes still only 15 almost 16 lbs and still wears 3 month clothes butis starting to wear 6 r u doing rhe surrogacy thing, privet or through a company? I really want to do that next yr. But would like to talk to some1 who is doing it or has done it

I was originally doing a private one with a couple I met from Texas, however, they are postponing it for awhile and I don't want to wait that long. Right now I am talking to a Reproductive Lawyer and an Agency and have decided to go with whoever seems to move fastest.

I have researched quite a bit about it. If you want to PM me I'll send you some links to some really helpful websites, the agency I'm talking with, etc.

You sort of half to pick your battle. If you work privately you TEND to get paid slightly more, and can "hand pick" your best match. It is a slower process though sometimes taking up to a year! Agencies pay slightly less, but it's a quicker match and they do all the work....well...except carry the baby :p
Alana went to the hospital today regarding her reflux, least to say the peaditrician was a twat, nicest word I can use. I have however got some meds for her so hopefully they will work. She did get weighed and measured though, she is 10lb 14oz and 60cm long.
I hope you get a good match phantom, I can't imagine being a surrogate and then deciding you aren't too keen on the couple during the process.
Hope Alana's reflux gets better! What did they put her on?

Lauren is right around 13 pounds now. Still wearing 0-3, but starting to get into 3-6. She's on the taller side too, but she seems to have gotten her fathers build. Long torso and shorter legs. She outgrows onesies before she does pants. Pants are normally big in the waist too.

Good luck phantom! Hopefully you will find a good match :)
haha, that fake cough sounds adorable Phantom!

Littlestars; hopefully Libby is fine and they're just being careful! And the chunks of food in the nappy is normal with BLW, cos babies don't digest much at all of solids and BLW goes down in chunks rather than puree, so it comes *out* in chunks too! Puree comes out in puree too, but of course it's less noticeable amongst poop! lol! And gagging is normal too - they learn not to shove it back so far very quickly! :)

I hope Alanas reflux improves too hippylittlej. :hugs:

Caleb is getting his 5 month check up on monday so I'm keen to know how heavy he is too! hehe. I was determined to last until 6 months before letting him have solids, but the last 2 weeks he has been trying to steal my food soooooooo much. And when I read the developmental stages that dictate solids starting; sitting unassisted, putting food in his own mouth, no tongue-thrust reflex, pincer grasp... All of which he has (though his pincer grasp isn't very good yet, it is there!) despite being only 5.5 months old. AND if he was born on his due date he'd be 6 months old tomorrow, not in 3 weeks time. Soooooo, we have started letting him feed himself. :)
sma - not to worry about the pants. Pretty soon you'll find that the pants have an internal elastic that you can tighten on the fly with little buttons inside the waistband. I think a lot of children's clothing manufacturers do it from 1 year onwards. With the summer coming and pretty dresses and diaper covers you'll be fine!

Speaking of summer.. warm up already!!! lol

It was nice on the weekend and we took the twins to the park with DD1 and popped them in the baby swings and the girls loved them. Can't wait to go again.

hippy - sorry the pediatrician was such an arse, hope the meds work though.

FD - I'm loving Caleb's dimples!!!
Acorn he put her on ranitidine. He also wants her on domperidone for sickness but I am not putting her on it as she is much better now I don't eat dairy and it is such a harsh drug, so unless we have real issue with vomiting again I am going to stick to the ranitidine. I hope it works for her.

Alana loves chunks of food and purée, she tries to eat all my food now and her mouth goes constantly when we eat.

our babies are growing up way too fast.
WoW! your sweet little peanuts are so light. Kian is 20lbs!! I miss that weight, he is tough to lug around.

we are in 12 months....i can't believe the difference between our babies. Mine is def overweight. Yet wont eat any solids......poor guy!

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