Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Lauren doesn't do very well with solids still. Dinnertime is usually a struggle to get enough food in her. I want to wean close to a year, so I feel like we need to do better on the solids. She is just so picky! Anyone else gone through this?

Acorn, my bubs went through a picky stage and it turned out she didn't want to be spoon fed so she's just on finger foods mainly. When she was really picky I would put out a little buffet for her (slices of cheese, ham, toast, banana, orange etc.) and let her chose what she wanted. I think for her it's an independence thing she wants to assert.

Glad to hear everyone is getting on so well!

We are planning LO's birthday. I can't believe how quickly the last year has gone! She's not walking yet but knows a lot of words and has started putting 2 words together. So strange to think she was still in my tummy this time a year ago.

So who else is broody? ;)
I'm lucky in the food respect. Cody eats everything. We don't give him too much meat as he doesn't have very many teeth. But he gets everything else. And BOY does he eat.

DH watches him during the days while I work, and yesterday I was informed he ate half of all of glen's meals, 3/4 can of these little... Gerber things that are like cheeto chips, 1/4 can of cereal puffs, two slices of bread and a bowl of macaroni and cheese. Hahahahahahaha.

He's been on whole milk for almost a month and is doing great! He gets 3-4 6 ounce bottles of milk during the day, and 2-6 ounce bottles of formula w/ Rice cereal in it. (morning and bed time). He's a piggy.

He loves his bottle, so we're having hard time weaning him onto a sippy cup. But I guess there are worse habits.
Hey ladies! Good to catch up on everyone! Congrats on the BFP Phantom! Hope everything goes smoothly!

Lauren is crawling, climbing and cruising...getting into everything! No walking yet. She can get places way faster crawling so her motivation to walk it pretty low :) She has 6 teeth now. She is still pretty small (I'd guess a little over 15 pounds) and is fitting into her 6-9 clothes now.

Lauren doesn't do very well with solids still. Dinnertime is usually a struggle to get enough food in her. I want to wean close to a year, so I feel like we need to do better on the solids. She is just so picky! Anyone else gone through this?

Not with Alana but we have a little girl at nursery who is really not enjoying solids too much, but she kind of holds out for milk. Her parents have decided to drop the morning feed in hope that she will eat more at lunch time. We have tried lots of foods and finally cracked that she likes cheese based dishes and sweeter things. It isn't a major concern if she isn't eating loads but you need to just keep offering it. Will she eat finger foods rather than spoon feeding? does she like anything specifically or does she eat but just small amounts?
We are planning LO's birthday. I can't believe how quickly the last year has gone!

ooh - how fun! what are you planning to do for the party? i'm looking for ideas...

glad to see you ladies are doing so well! i remember a few of you from the Fall PAL group, so i am very happy to see how things are going a year later. :)
I stop in here every now & again, but I gave up trying to keep a journal here!!! Caleb still has over a month until his birthday, but we don't intend to do much for it anyway. He's free-standing and taken the odd step, but isn't walking without holding on to something yet. He has 8 teeth, talks lots, is around 22lb, and has a wicked sense of humour! He's a wee food hog; eating pretty much anything he can get his hands on. He's still breast fed too though, and I don't intend to wean him before 2 years old. I'm curious why you want to wean at 1? If she doesn't eat a lot of solids then surely she is better off still having milk so then you KNOW she's getting what she needs? Many babies don't even START on solids until 12months+ and the world health organisation recommends breast milk until at least 2 years old. I dunno, I am just grateful when Caleb DOES go off his food that he is still getting everything he needs in his milk. :)
I can't believe this thread is still active! I haven't been on BnB in waaay too long. To update on how we are doing: Lucas has been walking since the beginning of August, and now he's way too fast already. Getting into nothing but trouble ;-) No talking yet, just mama, papa and "nein" (German for no.. I speak German with him)

I'm pregnant again, due March 26th. It's been nice seeing how everyone else is doing! All the best wishes :)
Congrats on the new bump MrsK!

Wow, I love hearing how all the babies are getting on :cloud9:

Hey girls, sounds like everyone is getting on well.

Congrats on the pregnancies!

The twins are getting close to their 1st birthday. Unfortuantely it falls on the Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada this year so we are just having a small immediate family celebration that day and planning for a bigger extended family bash 2 weeks later.

They are both sooooo close to walking unaided but nothing yet. They're in the 50% for height at last check and weight is probably around 18-19 lbs. Libby's last follow up at the cardiologist went really well and the doctor wasn't as concerned anymore that they would have to do further intervention. That was a huge relief.

Libby is definitely more snuggly than Ashley who is loves a bit of chaos to get her giggling. They don't say too much that is understandable, just ma-ma and daddy. Doesn't seem to stop them from having conversations with each other though. They are so funny to watch together, stealing toys and food, then sharing and hugging.

I'm looking forward to moving the girls on to milk in a few weeks.. I'm so done with mixing up formula all the time. We finally ditched all the bottles last week and are fully on to sippy cups but they haven't really figured out how to drink them sitting up - we're working on it though. They are in love with finger foods too, I haven't spoon fed them in a few months now. They don't have many teeth though, only 6 so they are mostly vegetarian except for meatsauce and meatloaf. They'll eat anything but unfortuantely fruits seem to give them terrible diaper rash to the point of bleeding so we tend to avoid fruit.

We're done having anymore children but thankfully my sister-in-law is pregnant and expecting for mid-Feb. She's having a boy and it'll be the first grandson so we're all pretty excited! With having 3 girls myself it's a welcome change.
Glad to hear all the babies are doing well!!!! I started handing out birthday party invites this weekend. CRAZY.

We're doing an angry birds theme. I've already got the cake and smash cake ordered. The cups/plates/etc. One of my co-workers is making Cody a handmade Pinata of one of the angry birds. So far that's where we're at. hah
Congrats on the pregnancy MrsK! So exciting.

As far as Lauren's eating she just seems picky. She will eat cheese and all fruit (strawberries are her favorite). No veggies (except beets of all things) and not into meat. Whether it's spoon fed or self fed doesn't seem to make a difference. We have given her those Plum organic pouches and she is obsessed with them. I bought them for travel, but if she refuses veggies too much I will pull out one of those. I was an extremely picky eater as a child so I feel like I am getting a piece of my own medicine ;)

We are planning a party for Lauren...monkey themed because they are her favorite. It will just be family and close friends, but it's nice to have the celebration. Can't believe it is a few weeks away!
Lucas will eat pretty much anything.. And all the time.. He's a real boy lol. Only 8 teeth, but he chomps veggies, fruits, meat, anything. He even bit off a whole peeled onion! Silly monkey!

His birthday party is Saturday.. Can't believe he'll be one in 5 days.. My how the year has flown. We're doing a sailor theme and I'm going all out because I loove nautical decor. I even bought him the CUTEST sailor outfit.
How cute!!!!!!!! One of my friends did a nautical theme and it turned out really cute.!!!!

Everyone, we need pics of LO's birthday :)
I love the nautical idea! Cute.

We're thinking of a Minnie Mouse theme for the big family party in a few weeks. The girls literally drop everything and stare/dance at the tv whenever 'Mickey Mouse Playhouse' comes on the tele. No theme for the immediate family celebration on Sunday though, just some yummy cake to smear all over their gorgeous faces and presents from us and big sister.

I definitely want to see photos of the birthday babies!
My Will eats mostly anything, but he does have days where he is really picky or he just doesn't want solids. One day he will eat everything in sight, the next he will only eat a hunk of cheese and wants to nurse constantly.
He loves all sorts of foods, green olives are a favorite lol. He likes curry (not too spicy of course), Mediterranean food (loves chicken kafka covered in that garlic sauce), beans, meats, most veggies and fruits...pretty much anything. I think the only things he doesn't like ended up being things without much flavor ie: rice, tortilla's, egg whites, etc.
It's really nice when we go out to eat as we don't have to bring any food with us for him. He just eats whatever we get (within reason of course).

We are happy to keep breast feeding, prolly will go until about 2 years old? We'll just play it by ear, it's nothing but beneficial to both of us, so I'm not going to push weaning. He nurses about 4x a day on average (morning, afternoon nap, dinner and night time).

At his one year appt he weighed in at 20lbs 4oz and 29.5 inches tall. He's tall for his weight, but the dr said since he is so mobile that is to be expected. Said if he doesn't gain much by the next appt we may have to do something (what I don't know) to get his weight up a bit. But I'm not worried as long as William is happy, ya know?

Birthday pics:
Gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free spiced carrot cake - it was so yummy!
Loves the photos! Very nice job on the cake :) I'm surprised they are worried about him being under weight. He looks very healthy. I am not exactly sure on Lauren's weight, but I think she is around 16 pounds. The ped said he's not worried, but just to try and get her to eat more. I am curious to see what he says at her 12 month appointment.
Great pics!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for Cody's birthday! But I'm a little sad about it too.. haha. I'm probably just hormonal
Lucas is the opposite.. 50th percentile in height but 90th percentile in weight! The nurse said she would cut me some slack since he was breastfed until last week, but he better start losing some weight. That kinda put me off a little... he doesn't get junk food or sugary things (except very rarely), he's always been at 90th percentile for weight, ever since birth!

I did have to wean him last week because he insisted on nursing every 2-3 hours, even at night. Yeah.. an 11 month-old who still nurses about 8-10 times a day. I really wanted to keep breastfeeding, but it got to the point where I was starting to resent him for demanding the boobie constantly. I loved breastfeeding up until then.. but eventually I started feeling like a cow. Silly, I know, but it was just not good for our relationship anymore.

I'm still sad about weaning, but he's completely forgotten about his beloved boobies already! He seems to be much happier now, eating more solids and sleeping better at night (instead of waking up to nurse constantly).

It never turns out how we imagine, eh?!
Wow, I'm scared what they'll say about Cody's weight!!!! Hahaha they'll tell me he needs lypo. lmao
Nothing wrong with a little chub chub on a baby. Nevermind the fact that it makes it a whole lot easier for them to keep their pants up while trying to walk. lol

I wouldn't worry about a child's weight until they are going into double digits. They keep growing taller and taller, all you have to do is stabilize their intake for a while and they'll stretch it out :)

Now bring on some more photos! Will looks so happy to see that cake. I am so sad about my girls turning 1 but I can't wait to see their faces covered in chocolate icing.
Funny what some medical professionals have to say about weight. I have had friends with some pretty chubby babies, and at a year and a half you would never know that they used to be on the bigger end. Especially when they start walking, I think they burn a lot of calories ;)

MrsK- I am glad weaning worked out so well! It's awesome you were able to breastfeed for as long as you did :) I think I am going to introduce cows milk after her first birthday and then go from there. I have mixed feelings about weaning. Some days I really just want to be done and others I feel really sad at the thought of it. I have heard weaning can make you quite hormonal as well, so I will probably be a wreck when the time comes!

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