Lauren doesn't do very well with solids still. Dinnertime is usually a struggle to get enough food in her. I want to wean close to a year, so I feel like we need to do better on the solids. She is just so picky! Anyone else gone through this?
Acorn, my bubs went through a picky stage and it turned out she didn't want to be spoon fed so she's just on finger foods mainly. When she was really picky I would put out a little buffet for her (slices of cheese, ham, toast, banana, orange etc.) and let her chose what she wanted. I think for her it's an independence thing she wants to assert.
Glad to hear everyone is getting on so well!
We are planning LO's birthday. I can't believe how quickly the last year has gone! She's not walking yet but knows a lot of words and has started putting 2 words together. So strange to think she was still in my tummy this time a year ago.
So who else is broody?