Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

I wouldnt worry Phantom. He is forward in his own ways :)

Freya is crawling at the speed of light. She also pulls herself up on furniture, and cruises the furniture too. We bought her 1st pair of proper shoes last week. Size 3. But she is still in 3-6 month clothes, with a few 6-9 month pieces. Lots of babbling and sounds, but no proper words yet. She's a mover, not a talker. lol.

Cant believe the babies with be turning 1 soon. Where did that year go?!

I know, a year ago we were all dying to have them, now we're planning first birthday parties. ACK
So how is Caleb Flying? And you of course :)

Caleb is great. He was sick with hand foot & mouth last week; his first real illness and first ever time to the doctors to get some pain relief for him (probably should have already had some on hand, but just had never gotten around to it!) he is also teething; he JUST overnight got two teeth break through but they have been sitting there for AGES. He now has 6 teeth; 3 on top and 3 on the bottom! :haha:

I bought a new carrier the other week, and it has been a god send to be able to wear him on my back so much easier than my old wrap! He spends half the day up there sometimes, chatting in my ear. :)

Crawling loads, cruising around the furniture and climbing over/on anything he can, but no walking or free-standing yet really. Talks a little; mum, dad, cat, dog, hi.

I'm loving it. :) So much fun!!
Lauren has started crawling the last couple of weeks. She gets tired of doing a proper crawl pretty quick and then army crawls. Now that she is mobile she is into everything!

I attached a 9 month photo, she is growing so quick!

For those who are still nursing. Anyone have a plan on when/how they will wean? So far I have let Lauren take the lead on it. She has started eating more around every 4 hours instead of three and started to skip her feed around dinner. She signs milk now, which has been nice for me.
Hey girls!

The twins hit 10 months a few days ago. We went to the doctor yesterday for a tardy 9 month appointment. The doctor was away and I didn't want to see the substitute. I love our pediatrician, she was so amazing finding Libby's heart problem and so I trust her completely. Anyway, she said the girls looked great. They weighed in at 17lbs 5 oz and 17lbs 6 oz with Libby the taller of the two and Ashley right in the 50%.

They are both crawling, Libby did it first by nearly a month, and both pulling up to standing and cruising, but again Libby did it first by about a month. If I try to get Libby to stand on her won though she just lowers herself down carefully. We aloso lerned that neither girl likes to crawl or even touch grass. Anyone else's like that? Does Caleb like the snow?

Clothing-wise they are wearing old 0-3 pants as capris and fitting into 3-6 onsies for the most part but they need 6-9 pj's for length. I am thinking their pants are going to be constantly falling off of them once fall rolls around. The waists on their shorts are just floating on them. I'll have to see if I can get some with the internal elastic you can adjust to keep them up.

Ashley has two teeth on the bottom and three teeth about to emerge on top. You can see them through the gums for a week now but only the very very tip of the lateral incisor has dained to poke through a touch. She is handling it well though. Libby has two on the bottom, one on top and no sign of anymore at last check.

Words.. they seem to have mum-mum down pat and know it's meant for me but I couldn't really say for sure they've knowingly said dada, more just a product of random babbling. They seem to take turns on who's day it is to talk but the doctor said that was normal for twins.

They seem to have started to enjoy playing with each other. They'll race to toys and snag it off of each other, chase each other through the tunnel and giggle when one of them does something. Ashley does have a nasty habit though, she likes to maul people's face, mom, dad, grandparents, sister, cousin, cat... doesn't seem to matter. Not always but when she does look out! Her nails are sharp even when cut recently. lol
Glad the twins are doing well!!!

Cody has "nails of doom" as we call them as well. I keep them short and still manage to get slashed when he grabs onto me.

Cody will be 10 months old on the 13th, just a few days away. He is trying hard to become mobile, he gets into an almost crawling position but doesn't seem to know where to go from there. He can pull himself up on us, but not on toys/chairs. so funny. He's a little speed demon in his walker though, he literally turns corners so fast that wheels come off the ground. hahah

We've got him a little sit and scoot toy as well... I can't think of what they're called, but they straddle them and use their feet to scoot around. Anyways, he loved it, but his balance is still a little shaky so he falls off of it sometimes.
Aww, I love hearing about all the babies!

Freya has 4 teeth, 2 on top, and 2 in the bottom.

Acorn, Freya gave up the breast on her own. She started skipping breastfeeds over a period of time. Until at 7.5 months, she was down to just one breastfeed a day. And then she dropped that one too. I was upset at first, but it was herr decision, and I had to respect that.

Flying, can you recommend a good sling/wrap/carrier for Freya and I? we loved our Baby Bjorn, until she became too heavy for it. Then I bought the Baba Sling, but I dont rate that at all. Gives me terrible neck ache. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

Caleb is still breastfeeding on demand, and I hope to get to 2 years old (the World Health organisation minimum recommendation) before thinking about him stopping. He eats heaps of solids as well as breastfeeding, so I'm happy to let it follow a fairly natural course. :)

Shelleney, if the sling is hurting your neck I'd say it isn't sitting quite right; it should really be down on your shoulder, spread over your shoulder to spread the weight as well as stopping it sliding across to your neck. Try adjusting it a bit to see if that helps first! But if you want a good carrier you have a lot of options depending on what exactly you want out of it, and your price range! The very best thing you can do would be to find your local babywearing group and go along to their meet-up, most of them have a 'sling library' that will mean you can try out some different types of carriers before buying one, to see what suits you best!!! Check out to find a group near you.

Failing that, here are a few basics:
There are 'wraps' that are loooong bits of material. At this age you need a woven wrap rather than a stretchy one. They are the most supportive and the most versatile, BUT they require the biggest learning curve and aren't as convenient as other options. The price can vary hugely but they aren't the cheapest option either.
There are then "SSC" or soft structure carriers; these are all fabric (ie 'soft' and not with a frame like a hiking backpack) but are shaped/structured so are a whole lot easier to use than a wrap, and also more convenient because of that.

Within the SSC category there are brand name carriers like 'ergo', 'manduca', 'papatum' etc that are all GREAT carriers. They vary in price but are generally pretty 'up there' in cost, and do vary somewhat in 'fit' too, so that's why if you can get to a sling library it'd be the best bet, as one may fit you better than another! They are super easy to work out though, as it's all just snap buckles to do up and away you go!

Then, still within the SSC category, there are the 'mei tai' type carriers, which have less structure than a manduca/ergo type carrier, and not QUITE as easy to wrangle as you need to tie it up, but still easy. These are usually a lot cheaper though!

And there are heaps of other types too, but those are the main ones. Whatever you look at, avoid anything like the bjorn that has a narrow 'crotch' in it; make sure it has a big wide 'seat' that goes from knee-pit to knee-pit, keeping them in a 'frog leg' position. :)

I personally have used a woven wrap since he was little, but I wanted something a bit more convenient that I could get him in to quicker in the carpark in winter! lol. But I simply can't afford an ergo or something (which I would have bought if I DID have the money) and so my next choice was to get a mei tai; less than half the price of an ergo/similar but much easier to wrangle than my wrap. I LOVE it! I put Caleb up on my back in it 3+ times a day every single day. It means he can come with me outside to pooper-scoop, or to get the mail, or to do the laundry, or to paint or do STUFF. Or just to do the dishes or the vacuuming! He is on my back so not in my way like when he's on my front, but he's able to peep over my shoulder and watch everything I'm doing and 'tag along' happily. He also often falls asleep there so I just carry on doing whatever with him asleep on my back. Of course it's also very handy in town; SO much easier than wrangling a pram in crowds at the mall, just pop him on to my back and away we go! I can get him up on my back in about 30 seconds, so it's easy to pop him up there and go do a few things than try to settle him or carry him around! lol. Did I mention I love it?! :haha:

This is him on my back the day I got it in the mail:

So for me, I wanted a carrier that could put him on my back easily, and was quicker to wrangle than my wrap, but was within my pretty limited budget. The mei tai suited perfectly. If I had a bigger budget I'd have gone for an ergo or manduca or something as they are more convenient even than the mei tai. If comfort had been the most important then a wrap is best but a manduca/ergo would be more supportive than a mei tai (which is still comfy of course) too. A mei tai was the perfect middle ground for us though!!! :D

And LS; Caleb loves crawling in the grass!

But we haven't had any snow this year so no idea what he'll think of it if we DO get some late stuff? lol!!! (It normally snows only an inch or two in my town, maybe once or twice over winter, but it's only done the merest 'dusting' of snow a few times this year!!!) Next year will be fun if it snows though! He'll be running by then! hehe.
I am also into slings. Baba slings suck though. They are really hard to get get used to I got rid of mine after wearing it once.
I just invested in a manduca which is amazing, if you liked a baby bjorn (which as flying says doesn't have a nice wide seat for hip support) then I think you would like the manduca, ergo type carriers. What I like about the manduca is that right now Alana is only small (like Freya still in 3-6 months) and so the back can be small and as they grow you can unzip a panel and make it longer. Also being double strapped it is easy to put on and off. New they are currently £89.99 but you can find second hand ones on Natural Mamas and cloth bum mums sling section. Be careful of e-bay as some people are selling carriers that are like ergo and manduca but the clips are failing. They are cheap. Ergo and Manduca both have like a safety strap so that if for any reason the clip failed then the sling would catch on the band. However the Manduca has a three point buckle which is very secure.

I also use a connecta which is a soft SCC like a Mia Tai but with buckles. I bought this after finding Alana too heavy for my Close carrier (stretchy wrap). This was my first carrier after selling my baba sling. The connecta is great but it doesn't do hip carry and Alana prefers back and hiop carries to front carry now.

I second finding a local sling library, they are great for trying a few out and seeing what suits you and what Freya likes too.

I hope you find something, if you are on facebook then the slings and things is a great page, or Natural mamas are great too.
Thankyou both so much for all that information. Im so disappointed in my Baba sling, and really miss wearing Freya since she outgrew the Baby Bjorn.

I really hope there is a sling libraray in my area. I will research it now. Will let you know how I get on :)

ps, Caleb looks so happy being worn, Flying!

Hope all you ladies and babies are doing great! Tis been a while since this thread was posted in.
Hi!!! I didn't think anyone got on anymore! How is you ONE year old?!!! Holy crap..... when did that happen? And how do I stop it?
Hi!!! I didn't think anyone got on anymore! How is you ONE year old?!!! Holy crap..... when did that happen? And how do I stop it?

I am on maybe once a week or in this case, when William falls asleep on my lap and I'm trapped haha!

My one year old is doing fantastic! He's been walking for about 2 months, getting very close to running, it's crazy! He can say a handful of words and knows a bunch of commands. Has 4 teeth with 2 more that broke thru yesterday. He's a spunky little devil, into everything and flirts with all the ladies.

How are you doing? I see your surro embies have worked, super exciting! How's Cody?
I check in all the time i wasn't aware of a falling out. Congratulations on the bfp, i hope it goes well, i think i would worry more if i was carrying for someone else.
Great to see william is doing so well.
Alana finally stated cutting a tooth, it has just broken the gum at nearly 11 months, she will walk but reverts to crawling still, she seems to be walking more so i don't think it will be long before she stops crawling, but i guess it is still faster to get places. She is into everything, tearing my house apart, nothing is safe as she now climbs on everything and moves things so she can climb to reach what she wants. She is a total pleasure but nightmare rolled into one, she is great fun though and a total chatter box, she copies words all the time so we have to watch what we say.
So great to hear that Alana and Will are doing well!

Katie-- How is Ella?

Cody is GREAT. He's really close to walking by himself, and he loved to walk with you holding his hands. If my back didnt ache after a few minutes he'd have me walking around the stores like that!!

His 1 year appointment isn't until after his birthday, so I have no idea how tall he is. He wears size 4 shoes and 2T/24 months clothes. It's so crazy!!! Last time I weighed him, he came in at around 30 lbs. He was wiggling so i was going from 28-32lbs haha

I am so excited! We just BARELY got our surro bfp. We transferred two embryos, sooooooo who knows how many are in there :O
Wow, congrats Phantom!! :happydance:

Cant believe all the babies are turning 1!
Freya's birthday is 3 weeks away. We are taking her and 6 of her friends to a soft play area for the afternoon of her birthday.
Freya is very close to walking - but hasnt done it yet. She has 8 teeth. She weighs 22lbs and wears 6-9m or 9-12m clothes.
She doesnt talk at all!

Great to hear how all the babies are getting on :cloud9:

Ella is doing great! One more week of helmet wearing then she is done! She is a huge talker, and chatters non stop all day, but not walking yet. She is about 19lbs right now and 27.5ish inches long.

Not looking forward to going back to work soon. :(
I cant belilyeve that it has been a year for some and nearly a year for others. What a crazy ride, i have to say that I feel blessed. Oh and as for weight Alana is still only 13lb 6oz and in 3-6 months clothes she is a tiny poppet, but getting longer. I think she just burns off all her food as she eats like a horse.
So happy to see everyone is doing well.
I bet Ella is going to miss her helmet when it comes off, but great that it has worked for her.
Happy 1st year to us all.
Hey ladies! Good to catch up on everyone! Congrats on the BFP Phantom! Hope everything goes smoothly!

Lauren is crawling, climbing and cruising...getting into everything! No walking yet. She can get places way faster crawling so her motivation to walk it pretty low :) She has 6 teeth now. She is still pretty small (I'd guess a little over 15 pounds) and is fitting into her 6-9 clothes now.

Lauren doesn't do very well with solids still. Dinnertime is usually a struggle to get enough food in her. I want to wean close to a year, so I feel like we need to do better on the solids. She is just so picky! Anyone else gone through this?

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