Sept, Oct & Nov 2011 Mummies and Babies

Well the medication took a few days to work but Alana is back to her normal self, apart from the fact the ranitidine makes her have night insomnia, It has been a over a week of hourly wake up, now two days of two hourly...ahhhhhhhh.

however on happier toe, if you ask her what a dog says she will say woof woof and if you ask what a cow says she says moo. She has a great vocabulary. Mama, bath (ba), bella ( mums dog) hiya, hello, bye bye, yes, no, dada (she can repeat but doesn't associate it correctly) and milk , she is doing really well. She gets so excited to see my mums dogs and she just crawls after bella, shouting her name. If you ask her to say Alice she looks at her and then just says Bella, she does say Ben though for the other dog.

she is very cute at the moment now she is backs to normal.
Wow, how clever is Alana with her large range of vocabulary! :thumbup:

I know, I think it is just because is talk at her non stop. I have been doing flash cards with her since about 6 weeks. I think the constant stream of words coming out of my mouth has had an effect. I wanted to get the learn to read kit where you can teach them to read early but it is about word recognition and not phonic sounds so I decided against it.

I miss her being a baby though, non moving, compliant, sleepy and snugly. How is everyone feeling about their little ones growing up?
I miss my tiny snuggly baby. Dont want her to grow up too fast.
But at the same time, I adore my clever independent little lady :cloud9:

well, i'm a little late to the party, but mind if i join you ladies, or is this group closed? didn't see this group before...

my LO was born in November. )
I think there is always room for more Fides :hi:

Wow, flash cards, eh? I bought a book for that but never really had the motivation. I do talk non stop to Will tho lol. He chibbers right back too! He can say "momama" "dadda" "up" "hey you" and "good". Random :haha: He's starting to parrot back words to us tho, in his own jibbery way. Like I'll say, I love you and he'll respond "uhhh u" iykwim? It's so cute.

William has also starting trying to walk now. He's can take 2-3 steps before falling down.

They grow so fast! But it is fun to watch them learn and become their own little person, ya know?
Welcome Fides!

Seems like my girls only like to say mum mum when they are mad at me. Do you find your child learns something new, does it for a bit and then stops for a little before wanting to do it again. Ashley did it with clapping and both with saying mum mum, same when they learned to roll initially.. it's so frustrating when you know they know how to do whatever and they refuse to perform like a street monkey! lol

On a side note: DD1 started playing soccer (football) this week and is loving it! I'm officially a soccer mom. :) I just need to oversized SUV now.
Go William, clever boy.
I have out my daughter in a horrible ra ra dress today as my parents bought it her. Oh my I think it is horrible but they kept asking me why they hadn't seen her in it. Who knows she may stain it today while eating or playing..*insert evil grin* I fee, mean but honestly I do not like it.

yeah for being a soccer mom. My hubby hates football (soccer) I so hope Alana loves it when she is older and he has to watch her play.

Have a fun weekend peeps.
Hi Fides :hi:

I remember you from the Fall PAL thread last year. Welcome, and congrats on the new pregnancy! How exciting! How's LO doing?

Congrats Fides I didn't even notice your signature. Like Shelleney I also remember you from FALL PAL thread, that seems so long ago.
hippy - many a time I got an outfit I was happy to get stained, I feel for you!

Other weird thing about outfits, not sure if anyone else had/has this issue: I got so many outfits from other people that I sometimes hadn't even bought any clothing for DD1 depending on the size stage. So I would make sure to put on clothing that someone else bought when I would visit friends/family so I could look like I had other 'sources' of clothing so they wouldn't feel the need to buy me so much clothing because honestly it was a little embarrassing. Well when MIL got in a fight with DH when DD1 was almost 1yo (the feud lasted 2.5 years) one of the things she said was that I obviously didn't appreciate the clothing because my daughter never wore any of it. Feud over, and now with twins and debt I am happy to get free clothing and gear so I have to be extrememly diligent to ensure that the twins wear the clothing from the person who gave it when we visit. Bah! It's a lot of work remembering who gave what all the time.

On the bright side though, when I was on vacation I found a clearance sale of baby clothing and the deal was 10 pieces for $5, needless to say I found 12 dresses for next summer and 8 t-shirts. Best sale ever! I only wish we got there sooner, some lady had grabbed a lot of clothing for size 2T and above. I've been scoring on some other really good clearance sales recently, jackets for $5, trousers for $1.50, stuff like that. I looooooove sales!

I'm babbling I know but it isn't often that DH is still sleeping at 11am along with one of the twins, meanwhile DD1 is away at her grandmas for the night. Just me and 1 baby.. what a nice quiet relief. :)

Now off to enjoy Ashley who doesn't get my full attention very often.
Most people bought us clothes for when she's older and most of it still doesn't fit her. Matts aunty and cousins bought her some stuff that I do not like at all, we don't see them often so she just doesn't wear it. My friend did buy her two lovely outfits which I love to bits, but it seems people have terrible taste half the time. To be fair I get most of my clothes from car boot sales (like garage sales but loads of people all together in a field or car park). I tend to pay around 20p for vests and sleep suits. Most dresses and things cost me no more than £1 and we have some really expensive stuff. I love bargain hunting.
I like second hand shopping for kids clothing after the 1 year mark. Seems to have less 'surprise' stains on them that I didn't notice. That being said with both pregnancies I've done amazing with free clothing. My mom will randomly buy clothing every few weeks and hand over a few dresses or sleepers and my MIL goes cross border shopping and then hands me a bag of like 30 items at a time. I honestly have too much clothing at times and it's embarrassing because I know many items will get worn once.

My girls have found a new clubhouse for themselves. They like going under their exersaucers and dragging in a few toys with them and playing in there. Either that or their tunnel which causes many a giggle. I love it! They are finally starting to really play together and it's just so darn cute.. doesnt last long though, Ashley likes to smack Libby's face. lol
Freya was given sooo many outfits when she was born and for her first christmas. I felt guilty because she only got round to wearing most of the stuff a couple of times before she grew out of them. Luckily Freya has a little cousin, Winnie, who is 6 months younger than her. So when Freya outgrows stuff, we hand it down to Winnie so it gets abit more wear out of it.
I bought loads of Summer clothing at the end of may. Unfortuneately the weather over here has been atrocious (except for the last couple of days) so Freya hasnt got round to wearing any of her cute summer outfits. Hope the weather stays good now so she can wear her new stuff.

Welcome Fides :)

We have a ton of clothes for Lauren, but I like to buy mine. I feel bad, but I feel like some people have really bad taste in baby clothes! I do have a weird ability to remember who gave me what and always put her in outfits given by them when we visit. I love it when ugly clothes get soiled ;)

Lauren had her 9 month appointment last week. I was pretty excited for the no shot appointment :) Lauren was 5th percentile for weight. She's a little peanut!

Lauren is still not quite crawling. I am liking her being so interactive though and not mobile. I love this stage!

Little stars I definitely know what you are talking about with them doing things and then stopping for a while. She did that with rolling actually. Lauren also used to give kisses and has decided to stop...break my heart! I think she actually thinks it's funny!
I Need to go through and write down all the birthdates, we'll be starting to wish babies birthdays in just a little over a month. CRAZY.

I don't know Cody's stats as his next appointment isn't until a year, but he's about 26 lbs, wears size 2T and size 4 shoes. He's a big boy. I guess that shouldn't surprise me, he was big from the first scan I ever got hahaha.

He can pull himself up on us, but hasn't tried using anything else, he is SO close to crawling, but he gets frustrated and just ends up crying. anyone else NOT crawling, I feel like he's behind with that.

He says: Mama, Dada, De (Cody, when we point to him and say Cody he says "DE!"), and YA

Sounds He Makes: He has a fake cough, if we cough, so does he "heh heh heh", he clicks his tounge if we click at him, etc. He loved mimicking he mimics pretty much everything we try to do.

And BOY oh BOY, guess what he discovered?

Every diaper change his hand goes straight there and if you try to move it away he throws a fit. LMAO

AFM: I'll be starting my surro meds in a little over a week it looks like :O
A friend has a baby the same age as Caleb (9 months 1 week) who isn't crawling yet either. And another friends baby didn't crawl until he was 12.5 months old! Totally normal and common and doesn't mean he's behind or anything! They all do different things at different ages. :)

How exciting you're starting the surrogacy thing so soon!!
At nursery there are 5 babies all born within 5 days of each other. Alana is crawling, standing on her own and nearly walking, talking loads. Another is crawling and standing and making lots of noise but no words as yet, two sit on their own and roll one of this says the odd word, one can't even sit on her own yet, eats nothing but purée and doesn't talk at all. They are all nine months and the difference between them all is massive.

we had a child at nursery who didn't walk until 20 months and until 15 months didn't move at all.

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