September 2014 Rainbows- 17 Ladies so far

Jillie - that is super crazy how similar our backgrounds are! I honestly think my real due date is Sept 10th as well, but somehow my Dr thinks it's the 12th lol. If i put in my LMP on the due date calculator it gives me the 10th. Oh well! Very crazy though that we have the same background :hugs: I love your names choices! One of my top pics was Nolan as well, but not anymore since DH doesn't like it. If you're having a girl, i'd still use Adeline. Crazy because i LOVE Eloise (little Ellie!) and i've thought about Faye as a middle name at one point for a girl. Are we twins? :haha: Regardless, the name situation will work itself out!! Idk how the heck you can be team green. You're way stronger than i am!

Hilslo - I like your names as well! If you're wanting a popular name, go with Noah. It was the #1 used name in 2013 according to the social security administration. I have never been a fan of Sebastian. Remember though, this is your baby and your decision! :) My favorite would be Elijah, then Noah, then Benjamin, then Samuel, then Quentin and then Sebastian. Do you have a middle name already picked out? Wow 1 more week until Vday! That is just so amazing. Seems just like yesterday we all were dreading one of our first scans. Once June is here and halfway over (we'll be in 3rd tri) i'll be getting REAL excited because then it will be almost July and then just 2 more months until baby is here!!! I really can't wait.

I spend most of the day just sitting here thinking about the baby. I can't wait to see what he'll look like and to hold him. I am so happy to finally become a mom. Since we're all talking about names i am thinking DH and i will be going with Dylan. It's not set in stone yet, but it's the name we both have been calling him lol. There's a few i still really like, but DH is so negative towards them. Such as, Kingston, Xander, Zane, Rowan. I guess he's more of an original kind of guy lol. Ugh i am so grumpy because i have to go to the Drs tmrw to determine when i go back to work. I hope it's not Tuesday. Yuck! I really don't know how i'm going to make it the next few months. Right now the girls are cleaning 24 rooms a day because we're short on help. I told DH if i'm made to do that i will quit lol. I'd rather waitress or something until baby is born. SCREW THAT! I have been so negative lately. I feel like i don't have a bump. I feel like i'm just getting fatter. My belly isn't like everyone else's. It's just looking fat. If i suck in, i can suck in a lot of whats poking out and it aggravates me. Then i have days where i don't feel him move around much and it scares me and i panic. He likes to hang low that's for sure. He's changed position. For the last 4 days he's been kicking at my vagina. I can tell he's REAL DEEP inside because i can't feel outside kicks to that. Some days he's just really quiet and i dislike it :(

Anyways, Happy Mother's Day to you girls! Here in the U.S. we're celebrating today. Have a wonderful day!
15 weeks vs today 22 weeks.


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Middle name will be John?

Which do yOu think are the best one(s) with John as a middle name?
my advice is do not use Harry bcz Harry John is not good for him in school. Here that would mean hairy penis. I honestly love Oscar. It's different but not out there. Also love Oliver!
my advice is do not use Harry bcz Harry John is not good for him in school. Here that would mean hairy penis. I honestly love Oscar. It's different but not out there. Also love Oliver!

What's wrong with hairy penis???

Hahaha just kidding - wonderful point!

Sooo funny your choices. Oscar John is my favourite in the world. Oliver John is my husband's choice. And you chose them both :)

Now to decide which one.... :/
Babydust that's a lovely bump - no talk of it being fat please!!

Oliver and Oscar John are both really cute. I nearly spat my drink out about the hairy penis part! Good job you checked! I'm not a huge fan of Winston but the others are all really good.

Baby dust - I'm glad you're thinking of Dylan my fave of all your names (though I like Rowan and Xander too!). Sounds like your pretty much decided woo hoo!

Yikes - I don't blame you for not wanting to go back. You have to look after yourself and all that bending down and chemicals might not be so good. Hopefully your doc can sign you off for as long as possible. How are the scars doing - are they healing well?

My work isn't very physical but I'm starting to struggle with the hours. I often work over 12 hours a day at a stupidly mad pace and am counting down the days!! I've got 3 weeks of holiday and then I'll be off 3 weeks before my due date which leaves me with 55 working days left. I bet they drag....
Morning ladies! Do any of you ladies still roll over onto your back in your sleep? Keep waking up with numb arms. Don't think it's very good for bean but I don't know how to stop it since I fall asleep on my side but wake up on my back!
Hilslo - yes i wake up on my back sometimes too. It's honestly most comfortable for me. I've been trying to subconsciously trying to lay on my sides BUT by doing that, my hips are so sore in the mornings. I've just said 'screw it' and sleep however. If i lay on my back i try to lay halfway on my side and halfway on my back. It's so hard to stay on your sides when you're half a sleep!

I had my Dr appt yesterday. Dr went over my 20w ultrasound and said baby looks great. Growth is right on track. Nothing abnormal came up. His heartbeat is super strong! Only negative is baby is breech, but said there's still tons of time for him to flip around. Then he went on to point out i gained 12 lbs in 5 weeks and said i need to start watching what i eat. Uh hello! I've been on bed rest! What do you expect?! He said he's afraid if i kept eating that way the baby would get much bigger than he needs to be and would cause me having a c-section. So... i'm going to start eating better and do what i've got to do for baby and i. I got June 9th for my glucose test. I pray i don't come up positive for diabetes. I was reading up on how that would affect the baby and i sure don't want that. So i've got a little less than a month to turn things around. The pregnancy dreams i've been having are so crazy! Had a dream last night i gave birth in July and didn't remember anything. I woke up the next day and there i had a baby that was already crawling LOL.
Babydust what a crazy dream!!

I'm so glad I found out the gender. Before then, I'd dream I was having a girl then the next night twins then one night I even had a cat! Since I had the gender scan I've had no such dreams!

I'm not surprised you've gained weight while on bed rest. I really hope none of us have gestational diabetes :(

I asked my obstetrician about lying on your back. He said it's fine until like 33 weeks when it becomes too uncomfortable anyway. He said the human species would have been wiped out if it were bad to sleep on your back in 2nd trimester cos you change position without noticing anyway!

He also happens to be the same obstetrician who delivered Kate and William's baby (good old NHS!), so I trust him :)
That is so neat he delivered their baby! My goodness George is sooo adorable!! Kate is so beautiful. So jeal of her lol. I had a dream 2 weeks ago i gave birth to 8 pieces of raw chicken breast :haha: the dreams are crazy!!

I hope none of us have gestational diabetes too! Here i am writing this while eating a big bowl of stuffing... LOL
If his advice is good enough for Kate and Will it's good enough for me! Glad I'm not damaging bean. Thank you for posting I feel a lot less worried about it now!

LOVE the chicken fillet dream!! So funny!!
how are you girls feeling? I've had lack of movement today. Hate days like this
how are you girls feeling? I've had lack of movement today. Hate days like this

Do try not to worry. It just means he's probably back a bit. I had barely any movts for 2 days and then yesterday he was going bezerk and I couldn't sleep cos of it. Today it's less. remember there is still lots of room for them to move around in. Some people only start feeling flutters around 23 weeks for their first, so don't forget we were early to feel movements.

If you're still feeling worried, doppler it up for reassurance!

As for me, 10 full days left of work (i.e. two weeks 'til I finish)!! And 13 days until V-Day :)
I definitely got my Doppler out I am so thankful that I still have it. I was actually going to put it away for good then the next day little man was moving less. I started feeling movements last night when I was laying in bed but I had to press down on my stomach for him to respond. I have felt a little today but not much. Starting today I'm trying to eat better. Its so hard when you're used to just picking whatever you want up and eating it LOL.

I forget .... are you going on vacation?
Baby dust - thank god for dopplers! Bean was being very quiet for me yesterday too. Today he's dancing away again.
Londongirl - 2 weeks - that's gone really quickly! How long after that are you moving?
I'm off on holiday for a couple of weeks so not sure how often I'll be able to check in. Hard to believe I'll be 26 weeks when I get back. Time has definitely sped up from 1st tri!

Going to do lots of pelvic floor exercises on the plane. How often do you do them. I only seem to remember late in the day. Think I need to rev them up a bit. I don't want to end up leaking!
Hope you're having fun on your holiday hilslo! Babydust hope you're still taking it easy... How's the food going? Ive been terrible - choc, crisps, sweets!!
Im down to single digits - 9 days til v day :) hurrah. Had my 22 week check up and all was perfect :) starting to believe this is really it x
Hilslo - Hope you're having a great time on your vacation! Enjoy yourself! Happy belated V day to you!! :hugs:

Londongirl - Those darn sweets are so good. I've actually done good since Friday. I've lost 4.4 lbs since then. Trying to get rid of that 12 lbs i gained. So hard when you're hungry all the time lol. I've noticed my belly isn't nearly as big as i thought. A lot was bloat. I went to go maternity clothes shopping and realized i just look fat and no bump :nope: so devastating lol. Oh well as long as baby is fine! As far as my work goes... remember me telling you how i don't wanna go back and i'll have to go back May 28th? Well, i have a 25lb weight restriction from my Dr and i got a phone call from my work that told me i can not come back with any restrictions. I'm not going to lie... i am very happy because i do not want to be doing housekeeping up until i pop. So by not being able to come back until i have him will put me out of a job because my short term disability will run out before then. So, i went into work today to interview for a different position, but still have the same bosses. It was for front desk. I got the job, but it's a matter of if it's full time or part time. If it's part time i lose insurance which isn't worth coming back to. I'd rather collect unemployment. So i'll know by the end of the week what is going on with work. Sorry for the long rambling lol..... For about 4-5 days now i've felt little man move SOOOO much. Today, hardly anything. I had to use my doppler to make sure he was okay. He is! It really is starting to seem real. Just 2 days after tmrw for Vday. I'm real excited. I'm starting to like the name Landon. Do you know any where you live?
Landon is really lovely. Never met one in my life!! So it's rare but doesn't sound odd, if that makes sense? Love it! Middle name?

Wow - front of desk would be way better than cleaning. Would you be happy with fulltime? You've had quite a run of it all recently, haven't you. But - throughout all your ups and down - little Landon is just chilling out having a fabulous time, enjoying the ride :)

Can't believe hilslo has reached v day!! Woahhhh! Amazing!!! Oscar has been moving quite a lot but, like you babydust, some days i barely feel it. I think it may be cos I'm distracted with work. I finish next Friday, so 7 full days left. I have heaps to wrap up (I've worked there for 3.5 years). Then we goto Italy, then mum and dad come, then we move to Vancouver! Yikes - soooo much change in a month. I'll be in third trimester by the time I get there...

Babydust - congrats on your weight loss!!!!

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