September 2014 Rainbows- 17 Ladies so far

I'm the oldie on this thread, lol, I'm 37!!

I freaked out a little last night, just sat there and thought oh shit, this could really be the one and we are going to have a baby. I just realized its flown by to 19w and the next 19w will fly too

I daren't buy anything, i need to knuckle down and work to pay for everything, I've got clients wanting tax returns doing like yesterday, feeling the pressure :(

Had my scan and every thing looks great! Sonographer zoomed in on his heart and all four chambers were beating! Found out I have an anterior placenta. It's sitting on top. He kept hiding his face under my placenta so no good pictures. He weighs 1lb!! He kept putting his hands over his eyes and crossing his legs! Was soo cute.


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Hi Hope
Yep I totally relate. you get so used to losses that you almost forget that this may just be it!! I have my 20 week scan tomorrow and am terrified. Haven't had a scan since 12 weeks (when all was perfect). And I know it's alive as it's been kicking everyday and heartbeat going wrong.
But I cannot get my head around it actually being all ok - soooo worried they're gonna say there's a huge problem.

Babydust how was your scan? Been thinking of You all day...
I updated right before you did! lol

Your appt is going to be fine! You're going to have a healthy baby. I can't wait to see your pictures and hear all the good news tmrw. :hugs:
had my scan and every thing looks great! Sonographer zoomed in on his heart and all four chambers were beating! Found out i have an anterior placenta. It's sitting on top. He kept hiding his face under my placenta so no good pictures. He weighs 1lb!! He kept putting his hands over his eyes and crossing his legs! Was soo cute.

this is wonderful and makes me sooo happy :d
Had nightmares all night long about the scan today :(
Didn't feel any kicks and woke up and my stomach was almost flat again..
Thank heavens for that Doppler. There was the heartbeat, strong as ever :) think baby went towards my back.

Can't bloody wait for the scan to be over.

If one more person asks if id prefer a girl or a boy, I'll shoot them!!
Everything is going to be okay! I know what you mean about flat tummy or no kicks. It's so hard to stay positive when you rely on them things. Thank goodness for our dopplers. Your appt is going to go great though hun. Baby is going to be perfect. How many more hours until the appt? I'll be on looking for your update!
YAY!!!!!!!!! :happydance: i knew everything would be great! WOOHOO. We're all having boys! I swear it seems like everyone due in Sept are having boys lol
Wooooo hoooooo! So thrilled both your scans went well!!!! Welcome to Team blue Londongirl!

Hope - when is yours booked in for?

I can't believe we're at this stage already. It seems like forever ago that I got my bfp but I think time has started to go quite a bit faster now - roll on V-day!!!
Hi ladies

So now that we've got through our 20-week scans, I reckon we do a countdown until V day. V day is considered 24 weeks, hey? So I have only 16 days until viability! And it'll be pretty amazing to know that every day AFTER V day, I just know he is getting stronger and stronger :)

I spent the first 20 weeks dreading each day in case something went wrong. it'll be fabulous looking FORWARD to every day, knowing he's just building strength rather than still in the vital development stage :)

How long for everyone else?
Hi ladies

So now that we've got through our 20-week scans, I reckon we do a countdown until V day. V day is considered 24 weeks, hey? So I have only 16 days until viability! And it'll be pretty amazing to know that every day AFTER V day, I just know he is getting stronger and stronger :)

I spent the first 20 weeks dreading each day in case something went wrong. it'll be fabulous looking FORWARD to every day, knowing he's just building strength rather than still in the vital development stage :)

How long for everyone else?

WHOOPS - complete pregnancy brain - I meant to say 23 days not 16 days! 3 weeks plus 2 days :)
I was just talking about this yesterday with my hubby! I told him it feels SO weird to not worry anymore. I told him i don't nearly have as much worry as i did before the 20w scan. At this point baby has everything he needs, he's just going to grow. I am so happy for all of us to be able to share this with one another. After all we've been through and everything. I'd say we could all meet up one day, but we all live in different parts of the world lol.

I've got 17 days till V day. Woohoo! I am feeling baby move all around now. So hard to believe just 2 weeks ago i felt nothing and now it's like a jumping jelly bean! He's real quiet in the morning, but gets a little crazy in the evening. When i went to my 20w scan she told me i had an anterior placenta and it was sitting on top. So a lot like Hilslo. I just really love the moments i do feel him. He's really low. Anyone else feeling the kicks in the vagina or butt? lol. I all the time feel them right above my pubic bone. That must be his favorite spot to chill.

After V day i think my next goal will be to get to 3rd tri. Which will be the day after my birthday, June 13. Have any of you started to register or plan for your baby shower? I've started registering and my baby shower is planned for July 12. That way it gives me enough time to buy the things i don't get.
12 days!!! Eek - I still can't believe we're all here. I feel exactly the same. I've finally started to say things like, "when I go on mat leave" rather than "if I go on mat leave". Feels good that we can finally starting enjoying it!

We've booked the trip to California that we had planned for this time last year but got stopped due to the ectopic. Picking holiday by medical healthcare availability!!

Are you ladies planning a baby moon before you pop?

Babydust - I've not planned a shower as I'm not sure I'll have one. They're not that common in the uk (but getting more so). My bean is carrying really low too and always on the right hand side. I often feel him shuffle around and then the bottom right hand side bulges out!

I now feel massive - are you two still small. I'm going to look like a beached whale by the end (according to my mum - thanks mum!). I'm normally a size 10 and I'm now all bump! A bit scared I'm going to get told off by the doctor for putting on too much weight. I'm happy that it's mainly due to bean growing but worried about stretch marks and losing it once baby is here!!
Sooo wonderful all of us are feeling more confident now ☺ Babydust – awesome you’re feeling his movements everyday. I also feel them more in the evening. It feels so weird because I still don’t have much of a bump yet I have these big bangs happening in my stomach all the time! I feel mine move between the pubic bone and my belly button. Aiming for 3rd tri is a really good one. To be honest, after viability day, every day will be my goal ☺ I’m really starting to enjoy it now and hilslo I totally agree, I’m now saying WHEN rather than IF.

This is a mad question to ask – but I’m just curious. Have you guys thought about how many kids you’d like if you could? Until now, it’d always been IF we can even have children. Now hubby and I are starting to let ourselves think how many – we would LOVE 3. And we kind of just want to pop them out pretty close together. I know SO many people who took AGES to get pregnant first time and then got pregnant again literally just months after having their first baby.

My friend is throwing me a low-key baby shower for me (but early – like in week 26) before I fly to Vancouver. I’ve said I don’t want presents, but just want the special people around me. Mostly because we will have to lug everything to Canada so it’ll be easier for us to just get stuff there.

What do you think you’ll do for your baby shower, Babydust?

As for baby shower... my husbands cousin and sister in law are throwing it for me. My family is in New York so i may have 2 baby showers. I had a meltdown earlier because i feel like i want to plan it myself that nothing is going to turn out right. I am a total control freak when it comes to that stuff. Ugh!

I personally would love to have another baby when this baby turns 1. I'd like to try for a girl, but if the 2nd baby turns out to be another boy i want to try ONE MORE time. If i end up having 3 boys, so be it. I'll love them all the same :) <3

Londongirl - i think you should do what you two feel is right as far as TTC soon. They say you're super fertile after having a baby. Not sure how soon you were talking. I think a low key baby shower would be great since you'll be moving soon. Any thoughts on boy names yet?! As for your belly... you may have not popped yet because baby is positioned more towards your back. Give it time. I bet by 28 weeks you'll look so much different!

Hilslo - i have never heard of a baby moon before. Is that like a last little trip before baby comes? As for a baby shower... i am super surprised y'all don't have them much in the UK. I feel like it helps out tons. There's no way i could afford all this by myself lol. Before i got pregnant i was a size 16/18 and now i'm a 20/22. Always wearing leggings and dresses so that way i don't have to buy new pants lol. I feel like i just look fat though. Some girls have the nice popped out rounded bellies. Mine just looks like i ate too much. :( Stretch marks suck, but some do fade.
Babydust, I could not have put this in any other terms

&#8220;I personally would love to have another baby when this baby turns 1. I'd like to try for a girl, but if the 2nd baby turns out to be another boy i want to try ONE MORE time. If i end up having 3 boys, so be it. I'll love them all the same&#8221;

We are happy with either, but a girl and boy would be fun, so we were going to try again, and if it were another boy, then have one final try, and if that&#8217;s another boy, then 3 boys it is :) (but stop there &#8211; imagine FOUR boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

We are thinking of being open to getting pregnant again from as early as 5 months after this one is born. It&#8217;s a mix of reasons: one reason is it took us SOOO long to get here, we don&#8217;t want to put it off; secondly, I&#8217;m 33 so don&#8217;t want to wait too long; thirdly, I kind of want to pop them out rather than stagger them in terms of my career; and fourthly, my sister did it this way with her first and second and it worked really well for her.

Names, names, names. Oh dear! My hubby and I can&#8217;t agree on ANYTHING. I have my heart set on Oscar John. Oscar is a family name on my side, and John is on his side. Hubby doesn&#8217;t like Oscar, but loves John. He is pushing all these other names, some of them are ok, but I feel like this little guy IS Oscar John and I feel like any other name would be like an imposter &#61516; I don&#8217;t want to be pushy and keep pushing my name, but I can&#8217;t imagine anything else. I wish he&#8217;d give me this and then he can have dibs on the next one!

Have you girls come up with names? Do you agree with your other halves? Any names you&#8217;d care to share with us? A name is SUCH a big part of your identity &#8211; well I think it is.
4 boys would be crazy!! Imagine them all beating each other up LOL. I think if you guys want to try that soon then you should! Also, you may be able to persuade hubby on the name Oscar. I like that name and it seems to be trending. Just start calling baby Oscar out loud and maybe he will get use to it LOL :haha: A name really is a huge part of anyone's life. My name is Rachael. My dad named me. If my mom named me she was going to go with Victoria. I can NOT see me being a Vicki. I feel like the made up names are horrible. I mean once in a while you come across a good sounding one, but some people take the spelling to extremes. It becomes a thing of having to pause and stop to try to sound it out lol. That is not good in my opinion. Our top names for our son is Bradley, Owen, Dylan, Austin, and Brody. Some names we have went through that we decided NOT to like is Anthony, Vincent, Bronson, Gavin, Gabriel. I REALLY love Gavin and Gabriel, but Gavin is my friends son's name and Gabriel is too close to my nieces name (Gabrielle). I am STILL not crazy about the names we've picked out. I wish i could stumble across a name i absolutely love. It's so hard. I've spent hours online looking. I love Kingston, but husband doesn't.
I haven't checked in in a while, but all is well! I've had 5 ultrasounds, and baby is growing right on track :)
We are Team Green and decided not to find out the sex. Based on Old Wives Tales and the Chinese Gender Chart it could go either way, but I have a strong suspicion it's a boy.
We have a few boy names that we like, and 1 girl name we love.
For a boy, in order of how much we like them Christopher, Harrison, Cameron and Nolan. For a girl, she will almost definitely be Adeline. I also like Eloise and Faye.
My brother's wife is also pregnant and due October 19, so that's really exciting. It's also their first, and they are also Team Green. Only caveat is her top girl name is Adelyn! lol, figures.
Babydust, if you look at our m/c history and dates, and our due date, we are really really similar!!!!
Like the rest of you ladies, I still cannot wrap my head around this actually happening for me, finally! But with all the kicks I've been feeling, it's realer than ever!
Ladies - some great ideas for names. We're really struggling to find ones we agree on. Baby dust I keep hoping we'll stumble across one we both love too. I think it would be good having twin boys then you could both name one which would solve the problem!
I'll list the ones were thinking of ( and I won't say which ones are mine and which ones are dh's!)
Samuel (Sam)

Can you ladies let me know your thoughts (be honest - I promise not to be offended!) I'd welcome any opinions. I don't want to discuss them with people I know but it feels right to discuss them with you guys!

Jilliebean - have you spoken to your brother and sister-in-law about both liking the same name? In my view you get first dibs as you are due first but might be a bit awkward if they're really keen on it!

One week til v day!!!!! I also found out this, "A baby's chances for survival increases 3-4% per day between 23 and 24 weeks of gestation and about 2-3% per day between 24 and 26 weeks of gestation. After 26 weeks the rate of survival increases at a much slower rate because survival is high already."

Keep going bean!!! Everyday you stay in is increasing your chances!

Btw - has anyone else found that baby always seems to be on one side? I always feel kicks in the same place (bottom right hand side) and if I lie on my back this is definitely where he's always hanging out as there's a baby size lump which is really obvious (it seems to be evenly round when I stand up though). Starting to worry that there's some kind of scaring in my uterus from previous d&c and MVA that is preventing him from getting to the other side. Hope that's not the case or he will soon run out of space :-(

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