September 2021 due date babies!!!

Almost 1am and I’ve yet to sleep due to the stress!
Oh no @MadamRose presumably they have good reason, but that's awful!

I've been awake since 3.30am stressing about life, for no real reason other than I'm pregnant, so I can! Other half woke up, and I just ended up blaming him for everything and making him feel guilty I think I needed it, but I'm going to be so so overtired today now! Bleurgh I have to say I'm so done with pregnancy hormones now! :holly:
Oh no @MadamRose presumably they have good reason, but that's awful!

I've been awake since 3.30am stressing about life, for no real reason other than I'm pregnant, so I can! Other half woke up, and I just ended up blaming him for everything and making him feel guilty I think I needed it, but I'm going to be so so overtired today now! Bleurgh I have to say I'm so done with pregnancy hormones now! :holly:
Well if you look at all the guidance maybe not as it’s a legal right to be able to birth at home! Our local maternity action are looking into it to ensure they’ve done all the things they should e.g using local independent midwives etc, I had previously been told it was being done on a shift to shift basis which makes more sense
@MadamRose I'm so sorry you have this new stress, maybe ring up and hear it for yourself? Sometimes they may b able to ease your worries a little?

@Zoboe95 I haven't slept well either I'm behindyou guys and feeling so done already x
My friend's just been told her home birth is unlikely, as apparently between the virus outbreaks and the baby boom, there's literally just not enough midwife cover for them to safely take care of both hospital and home patients - obviously home is 1-2-1 while hospital they can help more than one person at a time, so it's better they are able to support more women safely by being at hospital. Because the low risk women at home are taking midwives away from hospitals where higher risk women are more likely to need them, and there's just not enough to go round right now. Probably similar story everywhere? She's very disappointed obviously - had her pool ready and everything, is almost 40 weeks - but knows having baby is ultimately the most important thing, not the hows and wheres.
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@MadamRose I'm so sorry you have this new stress, maybe ring up and hear it for yourself? Sometimes they may b able to ease your worries a little?

@Zoboe95 I haven't slept well either I'm behindyou guys and feeling so done already x
I’m waiting to discuss it with my midwife later. But I’m gonna be asking to speak to head of midwifery etc because I do not feel comfortable birthing in a hospital. I want to ensure they have done everything in the guidance - as all guidance says covid isn’t a reason to suspend home births and they are actually safer for low risk mothers and babies in terms of catching covid etc atm
Ah bless ya Zo, it's good to have a rant sometimes - even if it's middle of the night and perhaps unreasonable :rofl: stressful time growing a little human. Hopefully a good night's rest tonight and you'll feel better!
Two weeks today for baby's arrival - officially putting ourselves into isolation from now (well except other half's going to work but he's in a medical lab, so it really doesn't get more infection-safe than that!). Would be completely gutted if I caught it somewhere between now and the op, as I'd have to go in on my own and he'd miss out on the birth. So it's online shops and no venturing out for me and the wee lad, we are already bored two hours in, but at least it's not for long now.

Trouble is my mother who seems to think that because *she's* vaccinated then she's no risk to me or anyone else. So she's coming and going as she likes, and then getting really huffy when I tell her to back off from me and the kid and keep her distance. Tough shit though innit.

Cannot wait to have our own place, just praying this mortgage is approved this week!!!! If so we might, just maybe, be in by Xmas, eeeek!
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@MadamRose I’m in Scotland. Home births are still happening here. But the two birth units in the other county’s were closed and you could only birth in our main hospital. They did suspend home births during lockdown as well because of the shortages of midwives and trying to consolidate midwives to the main hospital.

however I believe it’s changed now I know home births are back not 100% sure about the birth units though. Defo worth raising you have the girls to think about.

@LoneWanderer im gonna get oh to lateral flow test on Friday as we are both double vaccinated so providing he is negative in LFT or if his pcr is negative he can be there
Other half gets access through his NHS work to something called the LAMP test which is a really fast result spit test? So he'll be doing that. I'm very envious, I hate hate hate the swabs!! Wish they'd roll the others out everywhere but I think they are way more expensive to make.
@MadamRose I’m in Scotland. Home births are still happening here. But the two birth units in the other county’s were closed and you could only birth in our main hospital. They did suspend home births during lockdown as well because of the shortages of midwives and trying to consolidate midwives to the main hospital.

however I believe it’s changed now I know home births are back not 100% sure about the birth units though. Defo worth raising you have the girls to think about.

@LoneWanderer im gonna get oh to lateral flow test on Friday as we are both double vaccinated so providing he is negative in LFT or if his pcr is negative he can be there
Honestly in the 1% chance I consent to go to the hospital the girls will be coming with me!
Have you got childcare in place just in case of complications? Like, can their dad have them at short notice? Coz I suppose not having a midwife available is just another possible complication at this point. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best seems a sensible strategy here - likely outcome even if no official home birth is labour at home long as you can and call the medics towards the end, they can't force you to go in obvs! But *if* there was a serious problem during home birth, you'd surely need childcare anyway as you'd be ambulanced in..?

We've planned for my ma to have the lad while we go in for the planned section, but she's not here next week so if anything happens then, he will get dropped with my dad if it's daytime, or we'll call other half's nephew (lives a few streets away) to sit and babysit if its nighttime - saves getting the poor kid up in middle of night. And if either of them unavailable (dreaded covid app pings for eg) we've got my little sister AND sister in law on standby too.

Because, you know, the best laid plans and all that... you never know what these tiny terrors are actually going to do when the time comes so best have all angles covered! :)
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I’ve got childcare in case of emergencies with the birth. Them not having midwives isn’t my fault and goes against my right of a home birth, it’s actually a legal right to choose your birth! If I go into the hospital for a none emergency reason, I’m including lack of midwives as none emergency the children will be coming to the hospital!
You're right, it's not your fault. And how you give birth *is* your right.

But if they don't have anyone available, that's literally just how it is. Rights don't come into it when we're not in normal times, everyone's just doing their best with a bloody horrible situation. Can't magic up staff if they don't have them or they are already occupied elsewhere. The pandemic fucking sucks - take it from someone who lost a loved one to it and is still broken with that loss. And the NHS staff are pushed to the brink with it now, not only are they going off sick with the virus itself, but also the stress of what they've been through and the excessive workload and all the rest of it. Then throw in the ridiculous amount of lockdown babies - we've all been busy bees while stuck at home - and they are stretched so thin its unreal.

So if the midwives are all needed at hospital - where they can support three or four women at once, including those who have higher needs and risks - over homes where they can only do one birth at a time, then it's entirely understandable. They need to be where they are most needed and can do the most good, and that's hospital right now.

Absolutely sucks for you if you don't get your planned birth, but still perfectly understandable.

Really do think someone should have made you aware this could happen though, given you the chance to find a private doula or midwife instead - maybe that's still an option, make some calls and see if you can get one? Last minute shutdowns and changing plans are the absolute worst and this should have been made clear as a possibility from day one. Agree they've completely let you down there and this is stress you absolutely do not need when you should be calmly readying for baby.

My friend had her little one at home recently, no midwives available but she just called the ambulance when baby was nearly there. That's always an option for you even if they can't do the full home birth. And apart from a few hours in hosp after for stitches, all went great. :)
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I'm so sorry you sadly lost someone to this horrible virus that's so difficult bless you.

So sorry u don't need all this stress. Hope ure midwife can give u some answers.

Hoping @wantingagirl is ok and baby is here. Managed to sleep sleep last night and only got up to pee about 4 times. I was absolutely exhausted tho from all the not sleeping but so greatful to get a good night last night.

Hope everyone else is OK
Had a really weird dream that some girl was pregnant and gave birth to a baby horse/foal.
Freeking weird hahaha:saywhat:
I had so many baby themed dreams with #1 but nothing this time. Not sure I sleep long enough to have dreams :rofl:

First night in ages I wasn't woken up by the damn seagulls screaming and scrabbling about on the roof last night... which would have been lovely... except the stupid bloody idiot dog decided about 5am that he didn't want his blankets in his bed, and started kicking them all over the room and making a right noise about it(!)
I’ve heard from wantingagirl she okay I’m sure she will update when she’s ready to I wouldn’t wish too it’s her news.

I have the fear now il need a section as baby is Dave up how do I turn baby so it’s okay?

Childcare wise my sisters is coming Sunday morning she’ll take my LO for the morning until we know what induction plans will be then if I’m coming home she’ll bring him home a few hours then my mum will come and get him or we will drop him off if I’m up for it and if I’m being kept in then my sister will arrange with my mym to have him until baby is here so we counted until Tuesday after nursery

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