September 2021 due date babies!!!

@MadamRose omg I am so sorry this is happening right now. We still have home Births here, but my kids aren’t allowed at the hospital. Just my husband. Maybe a midwife that isn’t on the schedule at the hospital could come to you when you go into labor? I’m not sure if they do overtime or what not there but that may be worth paying them privately for.

@LoneWanderer isolation sucks. Lots of screen time lol. It’s hard to be trapped in when so drained and tired but the little one wants to play and what not.

Our covid cases are insane here right now and even in kids the numbers are so high. Yet school starts back tomorrow and I am excited for the kids to go but so nervous they’ll catch it at school and bring it home. Even in my dreams I have been having covid anxiety.
Our COVID levels have remained pretty steady but we’ve just kept with the 2mmsocial distancing even though it’s changed to 1m etc
Oh hon I can't believe this has happened right at the last sodding minute as well.
I think birthing at home like Lone said for as long as possible and calling 999 if needed is a good idea or u think something is off.
I'm so sorry hon I feel so sorry for you because I know how much u wanted this.

Thanks for letting us know she is OK hon i was getting worried but tbh it did take me a few days to update on here when I had my son. I came on here saying I had the passery and I think I may of come on again when the contractions began but then I didn't come back on untill I was on the ward about 3 days later.
Gonna try and keep u ladies on here up to date when I get induced this time esp if its a long process.
Hope baby turns hon there's deffo still time.

I live for ure posts there so funny. Love it when u talk about the boy and the dog.
Do u live near the seaside hon? We tend to get many seagulls here. I live in a shitty little town called Swindon in Wiltshire so nearest beach to us is Western supper mare (mud) lol.
So just seen my Liver consultant and I'm I'm happy. He is emailing my pregnancy consultant right now saying 37 weeks induction woohooo.
I'm up on the Yorkshire coast (does my accent leak into my posts a bit..? I know my, ahem, questionable language does, that's just the dialect up here though I can't help it ;) ) and yeah, fucking seagulls man, just the worst.

New house is a bit further inland so might get some actual proper garden birds instead of the constant squawking. IF we get it of course.
Proper fuming, so my mother (who we live with) did a lateral flow this morning and told me it's negative, yet I've just seen it in her room and it's a faint but definite positive.

(Very possibly a false positive because it's been hours, and we all know about bloody test strips past the time window, don't we?!)

But she angrily insists she can't see the VERY CLEAR second line. Which makes me wonder if it was indeed there within the half hour window and she just can't see it.

She has been double jabbed and so just cracks on as normal, working in her pub (she owns it. it's not her actual job) and visiting friends and going shopping and all that. Even though I've insisted that while I'm so close to the end she just help me shield, she pays no attention. And coz we live in her house, I have very little say and nowhere else to go, and frankly complaining at all makes me a proper brat because she really doesn't have to put up with me, other half, the dog, the toddler and now another baby: it's so, so bloody good of her to do so while we try buy a house - was meant to be a six month thing that's become three years. Cheers, pandemic and surprise babies(!)

My god, we need this house to come through...

So worried that a. I might get the virus and get really ill, they say preggos are highest risk for ICU right now and b. that even if I'm not ill, getting it now would mean being on my own for the section and being isolated in hospital AND risking baby having it too.

Probably being unreasonable but at 37 weeks pregnant I think I'm allowed to be unreasonable...? :rofl:

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Suggar no problem I’m gonna give you all a running commentary.pains are back a bit worse tonight like the back ones are ouch! Shall see what happens as we’ve been here how many times now haha!

Lone. Oh my god. That just what on earth? Sorry to point out that’s a definite postive. Would your mum compromise and take another with you?

up here if you are double vaccinated negative pcr and no symptoms don’t need to isolate. Part of the reason I’m super glad I got both vaccines but I know for some of yourselves that’s not the case. I hope it’s a false positive lone! (haha did we ever wish a false positive before?!)
@LoneWanderer i clearly see that too! Yikes that’s a hard situation to be in. Ya it’s not like you can demand her not leave cause it’s her house, but you’d think she would be okay with calming down all her social activities just for these last two weeks to keep you and baby safe. Can she take another test and you look at it right away? I wouldn’t be comfortable with not knowing for sure. Cause ya that looks positive
She's been for a PCR but she's proper moody with me and shut herself in her room because 'we don't want her around apparently. Hung up phone on me when I told her I'd seen positive test. She's... well... quite difficult :rofl:

Nowt I can do now like, either she is + and we are all fucked or she isn't but she'll carry on taking risks. Other half did test when came in and was negative and so was mine (no chance I'm trying to do baby, can't even brush the damn kid's hair without a tantrum, let alone swab the bugger). So... waiting game I guess.

Really struggling without the mother in law though (she's who we lost to covid late last year, NHS worker who caught it at hospital). She was always a sane place to turn, she would be looking after little one for us if she was here, and she was always there to vent about how difficult my own ma can be. God, I miss her. The thought of having this baby without her around is fucking awful.
Oh hun sorry to hear that what a nightmare it sounds! At least she’s shut herself in her room jist tell her to stay there lol! Hope her pcr is negative!!
Sorry to hear about mil hun.
So it’s looking like I’m gonna birth at home and ring and ambulance if needed. There is a small chance I may go to the MLU if they will agree to letting the children go, the head of midwife care is seeing if high people in the hospital will agree to this given how much of my wanted birth isn’t able to happen. Should hopefully know tomorrow. Getting a bit angsty about how soon I may go, I lost a massive but of my plug earlier and I had M at 38+4 (went into labour at 2am) so that would be tonight with this one.

@Suggerhoney glad your liver consultant supported 37 week induction! Let us know when you have your date.

@LoneWanderer it could be a false positive with it being so long but why would she have kept it? I’d be asking her to do another one for sure.

@Bittersweet sounds like you might go next! Is baby definitely head up or just back to back?
Now in bed with bloody migraine, managed to avoid them so far this pregnancy but I reckon today's stress caused it. Eyes went all weird and fuzzy, headache kicking in, attempting to ward it off with a brew andchilling out. Can't be arsed with the usual sickness and pain i get with them, hopefully it's just the aura kicking in (had regular ocular migraines with #1 which were manageable and lying down usually chased them away) rather than a full blown attack. Boooo.
So it’s looking like I’m gonna birth at home and ring and ambulance if needed. There is a small chance I may go to the MLU if they will agree to letting the children go, the head of midwife care is seeing if high people in the hospital will agree to this given how much of my wanted birth isn’t able to happen. Should hopefully know tomorrow. Getting a bit angsty about how soon I may go, I lost a massive but of my plug earlier and I had M at 38+4 (went into labour at 2am) so that would be tonight with this one.

@Suggerhoney glad your liver consultant supported 37 week induction! Let us know when you have your date.

@LoneWanderer it could be a false positive with it being so long but why would she have kept it? I’d be asking her to do another one for sure.

@Bittersweet sounds like you might go next! Is baby definitely head up or just back to back?
Il keep everything crossed for yoh they make a postive decision.

They’ve just said baby is head down engaged but back to back which will make a more painful labour for me and possibly can lead to c section. I know there can be a thing about the chin getting stuck but they don’t seem to think that’s an issue here or they haven’t said as im 3/5 engaged so like half the head is already in there?
I am so so sorry u lost ure MIL to the virus.
Hugs to you hon.
It's my MIL that will be watching our kids when I go in. My mum lives in another town and I was one of them kids that was brought up by my nan and grandad because my mum was to busy going out with different men and her career.. I aways felt so unwanted as a child.
She has only seen Tommy twice since he was born and he's almost 2 years old now. He turns 2 on 23rd September.
My mum has never been supportive to me.

Can see that line hon. I wud be getting her to do another one just to be sure. It cud be a false positive because it was left. Really hope that's the case.
I'm paranoid about covid now too esp knowing I'm going in for induction in just over 3 weeks.
I haven't had the vaccine either.
Sorry ure mum is being difficult hon.
Be good when u have ure own place.
So sorry u have a migraine they are awful. Take some pain killers hon and go chill in a dark room. That's the only thing that helps when I get mine. I take codeine tho as that's all I can have but I definitely find it better being in a dark room. Sleep is the only thing that get rid of mine..
Thing is being heavily pregnant sleeping is so so hard. Hope u manage to get some sleep hon and ure migraine sods off.

I did guess u were from up north and suspected around the Yorkshire area. I read alot of Josaphine Cox books and it's always based up there. Love that Northern accent so much.
down here we all sound like pirates hahaha.

Ooow keep and eye on that back pain hon. Cud be things starting or cud be baby turning into a better position.
I had pain in my back and front with the predominal labour but also when I was in real labour.
Are u getting contractions too hon?
Make sure u time them. Hope something is starting eeeeeek:headspin:

Oh gosh hon. Did it have blood in it?
O wow what a busy day on here!

@LoneWanderer I an soo sorry you lost mil I too have a very erm difficult mother. I genuinely cannot believe she even left the house after a positive home test! Glad she had a pcr one tho! No denying that! She should be wanting to protect her grandchildren! What does your partner think to it all?

@MadamRose I can't think of anything worse then doing it at home without a medical professional but I have had a few issues at the end of some of my Labour's so I like to feel someone can take control. I have to ask if u have childcare sorted y do the kids have to go to the hospital with you? I understand trauma I really do but what's best for baby we sometimes have to suck up and do. I really hope you find some peace with this situation you deserve to be resting!!

@Suggerhoney Wahoo go liver consultant what a life saver. When will u get the date now?

SO I was seen on dau again today for reduced movements , this insane itching and I can barely move my legs today due to pain! I broke down because they were being so cold. Monitor picked baby's movements up eventually and then we saw the Dr who has repeated the lft bloods for icp and hopefully get the results for that tomorrow. And the pain is just so unbearable they have prescribed me oramorph to take for a few days and go back Tues to review everything. 32 weeks tomorrow and time has never gone so slow before!! It is my daughter's 3rd birthday tomorrow so that's something to look forward too ! Xx
I have a midwife appointment Wed and I'm so curious to know what bump is measuring. Hopefully band on and not extra.
Still thinking baby will be 8lbs or over even with a 37 week induction.
Next growth scan is on 1st September same day as consultant.

Can't wait to have a date now ladies. Really hope it will be 3rd or 4th September.

We got all be kids uniform today so that's all done now.
Just need to write there names in them.
So so happy I got my hospital bags all packed.
I know originally I wasn't gonna do it until 34 weeks but so glad I did it earlier now.
34 weeks on Saturday and so cudnt be bothered to pack it now.

Added some dry hair shampoo to it today incase I don't get a chance to have a shower while I'm in hospital.
I have a midwife appointment Wed and I'm so curious to know what bump is measuring. Hopefully band on and not extra.
Still thinking baby will be 8lbs or over even with a 37 week induction.
Next growth scan is on 1st September same day as consultant.

Can't wait to have a date now ladies. Really hope it will be 3rd or 4th September.

We got all be kids uniform today so that's all done now.
Just need to write there names in them.
So so happy I got my hospital bags all packed.
I know originally I wasn't gonna do it until 34 weeks but so glad I did it earlier now.
34 weeks on Saturday and so cudnt be bothered to pack it now.

Added some dry hair shampoo to it today incase I don't get a chance to have a shower while I'm in hospital.
SO far I have spent £250.00 on uniform and still have shoes bags and few other bits to get... ouch lol
O wow what a busy day on here!

@LoneWanderer I an soo sorry you lost mil I too have a very erm difficult mother. I genuinely cannot believe she even left the house after a positive home test! Glad she had a pcr one tho! No denying that! She should be wanting to protect her grandchildren! What does your partner think to it all?

@MadamRose I can't think of anything worse then doing it at home without a medical professional but I have had a few issues at the end of some of my Labour's so I like to feel someone can take control. I have to ask if u have childcare sorted y do the kids have to go to the hospital with you? I understand trauma I really do but what's best for baby we sometimes have to suck up and do. I really hope you find some peace with this situation you deserve to be resting!!

@Suggerhoney Wahoo go liver consultant what a life saver. When will u get the date now?

SO I was seen on dau again today for reduced movements , this insane itching and I can barely move my legs today due to pain! I broke down because they were being so cold. Monitor picked baby's movements up eventually and then we saw the Dr who has repeated the lft bloods for icp and hopefully get the results for that tomorrow. And the pain is just so unbearable they have prescribed me oramorph to take for a few days and go back Tues to review everything. 32 weeks tomorrow and time has never gone so slow before!! It is my daughter's 3rd birthday tomorrow so that's something to look forward too ! Xx

Sorry u have been back in again hon and all the horrible pain ure suffering with.
Glad they prescribed u something very strong and I hope that helps..
I feel like time has dragged since 30 weeks.
Like sooooooo slow.

I don't know when I will get my date.
I don't see my pregnancy consultant untill I'm 36+4 weeks so that's when I'm supposed to be getting my date.
But now my Liver consultant has requested 37 weeks for induction I am hoping I get a phone call with my date or suggested dates b4 that next pregnancy consultant appointment.
But even if I don't get it until then I will still only have days to wait.

I think they leave a few delivery rooms free for emergencies and high risk ladies. So woth me Being so high risk I will get priority.
But it wud be nice getting a date sooner.
But at least I know it will be 37 and not 38 weeks now so happy about that.
Had more bloods today and my palms have been itching so be interesting to see what they come back as. Prob come back normol again.

Yes I cud of kissed my Liver consultant. He cudnt understand why they were trying to push me to 38 weeks.

I told him about the diarrah and its the urso that is causing it but he still wants me to take it.
Very itchy on my wrists and arms.
Also my legs and back.

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