September 2021 due date babies!!!

@Suggerhoney you'll be there before you know it. Yay for feeling lots more movement you must be close to your 20 week scan now!

My girls should be off when I have baby. I’m hoping to have baby at night so they can stay asleep and wake up to baby being here if not my mum or sister will have them while I’m in the last stages of Labour.

@Bittersweet I have the opposite worry. I have big babies my last was 9lbs 13oz at 38+4. I worry that if I go much later than that or overdue baby will be too big and I’ll run into complications.
Congrats @MadamRose !!

@Bittersweet i think it’s totally normal
And probably something to do with hormones to feel that way. I felt like that with both my older kids and feel that way now. I still check with the Doppler 1-2x a day cause I am so paranoid. Looking at your ticker looks like your last baby came early so I understand the concern for sure! Did your last baby come early on it’s own or were you induced?
So it’s a long story

basically healthy pregnancy like honestly ladies the best pregnancy glow gained 13 lbs in total and felt great. At 33+2 I went to bed and he was moving less but still there. I had midwife at 9am next day so went to sleep. Woke up feeling achy and some period cramps plus he was quieter so I went to midwife and she sent me to triage.

monitors picked up lots of movement but also regular contractions. Cervix had funnelled and opened to 1-2cm and I was admitted. They waited and I waited I contracted 2 times every 8-10 mins but I never progressed. Space in NICU booked and baby doctors came to speak to us and everyone waited.

he held on and on. Waters went themselves at home at midnight. My ticker is actually wrong but I never changed it. When he was born 11 hours after waters broke he came out with the physical and medical presentation of a baby born between 34-35 weeks but I was 36 by their due dates. I’ve since had a debrief and they changed it to 35 weeks prem due to his presentation and I had said the whole time he was due 10th feb not 3rd.

so the reason was the ABO incompatibility jaundice and a bit of nature.

Don’t know If I said but when we had our 20 week scan her head is basically touching my cervix. Cervix is 4cm and closed but her head measurements had to be done internally because of where she was sat. Doesn’t feel she has moved as all movements are below my belly button still.
So I think that’s the fear there. My mum plans to go away on hol when I’m 34 weeks abs she’s the standby person for taking my son. It’s not massively major in that I’d just call a taxi and OH would have to stay with son until he got hold of someone if I went into Labour again early in the middle of the night. My sister has said shed come over and stay until he was up take him to nursery etc
How much weight have u all gained.

I'm really worried I've not gained enough.

My pre pregnancy weight was 8st 12 and I'm now just 9st.

I did go down to 8st 4 in the first trimester so in a way I have gained but only 1lb over my normal pre pregnancy weight.

With DS by 19 weeks I had already gained 21lbs.
I’ve gained aboht 11lbs :) o gained 13lbs in total with my son. In comparison my sister gained almost 5 stone and her son was born 9lbs odd at 40+4
@Suggerhoney you'll be there before you know it. Yay for feeling lots more movement you must be close to your 20 week scan now!

My girls should be off when I have baby. I’m hoping to have baby at night so they can stay asleep and wake up to baby being here if not my mum or sister will have them while I’m in the last stages of Labour.

@Bittersweet I have the opposite worry. I have big babies my last was 9lbs 13oz at 38+4. I worry that if I go much later than that or overdue baby will be too big and I’ll run into complications.
My son was 6lbs 3 at 35 weeks so I totally understand that. My nephew was 9lbs odd at 40 weeks plus 4 so totally get that the worry etc
I’ve gained aboht 11lbs :) o gained 13lbs in total with my son. In comparison my sister gained almost 5 stone and her son was born 9lbs odd at 40+4

I really hope it's OK I've always gained loads by now. Maybe just a smaller baby this time.
My biggest was 9lb at 42 weeks but that was with the ex and I put on 4 stone with him.

Mine and DH are always around the 7lb something apart from dd who was 5lb 7 but she was premmie 4 weeks early.

My scan is on 12th May so just over a week away now.
The past 3 weeks have felt like 3 months time is dragging so much.

Our 20 month DS is asleep on me at the mo and the baby keeps kicking. This is the strongest I've felt yet.

Finally :yipee:
@Bittersweet oh wow; I am glad your guy was okay. But I understand your worry for sure. Can they do anything since your daughter is so low already and 4cm? Like a cervical stitch? I would be so annoyed with my mom if she planned a vacation around 34 weeks when that is around when your son came! I understand it’s her life but I wish she could take it earlier for your sake and peace of mind to be available.

I have gained 12 pounds so far, I am not sure how many stones that is. But it is about normal for me at this stage. My doctor hasn’t said too much or too little.
So it’s a long story

basically healthy pregnancy like honestly ladies the best pregnancy glow gained 13 lbs in total and felt great. At 33+2 I went to bed and he was moving less but still there. I had midwife at 9am next day so went to sleep. Woke up feeling achy and some period cramps plus he was quieter so I went to midwife and she sent me to triage.

monitors picked up lots of movement but also regular contractions. Cervix had funnelled and opened to 1-2cm and I was admitted. They waited and I waited I contracted 2 times every 8-10 mins but I never progressed. Space in NICU booked and baby doctors came to speak to us and everyone waited.

he held on and on. Waters went themselves at home at midnight. My ticker is actually wrong but I never changed it. When he was born 11 hours after waters broke he came out with the physical and medical presentation of a baby born between 34-35 weeks but I was 36 by their due dates. I’ve since had a debrief and they changed it to 35 weeks prem due to his presentation and I had said the whole time he was due 10th feb not 3rd.

so the reason was the ABO incompatibility jaundice and a bit of nature.

Don’t know If I said but when we had our 20 week scan her head is basically touching my cervix. Cervix is 4cm and closed but her head measurements had to be done internally because of where she was sat. Doesn’t feel she has moved as all movements are below my belly button still.
So I think that’s the fear there. My mum plans to go away on hol when I’m 34 weeks abs she’s the standby person for taking my son. It’s not massively major in that I’d just call a taxi and OH would have to stay with son until he got hold of someone if I went into Labour again early in the middle of the night. My sister has said shed come over and stay until he was up take him to nursery etc

Oh lord bless u.

Can they not do a cervical stitch hon?
I watch a YouTube chanel called The Evens Family and there a lovely family and there 3rd dd summer was born early. Ashers waters broke at 33 weeks.

Anyway summer is now 2 and they had another dd last July.

She did a whole video where she was told she wud have to have a cervical stitch.
She went in at 21 weeks for the procedure and they took the stitch back out at 37 weeks (I think) and she Went to 39+ weeks.

Are u consultant lead (sorry not sure if ure from the UK or not) here we are midwife lead but If high risk which u wud be. We are both midwife and consultant lead.

If u are or if ure in the US and have a Ob/gyn mite be worth just expressing ure worry and ask about the cervical stitch?

Just a thought hon.
Lone LONE where I at girl? Are u OK lovely?

How is everyone else doing?

Ladies that have had there 20 week Anomaly.

Did u find time went really really slow from 16 weeks onwards.

It just all feels a bit boring doesn't it.

I've not had a midwife appointment since 8 weeks.
And I last see the consultant at 14 weeks.

So it's been a bit well boring.

I do have another consultant appointment on Wed and then my scan next Wed but goodness time is DRAGGING its arse:coffee:
@Suggerhoney I'm finding time dragging all of a sudden! I've got my scan Friday, and me and the family are going away for a week on Saturday, to the beach. It feels like a lifetime away right now!! I'm sure it will whizz by, but doesn't feel like it right now!
My leg came out in hives tonight, and I have no idea why! She has no allergies that I know of, and didn't even seem to notice she had them! Weird!

My latest TMI for you ...I now have a little blood blister type cyst type thing down there! Google is my friend and told me it's perfectly normal, but I just think it's really odd! :holly:
Oh god don't talk to me about pregnancy weight :rofl:

I was 9 stone and size 8 before the boy... and 13 stone (size 18) after him... :o Dropped back down to 12 stone with this one in first three months coz of the nausea... but now I'm in a size 18-20 maternity already and daren't go near the scales ahaha!

Really glad I didn't go to any effort to lose it after #1 though or I'd be gutted to be having another so soon. BUT I do have to have the stupid glucose test and extra checks this time round purely on basis of being a rather fat mumma :rofl:

Nice bank holiday weekend everyone? It's pissed it down here most days but we've still managed a drive out and some nice walks with the dog. But for some reason tiredness has come back and stolen my second tri energy completely, maybe its the troublesome toddler or maybe I'm just too old for this preggo lark haha! Either way I'm in bed at 8 most nights, so very rock and roll eh?

Oh lord bless u.

Can they not do a cervical stitch hon?
I watch a YouTube chanel called The Evens Family and there a lovely family and there 3rd dd summer was born early. Ashers waters broke at 33 weeks.

Anyway summer is now 2 and they had another dd last July.

She did a whole video where she was told she wud have to have a cervical stitch.
She went in at 21 weeks for the procedure and they took the stitch back out at 37 weeks (I think) and she Went to 39+ weeks.

Are u consultant lead (sorry not sure if ure from the UK or not) here we are midwife lead but If high risk which u wud be. We are both midwife and consultant lead.

If u are or if ure in the US and have a Ob/gyn mite be worth just expressing ure worry and ask about the cervical stitch?

Just a thought hon.
Thanks hun I appreciate it. I’m in the U.K. and high risk so consultant and Miswife

they won’t do a stitch because my cervix measured 4cm at scan but I have consultant appt 14th June at 28 weeks so il speak to him again then and express the concern about her head being low down.

I also felt it dragged from 16 weeks but I was blessed with a scan at 18 weeks from consultant which was nice :)
@Bittersweet how scary! Hope you get some answers from the consultant.

Had my 24 week midwife appointment today. Everything good, measuring perfect (always did with DD1 and DD2 despite them being large) she said she is going to speak to her manager and see if she can authorise a growth scan just with me having a home birth to ensure they are prepared if it’s another big baby. She said from the heartbeat she thinks baby is a boy, I’d said to her that the girls think boy and she was like “well from the heartbeat I agree with the girls”. I mentioned my crazy strong braxton hicks and she said that it’s normal but that my lower uterus does feel extra tender, she advised I rest as much as possible, almost impossible with my job ](*,) she sorted my 28 week appointment for bloods and anti-d and then said “I’ll be doing your home birth check before you know it”.
She was at the after birth part of my home birth with DD2 and apparently has been talking to the team about how amazing it was and what a lovely birth it was and they all want to be on call when I have this one :haha:
@Bittersweet how scary! Hope you get some answers from the consultant.

Had my 24 week midwife appointment today. Everything good, measuring perfect (always did with DD1 and DD2 despite them being large) she said she is going to speak to her manager and see if she can authorise a growth scan just with me having a home birth to ensure they are prepared if it’s another big baby. She said from the heartbeat she thinks baby is a boy, I’d said to her that the girls think boy and she was like “well from the heartbeat I agree with the girls”. I mentioned my crazy strong braxton hicks and she said that it’s normal but that my lower uterus does feel extra tender, she advised I rest as much as possible, almost impossible with my job ](*,) she sorted my 28 week appointment for bloods and anti-d and then said “I’ll be doing your home birth check before you know it”.
She was at the after birth part of my home birth with DD2 and apparently has been talking to the team about how amazing it was and what a lovely birth it was and they all want to be on call when I have this one :haha:

aww sounds amazing hun glad to hear bubba is doing well! I’m so jealous you get a home birth but how relaxing as well for you to give birth in
Hay ladies
Just got back from my consultant appointment which went well.
Had more bloods done because of the itching.
Heard babies HB on doppler but he kept moving haha. I cud feel him moving about tho so that was nice.

The movements have definitely picked up the last few days and I loving it.

Heard a poor womon really crying and inconsolable. I realised she was in the scanning room and it really got to me. I came out nearly in tears hearing that poor womon.

My scan is Wed
And next consultant appointment is on 2nd June so seems I'm gonna start having more appointments now.
I should have a growth scan around that stage too.

I felt really sick this morning and was almost sick.
Oh god don't talk to me about pregnancy weight :rofl:

I was 9 stone and size 8 before the boy... and 13 stone (size 18) after him... :o Dropped back down to 12 stone with this one in first three months coz of the nausea... but now I'm in a size 18-20 maternity already and daren't go near the scales ahaha!

Really glad I didn't go to any effort to lose it after #1 though or I'd be gutted to be having another so soon. BUT I do have to have the stupid glucose test and extra checks this time round purely on basis of being a rather fat mumma :rofl:

Nice bank holiday weekend everyone? It's pissed it down here most days but we've still managed a drive out and some nice walks with the dog. But for some reason tiredness has come back and stolen my second tri energy completely, maybe its the troublesome toddler or maybe I'm just too old for this preggo lark haha! Either way I'm in bed at 8 most nights, so very rock and roll eh?

View attachment 1097988

Yep lovely British weather we're having. Erm not. It's soooooo cocoold today.

I wanted to wear a jumper but they all looked stooopid and wudnt go over the bump haha. Looked like the bottom of me jumper had a argument with my waist lmao.

So I just had to put a cardigan on and a coat was still cold lol.

My scan on Wed can't come soon enough I'm feeling so anxious now especially after hearing that poor womon.

But from what I see of the womon going in the scanning bit they all had the new folders and no bumps so think it was the 12 week scan.

They get new folders now
I have the same one as I had with my son.

But u definitely tell all the newbies because of it.

My consultant wasn't bothered about me not wanting the Amnio.

Just need this scan to go really well.

Hurrrrry uuuuup tiiiiiime:coffee::boat::shipw::sleep:
I miss the folder we don’t get those here we have an app instead :(
My notes are shoved in the old folder from last time. The kid's red book is in there too. Didn't even get any notes added from either scan and the consultant forgot to update them too, so only the midwife has added anything to them so far. Be a miracle if I remember to take them to hospital anyway. Second time round is absolutely nothing like the first ahaha!

I'm at midwife this evening actually, not til 6pm (she's seeing us after hours so that other half and baby can sneak in) - I'd forgotten til this morning. Guess that means I'm 23 weeks today... I keep losing track. :rofl:
All fine at midwife, heartbeat picked up no issues, booked my glucose test in, back in five weeks for the next checkup.

All pretty dull really :rofl:
@Suggerhoney glad all is good with you! But what happened to the lady sounded awful. I had that when I went for my 15 week scan there was someone inconsolable on the assessment unit was awful to witness.

@LoneWanderer glad your appointment went well!

@Bittersweet thank you I just loved my last one. The midwives couldn’t believe how relaxed I was. When they arrived they didn’t believe
I was in true Labour as I was waking around through all my contractions - they were like “we’ll have a cuppa and then check but we think we’ll be leaving and coming back later when things move along.” when they check I was 6-7cm already and they just couldn’t believe it - safe to say they didn’t go anywhere :rofl:
I miss the folder we don’t get those here we have an app instead :(

Oh no that sucks. I have a new folder and notes but it's the exact same folder I had with DS.
The newer ones are nicer. I looked on the bounty app to see if I can buy one but u cant.

Lone they should of given u a new one tight arses.
Happy 23 weeks hon
I have to have the glucose test. It's already booked and it's either when I'm 26 or 28 weeks I can't remember.
Hate the drink they make you drink.

@Suggerhoney glad all is good with you! But what happened to the lady sounded awful. I had that when I went for my 15 week scan there was someone inconsolable on the assessment unit was awful to witness.

@LoneWanderer glad your appointment went well!

@Bittersweet thank you I just loved my last one. The midwives couldn’t believe how relaxed I was. When they arrived they didn’t believe
I was in true Labour as I was waking around through all my contractions - they were like “we’ll have a cuppa and then check but we think we’ll be leaving and coming back later when things move along.” when they check I was 6-7cm already and they just couldn’t believe it - safe to say they didn’t go anywhere :rofl:

Oh hon I hate hearing other womon crying esp like that.
We can't go on the assessment ward untill 28 weeks onwards. Is that the same with ures?
Ours is called the day assessment unit and from 28 weeks if ure high risk u go there to get monitored and see the doctor of needed.

Gosh I wud hate for someone to get horrible news at 28 weeks.

I reckon the lady I heard must of had her dating 12 week scan and was probably told she had a MMC.

I cud of stuck around and listened but I just cudnt I just had to get out of there.

I hope it wasn't the 20 weeks scan. It makes me even more anxious for mine now.

I'm feeling baby loads now but I still get scared they will find something wrong.

I just want Wednesday here and to get it over and done with.

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