September 2021 due date babies!!!

@Suggerhoney my nose is stuffy every morning it seems. But once I blow it once and and then moving around it seems to drain and is better the rest of the day!

@MadamRose yes I think I will ask him if I can do one a bit sooner, maybe 32 weeks. I had GD with my daughter so maybe that’s why I got extra scans

Mine is blocked alot. Its like I've constantly got a cold coming.
It runs alot too which is gross.
Ah yes if u had GD that wud of warranted extra scans because can be very big.
It seems such a long wright for ure next scan hon.
If I wasn't so high risk I wud of had to of waited now untill 32 weeks for a growth scan,. But because I'm high risk I'm getting more.
I've never had GD but I had to have the glucose test with dd ds and now this one.
Just because of my medications I'm on.
Hopefully u won't get it.

@Suggerhoney I’m a negative blood group and if baby is a positive one it can lead to me creating antibodies against babies. They give anti-d at 28 weeks for anyone who is negitive blood, then again after birth if baby is positive (they take a bit of cord blood when born to check)

I don’t get a blocked nose but my nose keeps bleeding

Oh yeah now u have said it I have heard of that.
I'm A positive blood group so I'm lucky I don't have to have any of that.

The worst things I had was the steroid injections with DD at 31 and 32 weeks to help mature her lungs because I had to be induced a month early with her.

Mannn then steroid jabs hurt like hell.

Didn't have to have them with DS and hope I won't with this one either.

Oh gosh the bleeding nose. Yes mine bleeds.
It's so weird because with all my boys I had bleeding nose in pregnancy but not with the 2 girls.
Ridiculously swollen now, had to take my ring off before it got any worse. Ouch!

@MadamRose oh my goodness! Can’t wait until I get some big kicks! That is awesome! I bet your girls love watching your belly move.

@LoneWanderer i had to switch to a silicone stretching ring last pregnancy cause I was so swollen. I bet I will this time too. I got a big ole back on Amazon for like 8 dollars. Lots of fun colors LOL.
Ooh that ain't a bad idea yeah! I'll have a look! Other half suggested wearing the ring on a chain for now but odds are I'd lose it or baby would snap it or something, think I'll just put it away for a few months. Feels weird not wearing it though!!
Haha yes the things we do haha.
That is such a cool video. Can't wait to see my belly move like that.
Today I have felt the most movements yet.
This little monkey has been kicking and stretching and can really feel it with my hand.
I normally feel him at night and in morning but he's been on and off all day haha.
So exciting.

Outch hon goodness. How did u manage to get ure ring off that must of hurt bless ya.
Lmao so hard at that massive Rabbit lmao:rofl:
@LoneWanderer hahha that bunny pic made me laugh way to hard!

@Bittersweet doing well here as well! Only one week left of school for the kiddos. And then the next month will fly by as we will be busy. Kids have swim lessons, we have a beach trip planned, and an anniversary weekend getaway. So I am very much looking forward to June. I have a lot I need to do first cleaning and laundry wise though which I am not looking forward to LOL.

@Suggerhoney i can’t wait to see my belly move too! And I am feeling movement mostly at night and mornings as well. Haven’t needed to use the doppler as much since I can feel her.
@Bittersweet if you asked me most days, I'd say I'm doing really good blah blah blah, I'm shattered and bloated (self induced bloatedness!) A lady at work brought us in an Indian feast today to celebrate Eid (first time we've all been able to get together) and it was amazing, but I definitely shouldn't have eaten the beans on toast I took today too!! We also went on a Welly walk with the 3 year olds, which means I deserve extra food right? And also my manager was driving me mad, so I comfort ate! :holly:

It makes me chuckle, none of the parents at work have mentioned me being pregnant yet, and I don't know if any of them have realised, and are just being polite, or what! I work in a nursery, and have 5 key children, but often we're outside when they get picked up so I'm wearing a coat! I feel like it's a bit awkward for them to ask, but also awkward for me to just say!
@Bittersweet doing good here. Definitely ready for the weekend then only one more week before the next half term!!!

@Suggerhoney I just love getting to their point :)

@LoneWanderer glad you got your ring off okay

Me too hon. As soon as I hit 24 weeks I really hope the time goes slower . I'm really enjoying being pregnant now and I just want to enjoy every moment. I love having a bump and feeling baby move. I feel like since I had my scan time is flying. I don't want it to be all over just like that. I'm just enjoying being pregnant so much.
But I know when i hit 35 weeks I'll be itching for labour and getting to hold my little boy.
Just over 15 weeks untill induction now.
@LoneWanderer hahha that bunny pic made me laugh way to hard!

@Bittersweet doing well here as well! Only one week left of school for the kiddos. And then the next month will fly by as we will be busy. Kids have swim lessons, we have a beach trip planned, and an anniversary weekend getaway. So I am very much looking forward to June. I have a lot I need to do first cleaning and laundry wise though which I am not looking forward to LOL.

@Suggerhoney i can’t wait to see my belly move too! And I am feeling movement mostly at night and mornings as well. Haven’t needed to use the doppler as much since I can feel her.

Same here hon. I've not used my doppler for over a week now. It's just so lovely being able to feel him.
I feel like I had to wait so long to feel movements.
I don't understand why I didn't feel him earlier esp with a prosteria placenta.
I felt Tommy from 18 weeks and that was with a anterior placenta.
But this one was 19 weeks.
My DH reckons were having a smaller baby. I mean ds wasn't exactly big he was only 7lb 6oz.
I guess a nice 6lb baby wud be lovely.
I've had the 5lb baby and 7lbs babies and 1 8lb baby I now need a 6lb baby hahaha.

In all honesty I'll be happy with another 7lb baby my ds looked so teeny when he was born.

My dd was 5lb 7oz and she was so small it scared me. I thought I was going to break her.
She had to wear preemie baby stuff and even that hung of her.

Ds went strait into tiny baby which is up to 7lbs and that hung of him too lol.

I remember one lady telling me her baby was over 9lbs and had to go strait into 0-3 months. That's crazy.

Luckily I had lots of boy newborn clothes and 0-3.
A few of the bigger sizes too.
I really must get around to sorting it all out and Wasing it all.
Watch me be 30 weeks and still saying I need to do it lol.

@Bittersweet if you asked me most days, I'd say I'm doing really good blah blah blah, I'm shattered and bloated (self induced bloatedness!) A lady at work brought us in an Indian feast today to celebrate Eid (first time we've all been able to get together) and it was amazing, but I definitely shouldn't have eaten the beans on toast I took today too!! We also went on a Welly walk with the 3 year olds, which means I deserve extra food right? And also my manager was driving me mad, so I comfort ate! :holly:

It makes me chuckle, none of the parents at work have mentioned me being pregnant yet, and I don't know if any of them have realised, and are just being polite, or what! I work in a nursery, and have 5 key children, but often we're outside when they get picked up so I'm wearing a coat! I feel like it's a bit awkward for them to ask, but also awkward for me to just say!

Yummy I love Indian so i wud of been in my element hon.
I say eat what u want ure pregnant so why not hehe.

My cravings is Still mature Cheddar cheese on whole grain crackers.

I have my dinner then a few hours later I'm at the crackers and the butter and cheese like a kid in a sweety shop hahahaha.

I expect ure get some comments when people see u out of ure coat hon.
Are u in England UK by any chance because the weather here has been awful.
May has been a total wash out so far.
Today it was so windy i thought autumn had come early.
No idea what's going on with it.
Apparently we have a heat wave coming from June.

That wud be nice but hope it dont get too hot esp being pregnant.
I'm not a huge fan of the extreme heat.
I can't stop looking at @LoneWanderer photo of that Rabbit haha:bunny:


What app do u use hon when u do ure bump pics and it has the weeks and fruit??.

I've been trying to find it but failed hahaha
@Suggerhoney its called baby photo editor you have to pay for a lot of it but the fruit pregnancy part is free! My babies are 9lbs 12oz+ and can sometimes fit in newborn but often go into 0-3 straight away or within days. I always get a first outfit in both sizes just in case!
@Suggerhoney jealous of all the cheese, I miss dairy so much ...bring on the dairy after I give birth!

Yes I'm UK, north west, and the weather has been pants! Bring on a heatwave!
@Suggerhoney its called baby photo editor you have to pay for a lot of it but the fruit pregnancy part is free! My babies are 9lbs 12oz+ and can sometimes fit in newborn but often go into 0-3 straight away or within days. I always get a first outfit in both sizes just in case!

Thanks hon I will check that out.

Gosh that's good size babies. My biggest was 8lb 15 but I was 2 weeks over due.
All the others have been 7 lbs something apart from DD who was premmie and teeny.

Will definitely check that app out hon. Glad the picture fruit bit is free hehe.

@Suggerhoney jealous of all the cheese, I miss dairy so much ...bring on the dairy after I give birth!

Yes I'm UK, north west, and the weather has been pants! Bring on a heatwave!

I'm down the south west and it's pants too haha.
Rain rain rain and sodding more rain.

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