September iui

Hello Ladies - I'm following all of you on this thread, just not posting as much since there isn't really much to post for now. I'm in the tww for this abandoned IUI cycle, and not sure where we're going to go from here. We could try another IUI, since we had said last month that we should give it a third try before moving on, but I just have no hope for it at all - I feel like in my case, doing iui's is like shooting fish in a barrel, but there just aren't many fish in my barrel, and the barrel is likely old and probably about to fall apart....:wacko:
Maybe it's time to move on to IVF, I just don't know.... the cost of it is huge but we can swallow it, just will probably have to do without the vacations we have planned. Beside the cost, I just don't like the finality of it all - if the IVF fails, then we basically have no options...I mean I know there are donor eggs, adoption,etc., there are technically always options - but none that fit into my ideas of how we would have our own family. This just sucks, I'm so tired of all of this crap, just so damn tired. :cry:
Fingers crossed for you JandK! Was it red or brown blood? I have read that you can have some bleeding with the IUI (depending how gentle they are) so if it was brown it could have been old blood from the IUI??

Wow Ali- there is so much I didn't know! Did you get the blood results back yet? I am sure there is something they can do to make those eggies bigger!

AFM- my regular nurse called (yesterday it was clearly an idiot who called) and she did not think it was necessary for me to come in tomorrow for blood work- she said AF should come in a few days. Well with my temp drop this morning, my lower back pain and the feeling that I want to strangle someone I think AF will be here sooner rather than later. Haha. Ali my doc did give me 2.5 mg of Letrizole for this cycles. Clomid thinned my lining last time so we're giving this a whirl. I actually didn't have a co-pay with this. I was shocked!

Awesome about the letrizole :) I have heard good things about it. You'll have to let us know how you feel on it, and whether it was better than clomid.

Yep, I got my estrogen results back and they are doubling as we hoped, and more so, they were 227 2 days ago and now its 687. So now the DR wants me to take 6 vials of menopur and that is all. I know this is silly but when I inject myself I always think.. hmm and how much is this injection today? Only $432 today! :haha: It is insane how expensive the drugs are for IVF. Good news is that the stimming is coming to an end, or will be in another few days (I hope). Probably by Mon-Wed we should be ready to do the egg retrieval. Just need those follicles to get growing!

OH, and my FS said to take baby aspirin every day. So I guess it is a good thing to take when TTC? The nurse was like, you are taking your pre-natal vitamin and baby aspirin daily right? I'm like ummm.. pre-natal yes, but I didn't know I should take the baby aspirin! EEK! So I will start doing that today. I'm also going to use my heating pad tonight, and every night for the next few nights, as I have heard that the extra heat helps the follicles GROW!

Oh Alicat - I'm so excited for you!!!!! I may have to move on to IVF soon, so I'm glad someone on here is the pioneer to go first :thumbup:
FX for you - I head that the ER is painless and you won't feel anything, which sounds pretty awesome to me. Grow, follicles, grow!
Fingers crossed for you JandK! Was it red or brown blood? I have read that you can have some bleeding with the IUI (depending how gentle they are) so if it was brown it could have been old blood from the IUI??

Wow Ali- there is so much I didn't know! Did you get the blood results back yet? I am sure there is something they can do to make those eggies bigger!

AFM- my regular nurse called (yesterday it was clearly an idiot who called) and she did not think it was necessary for me to come in tomorrow for blood work- she said AF should come in a few days. Well with my temp drop this morning, my lower back pain and the feeling that I want to strangle someone I think AF will be here sooner rather than later. Haha. Ali my doc did give me 2.5 mg of Letrizole for this cycles. Clomid thinned my lining last time so we're giving this a whirl. I actually didn't have a co-pay with this. I was shocked!

Awesome about the letrizole :) I have heard good things about it. You'll have to let us know how you feel on it, and whether it was better than clomid.

Yep, I got my estrogen results back and they are doubling as we hoped, and more so, they were 227 2 days ago and now its 687. So now the DR wants me to take 6 vials of menopur and that is all. I know this is silly but when I inject myself I always think.. hmm and how much is this injection today? Only $432 today! :haha: It is insane how expensive the drugs are for IVF. Good news is that the stimming is coming to an end, or will be in another few days (I hope). Probably by Mon-Wed we should be ready to do the egg retrieval. Just need those follicles to get growing!

OH, and my FS said to take baby aspirin every day. So I guess it is a good thing to take when TTC? The nurse was like, you are taking your pre-natal vitamin and baby aspirin daily right? I'm like ummm.. pre-natal yes, but I didn't know I should take the baby aspirin! EEK! So I will start doing that today. I'm also going to use my heating pad tonight, and every night for the next few nights, as I have heard that the extra heat helps the follicles GROW!

Oh Alicat - I'm so excited for you!!!!! I may have to move on to IVF soon, so I'm glad someone on here is the pioneer to go first :thumbup:
FX for you - I head that the ER is painless and you won't feel anything, which sounds pretty awesome to me. Grow, follicles, grow!

I was just going to respond to you about IVF. It is definitely a scary next step. One I kind of made quickly and perhaps without as much thought as I should have. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% OK with my decision, it is just one that is overwhelming and come with so many extra nuances!

I had to have a bunch of extra tests to make sure I didn't have any communicable diseases (passed that thank God)! LOL
I had to have another pap smear.
I had to have a hysterosonogram to look at my uterus.
I ended up having to have my cervix dilated (under anesthesia).
I'm spending about $350-$500 a day on injection medications.
You have extra 'add-on' costs to the IVF depending on your age and sperm quality, things like ICSI and Assisted Hatching.
Extra things to consider like what do you want to do with the extra embryos, if you have any? Freeze, donate to another couple, donate to science, or let them die?
KBrain-I feel the same exact way. For me, IVF works because I was pregnant from all 3 of them. Just only took 1 baby home. But man it's exhauting and expensive and these IUI's have just shot me down. (((HUGS)))
Alicatt-Ug on all the meds and the cost! Let's hope it works though!!!

Jenni-It's progesterone in oil. I didn't do IVF this month but I requested the shots because I keep getting my period 4-5 days early and I know this helps!
Alicatt-Ug on all the meds and the cost! Let's hope it works though!!!

Jenni-It's progesterone in oil. I didn't do IVF this month but I requested the shots because I keep getting my period 4-5 days early and I know this helps!

Have you discussed LPD with your DR? LPD = luteal phase defect, and it is quite common. Yes you are correct, PIO will help with that! I'm not sure what other things they can do, but I would definitely ask (Dr. Google might have some more insight too). :haha: I love Dr. Google!
Alicatt-Ug on all the meds and the cost! Let's hope it works though!!!

Jenni-It's progesterone in oil. I didn't do IVF this month but I requested the shots because I keep getting my period 4-5 days early and I know this helps!

Have you discussed LPD with your DR? LPD = luteal phase defect, and it is quite common. Yes you are correct, PIO will help with that! I'm not sure what other things they can do, but I would definitely ask (Dr. Google might have some more insight too). :haha: I love Dr. Google!

I also have LPD, and I know that taking Vitamin B helps w/that as well as progesterone. My LP was anywhere from 9 to 11 days before taking these two things, but now it's around 15 days every cycle.
I am 4dpiui. I got my smiley face on Sunday and we did the insemination. This morning I had spotting once when I went and nothing since then. Of course Im crazy after the recent blood tests thinking all kinds of negative things. So after asking Dr. Google it is probably a poor ovulation but I would like to think it the egg making its way to snuggle in for 9 months. Fertility comes at the price of insanity. I havent had spotting before 4dpiui.

I'm praying that it was a little implantation spotting, it could be! Stranger things have happened :thumbup: Just need to wait and see I guess. UGH, I know how :wacko: the 2WW is, I do hope you are successful this month :hug:

Thanks good luck to you too...I hope with all of the expense and pain this is your month...
ah-ha! Found you girls!

Ali- Awesome! Just read you started your IVF cycle, so much good luck to you.
J&K - Fingers crossed for you two.

I am out this month, will be having another Lap surgery on 09/18. I am so looking forward to it, can't wait to clean out the endo and start TTC right after. I am also taking a 'positive' seminar, it has helped me so far, I have not had a negative thought in 2 days....worth the try since work is paying for it!

Baby Dust to all of you!!!
Alicatt-Ug on all the meds and the cost! Let's hope it works though!!!

Jenni-It's progesterone in oil. I didn't do IVF this month but I requested the shots because I keep getting my period 4-5 days early and I know this helps!

Have you discussed LPD with your DR? LPD = luteal phase defect, and it is quite common. Yes you are correct, PIO will help with that! I'm not sure what other things they can do, but I would definitely ask (Dr. Google might have some more insight too). :haha: I love Dr. Google!

Yea they just blame it on bad eggs every month. Grrr!! I bleed right through the suppositories so I'm done with those! And B6 has never worked...
Hello girls, quick update before I hop in the shower... temp drop & pink/brown cm so I imagine AF is on her way... 19dpiui/20dpo grrr. Glad I will be on a different med next cycle as this LP is nuts!!

Hope you are all doing well :)
Hello girls, quick update before I hop in the shower... temp drop & pink/brown cm so I imagine AF is on her way... 19dpiui/20dpo grrr. Glad I will be on a different med next cycle as this LP is nuts!!

Hope you are all doing well :)

I am sorry this cycle didn't work for you. I hope the new meds will do the trick.
Thanks Karen :)

The witch is here in full force so I'll start the Letrizole on Sunday...We are going to my hubs cousins 2 yr old daughters birthday tonight. Love my inlaws but it's blaringly obvious that we're the only couple without a baby or two (or three). Was kind if hoping I would get that BFP so I could have that little secret... But oh well.

How is everyone else doing?
Thanks Karen :)

The witch is here in full force so I'll start the Letrizole on Sunday...We are going to my hubs cousins 2 yr old daughters birthday tonight. Love my inlaws but it's blaringly obvious that we're the only couple without a baby or two (or three). Was kind if hoping I would get that BFP so I could have that little secret... But oh well.

How is everyone else doing?

Tell me about it. My brother-in-law and his wife and daughter are in town. Everything revolves around that little girl. My mother-in-law likes to rub it in our face that she is her only grandaughter. To make matters worse, my mother-in-law lives with us so we get it even when they aren't in town.
Thanks Karen :)

The witch is here in full force so I'll start the Letrizole on Sunday...We are going to my hubs cousins 2 yr old daughters birthday tonight. Love my inlaws but it's blaringly obvious that we're the only couple without a baby or two (or three). Was kind if hoping I would get that BFP so I could have that little secret... But oh well.

How is everyone else doing?

Tell me about it. My brother-in-law and his wife and daughter are in town. Everything revolves around that little girl. My mother-in-law likes to rub it in our face that she is her only grandaughter. To make matters worse, my mother-in-law lives with us so we get it even when they aren't in town.

Karenh - you're a saint for living with your MOL! I think I would jump off a cliff first, but maybe yours is more bearable.... but rubbing that in your face all the time is just cruel. I think some people just don't understand how some things are extremely hurtful to someone trying to ttc for a long time, that otherwise would not be a big deal. Does she know that you guys are trying?
I think that's the other difficult thing - whether to let people know you're trying in the first place. We've been at it for so long that we had to tell people something, we just could not deal w/all the questions, so we decided to say that we're waiting till my husband is done with grad school. That buys us another couple of years..... :winkwink:
Thanks Karen :)

The witch is here in full force so I'll start the Letrizole on Sunday...We are going to my hubs cousins 2 yr old daughters birthday tonight. Love my inlaws but it's blaringly obvious that we're the only couple without a baby or two (or three). Was kind if hoping I would get that BFP so I could have that little secret... But oh well.

How is everyone else doing?

Oh I'm sorry mrsjennyg - I know what you mean about hoping to have a little secret - I think that way every time I have to go to one of these kids-oriented events, which now seems like every weekend. Also, I wanted to tell you that I remember that when I was on Chlomid, it also made my LP crazy long (and my lp is very short to begin with!) so that's normal. Also, once I switched to Femara (brand name for Letrizole), my LP was still a bit longer than normal, but not as much as on Chlomid. My doc does say that taking either drug will likely extend your LP since it may improve the quality of your egg as well as the quality of the corpus luteum, which is the remaining part of the ruptured follicle which causes your progesterone to rise and stay elevated until your period. Better corpus luteum=longer elevated progesterone=longer LP, since your period is triggered by the drop in progesterone (which is why you have a temp drop right before AF comes).
Fingers crossed for you JandK! Was it red or brown blood? I have read that you can have some bleeding with the IUI (depending how gentle they are) so if it was brown it could have been old blood from the IUI??

Wow Ali- there is so much I didn't know! Did you get the blood results back yet? I am sure there is something they can do to make those eggies bigger!

AFM- my regular nurse called (yesterday it was clearly an idiot who called) and she did not think it was necessary for me to come in tomorrow for blood work- she said AF should come in a few days. Well with my temp drop this morning, my lower back pain and the feeling that I want to strangle someone I think AF will be here sooner rather than later. Haha. Ali my doc did give me 2.5 mg of Letrizole for this cycles. Clomid thinned my lining last time so we're giving this a whirl. I actually didn't have a co-pay with this. I was shocked!

Awesome about the letrizole :) I have heard good things about it. You'll have to let us know how you feel on it, and whether it was better than clomid.

Yep, I got my estrogen results back and they are doubling as we hoped, and more so, they were 227 2 days ago and now its 687. So now the DR wants me to take 6 vials of menopur and that is all. I know this is silly but when I inject myself I always think.. hmm and how much is this injection today? Only $432 today! :haha: It is insane how expensive the drugs are for IVF. Good news is that the stimming is coming to an end, or will be in another few days (I hope). Probably by Mon-Wed we should be ready to do the egg retrieval. Just need those follicles to get growing!

OH, and my FS said to take baby aspirin every day. So I guess it is a good thing to take when TTC? The nurse was like, you are taking your pre-natal vitamin and baby aspirin daily right? I'm like ummm.. pre-natal yes, but I didn't know I should take the baby aspirin! EEK! So I will start doing that today. I'm also going to use my heating pad tonight, and every night for the next few nights, as I have heard that the extra heat helps the follicles GROW!

Oh Alicat - I'm so excited for you!!!!! I may have to move on to IVF soon, so I'm glad someone on here is the pioneer to go first :thumbup:
FX for you - I head that the ER is painless and you won't feel anything, which sounds pretty awesome to me. Grow, follicles, grow!

I was just going to respond to you about IVF. It is definitely a scary next step. One I kind of made quickly and perhaps without as much thought as I should have. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% OK with my decision, it is just one that is overwhelming and come with so many extra nuances!

I had to have a bunch of extra tests to make sure I didn't have any communicable diseases (passed that thank God)! LOL
I had to have another pap smear.
I had to have a hysterosonogram to look at my uterus.
I ended up having to have my cervix dilated (under anesthesia).
I'm spending about $350-$500 a day on injection medications.
You have extra 'add-on' costs to the IVF depending on your age and sperm quality, things like ICSI and Assisted Hatching.
Extra things to consider like what do you want to do with the extra embryos, if you have any? Freeze, donate to another couple, donate to science, or let them die?

That's so true - there are so many things to consider that you would not think of before starting the process. I'm hoping that if we do decide to do it, we'll be a couple of steps ahead of the curve since I've already had a hysterosonogram, full STD work-up, had the test to check that my tubes are clear, etc. Then again, I'm sure that they will come up w/a bunch of other tests for me to do! GL to you, I'm so excite to read your updated posts.
Thanks Karen :)

The witch is here in full force so I'll start the Letrizole on Sunday...We are going to my hubs cousins 2 yr old daughters birthday tonight. Love my inlaws but it's blaringly obvious that we're the only couple without a baby or two (or three). Was kind if hoping I would get that BFP so I could have that little secret... But oh well.

How is everyone else doing?

Tell me about it. My brother-in-law and his wife and daughter are in town. Everything revolves around that little girl. My mother-in-law likes to rub it in our face that she is her only grandaughter. To make matters worse, my mother-in-law lives with us so we get it even when they aren't in town.

Karenh - you're a saint for living with your MOL! I think I would jump off a cliff first, but maybe yours is more bearable.... but rubbing that in your face all the time is just cruel. I think some people just don't understand how some things are extremely hurtful to someone trying to ttc for a long time, that otherwise would not be a big deal. Does she know that you guys are trying?
I think that's the other difficult thing - whether to let people know you're trying in the first place. We've been at it for so long that we had to tell people something, we just could not deal w/all the questions, so we decided to say that we're waiting till my husband is done with grad school. That buys us another couple of years..... :winkwink:

She dies know we are trying, but we are trying to leave her out of the look now that we have switched to an RE. She asks way to many questions and tries to be supportive, but is so not. I am sure a lot of it is probably just me being sensitive and all doped up on hormones, but both DH and I are tired of it. We haven't told her anything about our RE appointment or what our plan is for the next few month. My parents know though. It is hard deciding who to tell and what to tell.
That's so true - there are so many things to consider that you would not think of before starting the process. I'm hoping that if we do decide to do it, we'll be a couple of steps ahead of the curve since I've already had a hysterosonogram, full STD work-up, had the test to check that my tubes are clear, etc. Then again, I'm sure that they will come up w/a bunch of other tests for me to do! GL to you, I'm so excite to read your updated posts.

Don't be surprised if you need to have the tests again. I've now had 3 HSG's in as many months. I think it is dictated by the CDC that when doing IVF certain tests must be performed BEFORE you can start. Don't quote me on that, but I think that is the case.
So, ladies. I am kinda bummed out. This was the "cycle" that I got pregnant (ended in M/C at 7 weeks) on last year so I was really excited to do IUI and see if lightening strikes 2x.

However, I had a f/u U/S today because on CD 5 I had 2 follies that were already 13mm. They wanted to see how fast they were growing, so today 1 was at 16mm already and I am on day 8. The bummer is it looks like I will O early this month prob next Tues and I will be at a work conference out of town. I normally O about CD 15 which would be when I am back.

So, I am waiting for a call from the Dr to see what if any next steps to take ... not getting my hopes up that we can do anything.

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