So, Ladies ... I have an update ...
On Monday 9/10 I had another U/s, 2 follies on right 20 and 23.5 mm, 1 small at 14 and 2 on left that were 14-15mm. Lining was terrible!! Only measuring 5. Good news was, my OPKs were still negative and wasnt getting a surge. My dr ok'd me to let the follies grow a little longer. I made it to the conference and injected Tues night and had my IUI this morning. DH count was 59mill/ml so that was good. Now the waiting begins. Not very hopeful b/c it hasnt happened before. Good thing I think is that my follies were nice and developed. In prev tries they have been between 18-20mm, but my Dr advised they can grow up to 30mm.
This will be our last cycle. The stress is killing me and my poor DH. So, we may start with adoption stuff next month.